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10.34% Power is Everything || ASOIAF X HxH fic / Chapter 3: Greatness From Small Beginnings

Kapitel 3: Greatness From Small Beginnings

After his exhilarating victory in the fight against Edwyn Frey, Daemon's adrenaline-fueled excitement was quickly replaced by a burning curiosity. He was eager to seek advice and critique from Barristan

With his heart still racing, Daemon set off in search of Barristan. Weaving through the bustling crowd of nobles and attendees, he hoped to find the esteemed knight amid the celebrations. However, his quest for guidance took an unexpected turn when he inadvertently collided with Edmure Tully.

"Watch where you're going, peasant!" Edmure sneered, giving Daemon a disdainful shove.

Daemon steadied himself, narrowing his eyes at the haughty young man. "Apologies, my lord. I was searching for someone." He said with gritted teeth.

"Searching for someone?" Edmure chuckled mockingly. "And who might that be? A fellow street rat, perhaps?"

Ignoring the jibe, Daemon took a deep breath and straightened his posture. "I seek Ser Barristan Selmy, the renowned knight. I wish to discuss my fight and seek his guidance."

Edmure's friend, Marq Piper, chimed in with a laugh. "You? Seeking guidance from a knight? That's amusing!"

"I have trained under Ser Barristan," Daemon asserted, trying to stand his ground despite the laughter around him.

The guards stationed at the entrance to the Dais watched the exchange with raised eyebrows. One of them snickered, "A commoner claiming to have trained with a knight? Tell us another tall tale, boy."

Daemon's frustration was evident in his voice as he replied, "It's not a tall tale. I have indeed been trained by Ser Barristan Selmy. Please, I only wish to speak with him."

The other guard shook his head dismissively. "Save your lies for someone who cares."

With his pride stinging, Daemon realized that reasoning with the guards would be futile. He took a step back, deciding to find another approach.

Undeterred, he turned away from the Dais and sought solace in a quiet corner. Determination burned in his eyes as he contemplated his next move.

"I'll find another way," Daemon muttered to himself, determined not to let this setback hinder his aspirations.

He is snapped out of his thoughts by arms wrapping around him from behind him recognising the auburn curls falling over his shoulders he smiles "It's good to see you Lysa" he says with warmth.

"I'm happy you're okay, for a minute I was worried when I watched the fight," she said in a low voice as she hugged him tightly.

"You should stop hugging me people might see" Daemon says with concern but he feels her shake her head.

"They never notice me, we'll be okay if I'm behind you like this" she whispers as she softly kisses his neck.

"Where is Lyanna?" Daemon asks as he closes his eyes focusing on the softness of her lips.

"She couldn't get away, her family noticed her slipping away," she said with a small giggle.

Daemon puts his hand around hers and smiles "I'm glad you're here, I just ran into your brother he can be a real cock sometimes" you say with exasperation.

Lysa giggles "He can but don't hold it against him, of everyone Father holds him to the highest standard"

Daemon turns around confused at her words "Father needs his heir to be strong, he and uncle won't be around forever so he pushes Edmure a lot harder than anyone else"

She finds herself unconsciously frowning at her own words "Edmure is an average talent, you're catching up to him and you haven't even had a quarter of the time he has had to train"

Daemon looks sheepish at her words "That is mainly due to my new aura ability"

Lysa smiles and nods "Barristan explained it lets you predict a person's movements, it sounds very useful though people will be wary of you now that they know you're a manipulator," she says encouragingly.

Daemon takes her by the hand using 'Suppression' so they both go unnoticed, he pulls her into an empty walkway between the stands "Keep this a secret but I'm not a Manipulator Type but a King Type" he whispers to hers making her eyes go wide.

She grabs onto his hands "That is amazing! They say King Type aura users are rare, the only ones I know about are Prince Rhaegar and Tywin Lannister they're rarely mentioned"

Daemon scrunches his brow at her last words "Why would they be rarely mentioned" he asked

"Because they are so rare though some of the greatest heroes in history are speculated by maesters to be King Types," Lysa says with excitement in her voice.

Daemon shrugs her shoulders "I don't think mine counts as one anywhere it's more of a manipulation ability" he states.

'I trust Lysa but it's better to keep 'Spoils of War' to myself as it's a dangerous ability' he thought to himself.

Lysa then grabbed him by the hand "Do you want to come to watch the next matches with me? I'm sure Lyanna would like to see you as well" she says in an excitable manner.

Daemon chuckles at her excitable attitude a far cry from how she was before "Guards on the upper dais already told me to get lost, so I don't believe I'll be welcomed"

Lysa frowned and squeezed his hand tighter "If they have a problem they can take it up with me, I may not show my face around much but I'm still a Tully" she said with her head held high.

Daemon chuckled and nodded his head, hopefully, he would see Barristan and maybe he could observe his competition "If you believe so my lady" he says emphasising the last words teasingly.

Lysa giggles and rewards him with a punch as they head towards the upper dais, the guards see Daemon approaching and sneer. One looks like he wishes to draw a weapon while the other opens his mouth more than likely about to use a profanity of some kind. However both their eyes widen and they both stand up straight as they see the daughter of their lord walking with him.

"This man is with me, is there a problem" Lysa states sternly

"No! Milady none at all" they both nearly shout out as they step out of the way.

Daemon and Lysa walked passed them and Daemon couldn't help but feel him pressed at how Lysa handled that "I'm surprised you were able to speak to them so bluntly, usually you're not very talkative to others" Daemon then looks down at her and notices she's breathing heavily.

"That was so s-scary! I've never talked like that to anyone" she breathes out and Daemon can't help but laugh.

As they approach the part where her family resided Lyanna noticed them and lit up she noticed Daemon, Brandon who sat next to his sister noticed her excitement due to her shaking her chair and looked her way.

Brandon smiled broadly as he saw Daemon "Daemon! A bloody good fight, glad to see you've kept up the tradition of sending the Freys home after the first round" he said eliciting some laughter from a few surrounding people.

Daemon smiled back "Good to see you My Lord though I'm surprised you're not taking part in the melee"

Brandon chuckles "Aye I would've but Father here believes in keeping your strength a secret until it's time to use it"

Rickard Stark who sat next to Brandon nodded his head "Knowing someone's ability leads to them finding a way around it, best not give them the chance"

Though Rickard does look at Daemon with his usually stern face "It was a good match boy, especially for one so new to using aura, but don't expect the other combatants to be as easy as the Frey"

Daemon bowed his head respectfully "Thank you, my lord"

Hoster Tully who sat near enough to Rickard he heard found his eyes widen, he turned to Daemon "Boy come closer" he asked though it seemed more of a command.

Daemon strode forward with Lysa following behind, Daemon smiled at Lyanna as he walked past but he had to keep himself from getting too familiar as there were other nobles present.

Daemon stands in front of Lord Tully as he inspects him while Lysa slinks off to her seat next to her sister "How long have you trained in aura boy" he asks in a clear voice

"4-5 months my lord" Daemon replies respectfully.

Hoster raises his eyebrows a bit but other than that his face is unreadable "Who helped you develop that aura ability of yours"

"No one my lord" he replies.

Hoster seems dissatisfied with that answer "Do not lie to me, boy! Some people go their entire lives without developing one, and you expect me to believe you managed it in a few months"

Daemon finds himself unsure of what to say as the truth wasn't accepted but luckily for him, he's saved from having to answer "I beg your pardon my lord but I can confirm to you with absolute certainty that no one helped Daemon in developing his aura ability" Barristan Selmy states as he stands behind the Queen who watched the spectacle with interest.

Hoster looked at the knight and considered his words "What makes you so sure Ser Barristan?"

