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Chapter 8

I finished training earlier than usual today and it's still a bit early, I guess I will prepare breakfast, and I will try making coffee today it's fine to do it as I can say I got it from one of the cities I visited.

While I was preparing breakfast both Grandpa and Grandma got to the kitchen, Grandpa is the one who usually prepares breakfast, and when they saw me they both froze, hmm is something wrong with them, what's this weird smell coming from their roo- oh they did it sigh good thing I did set up a sound barrier, and here I thought they went to sleep because they were drunk.

""G-good morning bell, how did you sleep today"" Wow they are in sync Should I mess with them a bit?

"Morning Grandpa, morning Grandma, I slept well how about you two?"

"Good good, did we like to bother you with our voice at night?" Grandpa asked me making Grandma step on his leg for being too direct.

"Did you fight again at night I thought you two went to sleep, and no I didn't hear a thing because I set up a sound barrier in your room, I don't know if grandma will yell at you again so as not to bother our neighbors"

"A sound barrier?"

"It makes so sounds can't get out from the room I set up the barrier in"

"…can you have it permanent?" he earned another step on the foot.

"Sure but it's going to take some time, but what's this weird smell that's coming from your room?"

They both froze averting their eyes from me, hehe how are you getting out of this one now?

"It's a perfume I used, I haven't used it before I didn't expect it to smell this bad" Grandpa look at her with a look saying nice one, and she had a proud look on her face, heh that's not all I have though.

"But grandma you left your stuff in your room where would you get the perfume when you just got out of the room?"

"T-that you see…. a woman always has this stuff around her okay"

Fine, you win this time I will shut up this time but don't expect me to next time.

"Okay breakfast is ready, so let's eat this is coffee it helps you wake up in the morning it's quite strong so mix it with milk and sugar"

"Oh where did you get coffee, they don't have it here"

"from one of the cities I visited don't ask me about it now as your going to see my abilities later"

Although he was puzzled he didn't ask about it as he trusted I will tell him everything later on.

"Good you better explain everything about your abilities because I'm not letting leave our side until you do"

"hmm I will go and tell the others that I will be taking the day off, you should come with me to Hera, let's introduce ourselves to others while we are at it"

"Alright my name is going to be Juno by the way don't get it wrong"

"I will just call you honey, it's easier and better don't you agree," Grandpa said while winking at Grandma making her blush slightly.

"…Do as you like"

"I will wait for you both at the place I usually play"

After I cleaned up the place, I moved to the area I play in, it was under a big tree at the skirt of the village, most of the kids play at the center of the village or near their houses, but I never went with them even once, I don't even think they like me to play with them because I'm silent most of the times I look dull and boring to them, kinda helps in my case though as I can focus on training more.

I waited only a couple of hours to see Grandpa and Grandma walking together on my way, they were doing quite well together I expected more fights between them, are they not doing it because of me?.. well, in any case, I like it when they don't so it's a plus.

"Alright, bell start talking now," Grandma asked me.. no that was an order was it no, sigh fine I will overlook it this time.

"Okay I will explain everything at once don't cut me when I'm explaining ask questions later when I'm done with everything"


"You need to know that I have 2 types of magic systems and 2 abilities they use magic but are a by-product of it I think it's called skill when it shows in the status of Falna."

"First is my dragon slayer magic art, it changes my physic to that of a dragon giving me the power to go against them, enabling me to devour their attacks and use it against them as well as devouring the dragons that I defeat making me stronger in the process."

"Second is my star magic, it's the one that I'm most advanced on, it gives me the ability to become a mage and cast spells of a different element, there are different levels on it, it starts with novice mage gaining 7 stars in his spiritual consciousness that makes a 1-star path when connected together and enable him to cast a novice spell of the used element, then intermediate mage has 49 stars that make 7-star paths and connecting these 7-star paths makes 1-star map when he connects it he can cast an intermediate spell, I'm currently at the second level almost at the third level I only know what the next stages are called, it's advance mage then super mage there is one more but it's still vague as I'm still far from it, for now, the element I have are fire, lightning, earth, ice, light, water, wind, plant, shadow, light, space, chaos, healing, blessing, sound and psychic. "

"Now about my abilities, the one I used to get grandma her, it's called the flying thunder god technique, it enables me to mark an area and teleport to it in an instant of course I don't have a limit to how many marks I can set as long as I have a bit of magic in my body I can teleport to it whenever I want."

"the second ability is hmm more like item making and alchemy, in terms of item making the most successful thing is a talisman that can store my magic inside it, and for alchemy, it's more of a hobby to be honest, as I do enjoy making pills of different effects..don't give me that look it's not drugs, they are like potion but better as they are small you can put them even in your pocket as long it's clean, and it doesn't take much space."

"So do you have any questions about anything I explained?" I asked only to see them looking at me with an expressionless faces, I guess it was too much in one go.

"Zeus, are you sure he came out from Meteria?" Grandma asked while she was still looking at me.

"I'm questioning if it is that guy is his real father," Grandpa said giving me the same look as her.

