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A New Sun (Highschool DxD Shinto Demigod SI-OC) A New Sun (Highschool DxD Shinto Demigod SI-OC) original

A New Sun (Highschool DxD Shinto Demigod SI-OC)

Autor: Karmic_Wizard

© WebNovel

Kapitel 1: Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I do not own High School DxD, this work is fan-made fiction. Please support the official release.

I have absolutely no fucking clue why I'm here.

Right now, I'm standing atop a mountain in the middle of what I'm fairly certain is evening.

The sky is nice and clear, so besides seeing the start of a setting sun, I'm also catching a long sweep of the land beneath the mountain I'm standing atop.

Within which, several more mountains stretch out within the horizons.

Foreign is truly the only right word that comes to mind.

I've never gone mountain climbing before, but I'm fairly certain America doesn't have sights like this...

Then again. From what's little memory I have left, I don't think I got out much, to begin with.

Still, I knew enough to recognize that what ended up giving away where I am was the Japanese on the sparse signs dotting this mountain top, the Japanese that I could read perfectly.

There's not a soul around right now, it's just me up here, and the usual creeping cold, so I'm free to do the only thing I really wanna do right now.


Vomit off the railings as I have been, and will continue to do, ever since I got here five minutes ago.

The moment I arrived, I haven't even been able to panic, or plan, I just felt this overwhelming sickness.

Moving felt like pushing my entire body through sludge. My head is fucking pounding, I can't focus, and every single instinct in my body is telling me that I need to lie down.

But I can't! The ground is too damn rocky and my instincts correct themselves to bed. But I don't have a bed right now, so fuck you body!

Leaning against the rails and hurling off the side is quite honestly the only slightly comforting thing right now, ugh...

"Well now...what do we have here?"

An oily snake-like voice hisses throughout the air, presumably towards me.

I freeze. My instincts correct themselves again to danger, as does my mind agree, but my body is giving the Error 404 code right now.

So I'll have to get back to you there.

Instead, I decide, rather stupidly, to see who the hell is talking to me.

And there, not too far away behind me, is...

Good Lord in all that is unholy what the fuck!?

A snake thing, with its flesh peeled back revealing it's head like a hood and flayed in several other places across its body to reveal tanned, meaty flesh, and boney stinger for a tail.

Worst part? The single boney arm the fucker has.

My face processes this thing's appearance by projecting a gape.

"Ah, I sssee you have frozen up in fear at my majestic appearance!" the thing hisses with glee.

"A-Ah," I rasp out with effort, "No no, that's not it..." damn it body, even talking is hard!

"Ho?" the thing questions, "The sssick prey can ssspeak...lovely!" the thing wraps its one boney arm around itself, I think it's hugging itself? What in the fuck!?

"I jussst love hearing prey ssscream when I feassst!" it wiggles and cackles to itself in glee.

I gulp, trying to hold back another wave of nausea. I really don't have time for this.

"Y-You aren't, majessstic..." I mock, it freezes, "you're," I hiccup, "fucking disssgusssting!"

And with that, I proceed to vomit again, right in front of the fucker.

Fuck you bitch. If I'm dying a second time, I sure ain't going out like a bitch just standing there!

The snake creature gapes, I think anyways, right at me, seemingly completely caught off guard.

I smirk and decide to keep it going then while it lets me.

"The hell even are y-you, eh?" Ah, my beautiful voice, the more I talk the easier it gets. Adrenaline? Probably. "A rubber hose with g-grass hair and an insect for a tail? Your mother must be so disappointed in y-you-!"

Suddenly, the fucker blurs. I gag and choke as the fuckers boney arm wraps itself around my throat and pins me to the railing, his face and tongue thing right rippling with poorly constrained anger.


Okay. Woah. What the fuck. Didn't see this coming.

Wait, what was that about a Devil? And becoming this form?

I grumble, attempting to speak, but the bastard tightens his grip, and I only manage a choked gasp.

"ALLL HUMANSSS ARE PREEYYY..." it drawls out, slowly like a bloody mantra, "They FAILED to save mummy, so for EVERY beating, EVERY rape that Devil gave to her...I'll break a HUMAN in HALF, and drink their SSSWEET. SSSUCULENT...BRAIINNS."

