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100% Throne Of Heroes / Chapter 34: Chapter 5 - Back Together

Kapitel 34: Chapter 5 - Back Together

"Finally, we're here! Hello, Japan!" Illya exclaimed, raising her hands in excitement.

"Lady Illya, please don't make a ruckus in public," Sella reminded her mistress.

"Ugh, Sella, no fun," Illya complained. "Right, Liz?"

Leysritt nodded slowly, avoiding her sister's glare.

They were in the baggage reclaim area of an airport. Illya, not the most patient girl, had decided to explore and look around with curiosity in her eyes. Her papa and mama were waiting for their luggage, engaged in what Illya found to be boring interactions with the airport staff. Sella and Leysritt had been asked by her papa to accompany her so she wouldn't get lost.

Illya pouted; she was already a big girl, and there was no way she would get lost. She wandered around, taking in the multitude of people and the array of fancy shops. Her gaze landed on a bakery selling coffee buns. She turned to Sella, who was following behind her with Leysritt, and pointed to the bakery.

"I want that, can we buy it? Please, please, please?"

"But you just ate on the plane, my lady," Sella sighed, though she reached for her purse and handed Illya a black credit card.

Illya grimaced slightly. "Those meals were yucky, so bland and mushy, ugh," she complained before heading to buy the coffee buns.

She returned, holding a bag filled with several coffee buns. "Here, Sella, one for you and one for Liz too," she said, handing a bun to each of them.

"Thank you, my lady," Sella accepted the bun.

Meanwhile, Leysritt had already taken a bite into her bun. Her eyes widened a little. "This is good," she said before continuing to munch on the bun.

Illya bit into her coffee bun and immediately let out a joyful squeal. It was delicious, especially after enduring the plane's less-than-appetizing meals. Approaching them was Irisviel, who waved while pulling a rolling case.

"Looks like you're enjoying your time so far, Illya," Irisviel said, giving her daughter a pat on the head.

"Hm!" Illya nodded. "Try this, Mama. It's good." She offered her coffee buns to Irisviel.

Irisviel took a small bite. "Oh, this is quite good."

"Right? If you want, I can buy another one for you, Mama."

"Hmm, maybe later. I'm not hungry yet."

Illya shrugged. "If you say so. Um, anyways, where's Papa?" she asked, tilting her head.

"Your papa is on a call right now. He's arranging for his friend to pick us up," Irisviel said, giving Illya a smirk. "I hope you like tiger."



The atmosphere in the living room of the Emiya residence was tense. There were only five people present. On the table in front of them lay various plates with breakfast meals. Shirou ate his portion silently, doing his best to ignore the tension he found himself in. He glanced to his right; Tamamo seemed to be doing the same, her furrowed brows giving her away. Across from Tamamo sat Mordred, a mixture of shock and annoyance evident as she ate her meal while throwing a glare or two.

Two strikingly similar young girls were the cause of this tension. Both girls had blonde hair, with one having a paler shade of blond hair and pale skin. Both gobbled their meals at a voracious pace while maintaining proper posture. They refused to catch each other's stares, doing their best to avoid looking at each other.

She, or rather they, were Arturia Pendragon, the Once and Future King of Britain. There were two of them. The paler Arturia put down her bowl and turned to Shirou. "I want more," she demanded.

Her counterpart also set down her bowl shortly after. "Can I have some more, Master?"

Both Arturias exchanged a side glance. Shirou could almost see lightning connecting their stares.

"Yes, yes, just wait a minute, okay?" Tamamo decided to be the one to fulfill the King's request.

Meanwhile, Mordred was clutching her head with a sigh. "…I don't even know what to say anymore. What in the actual fu—"


A small flame struck Mordred's forehead before she could finish. "Language!" Tamamo scolded the red knight, her finger still extended after casting the spell.

"Tch, fine, fine," Mordred grumbled while rubbing her forehead. "But seriously, what? How? Why?" She pointed at the two Arturias.