"Rude I'm my father and mother son don't question it"

"Sigh there are many questions I want to ask, but I think it's better that I ask them slowly as I get used to how much you have, for now, show us how your magic work, don't do it here it's going to attract attention." grandma said while looking at me up and down, ugh rude why are you still questioning my birth parents.

"Fine hold my hand we are going outside" As they held my hand I teleported away to a place it had many rocks and mountains.

"So how are you going to test my powers?" I asked them with curiosity, I know that they have 1000 years of experience with adventurers so they can easily evaluate me.

"Just attack rocks out here we will tell you how much power you hold compared to adventurers"

Okay let's start, I used some attacks from dragon slayer magic I didn't unlock any secret arts yet, I used arcane dragon claw, arcane dragon iron fist, and arcane dragon roar.

"…his first moves are at the level of top-level 1 while the last ones are a new level 2 and mid-level 2 respectively"

"Yeah with how fast he can use them I doubt many could hold their ground against him even mid-level 2 will find it hard to defeat him"

"Bell for how long did you train this magic" While they were evaluating me Grandpa asked me.

"1 year"

"1 year….and you already have the power of level 2," Grandpa said in deep thought

"He only trained in the village, he didn't even use the dungeon…wait ZUES"

"W-what ??"

"He doesn't have a Falna"


"Why can he get strong without one??"

"Ugh what kind of monster are you bell really"

It only downed them now that I don't have a Falna blessing from a god.

"well dragon slayer is my weakest magic, I trained star magic since birth you know should I start using it?"

"…oh yeah I forget he had awareness since birth"

"You better tell me everything that happened after I left"

"Will do, okay bell go and use it"

"Alright." I started by using the novice spells and then moved to intermediate spells.

"I see now why it's your most potent magic it's quite versatile it can be used for attack and defense some of your spells like fire and lighting are quite strong as they are close to the power of level 3 adventure while some don't have much firepower behind them they can assist you greatly in a battle," Grandpa said evaluating me again.

"that's pretty much it, except for the healing element and psychic element, and blessing element, I don't have a target to use it on, oh I can use blessing on myself and boost the strength of my body and spell by 1.5 times, healing is straight forward other than regenerating lost limps I can heal any injure else, I could probably do it when I'm at advance level and when I'm at the super level I would probably be able to heal and regenerate any injure and cure any diseases."

"Any disease!! then maybe you can cure Alfia and Zald" Grandma said with some hope in her eyes.

"No by the time I get to the super level, they will be no longer with us," As I said that her eyes were getting dimmer as her hope started to fade.

"Of course, it's not like I don't have a solution to the sickness"

"..what do you mean bell?" They both asked me in confusion as to what I meant.

"do you remember what I said about alchemy I can create pills with different effects although I can't make one now I will in the future although it is going to take me 2 or 3 years to make it perfect."

"….."Grandma was staring at me with wide-open eyes while Grandpa held my hand and started asking.

"Bell are you really sure you can cure both Alfia and Zald? both of their sicknesses are something incurable.""I'm sure I have already seen a part of Mother's sickness and it was at its peak when she gave birth to me, even if it does not cure them it will elevate their condition to the peak." As soon as I said that they both looked extremely shocked I was about to say something but saw Grandma holding my hand and what shocked me was that I saw tears in her eyes but before I could say anything she started speaking.

"Bell Please I beg of you I promise I will do anything you tell me to do just please help them I don't want to lose any more of my children please.." Grandma was crying while begging I don't like this.

"Grandma I'm both your and Grandpa's grandchild as well as my father and mother's child do you think you have to beg me to do anything that helps our family I will do it even if you didn't tell wipe your tears I don't like it when you're both are sad"

I was trying to comfort her by saying this but she just pulled me into a hug and started crying even more I looked to Grandpa only to see him tearing up as well get a hold of yourself he came and started hugging as both haa Well its not that bad at least its a tear of happiness … I hope.

After that, we all thought we should just take a break for today and return home and relax sigh saving Alfia and Zald was already on my list but now I need to make sure it's done without a mistake.

I know that even if I approach them with the cure they still going to refuse as their heads are only filled with concern about the future generation and how are they going to defeat the black dragon.

They are stronger than me even if they are injured so forcing them is a no plus I'm not sure how Alfia really sees me she might even refuse to be with me because she never approved of my father's relationship with my mother I wouldn't mind if she did hate even if it hurt but I would mind if she leads her self to death like in the game I wouldn't even have the courage to face mother again.

Hmm, I could take advantage of the events that I know like the great feud I can take them away from the battlefield when they are about to die I can heal them and then feed them the pill to heal them completely.

But when I do that they will refuse to live because of the guilt of killing too many innocent so I need to find a way to save people while not alerting them so I don't lose control of the plot as I know the finale place where they battle to the death I'm afraid if they notice me they may change the plane to one I can't predict and lose them with no hope of saving them again after all the stage is set by a god, not something I can comprehend easily.

I need to train even harder than before I can see the path I need to take to succeed but at the end of the day, I need strength to pull it off as what I'm about to do is nothing but a maniacal move.

zack_364 zack_364

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