The receptionist stared in amazement as a beautiful being walked into his office. The people in the office gasped and whispered in awe as he passed, completely entranced by his presence.
William Doughby had long been used to the man's presence creating havoc and he could only grin and shake his head. The boy was growing more and more good-looking by the day. When he himself had been in his thirties, he'd already been considered past his prime. And yet, here this man seemed to be only starting out.
Looking at his face, William knew that the plan he had formed might not work today but he still hoped. "Welcome Demetri. Thank you for dropping by on such short notice."
Demetri spoke in a voice that resonated with power as he spoke shortly," Just take me to the girl first."
William Doughby sighed and gestured for Demon to follow him into the conference room. Demetri looked around the empty room and then at the older man cautiously.
"Don't tell me the paragon wife you've found for me is late."
"No, she is in my office next door. I just wanted you to look at her first and then meet her."
Demetri raised a brow at that. His attorney was known for his direct approach but there was hesitance in his words today...
Curiously, he turned towards the large one-way mirror on the other side of the room and saw the silhouette of a woman sitting there. Even from the back, she looked like a delicate beauty and the way her hair was tied up in a messy bun, made her feel natural. However, as the woman turned her head, Demetri's expression changed radically.
With accusing eyes, he glared at the old man and spoke through clenched teeth," Never. This cannot be."
William had expected the denial. In fact, he would have been worried if Demetri had not denied it initially. But he had not expected this kind of vehemence.
"I asked for counsel, Mr Doughby! I did not expect you to make such a cruel joke. The girl on the other side of the glass... she is..."
"She is Nora Williams, Demetri. She is like my own granddaughter."
"She must be barely eighteen or nineteen!" Demetri bit out.
William sighed. Demetri remembered her age...
"I'll see myself out. I do not want to look at that face again, Mr Doughby."
"Wait, Demetri." As Demetri made to leave the room, William continued," Don't you think she is the best candidate? In the last few years the women you have dated have looked much like her, haven't they? You need to convince your grandfather that you are married to a woman of your choice. Do you think he would not have doubts about the identity of the woman you choose? Or maybe you are interested in marrying the heiress of the Winthrope Group? I think your grandfather is already in talks with..."
"You know too much, Mr Doughby. Why does the girl want to get married so young? She is interested in the money offered?" Demetri asked as he turned his back to the girl and looked intently at the man whose expression gave nothing away.
"No. In fact, she has no idea about the money that you were offering. As far as she is concerned you are looking for a wife and she is looking for a husband. I will be only responsible for up to the contract. The rest, I trust you, Demetri."
Demetri moved abruptly, and walked towards the door as he announced, "Let's get this over with." His voice carried an air of exasperation as if he was already burdened by the weight of the upcoming meeting.
Even though Demetri walked to the door decisively, his hand paused just before opening it. As if he needed to take a moment to brace himself.
Nora looked up as the door was pushed open and saw the man who entered. As her eyes met his, time seemed to have slowed down and she could only stare at the man as he walked in slowly.
Nora stood up and would have moved forward to greet him but his aura seemed to forbid it. A sense of foreboding went through her. This man was dangerous. Too dangerous. The urge to escape his gaze that seemed to be staring into her soul, Nora had to remind herself that this man was recommended by Grandpa William.
Her voice came out in a whisper as she spoke resolutely," Hello. I have been waiting for you."
Demetri scoffed in his heart at her timid greeting. How could she possibly be convincing as his love interest when she appeared so meek and nervous? She could not even stand in his imposing presence and she would be able to stand by his side? William Doughby was going senile with his age.
With deliberate steps, Demetri closed the distance between them, expecting her to cower or take a step back. He wanted to see her falter, to prove to the old man orchestrating this charade that she was utterly unsuitable. But to his surprise, she held her ground, meeting his advance with a determined look in her eyes.
As they stood toe to toe, Demetri had to accept that he was surprised. He did not expect his girl to be so bold. Only his brothers had been able to withstand his intimidation and that too because they knew he would never really harm them.
"You were waiting for me? Do you even know why we are meeting?"
The girl nodded and once again spoke slowly," You need a pretend wife. And I need someone to pretend to be my husband."
His mouth kicked up at the simple straight answer. But he was not yet ready to accept the situation.
With a commanding touch, Demetri lifted her chin, guiding her gaze to meet his own. His fingers cradled her jaw and he did not miss the way she almost flinched. " Not just husband and wife. Do you think you can handle pretending to be my lover? And be in love with me?"
Present Day
As the car drove away from the hotel, Nora reminded herself not to cry. How could she have been so blind to Antonio's shamelessness? He'd betrayed her so badly and other than a little pang of guilt, he had felt absolutely nothing. Did he really believe that after all that happened, she would still be grateful for the crumbs of his friendship?