"I've been training the lad for the past few months, though the only help I've given him is in the more advanced aspects of aura, however, I've been aware that he's been developing an ability of his own. Though your daughter would know more than me as she's been the one to make sure he didn't kill himself" Barristan states though adding the last part as a joke.

"I see..." Hoster Tully states as she sits back in his chair, though his face looked neutral his mind was racing at the sheer talent it would take to develop an ability so soon. He would have to think more about Daemon, though he would wait to make a decision based on how he does during the tournament.

Daemon was about to leave and take one of the open outside seats near where the Starks sat however he was stopped in his tracks by a voice "Would you mind joining me Daemon" he heard from his right-hand side. Turning around he can see the Queen who smiles at him gently.

"Of course your grace" Daemon says to Rhaella as he takes a seat next to her that was placed in case she invited anyone.

"Let me look at you," she asks though Daemon couldn't see himself refusing.

As the Queen inspected Daemon so too did he inspect her, she was beautiful almost ethereal looking, her silver hair perfectly reflected the sun and her violet eyes seemed a bit lighter than his own making them almost glow. She also had large breasts that were modestly hidden beneath her thick red gown that had lace and beadwork where her cleavage should be. She bounced Viserys on her knee as she looked at Daemon.

She was amazed by him as well, looking at him closely she found it hard to believe that he was not a Targaryen, she had been to Dragonstone before and had seen the tapestries they hung on the walls. Looking at Daemon was like staring at Aegon the Conqueror or at least the way he was depicted on the tapestries. She even started to believe that perhaps her husband had fathered a bastard which wouldn't be too unbelievable.

"You share a lot of similarities with my family, it is quite amazing even those who have Valyrian heritage don't look half as Targaryen as you do" she states though not in an unkind way.

"I'm afraid I never knew my mother or father so I couldn't tell you of my origins even if I wish to your grace" he says respectfully.

"Please do not be so formal, I wouldn't think of forcing you to give such private information just to satisfy my curiosity," she says with s smile.

Daemon relaxes a bit in his seat "Thank you, your Grace"

For a while, they watched the melee in relative silence Daemon studying the fighting and aura usage of those who fought, though some did not use aura and those fighters were immediately defeated.

"Do you believe you have a chance to win the melee Daemon" Rhaella asks suddenly snapping Daemon out of his observation.

Daemon looks at the Queen and shakes his head "I am hopeful and will fight until I fall to the floor, however as I've come to understand in this world sometimes the gap is too wide" he states getting a slow nod from her.

"What do you believe Ser Barristan," she asks with a smile as she looks back at the knight.

Barristan clears his throat "The lad has a decent chance, his aura ability will give him an advantage against those faster and stronger than he is, but if I had to be honest I think Richard Lonmouth may take this melee"

Rhaella scrunches her eyebrows "I've heard of that name before though I'm not sure where" she says while tapping her chin.

"He's being considered to be your son's squire now that he has been knighted. he's talented and works hard though he's a late bloomer only having had his aura unlocked for a few years" Barristan explains getting a look of understanding from Rhaella.

"Do you know how your next opponent is Daemon" Rhaella asks

Daemon nods his head "A knight I believe your grace, Ser Amory Lorch" he tells them, though at the mention of his name Barristan grimaces.

"Be careful with him lad, he's a rather foul man who's more of a common thug than a knight, if you'll pardon my language your grace" Barristan states with a bow of respect.

"No no, not at all Ser Barristan, by all means" she says with a smile that Daemon can't help but stare at.

"Be prepared for all manner of tricks lad, he's known for not fighting fairly" Barristan continues, though his explanation is cut short by the announcement of the next fight.

A small thin boy with short brown hair and a sharp face, he had a look of determination in his eyes as he stepped onto the platform "I didn't think the boy would have the stomach to enter the melee" Hoster said with a small chuckle.

Rhaella turns to her host "Do you know who the boy is Lord Tully" she asks getting a nod in return.

"The boy is my ward, Petyr Baelish, he's been away for a while as I refused my eldest daughter's hand in marriage when I started considering betrothals. He is rather weak and untalented so he begged my brother to let him train under him, been a year since so I'm interested to see if he's grown at all" Hoster says as he observes the fight with interest.

The person he is fighting surprises Daemon, it's Marq Piper, Edmures clings on. Now that he thought about it, it made sense that Edmure would be in the melee, he's the heir and an aura user and arrogant. The announcer starts to the right and both of them flare their aura, it's easy to see what Lord Tully meant when he said Petyr wasn't talented, his 'Enhance' was small an indication of the amount of aura he had access to, in fact, it looked similar to the amount Daemon had when he met Lyanna.

Marq Piper on the other hand wasn't any more impressive, he looked to be an average talent though you could see his control over his aura was rough, he had not put in the hard work to become great. Though based on their auras alone Marq looked to be the one who would win.

Lysa had left her chair without anyone noticing and came over to Daemon, though Barristan and her father noticed they chose not to say anything, she sat down next to him and had a sad look on her face. Daemon leaned over and whispered to her "Is everything okay?" He asked and she sighed and nodded.

"Before you came here Petyr was my only friend, I used to believe I loved him and that he loved me but I was wrong" Lysa said solemnly.

"What happened?" Daemon asked as he held onto the sleeve of her dress to not be caught holding her hand in public.


"RAHHHHHHHHHHH" a young boy shouted as he threw a table across the room, his aura activated. There wasn't much aura surrounding him but even a small amount of aura can put someone on the levels of the strongest men.

Lysa knocked softly on the door but she only continued hearing the crashing of objects and screaming. She let herself in to see that Petyr was punching the castle wall small cracks forming into it "Petyr! What's wrong!? Please stop it you'll hurt yourself!" She says in a panic as she runs to the short boy barely a few inches taller than herself.

Petyr whose face looked to be streaming with tears leaned against the wall laughing helplessly "Your sister is going to be betrothed, it hasn't been decided who but looks to be some northern savage" he simply states to her.

Lysa didn't understand why this was such bad news "That is good news, no wonder Cat was so dreamy today, this is what she has always wanted"

Petyr snorted at her words "Yeah... amazing news" he says in a sarcastic voice.

Lysa's heart started beating fast 'Perhaps if Father is entertaining betrothals for Cat he'd allow us to get betrothed'

Petyr's aura dissipated as he could no longer maintain it and he breathed heavily sweating "I tried to ask for the betrothal... but Lord Tully laughed, he said what she would I have for such a weak boy!" He said shouting the last part as he punched the wall.

Lysa felt herself panic, she now understood why he was so angry and she was angry as well "Maybe if we go to him together Petyr he'll take us more seriously and allow you to marry me"

Petyr looked confused for a second as he looked at her "You?... oh I had forgotten about your interest in me, something I only feigned in return" he said simply as if the words were used in casual conversation.

"It's never been you... it's always been Cat she's always been the one, she's beautiful and intelligent and gracious. How could I ever have any interest in you while your sister is there?" Petyr said with a humourless laugh.

Lysa felt her heart shatter as she shrunk into herself defaulting to how she always was in front of the boy she thought loved her, tears fell from her face hitting the stone floor as she rubbed her hands together in an aggressive manner "I-I-I t-thought you l-loved me" she stuttered out as she struggles to maintain her composure.

Petyr laughs though the laugh has no substance, it's empty "I can't stand you... I befriended you as I wanted to get close to Cat every time we spent alone was hell, taking me to that stupid pool telling me you bathed like a savage and expecting me to climb outside onto the roof of the tower and risk my life. Cat is a real woman who'd never do such things" he continued, the only reason Petyr was being so harsh at the moment was because he'd had a bit to drink and he knew she'd never tell anyone.

