As Ian approached the table, he could feel the tension in the air. Isabella's eyes met his, a mix of embarrassment and desperation in her gaze and he had the overwhelming urge to take her away immediately. The man in front of her, however, remained unaware of his presence as he continued to rant," You need to get your head out of the clouds, Isabella! This is not how life works."
Isabella winced at the voice and tried to shush the man, however he continued, impervious to the danger behind him continued, as voice rising with each word." Are you really going to spend the rest of your life trying to please different men and sleep with them. Just because your parents are not looking into yuor who*ing ways, does not mean I will look the other way! Don't forget, I am going to inherit the family business. And Once I do, I will cut off your allowance! Then you can earn money in the way you know best! By sleeping with men!"
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