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25.75% The Rebirth of the Purple Phoenix / Chapter 16: Promise of Another Meeting

Kapitel 16: Promise of Another Meeting

[John's Imperial Office, Sacred Palace, Constantinople.]

The effects of the previous night lingered on John and his companions, Pavlos, Nikos, and Demetrius. They found themselves seated on comfortable sofas in John's newly renovated office within the Sacred Palace.

Their faces were pale, and the dark bags under their eyes revealed their lack of rest, a testament to their inability to fully return to the realm of the living. Last night encounter had been intense and majestic, leaving a lasting impact on their minds.

Despite the profound experience, they remained aware of their responsibilities to the empire. Their duty called, and they couldn't afford to be distracted - wait, it does have something to do with their empire. The co-emperor is still unmarried and heirless.

Realizing this next step in John's life, they couldn't stop thinking about it, but still, the present demands of them to do their duty nonetheless.

"So, Your Highness, what lies ahead in securing a prosperous future for the empire?" Pavlos was the first to break the deadly silence, prompting the others to fully awaken from their stupor.

John, who was the last to broke from his dreamy state replied after recollecting his mind and focus, he somewhat remembered what he was thinking about during the time he was at the hippodrome yesterday.

"It appears that we must introduce a new form of entertainment for our people and abroad," he said solemnly. Although the idea had almost slipped from his mind, he couldn't resist presenting the proposal.

Pavlos, Nikos, and Demetrius exchanged glances, their anticipation palpable. They wondered what this brilliant co-emperor had in store regarding the proposal.

"And what would that be, your highness?" asked Nikos Kostas, the eparch who is responsible with the empire taxes and commerce.

"I've devised a revolutionary game, one the world has never seen," John declared, exuding fiery confidence in his proposal. His words carried an air of excitement and innovation, promising something truly out of this world.

Without waiting for a response from his companions, the young co-emperor continued enthusiastically,

"The potential of this game is immense. It not only offers entertainment but also harbors hidden capabilities to serve as a new training tool for our military. It brims with countless possibilities—a game of power, athleticism, strategy, and discipline. A true embodiment of our Graeco-Roman culture, embracing Strength, Resilience, Sportsmanship, and Resourcefulness, reminiscent of the ancient Olympic games and the gladiators of the colosseum."

The trio found themselves taken aback by John's sudden excitement as he made his proposal, leaving them utterly perplexed. Each of them wondered in their minds, "What kind of game is he talking about?" The confusion only deepened as they tried to make sense of the situation.

"So, Your Highness, may I inquire about the nature of this 'game' you are proposing?" Demetrius raised his hand, seeking clarification.

"Oh, this game has no name or form yet. But it will if I can show you what it is. Demetrius, I want you to follow me to meet Megas Domestikos this afternoon to discuss this proposal," replied John. Demetrius, still confused, could only nod at the sudden invitation to meet the Megas Domestikos.

"And both of you, if you want to come with me and Demetrius, we can all go together, if you want to witness a new history that is," John continued, referring to Pavlos and Nikos, who were still contemplating the mysterious game proposed by John.

The meeting concluded with excitement in the air, as they eagerly anticipated the new 'game' John planned to unveil at the military school. Once the gathering dispersed, John proceeded to meet his father, Manuel II, to discuss the proposal he had just presented to his companions.

"What kind of 'game' is this? Why haven't I heard anything like this before?" Manuel II was as confused as John's companion when John came and presented the proposal to him.

Since John's coronation as co-emperor, Manuel II noticed a remarkable improvement in his complexion over the past few years. The burden of sorrow and worry seemed to have lifted from the emperor's face, despite the advancing years that marked the passage of time. His countenance, though aged, still retained the youthful glow of someone in their 30s.

The empire flourished with an abundance of blessings, and at the heart of it all stood John, the catalyst of its prosperity. Rather than feeling envious, the emperor embraced a sense of parental pride. His prayers, uttered over countless years, had found their fulfillment in John. He was undeniably the answer the empire had been searching for all along.

After that, a flurry of proposals was presented to him, each one making the emperor hesitant. However, to his amazement, every result turned out to be perfectly positive, leaving no room for doubt about the young co-emperor's ingenious way of thinking and innovative ideas. The latest proposal was no exception.

Although he voiced some initial doubt, deep down, he believed that if it was John, then everything was possible.

"This game we speak of is yet to take form or even be named, let alone have established rules. However, if you wish to witness its essence, join me at the Imperial Military School later in the afternoon. There, I can show you a glimpse of what this game entails," John responded, echoing the same answer he had given Demetrius and his companions earlier.

