"I never would have believed that I'd be risking my life for Arabelle, of all people. Hoping to find her alive." Seb commented as he slouched in their makeshift camp, holding the coffee mug in his hand.
Demetri and Ian exchanged quiet glance, their silence in agreement with Seb. They would have preferred to single handedly send Arabelle ten feet under and not leave her a way to come back. But with the way she had died, leaving a wound in Gabe was not what they wanted! Dam* it! Gabe had been crazy with guilt and worry.
Ian did not even have the heart of exposing Arabelle's reception anymore though he hoped that Gabe was not going to be too sad for the non existent child. Sedpite wanting to kill her themselves, the three of them had been working relentlessly with the rescue team, hoping to either find her or at least her remains.
The lead officer walked to them and sat down as Ian offered him a cup as well. "How is your brother doing?"
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