He pushes himself off the wall "Every moment we spent together I'd imagine you were your sister, when I eventually took your Maidenhead I would've turned you around and taken you from behind and imagine you were Cat"

It was then it became too much to bare and Lysa ran out of his room tears freely falling. She spent most of the night crying and the rest of the day she spent in her room. She didn't talk to anyone and didn't try to befriend anyone, the only person she talked to was her sister whom she'd listen to gush about getting betrothed. It became a relief when she heard Petyr was leaving for a while to train under her uncle.

(Flashback End)

Lysa finishes recounting the story and notices that Daemon's hands have cracked the wood of his seat even without his aura activated, she looks up and sees his eyes a crimson red instead of their usual deep purple, he staring at the ring where the two participants are. She grabs his hand subtly and he snaps out of blinking once again and his eyes returning to their normal colour.

"I apologise Lysa... I seemed to have lost myself for a moment" he whispered apologetically.

Daemon looks down at her their eyes meeting "Petyr Baelish is a fool to not see what he had was much greater than what he wanted. Though while this angers me more than I've ever felt I can't help but feel relief that these events led to our meeting" he whispered with a smile.

Lysa had to wipe her eyes though this time it was due to the joy she felt at meeting Daemon, he showed her he cared every day they spent together in complete contrast to when she would be the only one to try and make Petyr happy "I'm glad we met..." she whispers back to him, very tempted to reach up and kiss him.

Daemon smiles and leans back in his seat, in the corner of his eye he notices Rhaella looking over with a small smile on her face though she doesn't say anything. Facing the match he sees the fight about to start.

He sees Petyr go up to Marq and offer his hand which Marq takes as it would be poor form to not take his hand in front of all these nobles, especially the queen. They go back to their ends of the platform and the fight starts.

They both charge at each other though it's clear that Marq is faster almost immediately as he punches at Petyr who had to cross his arms together. Still, he doesn't use 'Flow' which makes Daemon believe he doesn't know any of the advanced techniques.

'What did he spend all that time doing if he can't use any advanced techniques' Daemon thought to himself.

The punch connects and Petyr is pushed back landing on the floor with a yelp, he sits on his knees and starts talking to Marq though Daemon can't hear what they're saying. Daemon narrows his eyes and focuses on the two conversing, he can barely make out the form of Petyr who seems to be crying. Marq stands there dumbly before he goes to help Petyr who smiles in thanks and they both back away a bit before flaring their auras once more.

This bout seems to be a lot less one-sided as Marq seems slower than before allowing Petyr who was still talking easily avoid his punches and even catch a punch aimed at his face.

'This can't be a coincidence... it must be an ability' Daemon thought to himself but what kind of ability it was he couldn't tell.

Petyr then manages to knock down Marq who hits the floor hard, he walks over to him and gives him his hand to help him up which Marq takes. When they clash again Marq is completely disadvantaged not even able to get close to Petyr who finally knocks him out.

The most curious thing Daemon found was that his aura hadn't increased the entire match it was Marq whose aura decreased eventually allowing Petyr to overtake him. He seemed to be a dangerous opponent that Daemon would take seriously, he was planning to beat him into a bloody mess regardless.

The match is called in Petyr's favour and they both leave the arena to make way for the next participants "It seems the boy did pretty well Lord Tully, perhaps he wouldn't be such a bad match" Rhaella commented getting a small laugh from the man.

"No disrespect intended your grave but he hasn't grown any stronger at all merely smarter" he replies to her making the Queen frown as she gave it some thought.

Daemon decided that it was time to take his leave, he should try to train a little in preparation for tomorrow "Your grace, My lords I hope you'll excuse me but I do need to prepare for tomorrow's fight" he says with a bow.

Rhaella smiles at him "Of course Daemon, please do not let us keep you" she says kindly, he smiles back and takes his leave going into the woods behind the arena to meditate.


Daemon was sleeping in his room that was provided to him in the servant's quarter when he feels someone enter his room, this was something Barristan had knocked into him when they trained however being a hunter for most of his life he found it came to him naturally. Even while asleep he'd always be aware of his surroundings unless that person was especially gifted in stealth.

He waited until the person got closer to his bed before he flared his aura grabbing onto the person's hand and switching their positions so Daemon was standing and his assailant was on the bed "Bloody hell Daemon what was that for!" A voice he recognised as Lyanna shouted as she rubbed her head from where she hit it on his bed.

"You snuck into my room, you could've been anyone" Daemkn reasons as he smiles sheepishly and scratches the back of his head.

Lyanna rolls her eyes "I didn't realise you were so important that assassins would be sent after you" she says sarcastically as she crosses her legs on his bed.

'If only she knew' Daemon thought to himself.

"Why have you come here so late anyway, rather unladylike of you," Daemon says humorously as he takes a seat next to him.

Lyanna snorts and pushes him "I didn't get to see you earlier... I wanted to congratulate you on your fight, though I've I'm honest I could've beaten that Frey easily"

Daemon smiles "I'm sure you could, no one can beat the wild she-wolf of Winterfell," he says with exaggeration getting a laugh out of her.

For a while they sit there comfortably, Lyanna is dressed in a white nightgown that reaches her feet, it is rather modest though her budding breasts can be seen pushing against the material. He looks at her face, most days she tied her hair back as if it would interfere with her training which was a shame because, with her hair down now, she looked beautiful, her long wavy brown hair cascaded down her back and framed her face. He then realised that she was also looking at him and he must've been acting weird just staring at her.

"Why did you come Lyanna..." he asks gently wanting to get down to the reason for her visit.

He can see her start to fidget with her hands as she can't meet his eyes "I wanted to see you... since we arrived in Riverrun we've hardly spent time together" Daemon nods his head, indeed, they had rarely spent time together but he didn't want to get in the way of her duties so he kept a distance and let her come to him when she could.

"I'm sorry we couldn't see each other more, you're always welcome to visit me, though maybe not so late" he says with a smile.

Lyanna pushes Daemon down on his bed using a tiny bit of aura in her palms before climbing on top of him "Lyanna?" Though any more words are cut off as her lips connect with his own. It was a completely new sensation for Daemon, her lips were soft like Lysa's but while she was slow and gentle Lyanna was rough and assertive.

She grabbed onto his face deepening the kiss her tongue going wild in his mouth fighting for dominance with his own. Finally, Daemon snaps himself out of the lustful haze he found himself in and pushed her back a bit "Lyanna I'm sorry I can't I'm already-"

"With Lysa I know... she knows I've come here, I told her and she's fine with it" Lyanna states much to Daemon's shock.

Lyanna can't help but giggle at Daemon's dumbfounded look "I saw you two in that secret pool of yours one day... it made me realise how I felt and kick myself that I never told you sooner, but Lysa was sweet and understanding she said she wouldn't mind sharing you as she knew you wouldn't abandon her" Lyanna explained.

Daemon won't lie that he felt something for Lyanna, that much wasn't unexpected without the close they had gotten when they trained together but he didn't know if she felt the same way, so he kept quiet.

While he was still in his thoughts Lyanna was on top of him growing impatient, eventually, she grabs his face "Now that's out of the way can we go back to what we were doing?" She asks sternly getting a small nod from Daemon.


It was time for Daemon's second fight, this time he'd be up against a knight or at least someone who was anointed as one as Barristan liked to comment on how Amory Lorch wasn't any more a knight than those bandits who attempted to kidnap Lyanna. However he was still from a family of landed Knights in the Westerlands and was over double Daemons age, it would be a difficult fight, one that he will most likely lose.

Daemon headed towards the arena stepping onto the raised platform before him was an ugly potbellied man with a smirk that showed his yellowing teeth, his hair looked greasy and sweat already poured down his face 'Maybe I was too worried' Daemon thought to himself as he got ready for the fight to start. He could see Lysa and Lyanna in the stands who gave him smiles of encouragement.