Oh fuck oh shit. I could feel this fucker just shiver as he came from talking about that!

Tragic backstory or not, it's me or you buddy. It sucks, really, but I'm fairly certain I know where I am, which means you're fucked.

Well. If he would take his hand off my throat. Then he would be.

I don't have any powers, not that I can feel over my overwhelming sickness anyways, so this will have to do!

I reach up, slightly, drawing what I'm fairly certain is the Stray Devil's attention towards me.

"What isss it!?" It hisses.

I point towards my throat.

"Ah...want me to ssstart there? Fitting, yesss...your voice did get you into this mess after all..."

As soon as the boney arm loosens just enough to let my windpipe free, I take a big deep breath of it and scream.

"YAHWEH!" the True Name of God.

I don't know any scriptures or writings from the Bible, or any Holy Book really. Hell, I don't even remember most of my old life, just my trivia and knowledge.

But this? The True Name of God? It should work. It's something considered so Holy that you aren't to say it, or even erase it once written, after all.

And oh yeah, it has an effect alright!

The Stray Devil screeches with the force of a thousand nails against chalkboards as it recoils back and slams into the ground, writhing into the dirt and rock like it's trying to escape from me.

I collapse to the ground, heaving as that same damn sickness returns in full force, clawing at my throat and stifling my body again.

I grit my teeth, forcefully push it all down, and shakily get up.

Not even a moment later, I throw myself back to the ground to dodge a disgusting glob of yellowish-red slime aimed at my head.

"Fuuuck!" I shout as I try and force myself back up again.

I can hear the railing behind where I just was melting, I don't even need to turn to see it.

"G-Ghaahh!? What was that!? What did you just say, human!?" this thing already wiggled back up, fuck!

I grimace, then snort, "I see that lisp was a poor attempt a-at trying to be intimidating, huh!"

I can see and feel it bristle, "You BRAT!"



And onto the floor, it goes again!

You know, I really shouldn't be doing this on second thought. Like, really, it isn't likely that the True Name of God is even known...but, eh. Fuck it.

I'd rather deal with the Angels than that freak show! At least the Angels might kill me painlessly and relieve my sickness first!

On shaky legs, I stand upright once more and begin trying to trudge away.

When I do, and meet what feels like liquid air holding me back from even jogging, I realize something.

I can't run away. My body will either collapse before I can get far enough away, I just won't be fast enough.

Another thing, the fucker is already getting back up! That small little increase in the distance made it less effective. Are you kidding me!?

"YAHW-Ugghhhh!" I gag and fall to my knees and vomit once more.

Fuck this second life.

One lucky thing, though? He isn't diving straight for me, seemingly realizing what I just did.

If he's further away, he'll be less affected by that word.

Guess it really put the Fear of God into him, huh? Eh?

Fuck this really isn't the time for jokes.

The snake slithers back quickly, I smirk at the fear I see in its eyes, then grimace as it slowly starts tracing a circle around me.

"Shit!" then roll out of the way as another yellowish red mucus ball comes for me, this time I get to really see the way the thing practically dissolves whatever it touches!


"You will die!" It hisses out, "Either way slowly, by acid or my teeth! It doesn't matter! I will have your screams to comfort my dreams tonight!"

"Fuck your dreams!" I spat out, grunting with exertion as I roll to dodge another mucus shot, "I just got here! I can't e-even remember who I am! So fuck your dreams! And fuck you with a scalding hot rusting railroad s-spike!"

The snake actually had the gall to look offended, so I added, "YAHWEH!" and watched with glee as the thing screeched and writhed in agony.

It didn't fall over like it was dying, but it still had an effect, weaker as it was it was something.

I also decided on another thing for sure.

I'm not gonna let this fucker kill me.

I'm not sure why I'm here. I'm not sure who put me here, to begin with. If this body I now have even had a life before I woke up here.

Regardless, I was fully prepared to accept a second death when I saw this thing, but considering the world I'm in?

Fuck that! This fucking danger noodle from a Devil's trash bin has the gall to try and kill me!?

