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66.66% Stand Above Fate / Chapter 8: Flame Breathing and The Tiger Next Door

Kapitel 8: Flame Breathing and The Tiger Next Door

Shirou POV

Currently, Kiritsugu and I were inside the shed, conducting various tests and experiments to further understand my magecraft. I must say, the progress I have made is remarkable. Reinforcement, which had previously eluded me, now comes effortlessly. I can perfectly reinforce a sword or a kitchen knife, as I am doing right now. Projection, a technique that once took me 10 seconds to execute, now takes less than 3 seconds when it involves a sword. Structural grasp has also become much easier, especially when it involves a sword. I can simply look at the knife in my hands with my circuits active, and I instantly know everything about it, except for its history. My current level of structural grasp is at 24, and I need it to reach 50 to fully unlock it.

After concluding the tests and confirming the influence of my origin on my magecraft, my dad sat up and gestured for me to follow him to the dojo. I was a bit confused because, in the past, he had always insisted that I focus on mastering the basics of magecraft before engaging in physical training. Curiosity got the better of me, and I couldn't help but ask about the change in his approach. He explained that there wasn't much more he could teach me in terms of magecraft, given my origin and element. Therefore, he believed it would be more beneficial to train me in sword fighting, rather than limiting me to just magecraft.

As I stood in the dojo, my dad picked up two bamboo swords used in kendo and handed one to me. I was still processing his explanation when suddenly, my epitaph activated, warning me of an imminent strike to my head with the kendo sword. Reacting swiftly, I jumped to the side, narrowly avoiding the incoming blow. I quickly got back on my feet, a mix of surprise and frustration evident in my voice as I exclaimed, "Hey! At least give me a warning before you start! Besides, I have no idea how to use a sword!" Kiritsugu, with his hollow gaze, responded matter-of-factly, "Shirou, as I mentioned before, being a magus means walking hand in hand with death. No magus in their right mind would warn their opponents."

Without hesitation, he lunged at me once again, his movements faster than before, attempting to bring down the sword upon my head. In that split second, my perception heightened, my breathing changed, and my heart raced as if it were about to burst. Like an instinct, I called upon my Flame Breathing technique, specifically the Fourth Form: Blooming Flame Undulation. With a fluid circular motion, I swiped the side of the sword, redirecting its trajectory and narrowly avoiding being struck.

He looked surprised for a moment and I capitalised on it. I launched the First Form: Unknowing Fire, attempting to catch Kiritsugu off guard with a swift horizontal slash. But his reflexes were faster, and he effortlessly evaded my attack. I transitioned into the Second Form: Rising Scorching Sun. Despite my best efforts, my strikes lacked the precision and power needed to penetrate Kiritsugu's defenses. He skillfully parried my blows, countering with lightning-fast strikes.

As the battle intensified, I relied heavily on my instinctual knowledge of Flame Breathing forms and the limited use of Epitaph to match Kiritsugu's speed and strength. However, the difference in our abilities was becoming increasingly apparent, and my stamina began to wane. With each dodge, my stamina reserves dwindled, and my movements became more sluggish.

Gasping a breath, I shifted into the Third Form: Blazing Universe, hoping to unleash a devastating attack. However, the strain on my body was evident. My movements were sluggish, and my technique lacked the finesse required to match Kiritsugu's superior skill. With each clash, I could feel my stamina reaching its limit. Desperation fueled my last attempt to regain control of the battle. I entered the Fourth Form: Blooming Flame Undulation, relying on its defensive nature to withstand Kiritsugu's relentless onslaught. However, my weary body struggled to execute the technique with the precision it demanded. Kiritsugu exploited my weakened state, launching a final attack that shattered my defenses.

As the battle came to a close, I stood there, battered and drained. My vision blurred, and the world seemed to spin around me.

The fight lasted no more than 10 minutes, and my stamina was incredibly low, preventing me from utilizing Epitaph for the entirety of the battle. Kiritsugu studied me intently, his gaze filled with curiosity and intrigue. "Where did you learn those moves?" he inquired, clearly searching for an explanation. Aware that I couldn't disclose the existence of the system, I replied between gasps for breath, "Instinct... My body seemed to know the moves on its own."

