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10.34% Multiverse-Crafter / Chapter 3: AM I A VIRGIN AGAIN?!

Kapitel 3: AM I A VIRGIN AGAIN?!



Heavy footsteps echoed with a metallic tone through the Emerald Forest.

My gray armored form stood tall, passing through the trees while holding a red-haired girl in my arms.

Saying that I was having a good day would be a lie, after all, I was having the best day of my life.

Not that it's a big deal when you consider that I reincarnated less than a year ago...


In the early morning, I managed to take a decent shower, got new clothes, ate like a king, and to top it all off, I have a hot redhead clinging to me. Of course, I'd prefer if she did that when I wasn't wearing a full suit of armor that covers 100% of my body.

Despite this "inconvenience," I was still in a good mood because I killed my first Grimm.

Sure, killing a monster made of shadows and entropy is cool, but what made me even happier was what the death of the Grimm triggered.

Multiverse Crafting System

What would you like to do?

Magic: 14.3 Points

Aura: 64%

The death of the Grimm gave me magic points!

To be more specific, each Beowolf I killed gave me 0.1 magic points.

This changes everything. If killing Grimms gives me magic points, I don't need to spend a fortune on Dust to create everlasting items.

I can create weapons that can turn the tide of the war against the Grimms on a global scale.

Wait... I'm thinking too small.

I could create sustainable technologies that would help the people of this world be less dependent on Dust, thus reducing its price and assisting the armies and Hunters who rely on these magical stones to fight.

And the best part is, if I patent my inventions, I'll receive royalties.

Thank goodness my face is covered; otherwise, Pyrrha would see my greedy smirk...

"It seems there's someone at the location."

The redhead's voice drew my attention forward, where Yang and Blake were.

A chess piece, a white horse, was in the hands of the voluptuous - I mean, shmexy- I mean, sweet thang...

Okay, Yang is ridiculously attractive; she's like a combination of a volleyball player and a porn star in a shampoo-commercial.

"Maybe they'll join our team," I said, trying to get Yang's body out of my mind.

Why am I so horny? Is it because I'm a teenager again?

I was so preoccupied with my libido that I didn't even notice Pyrrha's annoyed expression at my suggestion.

Reflecting on my hormonal situation, I realized another crucial detail about my new existence.


Oh, man, this is a mess... I need to fix this. As soon as I have enough money, I'm going to a brothel. I should take Lie Ren along to bond with him... maybe I'll even take the whole CRDL team; losing their cherry might stop them from acting like a bunch of assholes.

Blake was the first to notice my approach, even before I emerged from the trees, she turned towards me startled. She must have heard my footsteps with those ears behind her bow.

Speaking of which... how does Blake's hearing work? She has two pairs of ears, one on the sides of her head and another on top. That must cause some sensory confusion; just thinking about it gives me a headache... maybe Faunus brains have evolved to process information this way without causing-.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" a high-pitched female voice shouted.

I didn't even realize we had left the forest, but Yang did, and she made sure the whole forest knew it. The sound of hydraulic limbs resonated through the temple as I began to shrink my legs, and Pyrrha jumped and landed silently.

Despite Yang's exclamation, both girls stared at me in silence.

"Hey there, guys," I said. Silence was my response. "I'm Jaune Arc, and this is my partner, Pyrrha Nikos."

"Hello," Pyrrha said with less enthusiasm than usual.

Still, silence.

The situation felt weird, and before I could try to break the ice, Yang pointed her finger at me and asked.

"It's not fair! She has a robot partner? Ruby will be so jealous," the blonde pouted, crossing her arms.

Blake stared at Yang, not believing her genuine indignation.

"He's clearly a human or faunus wearing armor, Yang," the voice of reason among them. "And robots don't have Aura, they can't be Hunters." I hope Penny never hears this.

With the tension broken between the pairs, I could relax a bit.


Or not.

I had forgotten that Ruby falls from the sky in this part of the story, and without the original Jaune to intercept her in the air... I need to do something to prevent her from getting hurt.

Stretching my legs to their fullest, I still couldn't reach Ruby; I needed to use my arms.

As I reached my maximum height of 90 meters, I pointed my arms at the red-caped girl and managed to catch her in my hands about 20 meters from my body.

"Urgh!" Ruby grumbled in my hands.

"Hey there, Ruby," I said, looking at the small scythe wielder in my hands.

"Jaune? Is that you?"


Before I could respond, a black, bear-like form emerged from the forest, followed by an explosion on the creature's back.


"Aah... it's broken."

"Nora!" A guy with oriental features dressed in green appeared, out of breath. "Please... never do that again."