"I...don't have a single clue. Merlin should know, but I can't find him," Tamamo admitted.

Mordred snorted. "Yeah, right. That skirt-chaser would likely hide anything from us for shits and giggles."

"There's nothing good that comes from getting too close to that man, Master," the pale Artoria said to Shirou.

"But Alter, aren't you curious about how this could have happened?"

The pale Artoria, referred to as Alter to differentiate her, gave Shirou an indifferent look. "Honestly, no. I'm here now, and that's all that matters to me." She pulled Shirou into an embrace. "You saved me," she murmured softly.

Artoria narrowed her eyes as she looked at Alter. "You're very fond of Master, huh?"

"Because he saved me, no, us. But you don't remember anything about it." Alter hissed, "The torment, the darkness."

Artoria winced. Just as her other self said, she didn't remember anything Alter mentioned. When she found herself split into two, the other servants theorized that Alter was born out of her psyche after she got "corrupted." It could be said that Alter took the brunt of her torment in the shadow of nothingness.

Artoria noted how her other self also acted more harshly and coldly, even by her standards. She seemed to have no interest in things other than one: their current master, the only person Alter showed deep care for. It was jarring to see what was essentially herself acting in this manner.

Artoria furrowed her brows and stared at Alter. "What are you going to do from now on? We're basically the same person, so you should know... about my predicament."

Mordred raised her eyebrows as she listened to the conversation between the two Arturias. Meanwhile, Alter snorted and gave Artoria a smirk.

"With how corrupted the Grail is, good luck, my foolish self. You're going to need it."

Artoria balled her fists and gritted her teeth. "…You, don't you care about Britain?"

"No, they could burn for all I care. Why should I bother myself again for those ungrateful bastards of a kingdom?" Alter spat.


Mordred, who had been watching from the side, dropped her jaw. She, like Artoria, couldn't believe what she had just heard.

"You can't be serious, uh… black father? No, wait, that sounds wrong. Evil father? Eh, no. Screw it, I'll just call you the same. What the hell are you thinking, Father?!"

Alter glanced at Mordred. "Mordred, you want the throne, right? Fine, have it your way. I quit."

Artoria's eyes twitched in annoyance.

"That's not how it works!" Mordred shouted as she slammed her hand on the table.

"All of you, quiet down!" Tamamo exclaimed as she brought two more bowls for Alter and Artoria. "And Alter, please let go of young master. He won't survive for long if you keep crushing him like that."

Alter turned to Shirou, who was now red-faced from both embarrassment and lack of air. Alter nodded and loosened her embrace, then picked Shirou up and placed him on her lap.

"This is fine, right?" Alter said while ruffling Shirou's hair.

Tamamo growled, seeing the smug smile on Alter's face.

"Uh, by the way, where are Sakura and Shinji?" Shirou inquired.

"The brats were taken for body checks after they had an early breakfast," Mordred replied with nonchalance. "Especially the girl—she somehow merged herself with a divine spirit."

"Why didn't you wake me up? I could have had breakfast with Sakura and Shinji," Shirou pouted, slightly disappointed.

"Considering what happened yesterday, it's crucial for you to rest as much as possible, young master," Tamamo explained.

Shirou grumbled incoherently as he continued to eat his breakfast.


In one of the medical rooms at Heroes Order HQ, Circe the Falcon Witch announced with a smile, "Okay, we're done with your check-up here," as she playfully ruffled Sakura's hair. "See? It didn't hurt, right?"

Sakura nodded slowly. "Yes, umm... is there something wrong with me?" she inquired of the pink-haired servant.

"No, you're as fit as a fiddle now."

Then, Sakura's hair turned white, and her demeanor shifted. "Well, duh! There's no way I would let my vessel not be in her peak condition," she declared.

"We're just checking her condition, Kama. There's nothing wrong with being cautious," Circe pointed out. "Also, do I need to remind you of what we removed from her body?"