I clenched my teeth, and flexed my hands, as I felt pure unadulterated rage fill my veins like molten metal. Rage at life I lost once, for the family I know I forgot. Rage at whoever put me here without even a bloody note! Rage at the idea that I would even give up so soon a second time around!

I growled like some sort of beast possessed as I forced my sick body to fucking obey. To do something!

And felt as if something in the back of my mind snapped into place.

Like when awakening from a vivid dream, my senses, the feeling of the clothes against my body, the flex of muscles I didn't know I had, all of those sensations came crashing down upon me.

Knowledge of skills I know I never learned suddenly struck me in equal measure, and as one, my mind and body moved to complete a new plan.

A plan to survive.

I dashed back towards the railing, kicking up dirt and rock in my path.

"Hnnngh!? You!" I could hear it, the beast move and spit mucus at me at the same time. I could feel him as he slithered towards me, the vibrations of his body against the ground.

They were just as disgusting as him.

With a deft hop, I leaped onto the railing and back flipped off as the mucus struck home, immediately melting another part of it, and weakening the overall structure further.

The snake appeared before me, bone arm swinging with claws outstretched.

So...slow. I can see him move. It's so much slower than before...

I take a deep breath, filling my lungs with so much air I thought my lungs would burst, before leaning down and forwards, easily dodging under the claw swipe.

His eye widens, eventually comically so, as I shoulder charge into him with all my newfound might.

His body lifts from the ground, flying straight through the railings, which easily collapse as they're partially melted already before he's sent careening off the cliff edge.

And just for one last fuck you?

"Yahweh." I say, not even scream, and watch with mirth as he howls in rage, pain, and fear into the abyss below.

As I hear the sickening thud of the snake's body crashing into solid hard rock, I allow myself a smile.

"Damn danger noodle. Get fucked." Oh yeah, me! You really showed him! A likely Low-Class Stray Devil with so many issues it would make Rias' Peerage look like the picture-perfect definition of fine mental health!

I don't have much time to curb my ego, or celebrate, as a coughing fit overtakes me and I once again find myself collapsing to the ground.

"W-Well!" I hack, and cough some more, "Fuck m-me too, I guess! Ugghhh~..."

At least I didn't throw up again. Yet.

I should probably get out of here before this new strength leaves me. Fucking snake probably didn't actually die from the fall.

With that frankly sobering thought, I stagger to my feet, pick a direction, and walk in it. As long it was away from the snake thing, I didn't care, but I figured taking what the signs were telling me was the normal way down would be a bad idea.

Bitch would probably be stalking the official entrance or exit for food, and will likely try and race there to catch me, assuming I would leave from there, presuming he's dead.

But I'm presuming he's still alive. Suming-seption, you rubber hose.

I've never hitchhiked, or lived in a forest atop a mountain before, but hard could it be?

I don't know how far it was I walked, all I remember was coming across a pleasant-looking grove. Tons of grass, lots of fallen branches, and good shade and cover.

It was the middle of the night, the full moon was out, high in the sky, bathing silver light across the world.

Why did looking at it piss me off so much?

I collapsed down, my ill body finally giving up its prudishness and pride, and said good enough.

A place to rest my head. A place to finally sleep.

My sickness consumed me, and sweet sweet darkness washed out my vision.

~ A New Sun ~

Kuroka, one of the Underworld's most wanted Stray Devils, was currently on the hunt!

No, no. Nothing like anything the stuffy purebloods sitting atop Hell's government body claim she did, something much more simple than that.

A couple of days back, starting sometime just around the night set in, she felt some ridiculous strong Holy Power suddenly appear around the village she was holed up near.

Now, she's fought Exorcists, Angels – both Pure and Fallen – before. But the power she suddenly felt the other day?

It felt like a Kami or God came down to Earth. And it was far too close for comfort.

She thought that maybe the local Kami, Buddha, God – whatever the hell she was sensing – caught wind of her scent, and came to finally put her down.

After all, a Yokai turned Reincarnated Devil? That's like doubly antithesis, she doesn't have a doubt in her mind that if a deity was in the area, they'd try and smite her just on principle.