But the hammer-wielding girl ignored him and went straight to one of the artifacts, the white tower, without a second thought. She placed the tower on her head and started to sing and dance.

"I'm the queen of the castle! I'm the queen of the castle!"

"Nora!" the green ninja shouted.

"I'm going, Ren," the happy girl said.

Lie Ren and Nora Valkyrie were simple but endearing characters. I remember being quite frustrated with their development as a couple in the series; I hope it's better here.

"Liar!" accused the scythe-wielding girl in my arms.

"Huh?" Ruby pouted, pointing her finger at me.

"You said you had nothing but a shield and a gun."

"I have a vibro-knife too."

"A vibro-what?" She looked at me curiously about the weapon I hadn't explained the full capabilities of. "Where did you get this armor that stretches so much?"

"Reerg." I never thought I'd be happy to see a Grimm.

A gigantic black bird hovered above us.

"How can you leave me behind?" Weiss complained, clinging to the Nevermore.

"I told you to jump," Ruby replied as if it were the most sensible thing in the world.

"Hold on to me, Ruby."


Without further warning, I let go of the black and red-clad girl, but she managed to grab onto my neck.

I positioned myself where Weiss had been before her fall and extended my hands to catch her like a baby.

My plan was perfect, except that Weiss fell from much higher than Ruby, and I hadn't prepared for the impact.

"AAAh!" Weiss and Ruby shouted.

"Shit!" I grumbled as I fell backward.

I gathered my limbs as much as possible, but the impact of the fall was significant, and it kicked up a lot of dust. If it weren't for my armor, I would have lost a lot of Aura or even something worse.

I landed on my back on the ground. Weiss fared better in the fall; she was suspended by my hands. And as for Ruby... she ended up on my face.

Yep! It's official now... I'm in an anime.

"Hey!" Weiss complained as I released her to free my hands.

I quickly retracted my arms and removed the pedobaiter from my face.

Not that I minded the view, but her older sister, protective and violent as she was, was just ten meters away.

"M.C.S. Release." As I spoke the command, the armor dissipated into a mist of golden energy.

Multiverse Crafting System

What would you like to do?

Magic: 14.3 Points

Aura: 28.7%

Damn, that fall drained a lot of aura, at least around 18%.

"Ruby!" Yang exclaimed, going to hug her younger sister.

"I'm fine, Jaune softened my fall." With metallic armor? Aura doesn't make sense.

"That's true," Yang turned toward me. "I saw everything." Her tone at the end of the sentence was icy, filled with anger and veiled threats.

She's going to kill me; I hope not by sitting on my face... now is not the time to be thinking about pervy things.

"Reerg!" Thanks again, Grimm.

"He's coming around again!" I pointed at the creature.

"Our mission is to get the relics; we don't need to fight the Nevermore."

Agreeing with Ruby, I headed toward the white tower, and she went for the white knight.

We ran towards the cliff, but the creature was too fast and circled around to attack us.

Nora and Ren jumped to the left, dodging a barrage of sharp feathers...

"Distract him, Nora."

Smiling, the petite redhead began firing her Grenade Launcher in the direction of the monstrous bird.

Taking the explosions to the face, the creature changed the direction of its flight, moving away from the grenades.

"COWARD!" The little Valkyrie shouted.

With the giant scorpion Grimm, which I forgot the name of, gone we could all fight the Nevermore.

I equipped my shield in my left hand and looked Pyrrha in the eyes.

"If I create an opening, can you take the creature down?"

With a serious face and a determined look, she nodded.

"Follow the lead."

I ran openly with my shield raised toward the creature, providing cover for Pyrrha, who was right behind me.

"Reerg!" The creature roared again, hurling another barrage of sharp feathers in my direction.

Although sharp, the feathers were light, so they hit the shield without me feeling or scratching the paint.

I love this shield.

As soon as the feathers stopped hitting my shield, I shouted.


I raised my shield high, and the redhead jumped on it, using it as a launching platform to leap towards the Grimm.

Empowered by her Aura and possibly Semblance, Pyrrha flew like a missile towards the Grimm, hitting the monster's left eye with her spear.


The creature's scream echoed throughout the area, chilling to the bone. Was it so intense because it was an Alpha?

Without hesitation, Pyrrha planted her feet on the creature's skull and pulled her spear down, forcing the creature to descend.

"You're awesome, Pyr!" I looked at the rest of the group and began shouting orders. "When Pyrrha lands, I'll pin the creature to the ground. Attack with everything you've got."

Everyone nodded, except Pyrrha, and when the collision of the monster against the ground approached, I activated my Semblance.

