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Kapitel 38: Sasuke's Politics: From Heart - Chapter 2

She could already feel her former self receding beneath his vicious assault.

Her hair… sweaty and disheveled; whatever attempt she'd made to order it into their traditional ponytails before he had came over had been long since discarded. When she was with him--his scent filling her nose, his body devoured by her gaze, his hot words in her ears… nothing else mattered, least of all her looks.

Lips parted, face flushed and sweaty, her breasts slick with perspiration and her nipples looking purple and swollen, Nara Temari most certainly did not look like the housewife most of the world presumed her to be.

A phone vibrated on the nightstand.

Sasuke paused in his gentle pumping for a moment, and glanced at it. Temari mewled and whined, rocking her hips against him in that desperate way of hers, but Sasuke didn't even budge. He merely reached over, grasped the phone, and flipped it open.

'From <3: You busy?'

That was Sakura.

And before you ask, he had not set her name as that. Sakura had been the one to give him the damn phone in the first place, and he still hadn't figured out how to change her name from that. She had put some kind of lock in place to stop him, and well… it was only a mild inconvenience, nothing worth getting a new phone over.

Sasuke calmly typed back a response. 'I am. But I can wrap it up quickly. Why?' He tapped the send button, but still kept the phone in his hand. Sakura wasn't the type to leave his text unanswered for more than five seconds, unless she was in the middle of a surgery.

"Stop texting…!" Temari whined. "You shouldn't be texting, you should be-!"

One harsh thrust was all it took to shut her up. She seemed to melt into his embrace--moaning in a guttural way, her legs spasming around his waist and her arms going limp. Temari giggled in a strange sort of way, her tongue lolling out of her mouth and her teal eyes mere slits.

"Don't interrupt me when I'm busy." Sasuke said frigidly. He flashed her a smirk--just then, his phone vibrated once again.

'<3: Karui is down here at the bar. Seems like she got mad at Choji and stormed out.'

Sasuke paused for a moment. Temari continued to moan and groan beneath him, clearly lost in her own world that centered around her man's cock.

Karui. Sasuke could be prone to jungle fever like any other man--and Karui was the only woman within two hundred kilometers who could supply the remedy for that. Normally, she was pretty reclusive. She hadn't fit like Temari had, and considering the stark culture difference between Konoha and Kumo… well, it was once in a blue moon that she would show her face. It was even rarer that she would be all alone at a bar, without her rotund husband at her side.

Sasuke abruptly pulled out of Temari. She jolted, as if someone had stabbed her in the gut--when the reality was more close to the opposite. "W-what?" she stammered, and she toppled forward in her fervor to retrieve his cock.

He was already off the bed, however, and pulling his shirt back on. "I have things to do." Sasuke said.

"What about me?" Temari whined. "I- I need…" She was torn, between saying 'you' and saying 'cock'. Both were still very much accurate as to her current predicament.

"You're on my time, Temari." Sasuke said. "I'm not on yours."

"You can't just leave!" Temari said. "I- I called you over. You said whenever I wanted you, I could get you!"

"I said I would come over anytime." Sasuke smirked. "I didn't specify how long I would stay over--or what I would do to you either. For all you could have known, I would have come over to raid your kitchen and watch television."


Sasuke's smirk only grew. "You should have a few toys lying around here, yes?" he said.

"W-what? I mean… I do." Temari said. "But I don't want toys, I want-"

He raised a hand, and she fell quiet. "Practice with your mouth on those." Sasuke said. "I'm going to be back later--but I won't if you're some skank that can't even use her lips properly. Do you get my meaning?"

Temari nodded her head fervently. "F-fine!" she said. "Just come back soon! Shika- Shika's going to be out all night…"

"What does that matter?" Sasuke said. "You'd let me fuck you even if he was sleeping right next to you." He let out a dry chuckle. "And he probably wouldn't even wake up while we're doing it."

Temari flushed in shame. Her lips parted slightly, as if she were about to give some half hearted defense of her husband--but it wasn't as if what he had stated was anything less than complete and total fact.

"Just hurry… please…" Temari whispered, rubbing her needy slit with a hungry look in her eyes.

"I'll consider it." Sasuke said nonchalantly. He finished buttoning his pants just then, and with a confident stride, he left the room.

The instant he had closed the door behind him, Temari began to rummage in her drawers for one of those handy dildos. When you were married to Nara Shikamaru, you had to take care of yourself more often than naught… not that she would have that problem anymore.