Being an SS-Class Criminal in the Underworld is like the cherry on top more than anything else.

Now, not to brag...ah, who is she kidding? She's a shameless brag.

As an Ultimate Class Reincarnated Devil, on top of her natural powers as a Nekoshou and all her artificial enhancements, she's pretty damn tough. Tough enough to give a deity a good fight, and at least escape if not put the bastard down.

But that would likely come at the cost of the yokai village she was staying near getting caught in the crossfire.

And if she ran? Well, presuming the deity gave chase, they'd come across the village anyway and massacre it for shits and giggles.

Gods are assholes like that.

And she's not about to sacrifice a bunch of innocent people trying to live their lives, they don't deserve to get caught up in her mess of a life.

In the end, she decided to go out and find this deity before they found her.

Slight problem with that, though.

As soon as she got closer to the source of Holy Power – which never moved, strangely – she also caught a whiff of something else, literally.

Something smelled absolutely delicious. Not like pheromones, or musk-type smell, but instead, something that made her mouth water and stomach rumble with a deep primordial need.

The smell was so intoxicating it nearly drove her into something resembling a mating frenzy, but instead of looking for sex, she wanted to eat.

Of course, having more self-control than that, she used her Senjutsu to violently squash the feeling and begin her search, more curious now than ever before.

She's been searching the forest atop this mountain for the better half a day now, the closer she got to the source the more messed up her sensing abilities were getting as the Holy Power disrupted her demonic and yokai abilities.

But she's close. She knows she has to be.

And at this point? She has no fucking clue what this deity's deal is anymore. They still haven't moved, haven't done anything really.

If this was one elaborate ploy to lure her out, it's really starting to annoy her.

Doesn't help that on the way here, she ran into no less than 5 stray devils, all in monstrous forms, all in a similar feeding frenzy. She put them down before moving on.

She also ran into a few wild Yokai in a similar feeding frenzy, which she bound up with Youjutsu and teleported them out of range.

At this point, this bastard is actively messing with the locals, turning them feral while luring monstrous strays in.

"Come out, come out, where ever you are..." Kuroka drawled out as she stalked through a particularly dense brush of the forest.

She froze, chills running down her spine, as the Holy Power in the air thickened for the first time in a while.

She smirked devilishly – heh! – as she prepared to break through to the other side of the brush.

She couldn't feel or sense any movement, but life detection was picking up something more than trees and grass finally...something much more.

Her purple magic circle spiraled into existence around her hand, before she suddenly burst forward, blasting through the final brush into a tight grove!

"There you are! N-" she stops suddenly, her mouth left hanging open at what she sees, "Nya...?"

There, laying without a care in the world in the middle of a bunch of grass and branches is a young man...probably barely a man, if that.

Clearly Japanese with his spiky black hair, he wore an equally clearly scuffed black yukata which barely held onto his admittedly very well-muscled and handsome frame.

Kuroka quickly slapped her now watery jaw shut with her free hand, magic circle pointed straight at the body still just laying there.

She started walking towards him carefully, keeping her eyes on him closely...which admittedly wasn't that hard to do.

The hard part came from holding back the instincts telling her to take a good bite out of him.

Now, she knows some Yokai are flesh eaters, that some Yokai legitimately needs human flesh and blood to live.

But Kuroka is not one of those Yokai, even as a Stray Devil she wouldn't swoop so low, the thought disgusted her to no end.

So then why, why, did she wanna munch on this human-looking guy like he's a chocolate bar?

She chooses instead to focus on the chills the Holy Power he radiated gave her, rather than this newfound sense and disgust she has for herself.

As she got closer, she could see some sort of strange dark red flame-like tattoo on either side of his collarbone.

Quickly shelving that away as neat trivia, and now finally close enough to touch him, she noticed another thing.

He's asleep, genuinely asleep. Completely limp, and seemingly unresponsive, she even gives him a kick to the shin to see if he'll stir, but he doesn't budge.

He doesn't seem hurt, just out of it.

With a sigh, she dispels her magic circle and kneels next to him, putting a hand gently on his chest.

