In the bustling atmosphere of the office, murmurs of the day's events drifted between the small cubicles. A woman leaned over to catch the attention of her colleague, a glint of curiosity in her eyes as she heard him talk," Did you hear about the dressing down everyone got this morning?"
"Gosh. No. What happened? I've been curious all morning. Mr Rosette was black as thunder and I've never seen that snooty Miss Lia so red in the face. She looked as if she would cry."
"She deserved it." the man said while the woman snorted," Of course she deserves it. She has no manners, or kindness or any human quality for that matter! I've been so tired of her hypocrisy all the time. And how it was overlooked everytime because she is good at her job! She's been on a power trip for so long!"
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