Lu Jueyu smashed the crayfish with a stone and put them into the fish basket. After that, she threw the fish basket into the river. When the children saw what she did, they followed her and smashed the crayfish before throwing the fish basket into the river.
When they were done, Lu Jueyu said, "Now, all we have to do is wait for the fish to enter the fish basket."
"Third Aunt, should we wait here?" Li Jingxu asked doubtfully.
Usually when they fish, they need to wait for the fish to bite the bait before they can pull the fish up. If they weren't here guarding the fish basket, wouldn't the fish just run away after eating the bait?
"It's not necessary. Once a fish enters the fish basket, it can't leave." Lu Jueyu said with a smile.
Zhang Dongmei looked at the children with a smile and said, "While we wait for the fish, let's help your Third aunt. Can you help pull out the weeds?"
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