Kiritsugu appeared deep in thought, contemplating the implications of my response. After a moment, he spoke with determination, "It's evident that your stamina and speed are insufficient to fully harness these skills. From this day forward, we will focus on rigorous full-body exercises to strengthen your physical capabilities, allowing you to withstand and control your own abilities."

"Okay, Dad," I managed to utter, my voice strained but resolute. We continued our training, engaging in intense sparring sessions that seemed more like one-sided confrontations as Kiritsugu effortlessly outmaneuvered and overpowered me. The day wore on, and as the sun began to set, I found myself lying on my back, utterly drained and worn out. Despite the fatigue, a small smile crept onto my face as I reflected on my progress.

I took a moment to check my physical growth, noting the improvements I had made through the grueling training:

+3 Endurance

+3 Strength

+4 Agility

+1 Dexterity

Additionally, my Flame Breathing skill had reached Level 2 out of 10, signifying my gradual mastery over the technique. In addition to these advancements, I acquired a new skill:

Basic Swordsmanship (Level 3/100) - Passive: The user gains a 3% increase in sword damage and a 3% improvement in swordsmanship skills.

Despite the overwhelming defeat I experienced in our battle, I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow across the training grounds, I knew that this was only the beginning. The road of redemption for my sins was arduous, but with each passing day, I grew stronger, inching closer to the redemption I aspired to achieve. Although I'm not sure how I would achieve it.

(BTW Kiritsugu is still cursed by the Grail but it's only been 2 weeks since the fire so he should still be physically able to move almost as well as he did in the grail war but his circuits are still deteriorating fast the more he uses them which he doesn't btw he only used to 4 mainly to check on Shirou.)

5 days later

I woke up early to go on my morning run that I started doing to increase my endurance and I have to say I have been making some swift progress with all of my abilities I pull up my status to see it

Name: Shirou Emiya Class: Magus Level: 2 Experience Points: 6/100 Next Level: 94 EXP


HP: 200/200 (HP increases every level by 100)

Stamina: 1200/1200 (Recovers at a rate of 3% per second(changed to second cuz the only one that was supposed to be per minute was prana), scales with Endurance)

Prana: 600/600 (Recovers at a rate of 1% per minute, scales with Wisdom)

Circuits: Unlocked (27/27)


Strength: 16

Agility: 20

Endurance: 30

Dexterity: 13

Intelligence: 30

Wisdom: 10

Charisma: 25

Luck: -10

Skills: (the first few levels are always easier to level up)

Gamer Mind (Max Level) - Passive: This skill grants the user the ability to calmly and logically think through situations, maintaining a peaceful state of mind. It provides resistance against mind reading and mind control, allowing the user to retain their mental autonomy. Gamer

Body (Max Level) - Passive: With this skill, the user's body is transformed, allowing them to live in the real world as if it were a game. Any damage sustained will heal once their health points (HP) reach 100%, including the regeneration of severed limbs. Sleeping in a bed restores HP, prana, and cures all status effects.

King Crimson (3/20) - Active: This skill utilizes both prana (mana and od) and stamina at a rate of 110 per second (225 if only one attribute is used).

It grants the user two distinct abilities:

Epitaph: the user can see into the true path of the future.

Time Erase: This ability allows the user to remove the cause of events while leaving the effects intact. It also enables the user to alter their own and whoever they touch fate during the time erasure. The effects of this ability are only perceived by the user or by whoever they touch and not by anyone else. when active the user is enveloped in a crimson aura increasing physical stat by 4x(was 2x at level 1) their base value

The Six Eyes (2/20) - Passive/Active(aka if blindfolded it won't work): This skill optimizes the user's prana (mana and od) usage, ensuring minimal loss infinitesimally close to zero when activating skills. A proper Six Eyes user will never run out of prana. Additionally, the user's mental prowess can stretch a single moment in reality, to encompass over a minute within their own mind.

This heightened perception allows for instantaneous analysis and calculation of the positions of everything within their field of view.

The user will experience massive brain damage when the ability is active for more than 2 minutes (40 min with blackout sunglasses) or when viewing complex objects such as divine constructs.

note the higher the level the less pain the user would experience.