The fight was announced and they both flared their Auras, Daemon once again found himself surprised at how average it was, it was around the same size as his own though his would probably have been smaller if he hadn't of used 'Spoils of War' yesterday.

"I hope you're ready boy... pretty things like you are never the same after they've been for a round with me" He says in a disgusting gravelly voice as he laughed at his own joke.

As Daemon charged at Amory Lorch, his aura flared around him. He swung his fist with all his might, aiming straight for Amory's face, expecting it to connect solidly. To his surprise, Amory made no move to defend himself, allowing the punch to land squarely on his face. Blood splattered from his mouth, but instead of looking hurt, he grinned menacingly.

Undeterred by the lack of response, Daemon pressed on, launching another punch at Amory's chest. This time, he activated his ability, 'Aura Tether,' channelling his aura into the strike. He continued his assault on Amory but it seemed to have no effect, he seemed to revel in the pain.

Amory taunted Daemon, his smile growing wider despite the bloodied mess on his face. "Come on, boy! Show me what you've got!"

Determined to end the fight, Daemon threw a flurry of punches at Amory, his strikes fast and relentless. But amid his assault when he went for the finishing blow he momentarily dropped his guard, and in that split second, Amory took advantage. With a sudden, powerful punch to Daemon's side, he delivered a blow that wouldn't cause much damage but instead sent waves of pain through his body.

As the pain surged through Daemon's body, he felt a mixture of frustration and anger at Amory's ruthless tactics. The malicious smile on Amory's face looked vicious as his aura grew slightly and it's colour tinted red.

Amory then charged once more, Daemon's instincts kicked in, and he guarded himself against what he thought would be another punch. However, his ability, 'Aura Tether,' gave him a momentary glimpse of Amory's intentions, warning him of the impending feint. Reacting quickly, he shifted his guard to protect his lower body, successfully blocking a kick aimed at his legs.

But the feint didn't end there. In a swift motion, Amory's elbow connected with Daemon's head, sending a jolt of pain through his skull. The impact left him dazed and disoriented, struggling to regain his bearings.

Amory didn't let up, seizing the opportunity to grab Daemon's arm and gripping it with a vice-like hold, targeting the muscle in his tricep. The excruciating pain shot through Daemon's arm, and he clenched his teeth to suppress the screams threatening to escape.

Despite the agony, Daemon refused to surrender. His aura flared, and he mustered all the strength he could, launching himself at Amory with both feet in a powerful kick. The force of the kick sent Amory stumbling back, giving Daemon a brief respite to assess the damage.

Examining his arm, he saw the evidence of Amory's vicious attack – five holes where his fingers had penetrated his muscle. In the stands, Lysa rubbed her hands almost to the point of bleeding while Lyanna looked a few seconds away from jumping into the arena herself. Most surprising however was the queen who looked worried as well.

Amory stood there laughing as his aura grew even more to the point Daemon noticed the change in its size and colour. As the fight between Daemon and Amory ensued, the air crackled with tension, and the clash of their auras intensified the atmosphere around them. Amory's aura, tainted with a crimson hue, surged with every punch he threw as if it was feeding on the pain he inflicted.

Amory charged forward, his first punch aimed straight at Daemon's face. Reacting swiftly, Daemon ducked under the blow, his aura flaring defensively. He countered with a quick jab to Amory's ribs, but the man seemed unaffected, his sadistic grin only widening.

Undeterred, Amory pressed on, launching a barrage of punches in rapid succession. Daemon's nimble footwork allowed him to evade most of the strikes, but a few landed with force, eliciting grunts of pain. The impact of each punch seemed to invigorate Amory, his aura growing stronger with every hit.

Daemon tried to find an opening to exploit, but Amory fought dirty, targeting vulnerable areas without mercy. He aimed for Daemon's stomach, ribs, and limbs, inflicting pain the most pain he could with every blow, while Daemon struggled to keep his defences intact.

In a moment of opportunity, Daemon managed to block one of Amory's punches and countered with a powerful uppercut to his jaw. To his surprise, Amory only seemed to revel in the pain, his twisted pleasure evident in his eyes.

Their dance of violence continued with each punch and dodge a calculated move in their deadly game. Daemon's mind raced as he tried to anticipate Amory's attacks, but the man fought with an unpredictable ferocity.

Amory's aura continued to intensify, its red tint growing more pronounced with each passing moment. Daemon could sense the danger, and he knew he had to end the fight quickly before Amory's aura became unstoppable.

With renewed determination, Daemon focused on offence, using his aura to bolster his strikes. He launched a series of precise punches, aiming for Amory's weaker spots. His blows found their mark, causing Amory to wince, but the man remained relentless.

In a moment of desperation, Daemon noticed a slight opening in Amory's defences. He feinted to one side, luring Amory into a false sense of security, then swiftly shifted and landed a powerful punch to his abdomen.

The blow caught Amory off guard, and for a moment, his aura wavered. Seizing the opportunity, Daemon followed up with a swift kick to his side, causing Amory to stumble backwards.

As Amory's aura grew slightly smaller, Daemon sensed a change in the atmosphere, but he had little time to analyze it as the man charged at him with even more ferocity than before. The savage intent in Amory's eyes was evident as he clawed at Daemon, enhancing his fingernails to create deep cuts that traced agonizing paths across his arms and chest.

Daemon gritted his teeth, determined to withstand the pain and continue the fight. He focused on his aura ability, trying to evade Amory's onslaught of savage attacks. Each strike seemed to fuel Amory's twisted pleasure, evident in the sadistic grin that played on his lips.

Amory's aura tinted itself red once more, signifying the growing intensity of his power. But Daemon had no time to dwell on this as he dodged another vicious swipe from Amory's enhanced nails. His mind raced, searching for a way to turn the tide of the fight.

In a moment of desperation, Daemon summoned all his strength and launched a powerful punch at Amory's chest. The blow connected, causing Amory to stagger back slightly, his aura seemed to shrink a little once again.

As the fight continued, Daemon felt his aura waver slightly under the onslaught of Amory's relentless attacks. His muscles screamed with fatigue, and his vision blurred with the pain coursing through his body. Yet, he refused to give in, drawing on every ounce of willpower to stay on his feet.

Amory's strikes became more erratic, fueled by his bloodlust and desire to inflict as much pain as possible. He clawed at Daemon, leaving deep gashes that stung with searing intensity. Daemon's defences were weakening, but he refused to let Amory's brutality overcome him.

With a burst of determination, Daemon mustered his remaining strength and launched a swift kick at Amory's leg. The blow connected with a satisfying thud, causing Amory to stumble back for a moment. It was a small victory, but it gave Daemon a brief respite from the relentless onslaught.

Amory's aura continued to grow subtly with each strike, feeding off the pain he inflicted on Daemon. Yet, he fought on, his mind focused on survival and finding a way to gain the upper hand.

Amid the chaotic battle, Daemon glimpsed a momentary lapse in Amory's guard. Seizing the opportunity, he summoned the last of his strength and delivered a powerful punch straight at Amory's jaw. The impact was jarring, and for a split second, Amory's aura seemed to waver and shrink once again.

Daemon stood there breathing heavily he had been forced to use 'Fortify' an advanced aura technique to defend against Amory's onslaught, however, it had taken its toll and he could feel exhaustion creeping up on him however he still stood there with a smirk, he had finally figured out what was going on and felt stupid it had taken so long "You have a strong ability Ser, though I wouldn't say it was suited to a knight"

Amory smiles maliciously "So you figured it out, won't change anything at all" he states as he flared his slightly tinted aura. Amory's Aura ability was 'Bloodlust' the more pain he caused his opponent the more his aura grew, though only temporarily. However, any pain that he feels will reduce the amount of aura he has even going below his initial levels, however this is permanent. Amory as a natural masochist and sadist found this ability suited him perfectly.

