Isabella closed her eyes and counted to ten. She was going to run away in the next thirty seconds. She was not going to get disracted by him. As she repeated this mantra in her head and turned around, her heart sank.
There he was, brandishing her earring like a triumphant pirate discovering hidden treasure. Isabella's eyes widened in disbelief. When and how had her earring reached him? She was pretty sure she'd already been wearing those when he came... Or maybe not.
As he started to walk towards her, she knew he was going to take up this game a notch. His intentions were clear. And she would not survive. She knew that too! She was not going to let him near her...
Hurriedly, she took a step back and turned on her heels," I'm not wearing the second ear ring. You can keep it. It's out of fashion to wear earrings on both ears. Bye."
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