Not with a man like Uchiha Sasuke at her disposal, who was just a text away.


Sakura looked as she always did--as if she had spent the better part of half an hour primping and prepping herself in front of a mirror before meeting him. "Hi," she said breathlessly, looking him up and down. It looked as if she were practically eye-fucking him.

"Is she still here?" Sasuke said, his eyes flitting about the room.

"Right over there." Sakura said, and she pointed to a woman seated at the end of the bar. That was Karui no doubt; no one else had that unique red hair, or that dark shade of skin. Sasuke had to take a few steps--but he was thoroughly impressed by her choice of attire.

A tight black dress that clung to her curves like a second skin, along with a matching pair of pumps. She was a beauty indeed. Perhaps she didn't have the breasts or the ass that most men would lust after--but she had a thin and lithe body… the kind that Sasuke knew could be twisted and bent in all sorts of delightful ways.

Again, he was going through with this for mostly pragmatic reasons. Choji had been the head of the Akimichi clan ever since the death of his father--and as a noble family, the Akmichis held a great deal of power. It wasn't that their vote counted more than say a Nara's would… but their vote would certainly sway more people.

It was simple thinking. Choji and Karui were married--and quite the tightly knit bunch, not fraught with underlying tensions a lot of other couples had. All Sasuke had to do was worm his way into Karui's bed… take her, fuck her brains out, and make her his as he had done Temari… and he'd have the Akimichi clan on his side for all intents and purposes. Choji was no alpha male--and the idea of him actually going against his wife's wishes was laughable.

Not that Sasuke couldn't appreciate the beauty of the woman that he was about to take. After all--if he was going to be claiming their bodies, if not their hearts, he might as well put them to better use than their husbands would have. What good use was a pussy if it wasn't being stretched out on a regular basis?

"I'm going to need to do this alone." Sasuke said quietly to Sakura. "So get out of here."

She bit her lip. "It's been a few days, Sasuke-kun." Sakura said, and her fingers drifted close to the front of his trousers. "You know how I get when I'm not nice and filled up…" she continued, almost dangerously in nature.

"I'll get to you when I get to you." Sasuke said. Sakura wilted beneath his impassionate gaze. "I've already got Temari to deal with as it is… but…" He heaved a sigh. "I'll come and deal with you as soon as I can." The corner of his lip quirked upwards. "You'd better be nice and ready when I come over…"

Slowly, a dazzling grin spread across Sakura's face. "The door's going to be unlocked," she cooed. "And I'll wear my best pair of lingerie." She flashed him wink--then, with a hop and a skip, she made her way out of the bar.

Sasuke smoothed out the front of his shirt. He ran a hand through his hair--and gave his head a shake. 'All I need…' Sasuke thought, as he advanced to where Karui was sitting. '... is to get her drunk.'

Thankfully, with the income he'd saved up from missions, Sasuke had more than enough money to get a bottle of sake from the bartender… and two shot glasses, of course. He wasn't going to get drunk himself--but there was nothing like a light buzz to make seducing a woman more tolerable.

Karui had already been nursing a shot for the past fifteen minutes or so--her eyes flickering from side to side, and her face red and hot.

When Sasuke plunked down another shot glass in front of her, she jumped.

"You?" Karui said.

He didn't react, instead merely filling up her glass.

"I need a partner to drink." Sasuke said, as he filled up his own glass. "And you're the only familiar face around here… no matter how loosely I use the term 'familiar'."

Karui scowled, and she eyed the shot glass in front of her with distaste.

"Who says I want to drink with you?" she bit out, her teeth bared like a shark's.

Sasuke chuckled lightly. "You're really going to turn down free alcohol?" he said. "With a food bill like yours?"

Karui bit her lip. Her hands shook slightly, and she looked as if she were about to get up and walk out for a moment. Eventually, however… she reached a hand forward, grasped the shot glass he had poured for her, and downed it in one fell swoop.

"Fill me." she said.

Sasuke smirked, and obliged. Some of the sake lapped over the side of the glass as he poured her another shot. Karui downed it again--and beckoned him to pour more. Sasuke did so.

"What brings you out here all alone?" Sasuke asked. "If I recall…" His gaze fell on her right hand, where her wedding ring glistened. "You have a husband waiting for you at home, no?"