With a deep breath, Daemon steeled himself to face Amory once more. He had a plan but it was risky, but he knew it was his best chance to defeat the sadistic opponent before him. He flared his aura, summoning every ounce of power he had, and charged at Amory with determination in his eyes.

As the two clashed again, Daemon found it challenging to maintain his 'Fortify' ability, his weakened state hindering his ability to concentrate fully. His punches were considerably weaker than before, and Amory took advantage of the opportunity, striking Daemon's ribs with a brutal force that left him gasping for breath.

Daemon jumped back, trying to steady himself despite the pain coursing through his body. He glanced at Amory's aura, which had grown even more intense, fueled by the pain he had inflicted on Daemon. It was a dangerous situation, and Daemon knew he had to act quickly.

Making a daring decision, Daemon shifted from 'Fortify' to a simple 'Shroud' defence, leaving his body with little protection. The aura users in the audience recognized the risk he was taking, and their apprehension was palpable.

With his aura now focused primarily in his fist, Daemon charged at Amory once more, a glint of determination in his eyes. He saw Amory's smirk as he activated his own 'Fortify' to defend against Daemon's punch.

Unleashing his trump card, Daemon activated his ability 'Last Chance,' channelling his aura through 'Aura Tether' into Amory's body to create a spot devoid of aura. It was a powerful technique, capable of taking an opponent out with a single strike, but it also carried immense risk. If Daemon missed his hit then his aura nodes would shut and he would be forced into a state of 'Suppression' hence the name 'Last Chance' as when he uses this ability he won't get another.

Daemon's fist connected with Amory's body, causing Amory's eyes to widen in shock as he felt the most horrendous pain hitting his body, with a powerful surge of force, Amory was launched from the arena, smashing through a wooden wall and disappearing from view.

The crowd erupted into gasps and cheers, witnessing Daemon's daring move and the decisive victory that followed. With his heart still racing and his body aching from the fight, Daemon stood victorious.

Daemon held his hand up and smiled, he could feel 'Spoils of War' activate and felt a rush of aura enter into his body, though it was too much when combined with his injured body and he fell to the floor unconscious.


As Daemon slowly rose from the bed, feeling a bit shaky from the ordeal of the fight, he looked up to see an old man reading nearby. The maester smiled warmly as he greeted Daemon, acknowledging the fierce battle he had just endured.

"Good to see you awake, lad," the maester said. "You took a lot of damage in that fight, though it was quite a spectacle."

Daemon nodded, the memories of the intense battle still fresh in his mind. "How long have I been sleeping?" he asked, curious about the passage of time.

The maester replied, "The whole day, it's evening now. You needed the rest after such an arduous fight."

Daemon's mind raced as he tried to comprehend how much time had passed. Though it could've been worse he supposed. He was grateful for the healing power of his aura, 'Suppression,' which had undoubtedly played a role in his recovery.

Feeling a bit unsteady on his feet, Daemon thanked the maester for his care and attention. "Your aura should heal you rather quickly if you maintain 'Suppression,'" the maester advised, offering a glimmer of reassurance. "Though you should go down to the Great Hall and get some supper."

Daemon nodded in understanding, realizing that nourishment would help him regain his strength. He appreciated the maester's advice and guidance. "Thank you," he said with genuine gratitude, mustering a smile despite the lingering soreness in his body.

Daemon decided to take a detour first heading to his room to get a fresh tunic as his own was covered in rips and blood. After doing so and washing his face with some water that he had in a bowl he headed towards the Great Hall and it looked as if the celebrations had already begun as music was playing and people were cheering. Daemon decided to be inconspicuous and join the servant's table though he soon found that impossible as they recognised him immediately.

Apparently, when you win a fight in such a way that you launch your opponent off the stage you enter into the realms of legend where small folk are concerned as they mostly do not know of aura. For them, it looked like the handsome hero triumphing in a final attack against the evil knight. So as soon as he entered the Great Hall he had numerous people clapping him on the shoulder and shaking his hand, it also helped that he was a bastard, he was one of them and he managed to beat a knight, people who the small folk see as invincible.

He was ushered over to a table and sat down, good and drinks were placed in front of them which he thanked them for. Though before he started eating he was approached by Ser Barristan who had a smile on his face "Well done on your victory lad, I've got to admit your final attack will be something I remember for the rest of my life"

"And I saw King Aerys fight in the war of the Ninepenny kings," he said jokingly as he clapped his shoulder.

"Though the queen has requested that you join them at their table to eat" he says once more becoming serious as he had a duty to fulfil, Daemon nods his head and stands up following the Knight to the upper table.

Lyanna looks like she's about to pounce out of her seat when she sees Daemon and Lysa is no better, the relief they felt when they saw he was okay was unimaginable Daemon stands in front of the Queen and Lord Tully "Your Grace, My Lord" he says respectfully as he bows.

Rhaella smiles at him "You truly had a splendid fight today, I imagine the small folk will be talking about it for weeks to come"

Hoster nods his head in agreement "Indeed, I believed you defeated towards the end. To think you were able to defeat Amory Lorch, while he isn't a shining example of a Knight he is a skilled aura user"

Daemon smiles at their praise but then faces Lord Tully "He was strong, however, I believe his overreliance on his aura ability stifled his growth and led him to neglect training the basics"

Barristan who is now standing behind Rhaella nods his head in agreement while Hoster raises an eyebrow "An astute observation for one so green, I'd be glad to have you join us at our table tonight, take a seat beside Lysa" he tells him getting a nod from Daemon in return.

Daemon does find it strange he would direct him to sit next to his daughter but doesn't think much of it, he is just glad that he can sit next to Lysa. As he sits down next to her she immediately grabs his hand under the table "I'm glad you're okay, I was so scared, especially when he only seemed to want to cause you pain" she whispers to him though Daemon squeezes her hand comfortingly.

"It was part of his ability, though don't worry any longer I am perfectly okay, most of his hits were to maximise pain so they didn't leave many deep wounds" he says with a smile that looks as if it lifts a weight off her shoulder.

"You were incredible though... I've never seen anything so amazing before" she says her voice full of awe as she looks into his eyes.

"You've always been my hero saving me from being alone... now everyone else can see it too," She says with a broad smile that makes Daemon's heart flutter.

He grips her hand tightly wishing he could kiss her half tempted to, damning whatever consequences. But he remained composed deciding to be patient and wait till they could be alone.

Daemon enjoyed his food and drink, having a casual conversation with Lysa who was kind enough to find out his next opponent "Edmure won his fight today so you'll be up against him, I love my brother but I don't think he'll stand much of a chance against you" She says with an awkward smile.

"I know he would've been beaten by Amory Lorch for certain so I think you'll have a good chance" she continues.

"Petyr Baelish will be fighting against Richard Lonmouth tomorrow and the winner of their bout will fight you in the final fight if you beat Edmure" Lysa stars making Daemon think.

Richard was supposedly the strongest person in the melee so there was a definite chance he'd have to face him.

"I hope I can at least put up a good fight, if what they say about him being the strongest in the melee is true then it'll be a tough fight" Daemon says but he can already feel the excitement of such a challenge thrumming inside him.

Daemon takes his leave after finishing his food and heads towards his room to get an early night, his body and wounds still ached. He hoped he would be relatively healed by tomorrow for his fight. He took off his tunic and breeches keeping his small clothes on as he lay in bed and very quickly drifted off.

Though he's awoken once again by an intruder entering his room and approaching his bed, he opens his eyes deciding not to immediately attack and sees that Lyanna is there with Lysa in tow. Daemon had to smile at the fact that he didn't even sense Lysa enter the room 'She really is a genius' he thought to himself as he went to sit up.