Kama, the one currently in control, winced slightly. "'ve got a point. Whatever that old bastard did to her was strong enough to withstand my initial purge," Kama acknowledged.

Kama then furrowed her brows. "You don't need to know the details, Sakura. Trust me, it's better that you don't know," Kama groaned as she communicated with Sakura through their link.

Kama's hair returned to purple, indicating Sakura had taken control of the body again. "What were you talking about with Kama?" she inquired of Circe.

"Something best left unsaid, or at least until you are older," Circe reassured her. "In any case, you're good to go now."


"Oh, I almost forgot. Medusa!" Circe called out to someone.

The door to the room opened slightly, and a young girl peeked her head through the gap. "Yes?"

"Come in, sweetie," Circe gestured for Medusa to enter.

Medusa walked into the room, clad in a black robe that covered most of her body and a hood that concealed her head. Perhaps the most striking thing about her was the large scythe with chains attached at its bottom that she carried with ease.

Circe turned to Sakura. "This is Medusa She will accompany you from now on. You could say she's your guardian now," she introduced.

" guardian?" Sakura questioned.

"I might not look like much," Medusa mused, placing her tiny arms on her hips. "But I do know a thing or two about guarding someone, so don't worry... Wait, am I supposed to introduce myself first?" She turned to Circe, seeking confirmation, which Circe provided with a nod.

"Umm, darn it, ahem," Medusa cleared her throat. "Yes, my name is Medusa. Nice to meet you... uuhhh." She paused for a moment, narrowing her eyes. "Sakura... right?"

"Y-Yes, I'm Ma—," Sakura hesitated, then corrected herself. "Sakura. Just Sakura."

"Nice to meet you, Sakura," Medusa said with a smile, extending her hand for a handshake, which Sakura reciprocated.

Medusa tilted her head. "Also, do you like books?"

"Umm, yes? I enjoy them."

A smile lit up Medusa's face. "Good! We can be book buddies then!"


In the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean, the sun was shining brightly, the wind blew gently, and the waves were calm. The blue sky was nearly spotless of any clouds, and migratory birds were gracefully flying toward their destination. Amidst this tranquil scene, a wooden sailing ship navigated slowly. Onboard the ship, a boy was tightly bound with ropes, thrashing about in his captivity.

"Let me go, you crazy woman!" the boy shouted.

"Hahaha, you're quite lively, aren't you, Shinji?" a woman dressed in stylish pirate attire laughed.

"Gaaaaahhhh," Shinji strained as he attempted to free himself.

"I don't see the issue with your presence here. In fact, you could even consider this a sea voyage to enjoy with me!" the woman cheered, waving her hands playfully.

"I don't want to be here!" Shinji hissed.


"This is a kidnapping!"

"Why yes, I'm a pirate. That's normal," the woman responded casually.

Shinji glared at the woman, who countered with a playful grin.

"Screw you."

"Aww, love you too, boy."

"Aaaaarrghhhh," Shinji cried out in frustration.

As someone approached, the scene saw the arrival of a woman possessing unparalleled photogenic Renaissance beauty. "Don't tease him too much, Drake," she intervened.

The pirate woman, Drake, grinned. "I can't promise anything, Da Vinci. I'm having a blast here, right Shinji?" She glanced over at the still-bound Shinji.

"No, I'm not!" Shinji retorted.

Da Vinci let out a sigh. "In any case, we're done here. We can return now, Drake."

"Oh, that's quick," Drake remarked. "So, did you discover anything interesting?"

"If you consider a faint trace of corrupted mana in the vicinity as interesting, then yes," Da Vinci replied.

"Sheesh, should I expect more sea monsters in the future?"

Da Vinci nodded. "Yes, so please be prepared to set sail at a moment's notice."

"Aye aye," Drake acknowledged before playfully nudging Shinji. "So, can I take him with me then?"

"Hell no!" Shinji exclaimed.

