Lily sighed deeply as she hauled the last of her belongings into the small room within the grand mansion. It felt daunting to think about how empty the space might feel, and, because Cai had been so worried about her, she'd decided to keep her concerns to herself. She hadn't fought him on this; after all, what was the point? But the thought of living all alone in this humongous place was even scarier than facing any media people.
She plopped down on the edge of the bed, letting out another sigh that mingled with the dust motes floating in the afternoon light. At least Cai had confided in her about his worries, and that brought her some comfort. If he had taken his friend's advice, they would have ended things or at least 'distanced' themselves from each other for the time being, and the mere thought of that sent a pang through her heart.
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