"Tch." Karui growled, and she paused for a moment as she downed the third shot. "That idiot… he forgot our anniversary." she said. "I got all dressed up. I was ready to have the night of our life--but when I walked up to him, and asked him what he had planned for tonight… he looked at me, and said 'Huh?'."

"Criminal." Sasuke said. "How could he forget such an… important date?"

"I know!" Karui said. She hadn't noticed Sasuke pour her a fourth shot--but she downed it all the same. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "I gave him so many chances. I asked him, 'You don't remember what today is?' Guess what he said?"


"'Is it your birthday…?'" Karui told him. "My birthday was six months ago. That… that idiot. I gave up so much for him, and he doesn't even bother to remember our anniversary. I left my home! My friends! My family!" Her fists were balled up. "All I saw was red… I just, I ran out--I heard him calling after me, but I just didn't care."

"That's understandable." Sasuke said quietly.

"I'm still pilled. I'm always going to be pissed if it keeps up like this." Karui ground her teeth. "I swear… I was so angry--angry enough that I was tempted to just… jump the first person I saw. Woman or man."

Sasuke's lips curled upward.

He didn't push the issue, instead simply pouring her a fifth shot. Sasuke himself downed his first shot--Karui was far ahead of him in that regard--before he filled his glass.

"I think…" Sasuke said. "That you need to drink."

Karui laughed. "For an asshole and an idiot… you definitely know how to speak my language," she said. "I still haven't forgotten what you did to Bee-sama."

"I wouldn't expect you to." Sasuke said.

She tapped her thumb on the side of the glass. "Have you ever had… problems like that?" Karui asked. "Like… someone forgetting something really important." She downed the shot again. This time, she filled her glass herself, and did another shot.

Sasuke frowned. "I can't say that I have." he said.

"Come on… you've… you've got to have shomething." Karui said. She slurred her words a tad--she probably hadn't drank this much in ages.

"I can't think of anything." Sasuke said.

She was suddenly a lot closer to him that she had been before--leaning across her stool to his. Her dress rode up slightly, and Sasuke swallowed at the sight of her dark skinned thigh.

"You're lying." Karui said. Shakily, she tried to refill her own bottle--but ended up sloshing most of it over the side.

Sasuke frowned. He had to get this over with quickly, before she drank herself into a coma or something. And… it seemed that she wasn't going to let him off of the hook… unless he revealed something about himself.

He sighed.

"My… father." Sasuke said. "He forgot my birthday once--when I turned five." He chewed the inside of his cheek. "My mother was… displeased with him. Not that he cared."

"Ah… I, I see." Karui said. She wobbled slightly, and her dress rode up a tad more. "I feel so… hot right now." she said. "Kind of like I'm shick… but… not shick. You know what I mean?"

"Hmm." Sasuke hummed.

Suddenly, something buzzed. Karui had a jacket with her, slung over the top of the counter. She pulled her phone out of it--and snickered slightly. "Fhfifteen new messhages." Karui said. "He keeps saying that he didn't mean to forgot… that he's sorry." She laughed, and set the phone down on the bar.

"I'm glad I don't have to deal with that…" Sasuke murmured.

Karui blinked. "You don't?" she said. "I thought… I thought you were going out with Shakura."

"I keep her around for the sex." Sasuke said simply. 'And to help me figure out how and when I can further my plan.' Sasuke wasn't going to tell her that part, though.

Karui blinked. "Really?"

"... why would I lie about that?" Sasuke said.

She shook her head a bit. "I dunno, it's just… wheird… that's shall…" Karui murmured. "Usually, it's the girl that keeps the guy around, not the other way around. I mean… a girl can pretty much always be good in bed, while I've never shelpt with a guy whoshe even made me cum before."

Karui seemed unperturbed by the fact that she had unintentionally sold out her husband like that.

"I don't think I've ever had that problem before." Sasuke said. "Sakura used to try and keep count, but… eventually, she gave up and just went with the flow."

"Count… count what?" Karui asked, and she seemed strangely sober.

He smirked. "Guess." Sasuke said.

"C-count what?" Karui repeated.

His smirk merely grew.

Her breathing seemed to quicken slightly. "I feel… I feel hot again." Karui murmured. "Fuck.." She tried to take another shot--but her hand shook so badly that she ended up spilling the contents of her glass over the countertop. "I…" She cast a glance at Sasuke, and then down at her lap. "I need to go to the bathroom… to… um… cool off."

