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23.3% Inner Voice: All Heroines Hear My Inner Voice / Chapter 103: Curious Shuri Himejima and tired Eiji

Kapitel 103: Curious Shuri Himejima and tired Eiji

Shuri Himejima was confused.

The last thing she remembered was that she was dead.

I don't know how much time had passed in the darkness, when she opened her eyes again, all she saw was the face of a handsome silver-haired boy looking at her without blinking.

That boy was the most handsome man she had ever seen, but put that aside. She looked at herself and was surprised to find she was naked.

She told the handsome boy to stop looking at her.

After all, she was a married woman, she felt a little sorry for her husband for letting his wife expose her naked body to other men.

Although she didn't try to cover her body because somehow she felt fine being seen by that boy.

It was just that she suddenly heard a voice in her head.

[You said that, but you just smiled while holding your cheeks. You don't look embarrassed at all. Not trying to cover your body at all! Is this really Akeno's mother? Even though I know what she looks like from the original work, she still looks like a woman in her twenties and she's very pretty.]

[If such a woman introduced herself as Akeno's older sister, I would believe it.]

Shuri was surprised.

That voice... Whose voice is that?

Although she was happy to be called young and considered her daughter's older sister, she wondered whose voice that was? The boy in front of her did not move his mouth at all.

So it must not be...

"I apologize for my actions, miss. You need clothes... How about this."

Eiji snapped his fingers, Shuri who was originally naked instantly put on a red housewife negligee with white accents, he also did not forget to make underwear for the woman.

"Ara, you can use magic like that? That's good magic. This shirt is good too, thank you handsome boy."

Staring at herself, Shuri smiled, she now knew that the voice she heard in her head earlier was the voice of the boy in front of her.

The boy's voice was exactly the same as that voice.

So it must be him.

But what still confused her was...

Why was the voice that had previously sounded directly in her head like it was talking to itself? From that voice, she knew the boy in front of her knew she was Akeno's mother and she seemed to know her daughter.

"You're welcome miss. My name is Eiji Seiya, so you can call me by my name."

"Then Eiji-kun, you can also call me by my name. I'm Shuri Himejima."

[I already know your name... But whatever. There seems to be no problem with my spell, I actually managed to revive Akeno's mother!]

This voice again... Even though the boy didn't open his mouth.

Could this be his inner voice? Yes, this must be it!

But how could it be? As a former temple priestess (Miko), she certainly knew about the supernatural, she herself had the skill to exorcize demons and evil spirits. Currently she didn't feel any magic or anything affecting her, and she didn't know how she could hear the inner voice of this boy named Eiji Seiya.

But what surprised her this time was...

Eiji said he had successfully revived her? Wait! Indeed, she should have been dead, but now she could breathe and feel the sunlight.

She was really revived?!

Shuri was late in reacting to this, she only realized it now. Looking around, she seemed to be in a shrine and that boy named Eiji Seiya revived her here with his spell.

To be able to revive the dead...

Shuri was certainly happy to be alive again because she thought she could finally see her daughter and husband again.

She looked at Eiji gently.

There was also admiration in her eyes.

She was very grateful to that boy.

Seeing Shuri's gaze looking at him gently like a mother, Eiji pretended to cough and said. "Shuri-san, can I call you like that?"

Shuri nodded. "If you want, you can also call me mom~"

"...." Eiji knew he had succeeded in making his future mother-in-law have a good impression of him. Even so, he still had to pretend, he looked the woman up and down and asked. "Shuri-san, how is your body feeling right now?"

Hearing this, Shuri know what Eiji meant and said. "I feel fine."

"What about your memory?"

"Memory? Except for small things, I mostly remember."

Eiji nodded at this.

The spell basically really worked!

"That's good. By the way Shuri-san, you must be curious why you were able to come back to life, right?"

Eiji's acting skills need not be said. By the way now he was using the 2nd server inner voice which had been upgraded again by Miss System so that he could use it on anyone. So now the inner voice is not limited to the heroines.

Although the range is still small compared to the 1st server.

To be precise, it can only function on people within a radius of 100 meters from him.

Shuri tilted her head slightly. "Aren't you the one who brought me back to life, Eiji-kun?"

[How could this woman know that right away?! If it was someone else who just revived. Shouldn't they be confused and bewildered? Shuri didn't seem to be surprised to hear herself revived].

[This is strange...]

So it is.

Shuri understood something again now.

It seemed that Eiji had no idea that his inner voice could be heard by her. So the things he said in his inner voice were his honest reactions.