"M.C.S. On."

Multiverse Crafting System

What would you like to do?

Magic: 14.3 Points

Aura: 29.2%

I need something cheap, simple, easy to use that can pin that beast to the ground.

"M.C.S. Make Paste-Gun."

Pyrrha jumped, rolled on the ground to disperse kinetic energy from the fall; she's amazing.

"M.C.S. Use Aura."

Meanwhile, the Nevermore crashed into the ground, raising dust, and a tank backpack with a pipe connected to a toy gun appeared on my back.

The weapon was quite large and clunky, with a barrel and hole big enough to fit a ping-pong ball, but it was perfect for the job.

Running awkwardly and almost stumbling, I approached the creature on the ground; it was already moving and struggling to get up.

"I have to be quick."

I aimed the Paste-Gun at the creature and started firing its contents.

"Is that... glue?" Blake asked.

Yes, the Paste-Gun originally belonged to a classic but minor Marvel villain, Paste-Pot Pete. I know he changed his name, but I prefer the original name because it's ridiculous.

The liquid adhesive dried quickly, and since the gun discharged in large volume, it took only a few seconds to pin the Nevermore, with its left wing and skull stuck to the ground.

"Now!" I yelled to the young Hunters.

Everyone, except Pyrrha, attacked the creature, and I have to say it wasn't pretty.

It was a group of armed teenagers beating up a trapped animal... granted, the "animal" was a monster made of darkness capable of killing thousands of people.

Weiss, Nora, and Ren attacked the creature's back to keep it lying on the ground while Yang hammered the creature's skull with punches, and RWBY tried to cut the creature's neck at an awkward angle.

"You're right" I turned my head to her. "You do have a great power." The Mistral champion commented beside me.

Looking at her, I noticed shock and surprise on her face.

"Your Semblance is not powerful in the traditional sense, but it's extremely versatile."

"Thanks," I replied, smiling at her.

"I think you didn't quite get it, Jaune." Her tone was serious. "Perhaps there are people with the ability to create something as complex as your inventions, but..."

"UHUUUUUUU!" Ruby shouted, celebrating the creature's death as it began to dissolve.

"I don't know anyone with the power to emulate Dust or even the Aura reserves powerful enough to create such potent things and still have enough Aura to keep fighting."

When I paraphrased Spider-Man, I was referring to my power combined with the knowledge of the future... is my Semblance alone really that powerful?

"You suggest I should be careful?"

"I suggest you hide it." Her tone was serious and a little threatening.

Wow! I didn't expect to hear that from the biggest "simp" of all Remnant, especially considering she's my "simp."

"Your pistol is easy to justify, a weapon that uses Water and Earth Dust that reacts with your Aura and Semblance to create adhesive properties." An interesting idea. "But that armor was too powerful for a regular creation Semblance."

"It just stretches legs."

"To over 50 meters in height, and your arms stretched even more, carrying Ruby and Weiss at the same time, not to mention it was made of steel or some other alloy, giving you extra protection."

Who would've thought Stilt-Man's armor would be so good?

"I think you're right." The amazon beside me relaxed her body and breathed a sigh of relief, considering her advice. "After all, you are the authority on hiding your Semblance."

The tranquility evaporated from Pyrrha's body, and she tensed up, staring at me wide-eyed.

"Sometimes you change direction mid-jump, and I think I saw you speed up while airborne."

Her green eyes stared at me with all the attention in the world.

"I imagine your Semblance is something like telekinesis to pull yourself in mid-air."

Of course, I already knew exactly what her Semblance was, but I prefer to play this little game here to show that I'm not as dumb as I seem..., even if I am a bit.

"Thinking about it, maybe it's a Semblance that controls metals." I said faking uncertainty. "I have the impression that you're drawn from your weapons and certain items, like your armor, bracelets, and... is that why you wear a tiara?"

She closed her mouth and glared at me irritably.

"It's a headband for protection, not a tiara," the redhead said, pointing her finger at my face.

"Why is it gold?" I replied in a teasing tone.

She blinked her eyes with a red face, feeling embarrassed.

"It's an easier metal to control..."

"Confirmed! Your Semblance controls metals, something like magnetism?"

Pyrrha lowered her head, both irritated and tired.

"Please keep it a secret... in exchange, I won't talk about yours."

Her face looked irritated, but her voice sounded concerned and... sad.

She is Pyrrha Nikos, the Invincible Girl, the Mistral Champion... despite her suffering from the loneliness of a great star, she also suffers from the weight of her fame. Fame achieved by secretly using her Semblance, a secret now at risk because her idiotic partner bragged about having discovered it... and to make matters worse, I didn't even discover it for real; I just watched the damn show.