Karui stood up, and ran for the bathroom as fast as her pumps would allow her. Which wasn't very fast--and Sasuke followed behind her with ease.

This bar was the type with one person bathrooms. As luck would have it, the female bathroom was open--and Karui swiftly disappeared inside of it. Before she could close the door… Sasuke stopped it with his foot.

She gasped.

She took a step back.

Sasuke took a step in.

He battered her hand away from the door--and then closed it himself. With a swift twist of his fingers, he locked it.

Nobody had even seen him come in.

"What are you-"

Sasuke wouldn't even let the words get out of her mouth. He was upon her like a tiger would pounce on its prey--he yanked her against his chest, and began to devour her neck with a flurry of heated kisses that left her shuddering against him.

"A beautiful woman like you…" he began, and she whimpered as he grasped her bountiful ass and gave it a squeeze. "Doesn't deserve to go… unsatisfied." He pumped his hips against her, and she could feel his hardness. "If you let me have you… I wouldn't let you go." Sasuke whispered.

"What… what would you do if you had me?" Karui breathed.

"I'd fuck you." Sasuke murmured. "I would take you whenever I had the chance. I'd fuck you for hours and hours, until you wouldn't be able to tell me what season it is." He continued to press his hardness against her, the layers of clothing separating them doing little to prevent her from feeling his overwhelming heat. "Every position. Everywhere. I'd make you scream my name--I'd make you bite down on your ring finger so that your husband wouldn't hear you across town."


"Do you want that?" Sasuke murmured.

"I do…" Karui whispered.

"Good." Sasuke said. "Because I'm not going to let you leave this bathroom until you won't remember your husband's name."

A poor choice of words on Sasuke's part.

"My husband… my… m-my husband." Karui said.

Suddenly, she pushed him away--startling Sasuke.

"We can't do this!" Karui said heatedly. "We can't!" Before he could react, she had unlocked and wrenched open the door. She disappeared in a whip of crimson--and Sasuke had barely made it out of the bathroom before he saw her fly out of the bar's door.


"Damn…" Sasuke growled.

He took a few steps forward--as if to chase after her--but stopped.


Nobody had… run away from him like that before. Just a minute ago, she had been putty in his hands--what had happened?

He stood still for a moment.

"Excuse me… sir?"

Sasuke looked up.

The bartender looked at him attentively. "That lady you were sitting with forgot her jacket… and her phone." he said. "Do you know her? Can you make sure she gets them?"

He blinked. "Yeah…" Sasuke said. He picked up the phone, and put it into his pocket. The jacket he simply tucked beneath his arm. "Good looking out," he said to the bartender--and he slid a bill into the man's tip jar.

Once Sasuke had stepped out of the bar, he pulled Karui's phone out. It was a chance… a slim one… but he ended up being extraordinarily lucky. These sentimental woman were amusing--her password was 'Kumogakure'.

And… well, Sasuke did the same he had done for Temari. He put his number into Karui's phone.

He tucked it back into the pocket of her jacket.

Sasuke signaled the nearest ANBU--a right granted to him by Naruto, in case of emergency. Naruto himself used it for menial things--one infamous case being when he had almost caused a crisis by ordering a pair of ANBU to do his paperwork while he shuffled off to Ichiraku's. Sasuke, with that experience behind him (and considering nothing happen to Naruto because of it)felt emboldened to do something.

"You know where the Akimichi compound is, right?" Sasuke said through gritted teeth. Anger was welling up inside of him, now that the initial shock had faded.

"Of course, Uchiha-sama." the ANBU said.

"Take this to them." Sasuke said. "Tell them that the clan head's wife left it--don't mention my name. Got it?"

"Yes, Uchiha-sama." the ANBU said. Sasuke handed him the jacket, and he promptly took off.

Sasuke's breathing quickened as he leapt up into the air, heading in the other direction of the ANBU. He was well and truly pissed now--no girl had ever dared to reject him… ever. He was going to get her, no doubt, but right now… right now, Sasuke needed to work off some steam.

And he had the perfect idea for how to do just that…


Temari was busy.

"Ugh…" She rubbed her sore and raw throat, an expression of mild discomfort on her face. In front of her was a dildo… a gloriously long one, thick and fat, slathered in her saliva--the fruit of a couple dozen fruitlessly attempts to deepthroat it.