However, she reminded herself that she too had been at fault here. After all, she had always bowed her head and acceded to his wishes. Could she entirely lay the blame on Antonio?
She felt a blast of cold air from the air conditioner and hugged herself. In the next moment, the heat was turned up, and she could feel herself warming up. She turned to look at the man who was driving and finally broke the silence, "Thank you for... this."
With his eyes still focused on the road ahead, Demetri simply nodded, saying nothing. However, Nora did not mind. In the last two weeks, she had come to realize that Demetri Frost was a man of few words. He treated words as if they cost a fortune, as if he was running a word-saving business and trying to maximize his profits.
"How did you know I was coming out?" she asked hesitantly.
The silence continued, and she wondered if he would ever answer her when he finally did, "Attorney Doughby called me."
"I see. Thank you once again."
Silence reigned again in the small car, and Nora could not help but wonder how to break this. She did not like this tension and awkwardness. "Where are we going?"
Demetri glanced at her briefly before turning his eyes back to the road, "My house. As per our contract, you will live there from today onwards."
Nora gulped. She had tried not to think of this day in the last two weeks, but the day was finally here. Was she ready to move into his house? Not really. Sighing, she wondered what was wrong with her when she had agreed to his conditions. Ah yes, she had been partially insane due to the heartbreak. Closing her eyes, she thought back to their first meeting...
"Do you think you can handle pretending to be my lover? And be in love with me?"
The way he had looked down on her, his gaze challenging and smug as if he had already won, had made her go crazy. All the anger that she had felt towards Antonio, towards her sister and her mother and the world had come to her at that moment, and she had looked at him and given the best acting performance of her life.
Instead of cowering away, she rubbed her cheek against his fingers and smiled up at him, "Pretend to love you? Of course? Don't you see the love in my eyes?"
He'd stepped away from her as if she had sprouted horns. The slight distance between them and the incredulity in his eyes had given her the courage to speak, "I am a good actor, mister. You don't have to worry about that."
Just then, William Doughby entered and introduced, "Nora, this is Demetri Frost. He would be your perfect husband. And Demetri, this is Nora. Your perfect wife."
"Let's finalize the details of the contract. Doughby, you are biased. You will not sit for the negotiations. Send in someone else." Demetri bit out.
William Doughby opened his mouth but refrained from saying anything and with a reassuring nod to Nora, he walked out of the room. As soon as the two were seated, Demetri started to lay down the conditions.
"Contract will be for 5 years."
"3 years. And standard Prenuptial agreement. We exit the marriage without claim to anything that belongs to the other party," she'd parried.
"Non-disclosure Agreement." He bit out.
"Agreed." She accepted easily.
"No Physical contact." She'd added.
"Impossible. Physical contact with consent." He countered. "And early termination only after prior notice and mutual consent."
"No cheating." She'd added.
This time, there was a pause, and Demetri looked at her intently, "Miss William, are you proposing to offer yourself to meet my needs?"
"No. I meant... I meant..." She'd had no idea what she had meant herself. Just that she did not want to be cheated on again...
But the man had taken pity on her and added, "I can be discreet. And you will be informed of any lover so that you are not blindsided. And the same applies to you."
"Thank you," she answered a bit unsurely.
"That is the only concession you will get from me, Miss Williams. All expenses during the term of the marriage will be mine. We will get married tomorrow so you can pack your bags and move in."
However, she had spoken again, "I, uh...I cannot move in with you."
"Miss Williams, we are going to be husband and wife. A couple lives together."
"I don't mean that I won't move in with you. Just that, I cannot move in right away. I need to settle some things. My wedding ceremony is in a couple of weeks..."
"A wedding ceremony?" A small amused smile played at his lips, and she wondered if he had been apprised by Grandpa William of her situation...
"Very good. Then we will get married tomorrow, and you can move in with me after the wedding ceremony...if you do not get wedded, that is..."
Within an hour, the contract had been drafted, signed, and sealed...
"One last thing, Miss Williams, you absolutely cannot fall in love with me at the end of the contract."
"We are in agreement on that, Mr. Frost. You should also remember that you cannot fall for me."
Nora opened her eyes as she remembered the last thing they had said to each other that day. And could barely believe herself. She was hardly lovable. Her own parent and sibling had no love for her. The boy who had promised to cherish her and love her had let go of her hand without much thought or care.
She'd done all she could to win the love of these people and still failed miserably, so what hope could she have that a stranger would fall for her? Rolling her eyes, internally at her own audacity, she finally remembered something and spoke up hastily.
"Mr Frost, I cannot move in with you tonight."
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