She tries sensing his ki, only to get the equivalent of a spiritual flash bang.

Light, life, fire, and holy energies slam like a hot railroad spike into her 6[sup]th[/sup] sense with the force of a supernova.

"NYAH!?" she stumbles back with a squeal, falling right on her rear.

And for some reason, that finally gets him to stir. He grunts with a small amount of exertion as his once limp body begins to move, his head turning towards the direction of her exclaim.

She freezes, as his eyes open and a pair of molten gold iris lock onto her own hazel gold ones.

Then, very slowly, they move down her body.

She blinks. And follows his eyes, down to her now completely exposed chest.

"Ah." She realizes. When she tried sensing his ki earlier, the shock of what she felt must have messed up her control over her Senjutsu and Youjutsu.

What she uses to keep her kimono up and on.

Because she doesn't wear underwear.


Hah! Just kidding! Jokes on him!

"Do you like what you see, nya~?" Kuroka, of course, has no shame. And instead leans into it, acting like she's trying to pull her kimono up and cover herself, but only accomplishes pushing up and showing off her bust more." It seems like you we're having a nice nap, I hope I'm not interrupting anything – nya~?"

Now, Kuroka knows she's hot. She knows she's curvy as hell, and knows very well what that does to any man.

Deities are especially known for being horn dogs of the highest order, though. Something like this? Should catch even Zeus lacking and drive any man into a blushing mess or mad with lust.

So, imagine just how floored she was when this man reached up slowly and just patted her head.

She froze, completely caught off guard. She almost mewled as he started scratching behind her ears.

The man gave a weary, tired chuckle, and simply said. "Cute kitty."

Then he removed his hand, turned onto his side, settled in, and fell right back asleep.

Kuroka just fucking stared at his back, incredulously.

And for just a split second, she felt like eating this bastard.

After getting over that nauseating thought, she didn't know whether she wanted to kill him or fuck him.

She decided on the middle path.

"Oi! Wake the hell up! Nyaaaa!" she then proceeded to kick him right in the small of his back.

Kuroka would never admit it, but the scream of pure terror he gave made her feel a lot better in that moment than it had any right to.

~ A New Sun ~

Takamagahara, the Plane of High Heaven, was beautiful this time of year.

Correction, the Heaven that her favorite Sun Goddess ran was always beautiful, not that Ame-no-Uzume, the goddess of the dawn, revelry, mirth, and most importantly, parties had ever been to any other Heaven.

Currently, Uzume was taking one last dance through the great sun palace on her way to visit her favorite, beautiful, absolutely gorgeous usually boss, mostly lover, and all-around bestie.

Why is this to be her last dance, you may wonder? Well. It's because her favorite goddess – has she mentioned she's gorgeous? - will likely reduce her to ash after she brings the news she has.

Luckily, Uzume has a plan! It's a perfect plan, a flawless plan, and Uzume knows it will at least buy her two more seconds of life!

She's wearing a particularly revealing kimono today.

Purple, just like her hair, and layed so low that she may as well be half naked.

Hell, her nipples are even partial showing!

Did she already mention how her beautiful goddess is an absolutely shameless little thing that swings both ways and has a thing for really big round-shaped objects?

She's also a shut-in hikiNEET who hasn't set foot on Japanese soil in about...two decades or so, give or take a few years.

She hasn't sat on her Throne in much longer than that, though. But at least she isn't in a cave all the time, that's something!

Oh damn, where was she? Oh right.

Now why would her adorable hikiNEET Goddess want to turn her into ash?

Well. It may have just a little something to do with the fact...

"You lost Noriaki!? How!?"

Uzume winced, not really surprised at her reaction.

Granted, this could have been a lot worse. The Omikami's room isn't exactly made for loud booming echoes.

Thing is actually fairly small and compact, just like her.

Long flowing black hair, small, cute frame, cute little frown, and golden eyes which may or may not be glowing slightly right now.

And those tiny smooth hands, though damn if those hands can't work though...

Ah, shit. No no no! Bad horny Uzume! Stop that before you become ash!