However he was pushed back down by Lyanna putting a hand on his chest, she then climbs onto him with a small blush on her face, she then looks towards the door and Daemon follows her gaze seeing that Lysa was locking the door. Lyanna moved over onto his right side hugging into him while Lysa climbed on and clung to his left.

Daemon felt his groin stirring as he could feel the heat of their bodies through the thin nightgown material they both wore. Swallowing Daemon looked at Lyanna the obvious instigator of this plan "W-What are you doing Lyanna" he said nervously as she smirked at him with a wolfish grin.

"What does it look like... we're taking care of you" she says slowly as she starts to kiss his neck her hands start to trail around his body feeling his muscles along his chest and stomach. Lysa begins to kiss him as well though she starts with his mouth, her tongue gently intertwining with his own making her moan slightly. Seeing the heads of brown and auburn hair on either side of him made Daemon feel like a king, even more so when Lysa trailed down his body kissing and licking his nipples.

The moan that she got from him encouraged Lysa to go further as she started sucking on them. Lyanna not wanting to be left out started doing the same on his right one, eventually, they both noticed the large tent in his small clothes and after the girls made eye contact with each other for a bit they went down. Pulling his small clothes down his cock sprang out, he was rather large for someone who was only 13 name days standing at a bit over 7 inches.

Lyanna who was always one to dive headlong into things gripped his cock and marvelled at the warmth and hardness of it, she could feel it pulsing underneath her hands. Lysa not wanting to be left out also gripped it forcing Lyanna to move her hand down to make space for her. They both gripped his cock firming sending ripples of pleasure throughout his body, he was not one to pleasure himself often as he was often at times too busy or too exhausted, so the feelings of pleasure he felt from someone else doing it felt unreal.

They both started moving their hands rubbing it and eventually, they fell into a pattern where they could both do it if they moved their hands at the same time. Daemon groaned at the pleasure as he put his arm around the girls dragging them closer to him and grabbing their backsides. They both let out cute squeaks but do nothing to stop him.

Feeling his lust cloud his mind he lifted their nightgowns and touched their bare skin as they continued to pump his cock with their hands. Lyanna's behind was larger than Lysa's, it was big and muscled from hard training. He was rough with it squeezing and pulling at it much to Lyanna's delight. Lysa however was smaller and softer his hands sinking into her smooth skin he was a bit more gentle with her but still firm. He then reached between their legs feeling the soft hairs surrounding their cunts.

He rubbed around the slit much to the girl's approval as they moaned into his chest, their hands still rubbing his cock. After a bit of rubbing Daemon carefully slips his finger inside them getting a louder moan, Lyanna even bites his chest as she shakes. He carefully pushes his finger in and out of them much to their delight, their moans only helped to increase their pleasure as he started to reach his end.

He wanted them to enjoy it as well so he started going faster and he could feel them both start to tense up at the same time that he started spurting seed from his cock he hadn't had a release for close to four weeks so he was incredibly backed up and that showed as he drenched their hands and his stomach. They had both managed to finish as well as Daemon felt their cunts squeeze down on his finger.

He lay there completely satisfied as both girls lay there on him, Lysa brought her hand to her face and tried his seed she stopped for a second before licking the rest of it off of her hand. Lyanna however wasn't as big of a fan she thought it tasted normal if a bit salty. Lysa after cleaning her hand trailed her tongue down Daemon's body cleaning all of the mess and drinking it even licking up his cock and sucking on the head of it.

The unexpected sensation of her mouth around his cock almost made Daemon spurt his seed again as he moaned a lot louder than he had before. Lysa who noticed kept on sucking on it, he felt his hands automatically fist her hair as he pushed down slightly. Lysa allowed this as she took him deeper into her mouth her tongue swirling around his cock. Lyanna watched in amazement as Daemon's face contorted in pleasure, this was a completely different level of pleasure than before and Lyanna found herself wanting to do it to him.

However, she wouldn't get the chance as Daemon started shooting his seed into Lysa's mouth almost choking her, though she swallows it all enthusiastically before pulling her mouth off of his cock and leaning on his chest a smile on her face "Gods I don't deserve you girls" he said to them.

"Then you better work hard to keep us" Lyanna said she looks up from his chest. Eventually, they all drift asleep together in each other's arms, something they wished they could always do. Though when Daemon woke up the next day they were both gone.


To say Daemon felt bad would be an understatement, with the aura he'd gotten from Amory he has gotten a bit stronger and he had very easily beaten Edmure. He tried his hardest even going for a last-ditch effort and tried to launch a bubble of Aura that he transmuted into water at Daemon, however, it was easy to dodge and Daemon continued soundly beating him.

He didn't use his aura abilities on him, he was Lysa's brother so stealing his aura felt a bit wrong. It was over very quickly as well, the part he felt guilty over was watching the look of despair on his face when he saw that his father had left and wasn't watching his match anymore. He hadn't seen Edmure after that match though even though he didn't like him he didn't deserve that kind of treatment.

Right now he was sitting by Rhaella in complete disbelief as he watched the match between Petyr Baelish and Richard Lonmouth. Petyr had started the match as he always did by shaking his hand, every time he got knocked down he was helped up he Richard and each time Petyr seemed to gain the upper hand. Daemon didn't know what to make of it.

He looked towards Barristan "Ser Barristan do you know what is happening here" and the man nods his head, Rhaella looks towards him as well as she is interested.

"I won't reveal everything but I think it's safe to say Richard won't be winning this match" he says solemnly

"Richard has a unique ability called 'Noble Vow' which makes his aura stronger if he embodies the ideals of a true knight. This limitation makes Petyr Baelish his worst opponent imaginable, though I won't reveal any more as to keep the competition fair" he states.

Daemon raised his eyebrows as he saw Petyr finish off Richard by kicking him off the stage. It looked like he would be facing Petyr in the finals, while his aura is unimpressive he must have an aura ability of some kind that allows him to bridge the gap.

After the jousts Daemon heads to his room early as he tries to think about what Petyr's ability might be, he knows it can't be anything related to draining someone's aura as his aura doesn't change. If he was draining someone's aura then he should at least have access to more of it making him stronger and faster.

But he doesn't, instead, it seems as if his opponent is the one who gets slower rather than the other way around. He can't seem to make any progress in figuring it out so he just decides to meditate and then go to sleep.


Petyr Baelish felt good about his life at the moment, for a long time he cursed that he and spat at the gods for making him so untalented in aura. But he was thankful now because he realised that instead, they had blessed him with a gifted mind. While he trained under the Black Fish he realised very quickly he'd never be able to master all the advanced aspects of aura, so instead he decided to start working on an aura ability.

After a water divination test, he found that he was a manipulator which suited him just fine, he spent over a year developing his ability and it worked magnificently. To start with anyway, he'd improve this until he became the strongest person in Westeros and it all started with this tournament. He'd win and once again ask for Catelyns hand, she was too perfect to be given to the savages of the north.

His ability 'Trustworthy Friend' was rather simple, it increased artificially increased the affection that someone felt for him. By doing this he's able to subtly influence them, he's been using this to suggest that they lower their aura output making it all too easy to beat them. He activates this by shaking their hand, however, the first handshake doesn't do much but he found that it will stop someone from trying to instantly knock him out. Each subsequent handshake will increase his control, however, it's only temporary and he can only subtly influence them. He planned to make this ability much more powerful where he could befriend the most powerful people in Westeros and have them at his beck and call.

Now he just had to beat the upstart bastard, he'd been following him at a distance for a while and noticed he seemed to have taken his place with Lysa which caused him to laugh. He could have her he wouldn't settle for second best, though it would be easy to use her to get to him in the match. He would win it was almost guaranteed.


