In the heart of the solitary mountain estate, nestled between the colossal peaks of Nanshan, tranquility reigned supreme under the midday sun. A quietude blanketed the surroundings, casting a serene spell that marked the boundary between the realms of civilization and the untamed mountain ranges beyond.
There was an otherworldly allure to this place, a beauty that transcended mere aesthetics. It held an eerie charm, a blend of the natural and the manmade, a peculiar harmony that defined the place Xu Feng had called home in this isolated world.
Despite its lack of substantial energy, it beckoned this newcomer willingly, becoming a sanctuary with a strange allure that defied easy explanation. It was where Xu Feng had stayed willingly, and he was unwilling to leave it for too long.
Read author's note in ch.20 ch.547 or ch.501 for more!! TIA~