Never in his life had he imagined he would say these words to anyone other than Olivia. And yet, as he stood there in the delivery room, holding two perfectly wrinkly and beautifully ugly babies, he declared to them, "I never thought I'd say this, but I think I love you two more than anyone else in the world... just a little less than your mom, but more than I ever thought possible towards anyone else."
He leaned down and kissed each of their foreheads gently before turning to Olivia. She lay on the bed, exhausted but radiant, her eyes filled with love. Seb walked over, bent down, and kissed her tenderly on the lips. "Thank you, Olivia. They are so perfect! Each day you make me happier."
Gently, he placed the babies on her chest and watched as they snuggled a bit as she held each close to her. They were so tiny...As she held them in her arms, she smiled contendedly," It is you who makes me happy each day, Seb."
Hello everyone! I'm sorry for making you guys wait like this! I hope not to do it again.
For anyone curious about why this choice of God parents:
Nora and Demetri are close to Olivia and Seb both, which is why they chose them to be Innocenza's Godparents. Lucien, on the other hand was the only Frost brother who kept in regular touch with Olivia whom she also considered a brother. So, he is Vincenzo's Godfather.
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