"Relax, Pyr." I extended my hand, touching her shoulder to comfort her. "Your secret is safe with me." This seemed to alleviate the redhead's worries. "But that doesn't mean you have to keep mine because of that."

She turned her head to the side, giving me a curious look.

"I'll keep your secret because you're my partner." I emphasized, raising my arm and giving a thumbs-up like a Shonen Anime protagonist.

The Invincible Girl relaxed her body, a smile appearing on her face, with a few tears rolling down her cheeks. She began to laugh... and cry?

I must have been too ridiculous to make her laugh and cry at the same time.

Slightly irritated by my shonen moment being ridiculed, I walked over to the group of young hunters still celebrating the death of the giant Nevermore.

"Come on, coxuda, we have to go back and pass the initiation for real."

"Okay... did you just call me a what?"

[Glynda Goodwitch]

"It seems that Mr. Arc's predictions were correct." The headmaster's tone was dry and tired.

Him being paired with Miss Nikos wasn't enough to prove that he had information about the future. There could be a simple explanation for it, like Jaune already having a desire to have a strong partner, and Pyrrha Nikos being the perfect candidate. Now, the Mistral champion going after him was something peculiar, but if he had befriended her before the fact, maybe even before coming to Beacon, it would justify her going after him.

Him guessing who his partner would be isn't something so bizarre as to prove everything he said yesterday, but... he predicted all the pairs and the teams they would be in. He knew about the formation of teams RWBY, JNPR, and even CRDL, the last one being a team he hadn't interacted with any of the members, at least while he was in the forest.

"His information about the past was correct, and apparently, his information about the future is as well." I muttered aloud next to the professor.

"Does that frustrate you?" the headmaster turned to face me.

I took a deep breath and looked at the monitors showing the 8 apprentice Hunters walking toward us.

"A little, it makes it seem like the future is written in stone, and we can't change it."

"A pessimistic perception, but true considering the results in front of us. But perhaps..." The headmaster paused, taking a sip of coffee from his favorite mug. "Perhaps your way of seeing it is incorrect."


"It's not that we can't change the future, maybe we shouldn't change it."

"But what about all the lives we can save? The fall of Beacon? Lionheart's betrayal and General Ironwood?"

Ozpin closed his eyes and sighed deeply before giving me an answer.

"For now, we know what awaits us, and we can prepare. If we act hastily and do something like imprisoning Director Lionheart on suspicion of betrayal without even conducting an investigation..." He stopped, looking up thoughtfully. "Salem will react, and at best, she'll retreat to alter her plans."

"And at worst?"

"The queen of the Grimm launches an offensive with the full weight of her army of monsters."

A cold sweat formed on my forehead just thinking about the number of casualties that could bring.

The headmaster let a comment slip, looking at the monitor showing the pair Jaune and Pyrrha.

"At least I won't need to name most of the pairs this year, and who knows, Miss Nikos might be a good influence on Mr. Arc."

"I agree, he needs a lot of training to measure up to the other first-year students."

"I was talking more about common sense concerning his Semblance."

That's true, he was summoning high-tech armor and unknown chemicals as if it were nothing. If James sees something like that, he'll do everything to recruit the boy.

"Let's go, Miss Goodwitch, we can't be late for initiation."

Walking in silence, I contemplate that with all this knowledge about the future and extraordinary technologies he has access to... maybe... Jaune can bring us the definitive victory against the queen of the Grimm.


E ai gurizada?

I'm having trouble adapting some slang, so I'm looking for a native English-speaking beta reader. They don't need to be excellent in writing; I just need someone to point out things like:


In Brazil, it's widely used, but it makes no sense in English.

I'll respond to some comments from the places where I posted this fic:

- sandmanwake commented: "Vibrating knife? Make a lightsaber."

Response: I wanted to give the protagonist a lightsaber, but that would be too expensive, and I thought Captain America's shield would be better for someone with zero combat experience. A vibrating knife was the "cheapest" thing I could think of.

- I had an exchange of messages with daniel_rahn and Lord_Disaster, and they want to know if the character will have a harem and if members of Team RWBY will be part of it.

Response: There are a few girls the protagonist has a crush on, but I'm not completely sure if he'll end up having a harem. Currently, there's a 71% chance of the protagonist having a harem with at least 3 girls. The protagonist has a crush on some members of Team RWBY, unfortunately not all of them. I won't reveal this information for two reasons: 1 - It's more enjoyable for you to find out by reading the story. 2 - I have ADHD, so my plans may change.

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