Manuel II nodded approvingly, "If you say so, then I will go later. But can I bring your mother as well?"

John smiled warmly, "Sure, why not? The more, the merrier, as we introduce a new chapter to our great empire's legacy."

His confidence in the venture shone through his words, and he looked forward to sharing this moment with both of his parents.

With his morning duties completed, John's heart felt heavy with the knowledge that it was time for Anna to depart Constantinople and return to her homeland with her father. Stepping outside the palace, he was joined by his trusty knight, Demetrius, and together they made their way to the dock of the Golden Horn to bid farewell to Anna.

The sun cast a golden hue upon the city as if reluctant to let her go, mirroring the tinge of sadness in John's heart.

As John sat in contemplation, memories of his encounters with Anna flooded his mind. It all began in the dimly lit alleyway, where fate brought them together. Their paths crossed, leading them to the enchanting meeting at 'Little Saints'—a moment that would forever be etched in his heart.

But it was the night before that stood out the most, when Anna's true beauty was unveiled before him, captivating and enamoring him in an instant.

The image of her last night, that radiant like a star in the night sky, was a sight he could never forget. The memory of that moment was a treasure he held close, a moment when destiny conspired to bring them together.


[Golden Horn, Constantinople.]

Unlike the desolate docks of the past, the Golden Horn had undergone a remarkable transformation. The once idle laborers now displayed newfound determination and enthusiasm in their work, a sight previously unheard of. Their joy and pride in their tasks filled the air, breathing life into the once barren shores of the Bosphorus. All this tremendous change was thanks to Nikos, whose vision and efforts turned the docks into a bustling hub of activity.

Gone were the days of emptiness; the harbor now teemed with ships of varying shapes and forms, a testament to the success of their endeavors. The air carried the familiar salty scent of the sea, but it also bore a sweet aroma, signifying the prosperity that now graced the Golden Horn.

The once prevalent crows were now outnumbered by the gentle cooing of doves, a symbol of peace and hope that seemed to have taken residence at the thriving harbor. As the beacon of commerce, the Golden Horn stood as a shining symbol of the empire's resurgence, rising like a phoenix from its ashes.

The completion of this ambitious project marked the beginning of a new era for the empire, filled with promise and potential. The transformation of the docks mirrored the metamorphosis taking place within the hearts of its people, their spirits lifted, and their determination reignited.

As the Golden Horn flourished, so did the Empire, ready to embrace a brighter future with open arms.

As John and Demetrius made their way to the dock where the ship from Moskva Grand Principality was anchored, a heavy weight settled in John's heart, knowing that soon Anna would depart. The genuine feelings he had for her were undeniable, but he also understood that unless fate intervened, their time together was limited.

Nevertheless, he chose not to dwell on regrets, embracing the poignant moment for what it was—a bittersweet farewell.

"Milord John, you made it!" Anna's voice fluttered like a sweet melody in his ears. Although her face was veiled by the scarf again, he could still imagine her radiant smile from afar.

"Indeed, for it is your departure, dear Anna," John replied, his voice tinged with both longing and disappointment.

Noticing John's emotion, Anna teased him, while also concealing her own longing and disappointment, "Are you sad, milord John? It doesn't mean our meeting ends here; we can still communicate through letters, after all."

"Listening to your voice and reading letters are altogether different, dear Anna," John replied with a gentle smile.

"It is indeed true," Anna admitted with a blush, her eyes meeting John's with sincerity. "I cherish our time together, and even though it may be brief, it feels as though our souls are intertwined."

John couldn't help but share in her blush, feeling a rush of emotions at her heartfelt confession. He yearned to embrace her, to express his own affection, but before he could act, a gentle throat clearing interrupted their moment.

"Ahem, Your Highness," a calm voice interjected from behind, catching both Anna and John off guard. Turning to face the source, they saw Vasily I, Anna's father and the esteemed Grand Prince of Moskva and Vladimir.

"It is indeed a pleasure to meet you, Your Highness," Vasily I continued, maintaining his composure even in the midst of this unexpected encounter. "However, it would be considered inappropriate for unwed individuals to display such affection in public, especially when one holds the title of a royal."

John felt a mix of embarrassment and respect, realizing that he had momentarily forgotten the weight of his own position. Regaining his composure, he replied, "You are absolutely right, Your Highness. Please forgive my lack of decorum. It was never my intention to be disrespectful."