The match had finally come and Daemon stood in front of Petyr Baelish who had a pleasant smile on his face, the crowd was cheering as this was the last event to take place in the tournament with the joust concluding just before their match.

Daemon decided he'd end this as quickly as possible, not messing around with a dangerous and unknown ability, he'd rush him and knock him out of the arena. Petyr approached Daemon who stood there with his guard up.

"Daemon is it? I just wanted to wish you luck in the fight... I know you must not like me due to my past with Lysa but rest assured I plan to apologise, my heart was broken at the time a poor excuse I know but it lead to words I didn't mean coming out" Petyr explains with apparent sorrow as he holds out his hand for him to shake it.

Daemon can't refuse, it would be dishonourable to not shake his hand in front of everyone and make him seem like a villain. Daemon shakes his hand and they both go to their ends of the arena.

'Maybe I should give him a chance, the crowd wants a good show so I'll let him stay in the fight for a bit' Daemon found himself thinking.

The fight was announced and Daemon flared his aura it had grown rather impressively through the use of his ability growing an extra three inches in size, Baelish's by comparison was poor. Even when he first started training he didn't have such a poor aura. He snaps out of his thoughts when he sees Baelish charge at him and throws a punch, he easily dodges and punches him in the chest connecting 'Aura Tether' and throwing him to the ground as he yells in pain.

He struggles to his knees with blood coming out of his mouth and Daemon can't help but feel a bit bad.

"It's hard you know... realising that you can't get the woman you love because you're weak... I tried so hard to get stronger but it seems my frail body is forever cursed" he breathes out heavily.

"But this is not your concern... come let's fight and don't feel guilty if you beat me," Petyr says with a smile as he holds his hand up. One that Daemon finds himself automatically taking and helping him up.

Richard Lonmouth and Daemon Rivers were both earnest and believed in people, which made them prime targets for Petyr Baelish's ability who thrives on such qualities.

After helping him up he jumps back a bit giving Petyr some space to flare his aura again 'I think I should hold back a bit, he deserves a chance to stay in the fight' Daemon thinks to himself as he lowers his aura to a similar level to Petyr and charges.

The fight is a lot more even this time as Petyr's punches are faster, Daemon dodges and catches them however since his ability gave him a sort of early warning as to what he was going to do, something that Daemon only got better at predicting as he used it. Daemon knocked Petyr down once again and he slammed his head hard causing a cut to appear above his eye which made Daemon feel guilty.

Daemon went to Petyr and helped him up once again their hands connecting 'I can't believe I'm doing this to my friend, I should be giving him a chance to win, he's doing this for love and he'd do the same for me' Daemon thought to himself with a smile.

He lowered his aura once again not even using 'Enhance' but going to 'Shroud' his most basic aura technique. The people in the audience thought him to be mad while Barristan one of the three people who had figured out Petyr's ability grimaced, The others being Lord Tully and Lord Stark.

Daemon found himself on the back foot barely able to defend against Petyr who was now winning, the only reason he could stay in the fight this long was due to his aura ability but he didn't think he could last much longer, Petyr seemed to be going all out so Daemon pushes his ability harder than he ever has before. His natural genius combined with his desperation seems to push his prediction ability into developing another sub-ability.

'I'm so close... I'm so close to winning then I can take Cat for myself'

'This boy is a fool, to think I'd apologise to that ugly girl she can be a mistress to me once I become Lord of Riverrun, only fit to bare my bastards'

Daemon finds himself starting to realise what was happening, his 'Aura Tether' allowed him to predict his opponent's move by studying their body and looking for the slightest twitches. It seemed In his effort to push his ability further he has now started to read the person's thoughts. Daemon was angry now and went to flare up his Aura however he realised he couldn't.

"So that's how it is... Your ability you used it on me the first time you shook my hand, I planned to knock you out right as the match started but after shaking your hand I had a change of heart" Daemon said in a low voice venom dripping from his words.

"You're smarter than I gave you credit for I expected you to be a meathead, but it doesn't matter the conditions have been met so you won't be able to use your aura above the level you have now. You're trapped in my ability" He stated with a malicious smile.

As Daemon continued to press forward, throwing punch after punch at Petyr, he couldn't help but feel frustrated. No matter how hard he tried, his strikes seemed to miss their mark, with Petyr's 'Enhance' ability allowing him to dance away effortlessly.

Daemon's 'Aura Tether' ability was the only thing keeping him in the fight, giving him precious moments to dodge Petyr's swift attacks. The new aspect of 'Aura Tether' seemed to be working, but it only served to fuel Daemon's anger further. Petyr's taunts and disrespectful thoughts about Lysa were like fuel to the fire, and Daemon's determination to win only intensified.

His mind focused on the fight, and he continued to dodge and block Petyr's attacks, seeking an opening to land a decisive blow. But with every passing moment, Daemon's frustration grew, and he found it increasingly difficult to control his emotions.

As Petyr's mind wandered, thinking of all the things he would do once he became lord, Daemon could no longer hold back. Then he thought of Lyanna as the final straw and how he'd mount her like a wolf bitch, and he snapped. His whole body trembled in rage as he faced Petyr his eyes shifting from their usual purple to a crimson red.

While few could see this those who could be shocked, Barristan and Rhaella amongst them "He must be related to us if he has the 'Crimson Eyes' I've never heard of a person outside the Targaryens who had them and even in our family they are rare" Rhaella states with shock in her voice.

Barristan found himself speechless the boy was a monster having all that talent and 'Crimson Eyes' he'd become one of the top Aura users in Westeros. However, he seemed to almost buckle and fall to the floor when he saw that Daemon once again flared his aura, something that should've been impossible due to Baelish's Manipulation ability 'No one can break out of a manipulator grasp once the conditions are met... unless' Barristan thought as his eyes widened.

Down in the arena, Daemon flared his aura it being over twice the size of Petyr's. Petyr had a sour expression on his face "How are you doing that! You shouldn't be able to do that! I had you! You were mine!"

Daemon walks over to Petyr and backhands him throwing him to the floor his entire face is bruised where Daemon's hand hit. Petyr looks up at Daemon and sees the cold expression on his face but what surprises him even more is that he reaches down to help Petyr up, he wastes no time in activating his ability once again but his smile doesn't last long as he's promptly punched and thrown to the floor again.

Petyr moans in pain as he holds his nose and rolls around on the floor, he looks up to see Daemon helping him up again. Petyr activates his ability but without pause Daemon hits him, Petyr's frustration grew as no matter how many times he used his ability it wouldn't work. Petyr's face was a bloody mess as he could barely move his aura was about to fail and yet Daemon still helped him up grabbing his limp hand and lifting him to eye level before once again punching him.

Daemon sees that his aura had just fallen meaning he must've passed out, Petyr must've used all the aura he had in the last few minutes of the fight.

'I wish I could say I'm sorry for this... but I'm not' Daemon thought to himself.

'Spoils of War'

Daemon had never used this on someone who had such low talent before and such small reserves he could only guess that it would make the year of his training worthless sending him right back to his beginning levels of aura. Daemon couldn't say that he cared much, he deserved it. Daemon's eyes turned from red back to purple and he suddenly felt exhausted.

The crowd cheered and went wild for their champion and Daemon did his best to smile and acknowledge the crowd. The ceremony was pretty boring he stood there with the winner of the archery contest and the jousting contest and received their winnings. 20,000 gold dragons was more than Daemon had ever seen in his entire life and he had no clue what to do with it.

For now, he asked Lysa to keep it safe in her room as he didn't trust the security of the servant's quarters. Right now he was sitting next to Rhaella something that was considered an honour but his mind was elsewhere.


After the ceremony when he was handed his coin he went to go and stash it until he could hand it off to Lysa, however as he walked to his quarters he was stopped by Barristan.