This was the first time Shuri had experienced a situation where she could hear another person's inner voice.

If the other party was lying or had evil intentions towards her, she could tell from his inner voice.

So far Eiji seemed to have absolutely no malicious intentions towards her, it made her relax her vigilance and suspicion of the other party. Actually even though on the surface she seemed friendly, she secretly always observed the gaze Eiji gave her.

Usually if it was a bad person pretending to be good, from her experience, she could tell right away.

Seen from anywhere, Eiji did not seem to be a bad person, although she could see a hint of lust in his gaze when he saw her naked body earlier. But that was natural since Eiji was a man, it was natural for him to lust at the sight of a naked woman in front of him. If not lustful, she would think there was something wrong with him.

Shuri could understand this and didn't mind, although it was a bit strange that she didn't feel any discomfort when Eiji saw her naked body.

If Eiji knew what Shuri was thinking, he would think the Halo Harem was very useful. It looked like it hadn't really broken yet.

"Yes, Shuri-san, how did you know? I have indeed revived you with my magic. I'm glad it worked and you don't seem to feel anything wrong with your body, but how can you tell right away?"

Eiji narrowed his eyes, he looked at the housewife with a suspicious gaze.

Shuri was dumbfounded by his gaze. Is she under suspicion? Hey, that's not true at all!

Shuri wanted to explain, she wanted to say honestly that she could hear his inner voice, but what she said was just...


"Shuri-san, what are you saying?" Eiji was looking at her strangely now.

She tried to say that he could hear his inner voice, but her voice was always censored by something that made her understand something again.

There seemed to be some kind of force preventing her from telling Eiji that she could hear his inner voice.

This power was definitely not hers and not even Eiji's because the boy had no idea his inner voice could be heard.

Shuri thought hard, she felt guilty because it seemed like she had to lie to Eiji who was basically her benefactor now.

"Sorry, what I want to say is that I knew it from my guess. I remember I was dead and suddenly I came back to life and the first thing I saw was you. So it's natural for me to assume that you brought me back to life, right?"

Eiji rubbed his chin. "Hm... So it is."

Shuri was happy that Eij seemed to believe her, but it also made her feel even more guilty for lying to him.

Eiji smiled to see that the woman had a guilty look in her eyes. Unlike Akeno, although the two were almost identical, Shuri had brown eyes, and those eyes were now looking at him with more emotion.

That's good.

What did he do next? He invited Shuri to move out and into Akeno's house. Shuri doesn't refuse, but she clearly doesn't know yet that the house they're headed to next to the shrine is her daughter's house.

On the not-so-distant journey, the woman naturally asked why he had revived her.

"It's because of your daughter." Eiji said.

"My daughter? Akeno... Oh right, do you know my daughter? How is she now" Shuri asked curiously while walking and looking at the side of Eiji's handsome face.

Although she already knew that she was revived, she still didn't know much about what happened after she died.

She was most worried about her daughter of course.

She wondered if her husband, Baraqiel raised Akeno well?

How much time had passed since she died?

There were many questions she wanted to ask, but Eiji only said. "You should ask Akeno something like that."

"But it's true that I know your daughter. We have a good relationship."

Eiji pretended to cough, not daring to look at the woman beside him as if he was embarrassed.

Shuri who saw this smiled seductively. "Good relationship? Ara ara~ I understand~"

[What does this woman understand? Did you also guess that I'm your daughter's boyfriend? Akeno, I'll leave these things to you. You have a lot of explaining to do to your mom about our relationship!]

[Oh wait. I remember that girl passed out after we exercised until early last night. Damn, is that girl still not awake until now? If Shuri sees her daughter still naked with lots of love marks on her body, oh no!]

"Shuri-san? Are you hungry? You must be hungry. How about we go to a restaurant near the shrine? I'll treat you!" Eiji said as if he was panicking about something.

Shuri who saw the panic on Eiji's face giggled, and actually she was again surprised to know things from his inner voice. Now she was sure that Eiji and her daughter's relationship was really good. The two were lovers and Eiji was actually her future son-in-law.

Shuri had no problem with Eiji being her future son-in-law, or rather he supported both of them. She had a very good impression of the boy, especially after he helped her with her revival; so she would rather marry off her daughter to him than to another man.

If necessary, she would persuade her daughter for it, but it seemed she didn't need to because of Eiji's inner voice. She knew that boy seemed to have had fun with her daughter last night.

In the past, she had taught her daughter many techniques. Shuri hoped Akeno used them all on Eiji so the boy wouldn't run off to another woman and obsess over her.