It was silent, other than her occasional groans. Shikadai was being babysat by Tenten--Temari had simply told her that she and Shikamaru would need the house to themselves. Shikamaru was off at work. She was here… all alone.

In the distance, she heard the door bang open… then slam closed once more. Temari sat up, her eyes widening.

He was far too quiet for her to hear his footsteps. But she knew he was coming… she knew that he was on his way.

She waited with bated breath, still naked atop her bed--her wet and needy pussy leaking juices all over her sheets.

Just… just the thought of him had kept her sated while he had been gone. Of course, that wasn't going to keep her satisfied forever. Then again--it wasn't as if she had to wait much longer before she was finally, blissfully full once more.

The door opened with a fury. Sasuke's shirt was already halfway over his head by the time he entered--and as he closed the door behind him, he had already begun to undo his pants.

"On your back." Sasuke growled, as he jerked his pants and boxers down--revealing his flaccid member. "Spread your legs."

Temari compiled--as if there was any doubt in either of their minds that she wouldn't. She couldn't help but giggle as he eased himself onto the bed, advancing upon her with that glorious (yet still soft) cock bobbing from side to side. Never in her life had she envisioned being at the receiving end of something so… huge. Only her wildest fantasies had involved a cock even a few inches smaller than Sasuke's--even her biggest dildo was a far cry from Sasuke, and it fit nowhere near as snugly either.

He palmed her breasts, squeezing them with his big, great, manly hands. A trail of kisses down her neck left her flushed and squeaking against him--and all of those feelings were compounded as he pressed his rapidly hardening member against her thigh.

It was so quaint… such a… delight to Temari, just how passionate he was. It was ludicrous to think that someone as frosty as Uchiha Sasuke would be full of passion beneath the covers--but that was what he was. She didn't delude herself into thinking it was… love, or affection for her. More likely than naught, it was him exercising a sort of control… kissing the neck, groping the breasts, mauling the lips of the woman that was sworn to another man. Conquering her, claiming her, telling her with every kiss, every touch, every little nibble… that she had effectively sold her body to another man.

And that she had done it willingly. With every thrust, she had urged him on--she had clawed at the sheets where man and wife had slept for years… accepted his seed into the womb where Shikamaru's son had been born from.

She was his.

Maybe, she still loved Shikamaru. Of course, she still loved her son--she wouldn't be anything akin to a mother if she didn't. The thing was… she could love and adore Shikamaru with all her heart--but if Sasuke asked, she would spread her legs. Always. Her primal instincts would always triumph over her morals, and with a behemoth of a man like Sasuke approaching her… wielding that much cock, that much passion, that much everything… she was helpless.

There was a sort of tension, though, something that emanated from him in droves. He was much… fiercer than he had been before. Though he knew that he could simply ask her to spread her legs, he instead forced them apart--palming her thighs, and pushing them so that her legs were thrown out as wide as they could go.

Her weeping snatch was exposed, and Sasuke eyed it carefully--as if he was deducing an enemy combatant. He teased her slit with two fingers… pressing the digits just an inch into her folds, before pulling them out.

All it took was a few menial strokes to get his member up to full hardness. Temari bit her lip as she stared at it--fuck, had he gotten bigger? She had never been a fan of making love with the lights on… but there was something so irresistible about just the sight of his cock... to the point where she couldn't bring herself to simply switch off the lamp.


He let out a low grunt as he pressed his tip against her entrance--the difference between his shaft and her tiny little slit obscene. He had worked over her hole so thoroughly the other night… but Temari knew that it was going to be a long while before she was used to taking something so gargarutan.

She whimpered as he eased that first inch inside of her. 'Just the first inch,' she thought, fingers digging into the sheets. 'After that, it will all be easier, Temari…'

Temari looked up at him, blinking her teal eyes.

She froze.

There was a look of… restraint on his face.

Restraint that just faltered--and for a moment, she felt like someone who had just been dropped off of a cliff.

With a brutal, vicious, earth shattering thrust… Sasuke sheathed himself to the hilt inside of her.

Two things have to be remembered--that Temari was not experienced sexually by any means… and that Sasuke knew the exact location of her G-spot, written on the back of his hand ever since the other night.

Temari really didn't stand a chance. Not before Sasuke--who had made it his sole goal to break down whatever bit of resistance she had to him… while at the same time, working off some steam.