"Lad I wasn't going to do this in such a way but after that fight it needed to be done as quickly as possible" he said in a severe voice.

Daemon's concern grew as he wondered what the problem was "I want you to squire for me lad, you have the most potential I've ever seen including myself. With the right training, you could stand at the top with the greats"

Daemon was shocked, to say the least, truth be told he'd given up on becoming a squire, he'd decided to stay in Riverrun and maybe get a trade so he could stay with Lysa, though recently he'd been struggling as he knew Lyanna would be leaving soon.

"I thank you for the other Ser Barristan but I wish to stay in Riverrun" he replies almost immediately. He could get strong on his own, maybe not as strong but enough.

Barristan holds up his hand "I'm not blind lad, I know what's going on between you and the Tully girl so take some time to think about it" and with that, he leaves allowing Daemon to his thoughts.

(Flashback end)

Daemon didn't eat much and he mostly played with his food which would've been considered rude had he not been sitting next to someone like Rhaella she looks down and smiles at him "Have you given any thought to Ser Barristans offer?" She asks surprising Daemon.

He must not have hidden it very well as the Queen giggled slightly "You shouldn't be so surprised I counselled Ser Barristan to make the offer as quickly as he could lest another lord get to you first"

Daemon nodded in understanding "I have... I just do not believe I can bring myself to leave Riverrun... I have reasons I wish to stay"

Rhaella smiles gently "The Lysa Tully being the reason?" She asks with a smile.

Before he can reply she waves him off "I'm old enough to recognise two people in love, for a competitor you barely watched any of the fights too focused with you lady" she says with a laugh.

"You're a good man Daemon, not many people would choose love over power and it's a shame because those are the types of people we need most in these times" she continues as she places a hand on his.

Her face turns serious, however, "But allow me to tell you one of the rules everyone learns at some point in their life"

"Power is everything... and if you have enough of it you can have whatever you want, whether it's the Tully girl or maybe a different one..." she says with a wink.

Daemon understood her words and perhaps she was right, if he stayed here perhaps he could make Lysa his but he wouldn't be able to have Lyanna as well.

"Aegon IV was obsessed with power he believed talented parents make a talented child something that wasn't proven at the time, he fathered many children nearly all of which became some of the talented aura users of that era, Daemon Blackfyre being the peak of his achievement, he was at least twice as strong as his siblings" Rhaella stated.

"Those who have power are desirable whether they are bastards or kings, and if it makes you rest at ease no one will expect you to join the Kingsguard when you're knighted" she says with a smile.

He finds himself seriously considering it now but before he can answer she shakes her head "Talk to them first, girls like to be included in things such as these" she says with a smirk.

Daemon nods his head and goes back to his food trying to enjoy himself and prepare for the conversation later tonight.


"You're leaving!!!!" Lysa shouted as she threw one of his boots at him. While Lyanna started flaring her aura.

This was not going the way he had envisioned it, as soon as he mentioned he had been offered to squire under Barristan they stopped listening to him and started throwing things.

"Keep your voices down! And please listen" he whispers in a loud voice as he grabs their arms bringing them over to his bed.

He wraps his arms around them as they both lean into his shoulder Lysa lets her tears fall freely while Lyanna seems to try and fight them.

"I don't want to leave... but I realised that if I wish to be able to have a life with both of you I need to be stronger" He explained to both of them.

Lysa looked up at him her eyes watery "But you're already strong..." she says in a low voice.

Daemon shook his head "Not to have you both... I would either have to travel to Winterfell or stay in Riverrun either way I'd lose one of you"

"And there is no guarantee I'd even get to marry one of you even if I stayed with you, but if I squire under Barristan I'll get stronger to the point where your families would want me to marry you regardless of my birth" he continues.

The girls both understood, they weren't stupid and they did realise at the end of the tournament he would have to pick who to stay with leaving one of them heartbroken. It made them happy that he would go so far for them but they'd still miss him terribly.

"What if Father marries me to someone before you're finished," Lyanna says in a low voice.

"Then I'll spirit you away and take you to Essos, you and Lysa both" Daemon says making the girls giggle though he was completely serious.

"I love you both and I'll become the strongest man in Westeros to prove it" he whispers to them.


Daemon found himself in Lord Hoster Tullys Solar with the Queen, Ser Barristan, Lysa and her mother. He felt slightly nervous as he had no clue why it was requested he come here. He was gestured to take a seat next to Lysa which Daemon did giving her a small smile.

"You must be curious as to why I summoned you" Hoster asked, getting a nod in return from Daemon "Yes my Lord" he replied.

"Do you have any family at all?" He asked, making Daenon raise an eyebrow.

"No my lord just a sister but she's in Essos, my uncle was the one who raised me but he's gone now" Daemon explained.

"I see... then it falls to you to make the decision" Hoster states

Before he can ask him what he means he continues "The Queen has brought to my attention that you'll be squiring for Ser Barristan" Daemon had told them that morning that he accepted their offer much to their delight.

"I am" he replied

"If it is agreeable to you I wish to set a betrothal between you and Lysa, since you are a bastard so you will take on the Tully name, as a dowry a keep with lands will be gifted to you upon your marriage" Hoster stated neutrally,

Daemon's mouth dropped at the ridiculousness of it, he looked to Lysa who looked just as shocked as he did though behind the disbelief in her eyes lay excitement Hoster was still going through the details when Daemon can't help but interrupt him "My lord what is the reason behind the betrothal as you said I'm a bastard, what possible advantage would you get from marrying me to your daughter"

Hoster Tully a man who he'd only seem to behave seriously started laughing, not only him but the Queen and Ser Barristan did too "Boy I was already tempted to make the offer when I saw you take down Amory Lorch, but it was when I saw your Crimson eyes that it made me certain"

Lysa suddenly gets a look of understanding and turns to Daemon "It is like I told you before the Riverlands needs talented Aura users to keep the kingdom safe, by betrothing us he'd get you... and any children we'd have would most likely be talented" She says the last part with a blush on her face.

"Not to forget they may also inherit your eyes" Hoster added.

Daemon felt like tearing his hair out "What are Crimson Eyes" he asked.

Rhaella could see his frustration and put her hand over his "It used to be a common trait in House Targaryen but when our dragons died so did the chances of one inheriting the eyes, some say it's the Targaryen's last link to magic, for years only my husband King Aerys had those eyes until you"

"What can they do?" Daemon asked curiously.

Ser Barristan answered this time "Your eyes are linked to your aura and just like your aura none two are the same, though one common ability is a boost in strength. With you though I believe I know what your ability is"

"You were caught in Baelish's trap there should've been no way for you to break free at your level but you did, your eyes must've exorcised the aura from your body a rather powerful ability" he continues.

Daemon nodded in understanding, he was glad he took the offer to squire now as he would've never fully understood this ability alone.

Daemon didn't have a very tough choice to make "I accept, nothing would please me more than being betrothed to Lysa" he said clearly though he nearly got knocked out of his chair by the small redhead who crashed into him hugging him tightly.

Hoster smiled slightly "Good... now go and get your knighthood afterwards you'll have my permission to marry"

Daemon nodded his head as he hugged the girl in his arms, at least he had secured Lysa's future, now he just needed to get stronger and he'd be able to take Lyanna. Nothing would stop him from getting stronger.

(AN: Tbh this took ages to write usually it'll take me like a day to write but this took ages and idk why. Anyway we've finished the prologue basically next 3-4 chapters will be the prelude to Roberts Rebellion heading into Roberts Rebellion straight after. The arc after that I'm thinking about, perhaps I'll do something similar to the Dark Continent Expedition Arc but with YI TI and Sorthoryos, haven't thought that far ahead)

Anyway if ya like my work or wanna see chapters you early think about supporting me.

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