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Kapitel 8: Bonds of Blood 0008: Lily’s Dilemma

Meanwhile, as Fleur and Harry enjoyed the pleasures of their youth in their bedroom, Lily was sitting on the bed with her arms wrapped around her legs and her chin resting on her knees as she looked blankly at a wall.

'Damn Fleur and her allure episodes…' She cursed as she doubled down on her Occulumency to make sure that she wasn't affected by Fleur's allure. At least not anymore. The aura was permeating throughout the house and was concentrated enough to even make trouble for Lily, a master Occlumens.

Lily loved her daughter-in-law, but the times when Fleur uncontrollably burst out with her allure were truly unbearable for her.

When the girl was young, her allure was easily manageable. Lily's newly learned Occlumency was enough to keep its effects at bay. But as the girl grew older, her body matured and her charm gradually grew stronger. But it was still possible for Lily to manage Fleur's natural allure with her Occulumency which was at that point much better.

As Fleur grew older and her allure got stronger, Lily got more motivated to increase her Occlumency to keep herself in a respectable state in front of her son's best friend. This motivation was the reason that Lily had become a master Occlumens much earlier than if she'd practiced without any pressure.

But even a master Occlumens had limits to their ability. And those limits were hit when Harry and Fleur started getting physical in their relationship.

With her emotional sexuality fully awakening when she officially got together with Harry when she was 14 years old, Fleur started getting random weekly episodes of allure where she would go into uncontrollable heat. It was supposedly a mating thing with Veela who had found their partner to encourage reproduction.

During these episodes, Fleur's allure grew exponentially and Lily's Occlumency stopped being very effective against it. When awake, Lily was able to make sure that she completely blocked the effects of the allure with her Occlumency, which was enough to resist it.

But in cases like today, where Lily was fast asleep, she wasn't able to completely defend against the allure that exploded in the middle of the night. By the time Lily woke up and employed her Occlumency, she was already quite affected by it which hampered her ability to clear her mind completely.

As for leaving, that wasn't even a thought in Lily's mind. Once entrapped by the allure of a Veela during their episode, it was nigh impossible to escape. The magical effects of allure were still very mysterious and Lily hadn't been able to research anything about it due to its ethereal nature.

'I thought they were both asleep…' Lily let out a weak whimper as she felt herself losing the battle against Fleur's unending and overwhelming allure. And the occasional sounds that she heard from Harry's room when Harry or Fleur failed to suppress them weren't helping.

'It's fine…' Lily would've taken some measures to mitigate this issue, but she's only had to deal with this problem around four times in total. Usually, when Fleur's episodes hit, Lily was able to leave preemptively or at least employ her Occlumency to the max to make sure that she was able to create an airtight seal around her mind.

Although Fleur's allure episodes occurred weekly, Lily usually managed to evade them without much difficulty. It was only when the episodes manifested at night that she was caught off guard, resulting in some trouble.

Lily could have tried to come up with something that confined Fleur's allure to just Harry's room, but after a few attempts resulted in failure, she just gave up. It wasn't too much of an issue since she could usually evade the effects.

The work that would go into suppressing Fleur's allure was more trouble than it would be to just deal with it by evading it, 'If only I could ignore the accompanying thoughts that come with this allure…' Lily thought.

After an hour and no signs of the effects of Fleur's allure mitigating, Lily's resistance was weakening. And she noticed that the strength of the allure actually seemed to be increasing with time, 'Why do I even try…' Lily thought with a defeated sigh. Whenever she got affected by Fleur's allure, it always ended in Lily's defeat.

It didn't take long before she gave up on trying to reinforce her Occlumency and her hands slipped into her pajama bottoms before she started caressing herself.

Closing her eyes, she tried to imagine her late husband while pleasuring herself, but the encroaching allure didn't afford her that courtesy. Her mind was filled with thoughts of her son and daughter-in-law as she caressed her core.

Under the influence of the overpowering aphrodisiac that was Fleur's unleashed allure, Lily didn't even have the capacity to care as she spent the next few hours pleasuring herself to the image of her son and daughter-in-law. She imagined completely taboo things like kneeling in between her son's legs as she worshipped his cock while Fleur forced her head forward to take him deeper.

'This is so wrong…' That taboo feeling enhanced the pleasure that Lily was feeling and instantly made her climax as the image formed in her head.

Feeling immensely guilty, she continued rubbing herself while imagining more of the same scenario of herself being used and abused by him. The night passed by in a blur as she constantly climaxed to her own son.

(In the dead of the night, a ghostly whisper sounded out, unheard by anyone, but it seemed to be amused by itself, "Wincest~")

(A/N: Or maybe not?)

Harry and Fleur's allure episode lasted through the night and well until the sun rose on the horizon.