"Fuck! There we go." Sasuke growled. With uncharacteristic roughness, he drew his length of her snatch once more--before slamming home, a wet squelching noise echoing throughout the room. Temari bucked, she moaned… she whimpered and cried. Her legs splayed out, and her arms started to twitch. Her eyes were closed… her face screwed up in an expression of unmistakable…

… pleasure.

Because she was full now.

No matter how rough he was, all she needed was him. Any slight twinges of pain were banished by that overwhelming sense of relief that settled in her body. That tension that had invaded her body from the instant he had stopped invading her… faded. She rolled her hips, and her arms--everything feeling like jelly, so smooth and languid, her body feeling so soft and malleable in his big strong hands.

She hardly even noticed that he was thrusting into her.

Well… of course she knew it was happening--the waves of pleasure that crashed over her, again and again, were more than enough for Temari to deduce that. But she could hardly comprehend the world at large. There was something so exhilarating at being filled with that much cock… she felt as if she were being baptized.

She would have laughed, had she not been moaning and groaning like a whore beneath Sasuke's assault. If she were to be a little more accurate, she thought lewdly, the baptism would only be complete when he finally came inside of her womb. At least, if you upheld the 'traditional' way of doing it.

He yanked her up, and pulled Temari taut against his chest. Her head was buried into his rippling muscles, and she… inhaled his scent--that sweet, manly scent that made her head spin and her loins tingle. Sasuke used this new leverage to dominate her even further… plundering her depths with hars, vicious thrusts.



Deeper, if that was even possible.

Fuck, how did he do it?

Just when Temari thought he had reached his limit…

… he found some way to surpass himself.

She couldn't envision a way that the sex could get better than it already was. Then again, she had thought that the other day--and today… well, needless to say she was swallowing her words. And replacing them with moans.

"Come on, moan for me." Sasuke growled into her ear, and she shuddered at the sound of his voice. "Groan for me. Cum for me. Beg for me to fuck you. Be a good little slut Temari, and give in to your body's desires."

She whimpered.

The last vestiges of that thing called her pride went promptly out the window.

"Harder…" she whispered.

"What?" Sasuke demanded.

"Harder!" Temari said, louder this time. "Faster, please…! Take that… take that big cock of yours, and fuck me, please!"

He laughed.

Even as he continued to rail her, to squash his overgrown cock into her too small cunt again and again… he laughed.

It was just too amusing.

Whatever anger he'd felt had… faded away.

This beautiful, prideful woman was all his. All it had taken to reduce her to this… was a big cock, some dirty talk, and a few orgasms.

He had nothing to worry about when it came to Karui. She was a slut, just like the others--only a little more persistent (and annoying) in her devotion to her husband. He would overcome that, however. Sasuke was not one to back down.

Sasuke let out a soft groan, pressing a hand in the small of Temari's back as he came inside of her. She bucked and moaned, jolting as if she were being shocked. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth.

"Yess…!" she whimpered. "So hot… so good… yesss!"

There was no transformative experience quite like having her womb doused with what seemed to be a gallon of cum. Every time he did that… it felt as if he were extinguishing a part of Temari, and replacing it with a new building block--a section of the cum slut he was intent on turning her into.

She was out like a light once he was done.

It was like… warm milk.

Except it was cum.

Nothing else seemed to get her to go to sleep like his hot cum could. Temari had this dreamy little smile on her face… even as Sasuke pulled out of her adulterous pussy, and allowed a torrent of his seed to rush out of her slit.

He wrapped her taut in the covers--so that Shikamaru, if he came home before Temari woke up, would not see the obvious remnants of Sasuke. Namely, the quarts of cum gushing from his wife's cunt.

Once Sasuke was done dressing, he turned off the light, and left Temari alone.


Sakura bit her lip.

"Are you sure about this, Sasuke-kun?" she asked, and the cool lens of the camera stared back at her.

"Of course I am." Sasuke said. "I never thought I'd be a porn star before, but…" He glanced down at his erect member. "You've got to do what you got to do, I suppose."


Some women likely wouldn't appreciate getting something as lewd and strange as a picture of a cock.

But when it was the biggest cock they had ever seen… and they had just felt it rubbing against them earlier that night… and when they knew how much the owner of that cock wanted them… well, Sasuke felt as if it would work.

"Looks good." Sasuke said, examining the picture of his member on the screen. "Here goes nothing."

'To Karui: Here's a hint of what you're missing out on.'

He added the picture to the message.

Then… he sent it.

Kami only knows what her reaction will be...

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