Total Concentration Breathing (2/10) -

Active Cost: 180 stamina per minute

Description: Total Concentration Breathing is a technique that involves expanding one's lungs to maximize air intake, increasing blood flow, heart rate, and body temperature. This leads to heightened excitement in bones and muscles, resulting in enhanced physical performance.

Effect: Increases all physical stats by 75% while the skill is active.

( NOTE these next skills leveled up faster because Shirou has been using them on swords or are related to swords)

Flame Breathing (3/10) - Active Cost: Varies based on form (160 to 1400 stamina/mana) Damage Depends on the user's stamina and intelligence attributes

Description: Flame Breathing is a style that imitates and harnesses the power of flames in the user's movements, techniques, and abilities. It manifests as powerful strikes that "burn" opponents and incorporates visualizations of fire manipulation. (if prana is used then fire would be real flames and make all the forms stronger)

Forms and Techniques:

First Form: Unknowing Fire - Deals 2.5x strength + intelligence damage and increases user speed by 70%. The user delivers a rapid, horizontal slash aimed at the target's neck.

Second Form: Rising Scorching Sun - Deals 2.5x strength + intelligence damage and doubles user speed and damage if executed in a quick draw. The user delivers an upward arcing vertical slash.

Third Form: Blazing Universe - Deals 5x strength + intelligence damage. The user performs a powerful downward vertical slash.

Fourth Form: Blooming Flame Undulation - Offers no damage but increases the user's reaction time for defense. The user executes a fluid circular motion to parry incoming attacks and strike multiple targets.

Fifth Form: Flame Tiger [LOCKED] - Deals 7x strength + intelligence damage and generates a flaming tiger through sword slashes. The user dashes forward, enveloped by the fiery manifestation.

Ninth Form: Rengoku [LOCKED] - Deals 25x (strength + intelligence) damage, increases user speed by 4x, and reduces overall defense by 75%. The most powerful Flame Breathing technique, where the user charges with incredible speed, unleashing a devastating slash that can carve the ground. The technique takes the form of a flaming Japanese dragon surrounding the user. (lvl gives no more dmg increase for this just lowering the reduction of defense)

Note: The locked forms will be accessible as Shirou progresses and gains more experience.

Gradation Air (22/100) - Active Skill:

Prana consumption varies based on the object.

Description: Also known as Projection, Gradation Air is a Magecraft that allows the materialization of objects according to the caster's imagination using magical energy. The term "Gradation" refers to the gradual fading away of the created object, while "Air" signifies that the object is formed from nothingness.

Structural Grasp (29/100) - Active/Passive Skill:

Prana consumption varies based on the object.

This skill has two aspects:

First, it enables Shirou to create a blueprint of practically anything he touches or lays his eyes on.

Second, it grants him the ability to witness the entire history of a weapon or object. However, this aspect is currently locked and will unlock once the skill reaches level 50.

reinforcement (6/100) active skill:

400 prana (depending on the object) when activated and 200 per minute to keep the reinforcement active

Reinforcement is the most difficult Magecraft with the purpose of pushing a basis to the utmost limit. It is the foundation of all Magecraft that enhances the existence of the target by pouring Magical Energy, Success requires a good grasp of the inner structure to fill openings with Magical Energy. Reinforcing the purpose of existence would be increasing the sharpness of a knife, the nourishment of food, or in the case of a living creature, physical strength, and durability

30% (was 35% at level 1) chance of failure. Failure may cause whatever is reinforcement immense damage to its structure

when used on the user increasing physical stats and mental ones if used on the brain or eyes by 12%

when used on an object increases physical stats by 30%

Basic Swordsmanship (Level 15/100) - Passive: The user gains a 15% increase in sword damage and a 15% improvement in swordsmanship skills.

Shirou, satisfied with his improved stats and skills, was done with his intense morning run. It was already 7:30 in the morning, and he realized he needed to prepare breakfast for himself and Kiritsugu. (do I make cooking a skill or just make a perk named master chef and be done with it??) He needed to hurry back home and prepare breakfast. Aware that people were out and about, he took a moment to put on his glasses and remove the blindfold. He didn't want anyone mistaking him for a blind child running around. With his vision protected, he resumed his run back home, determined to start the day off right with a delicious breakfast.