"Well, as you know, his last year of High School is coming up..." Uzume began, making sure to put her arms under her considerable bust and push it up, "so, I decided to take Nori-kun out for a night on the town!"

Her little sun groaned. "Uzume. Please tell me you didn't fuck my son."

Uzume winked. "Not yet~!" she then quickly dodged a manga volume being hurled at her face. "Oh, feisty!" she giggles, " You know he's a lot like you! He's he might just be the one to fuck me instead~!"

"Uzume." Amaterasu ground out through clenched teeth.

Right right, no horny damn it!

"Okay, okay! So, I took him out to get something to drink, you know, his first proper sake! And, well..." Uzume trailed out, a nervous chuckle slowly following.

"Well. What."

"He's got about the same alcoholic tolerance as you, Ama?" Uzume slowly said.

Amaterasu froze, face somehow paling even more than it already was.

"Ah, in fact?" Uzume let out a dry chuckle, "I'd wager it's worse than yours, actually." she elaborated. "As in, I give him sake with content less than 1%, he took a sip and bam! He was gone."

"Then why did you let him out of your sight!?" the sun goddess snapped, "If he's anything like me when he's drunk, t-then..." she trailed off, wriggling in place.

Uzume's eyes sparkled. "He's an absolute embarrassment in your eyes, but a party animal in mine?"

A mirthful smile erupted over her face as her little sun flushed with embarrassment.

That smile dropped though, when her little sun stomped down that embarrassment, and leveled the almighty-est of adorable glares at her.

"Uzume..." her golden eyes hummed with a dangerous light.

Uzume, quickly, jiggled her bust with a slight movement of her arms.

And internally cheered as Ama's gaze dropped below her neckline and that light in her eyes flickered.


"Anyhow," Uzume took the opening, "as I was saying, he's worse than you when drunk right? So while he was out, he may or may not have challenged me of all girls to a drinking contest."

"Oh for fucks sake." Ama grumbled.

"I know right!?" Uzume wholeheartedly agreed.

"That you're a big-titted child?" she tacks on.

Uzume put a hand to her chest, totally not intentionally causing a nipple to slip out from her kimono, no sir! And the dramatic and sudden step back definitely was because she was hurt, not because she wanted to take advantage of Heaven's advanced jiggle physics!

"Heyyy~!" Uzume whined, "You love my boobs!"

Amaterasu just deadpanned at her. "How much did you drink, Uzume."

And completely ignored her too! Hmph!

"Around 9 or so barrels of about 65% alcohol content sake, I think." she ponders out loud. "It kind of got fuzzy after a bit though, you'd have to ask Inari-chan for the exacts! I called her up for her special recipe after all!"

"Of course you did." Amaterasu, at this point, just sighs in defeat. "Well, at least this was recent. Means he shouldn't have wandered off far."

"Ah." Uzume hums. "About that."

Amaterasu blinks. "Hmm?"

"You see, I may have gotten so smashed, that I just woke up." Uzume said carefully, "And I think it's been about...three days?"

For a second, it was sweet blissful silence.

Then Amaterasu's eyes started shouting lasers.


"Eh!?" Uzume, thinking quickly, dropped her kimono as she dodged the bright beams of purest sunlight.

The impromptu titty flash made Ama's eyes briefly flicker in sheer confusion, and Uzume took that chance to burst out the door, followed quickly by another beam of light that came crashing through after her.

Besides singeing her hair due to the sheer heat, the beam missed Uzume's body whole and blasted a hole straight through the palace wall.

"Well! What did you expect!?" she called back as she makes a run for it, "You put the Goddess of Revelry as his guardian!"

Amaterasu stopped in her tracks just as she was about to step out.

You know, thinking about it like, makes a lot of sense. It's honestly a wonder Uzume hasn't gotten her little boy killed off alcohol poisoning.

But that snide comment isn't why she's standing at her door, fuming.

Oh, no. The real reason is much more confusing as it is equal parts infuriating.

She could feel him, a new light suddenly appearing like a beacon in the middle of her territory, suffused with the Holy Power of a deity she hasn't heard from in thousands of years.

Why the hell is the Archangel Michael suddenly in her country!?

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