By the time they were finished, both Fleur and Harry were completely spent as they cuddled on the bed, "Do you think your Mum will be mad if we didn't come down for breakfast?" Fleur asked while drawing circles on Harry's chest as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"She will probably barge into my room and cast a refreshing spell on both of us before dressing us up and levitating us downstairs…" Harry told her. He was lightly rubbing his hand over her back, enjoying the feeling of his hand caressing her smooth skin.

"Shouldn't we get up then…" Fleur said without making any moves to move from her spot.

"We really should…" Harry didn't want to move either.

A knock on the door shook Fleur awake as she widened her eyes and shook Harry's shoulder, "Your Mum's here…"

"It's fine." Harry didn't care.

"We're naked, I can't reach my wand, conjure some clothes for me…" Fleur glanced at her wand that was thrown across the room.

"I don't think you want me to conjure simple clothes for you…" Harry's teasing tone made Fleur blush as she recalled a particular risqué escapade that they had during one of her episodes in the past.

"Just conjure normal clothes…" She whispered in an admonishing tone.

"Where's the fun in that." Harry laughed and hugged her tighter. As she got closer to him, he said, "Your hair is pretty sticky..." He said innocently.

"Yeah, pretend you didn't give me a cum facial after my marvelous handjob…" Fleur pouted annoyedly.

As Harry was about to reply, his mother knocked on the door again, "Kids… I can hear your hushed whispers." Lily said in a laughing tone that made Fleur's face go beet red.

"Coming, Mum," Harry told his mother while suppressing his laugh at Fleur's current expression, "Come on…" He whispered to her as he got out of bed and grabbed his wand.

He started whispering incantations and cast multiple spells to clean up the room.

Fleur sighed and slipped off the blanket before standing up from the bed. She heard a gulping sound from Harry's direction before something crashed.

"Pay attention, 'Arry!" She admonished, but her satisfied smile didn't lie about her real thoughts. She loved how she completely mesmerized her boyfriend with her body.

As she took slow swaying steps toward the closet, Harry's gaze was fixed on her body as he admired her perfect tits that encouraged him to bury himself in them, 'I wouldn't mind if someday, I die due to suffocation by her tits…' Harry inwardly chuckled as his gaze went down her toned stomach and to her legs, "Focus, 'Arry…" Fleur told him, breaking him out of his reverie.

"Yeah…" He answered without taking his eyes off her body. Fleur loved having so much of his attention on her and under different circumstances, she would've pushed things further and released her allure, but Lily was waiting for them downstairs.

Fleur opened Harry's closet and opened a drawer before pulling out a pair of her panties. She had quite a few of her clothes in his closet. She bent over and started wearing them.

'This damn Veela…' Harry cursed. He got painfully hard when he saw Fleur sensually bend over to put her legs through her panties. He was unbelievably tempted to smack her ass and tease her pussy which he was able to glimpse as she bent over. Sadly, they didn't have the time, Lily was waiting for them.

'The woes of having a beautiful girlfriend…' Harry thought narcissistically before chuckling to himself. He shook his head and continued fixing up his room. Meanwhile, Fleur wore one of his larger t-shirts over her panties and nothing more. It left her legs completely bare as the top only barely reached her thighs, but it was just Lily in the house, so she didn't have any problem wearing such comfortable clothes.

And his slightly larger t-shirt was completely oversized for her. Fleur was extremely comfortable wearing that hoodie.

"I see that you've taken another of the apparel items that I will be getting back… never," Harry said dryly as he grabbed the pajamas that Fleur brought for him and pulled them up.

"I don't steal your clothes…" Fleur said in an offended tone, "I just like your smell…" She said in a small voice and pulled the neckline up until her entire face was hidden in the t-shirt. It slid up and revealed her panties.

"Pfft…" Harry laughed at her antics and grabbed her nose with his thumb and index. Fleur let out a squeal as she pulled away from him and pulled down the t-shirt before giving him a begrudging look.

By now, Harry had already dressed up and said, "Come on, sweet cheeks," He slipped his hand to the back of her thigh before raising it up and pulling the hem of the t-shirt upward as he reached her butt. He gave her ass a nice squeeze Fleur yelped. She pulled her t-shirt back down as Harry made his way to his door.

"You…" She narrowed her eyes at him and quickly approached him.

Just as Harry's hand went on the door handle there was the loud sound of a smack in the room and Harry felt a sting on his ass.

"Thank god I was prepared and had already clenched…" He sighed, "You have no sense of holding back," He turned to admonish her. He was sure that Lily had heard the sound of that slap that Fleur delivered to his ass.

Fleur just showed him her tongue before turning her face away with her arms crossed.

Harry sighed with a smile as he opened the door to his room.


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