Olivia woke up slowly, feeling well rested and refreshed. The small nap had been a good idea. As her gaze moved to look at the time, her eyes widened. It was almsot ten pm! A short nap? She'd slept almost three hours!
Dam* it! What was wrong with her? What if Seb thought that she was avoiding him and had delibarately fallen asleep? She looked around the room and realized that Seb was not around. But she'd been covered with a light blanket so it had to mean that he'd been here. Picking up, her phone she intended to call him, when she realized he'd sent her a message.
Reading the message, she grinned and hugged the phone to herself," My dear sleeping beauty. Come out when you wake up. We'll have a light supper and then go out.You were so tired you were snoring loud enough to scare me, so I did not have the heart to wake you."
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