Da Vinci's lips curled into an amused smile. "Unfortunately not. The young boy will be under my care for the time being. Based on what he has told us, several of us believe he would benefit more if he stayed and learned a thing or two from us."

"Aww, just when I was starting to have fun," Drake pouted in jest, slumping her shoulders.

"Having said that," Da Vinci said mischievously, "You can act as his guardian when you're free."

"Hoho, did you hear that, boy?" Drake cheekily grinned. "We're going to be spending more time together! Aren't you thrilled?"

Once again, Shinji shot a glare filled with daggers at Drake.

"Screw you!" he hissed.

"Love you too," Drake responded with a chuckle.


"Hehe, you look like a small mini-me version of Iri-san," Taiga said, her arms wrapped affectionately around Illya, who found herself reluctantly seated on Taiga's lap.

"Uuuhhh," Illya groaned, voicing her discontent. She shot a pleading glance toward her mama, who was seated beside her and Taiga, thoroughly amused by the situation.

When her mama had mentioned "Tiger," she certainly hadn't expected this outcome. Now, on their way back to her papa's new home, she was essentially being cuddled by Taiga along the way and couldn't escaped. She couldn't even seek help from Sella or Leysritt, as they were in another car trailing behind the one she was currently in.

"You like Illya that much, Taiga?" her papa, Kiritsugu, remarked from the front seat.

"I couldn't help it. She's just so cute, like a doll," Taiga exclaimed, tightening her embrace.

"Well, Illya will be living here with us now. So, please be kind to her, okay?" her mama added with a smile.

"Sure! Illya-chan, you can call me Onee-chan or Fuji-nee, just like Shirou does."

Illya pouted and huffed. "No."

Illya turned her gaze to both her mama and papa, silently beseeching them for help to escape from Taiga's grasp. Yet, her mama only giggled at her predicament, while her papa deliberately shut his eyes, pretending not to notice.


Her own parents had betrayed her!


Thus, she was compelled to endure the journey as Taiga's new cuddle doll. After a quiet period, Illya spotted a decent-sized traditional Japanese house through the window. It was certainly smaller than the castle she had once called home, but it felt more... welcoming.

She turned to her mama. "Is that our new home?"

"Yes, sweetie, it is," her mama replied, ruffling her hair. "Come on, let's meet your brother."

Illya nodded eagerly, a smile of anticipation spreading across her face. The two cars that had transported them from the airport parked near the Emiya residence. While her papa, Sella, and Leysritt gathered their luggage, she and her mama headed straight for the front door.

Her mama pressed the doorbell and called out, "Shirou, I'm home!"

From the other side, they heard the sound of footsteps approaching before the door swung open. Illya's eyes met the gaze of a young boy with red hair and striking golden eyes.

"Shirou, I missed you!" Her mama rushed forward, scooping the boy up in her arms and embracing him tightly.

"U-umm, welcome back, Mom," the boy stammered. "Um, could you put me down?"

Her mama hummed playfully. "Not until... you tell me about what you did yesterday. Seriously, young man, what were you thinking?" She reprimanded him.

"We'll talk about it more later, but for now..." Her mama lowered the boy to the ground. "...let me introduce you to your sister. This is Illya, your new sister. Say hi, Shirou."

The boy, now standing, waved shyly at Illya before smiling. "Um, my name is Emiya Shirou, and I guess I'm your brother now? Nice to meet you."

Illya observed Shirou for a moment before smiling warmly. "Illyasviel, Emiya Illyasviel. You can just call me Illya, Onii-chan."

She lunged forward, reaching for Shirou and enveloping him in a hug. Although taken aback by the sudden affection, Shirou quickly responded by returning the embrace.

"Hmm, 'Onii-chan,' huh?" Shirou tilted his head. "Aren't you older than me?"

Illya's eye twitched slightly. "Nope, nuh uh. You're my Onii-chan, and that's the end of the story. Are we clear?"


Illya's satisfaction turned into a smile. "Good boy," she praised, patting her brother's head.

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