Vasily I nodded in understanding, his gaze softening as he looked at his daughter. "No harm done, Your Highness. It is natural for young hearts to be drawn to one another. However, as her father, I must ensure her well-being and reputation."

"Father, please, refrain from teasing milord John too much," Anna pleaded, her voice tinged with concern. Her plea caused the Grand Prince to falter for a moment, clearing his throat before responding,

"Ahem, well... It is nothing like that, Anna. But it is true that as a princess, there are certain expectations and decorum to uphold in public. You possess great honor, and it's essential to maintain it." His response left Anna pouting in disappointment, unable to hide her chagrin.

As John and Demetrius attentively observed the heartwarming banter between father and daughter, they noticed another figure making his way toward them—none other than Ivar, the imposing and often empty-headed guard in the service of Vasily and Anna.

Demetrius instinctively tensed, his hand reaching for his sword, ready to respond to any potential threat. However, John quickly intervened, raising a calming hand to halt Demetrius's defensive action. Instead, he nodded in Ivar's direction, giving him the opportunity to speak his mind.

"I... sorry... last... night," Ivar managed to convey, his speech broken and halting. John and Demetrius exchanged glances, realizing that Ivar was trying his best to express his remorse despite the difficulty in forming coherent words.

Despite the language barrier, they could sense the genuine and pure intention behind his words, especially towards Demetrius, with whom he had traded power the previous night.

"It's alright, Ivar," John replied gently. "Thank you for your concern. We all had quite the eventful night, but what's important is that we've resolved everything now."

Ivar's face brightened with relief upon comprehending John's response, grateful for the understanding and forgiveness extended to him.

"Indeed, Ivar. No harm done," Demetrius added, his voice carrying an air of camaraderie, accepting the guard's apology wholeheartedly.

As the trio continued their conversation, a newfound camaraderie blossomed among them. Ivar, once reserved and imposing, began to open up, especially towards Demetrius. The two warriors found an unspoken respect for each other, recognizing the strength and valor they both possessed.

In his homeland, Ivar had been revered as the strongest among his tribe, a title he wore with pride. However, encountering Demetrius in this far and distant, once-collapsing empire proved to be a refreshing experience for him.

It was as if fate had brought two formidable forces together, and Ivar couldn't help but appreciate the rare chance to meet a warrior who could match his prowess.

As they shared stories and exchanged glances of understanding, the language barrier seemed to fade away, replaced by an unspoken connection. They could sense the weight of each other's battles, the sacrifices made to protect those they held dear, and the indomitable spirit that fueled their determination.

For John, witnessing this newfound bond between his companions filled him with a sense of contentment. Their willingness to stand side by side, despite their differences, was a testament to the resilience and strength of the human spirit.

However, every meeting must eventually come to an end. As John and Anna continued to bask in the joy of their newfound connection, their hearts intertwined with affection, an abrupt interruption disrupted their tender moments together.

The captain of the ship carrying the Moskva's entourage summoned Anna back to their vessel, demanding their imminent departure. The call to return to their ship interfered with the blossoming emotions and surging feelings that had begun to flourish between John and Anna.

Reluctantly, they exchanged lingering glances, conveying the unspoken words that their hearts wished to share. John's hand reached out, hesitatingly, as if yearning to hold hers for just a little while longer. But alas, the inevitable parting forced them to restrain their emotions.

Anna's eyes shimmered with unshed tears, mirroring the emotions John was trying to contain. Their souls were now connected, and the distance between them seemed unbearable. Yet, duty and responsibility called, and they had no choice but to heed its beckoning.

"Until we meet again," John whispered softly, his voice carrying the weight of an unspoken promise.

"Until we meet again," Anna replied, her voice equally tender, with a glimmer of hope and longing in her eyes.

With a heavy heart, Anna turned away, heading back to the waiting vessel. John watched her retreating figure, a sense of longing and anticipation building within him. As the ship slowly pulled away from the port, Anna stood on its deck, her eyes locked with John's until the distance obscured their view of one another.

John remained rooted to the spot, as if a part of him had left with Anna. The world around him continued its bustling activity, but for John, time seemed to stand still. His heart ached with the absence of her presence, yet he knew that destiny had intertwined their paths, and their encounter was not a fleeting one.

As the ship disappeared from sight, John took solace in the knowledge that the bond they had forged could withstand the trials of time and distance. Their love had taken root, and he could feel its presence, even in her absence.

With newfound determination, John turned his gaze towards the horizon, the glimmer of hope shining in his eyes. He knew that destiny would once again unite their paths, and until that moment, he would cherish the memories of their encounter, savoring the taste of love's sweet promise.

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