Unfortunately Shuri didn't know how many women Eiji had, if she knew...

Looking at the house not far in front of her, she thought her daughter must be there, she hugged one of Eiji as if to prevent him from running away and said. "No Eiji-kun. I'm actually not that hungry, now I want to see my daughter as soon as possible. Can you?"

Blinking her eyes with a seductive look at him, Eiji smiled wryly, he wasn't so panicked, actually he was happy with her actions.

Feeling the softness in his hands...

If Baraqiel saw what his wife was doing right now.

Eiji excited.

"Since you say that, what else can I do. Let's immediately go to the house in front of there. That's actually your daughter's house."

"....." Shuri.

Was it just her or was this boy suddenly getting more excited instead of more panicked? This was not the reaction she was expecting.

But whatever, finally after all this time she was going to meet her daughter.


Akeno had been awake since a few minutes ago.

As a devil and fallen angel hybrid, she certainly had better endurance than a normal girl who lost her virginity for the first time.

The important point in this situation was not losing her virginity, but how tired she was after the crazy things she did with Eiji last night.

When she woke up this morning, even though she was still tired, she wanted to see if Eiji was still by her side or not. Unfortunately the boy seemed to have left after cleaning up all the mess in her house.

She was naturally sad and even felt disappointed.

What the hell. I gave you my body last night, but you just left the next morning?

Akeno complained, she showered and dressed with a slight limp. Although her mood was rather bad, but after seeing the warm breakfast on the table and the note that was there.

She smiled, at least Eiji wasn't so cruel to leave after what they did.

But from the note that boy made for her, her gaze widened slightly.

"Surprise? Eiji wants to give me a surprise? What surprise?"

While eating the food Eiji made, she was a little surprised that the food the boy made was better than her.

But putting that aside, she was excited!

"The surprise Eiji meant, could it be..."

Although she hadn't told Eiji yet, the things she did last night were to persuade the boy to revive her mother.

Of course, she also did it because she liked that boy. Otherwise, she wouldn't have just given her virginity to a guy.

From the boy's inner voice yesterday, she felt that the surprise Eiji wanted to give her was...

Akeno's heart was pounding, especially when she heard the sound of the door opening. She got up from the chair and walked quickly to check who had entered her house.

"Eiji, is that you? I thought you had left..."

She didn't finish her words and even froze there.

At the entrance of her house, she indeed saw Eiji. But not only Eiji, standing beside him, she also saw a familiar woman smiling at her.

"Akeno, it's been a long time~ You're so big now~"

Her voice was also very familiar.

Akeno's eyes became moist, tears were already streaming down her cheeks, she ran towards the woman and hugged her before saying.


Seeing the reunion of mother and daughter embracing. The scene was touching, Eiji who was ignored immediately turned around and closed the door.

Outside the door of Akeno's house, he could hear the girl crying so hard. Eiji sighed and knew at this point it was better to leave the mother and daughter alone.

Staring at the clear sky above his head. He decided to go home because what else was he here for? Better to give Akeno time to be with her mother.

¶{Host, where are you going? }

While walking down the stairs of the shrine where he could see the cityscape in the distance. Eiji thought the view was beautiful, in his previous life, he had dreamed of being able to see the view from this perspective.

I mean walking while going down the stairs of a temple in Japan. Without realizing it, now he could feel this feeling so easily.

Things passed so quickly that he himself forgot the random things that he actually always wanted to do.

"Where else to go but home? I need to see Lala and the others. I miss them."


What's wrong with this woman?

"What's wrong?" Eiji asked while frowning.

¶{No. It's just that I'm also looking forward to when you return home because according to the plot, you'll meet two new heroine there.}

"Damn it."

Eiji cursed.

Miss System was confused. ¶{Why are you cursing? Shouldn't you be happy? You're usually excited at times like this!}

Right. If it was him before, he would be excited to start another conquest plan, but now...

Eiji realized that too many women in his harem made it difficult for him to divide his time. It was fine if it was the heroines he had met so far, but if it was a new heroine...

Eiji's expression now could only be described with a troubled expression as if he was tired of something and too lazy to do it.

He was like an office worker who was tired of working overtime every day and wanted to take a vacation.

All the problems he has he wants to throw at others.

Miss System wanted to ask again, but she was stunned to hear what her host said next.

"It's fine as long as I blab about the plot, right? I'll still get rewards from that? As for everything else? Let nature take its course."


A/N: If you want to read 8 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


Replace "â" with "a" and search in your browser.

By the way, don't forget to throw power stones and leave a review to motivate me :)

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