Shirou POV

As I finished my morning run, I glanced at my watch and realized it was already 7:30 in the morning. Breakfast! I needed to prepare breakfast for both myself and Kiritsugu. But as I was running back to the house, I noticed a teenage girl standing nervously in front of the door. I approached her, curious to know what she was doing.

"Um, excuse me," I called out, trying to sound friendly. "What are you doing here?"

Taiga POV

I stood in front of the door, my heart pounding with nervousness. This was my chance to finally talk to Kiritsugu, my handsome neighbor who had captured my heart ever since he moved in. I mustered up the courage to knock on the door and confess my feelings, but just as I was about to do so, a voice interrupted me.

"Um, excuse me, what are you doing?" a boy asked, looking at me with a curious expression. I blinked, not recognizing him. Who was this boy and why was he asking me such a question?

Caught off guard and feeling a bit embarrassed, I stumbled over my words. "Oh, um, I... uh, I was just... uh..." I stuttered, unable to find the right words. How could I explain my intentions without sounding foolish?

As I stood there, flustered and trying to explain myself to the boy, my eyes fell upon him, taking in his appearance. He had a charming and cute aura about him, which was enhanced by his auburn red hair. He wore round blackout sunglasses, hiding his eyes from view. His choice of attire consisted of a simple white t-shirt paired with black shorts, giving him a casual and laid-back look.

The boy seemed patient, waiting for me to respond. I took a deep breath, trying to gather my thoughts. Finally, I managed to find my voice again. "I... I'm here to see Kiritsugu," I admitted, my cheeks turning red with embarrassment.

he lowered his glasses, my eyes widened in surprise and I found myself mesmerized by the captivating gaze that met mine. His eyes were a stunning shade of blue, sparkling with curiosity and a hint of kindness. I was momentarily taken aback by their intensity, unable to tear my gaze away. It felt as if those eyes held a depth of knowledge and experiences far beyond his years. Lost in the enchanting allure of his eyes, I struggled to find my voice and gather my thoughts, my initial purpose forgotten for a moment.

"Ah, alright then," the boy responded, leading the way toward the gate of the house. He smoothly pulled out a set of keys and unlocked the gate, motioning for me to follow him inside. As I stepped through, I couldn't help but feel a mix of curiosity and nervousness bubbling within me. Who was this boy, and what was his connection to Kiritsugu? Could he be a relative? With these thoughts swirling in my mind, I knew I had to gather my courage and find the right words to explain why I was standing there in front of their house.

I followed closely behind him, stepping into the house with a mixture of nerves and curiosity. As he opened the door to the main building, he informed me that his dad was still asleep and he needed to make breakfast. He kindly suggested that I wait a little until he was finished. Nodding in agreement, I replied, "Ah, yes, sure."

I sat on the pillow in front of a low table in the middle of the living room, and I observed as he started preparing the ingredients with focused determination. Even with the blackout glasses on, he moved with grace and precision. It was evident that he was familiar with the kitchen and had a level of skill in culinary arts.

I watched in awe as he effortlessly navigated through the process, his movements confident and purposeful. The aroma of the ingredients filled the air, adding to the anticipation of the meal that was being prepared. Despite my initial nervousness, the sight of him cooking with such expertise put me at ease.

As he worked, I couldn't help but steal glances at his face. His auburn-red hair complemented his features and his adorable appearance. (25 char average is 10 you do the math)

a traditional Japanese breakfast consists of steamed rice, miso soup, a protein such as grilled fish, and various side dishes.

Once he finished preparing the meal, he carefully arranged a traditional Japanese breakfast on the table. Steamed rice, flavorful miso soup, perfectly grilled fish, and an assortment of delightful side dishes adorned the plates. The aroma was captivating, and my anticipation for the meal grew stronger.

Before we could dig in, he went to knock on a door, presumably Kiritsugu's room. I overheard him say, "Dad, wake up! I made breakfast." In response, I heard a tired voice from inside, "I'll be there in a minute."

"wait! Dad..." A pang of sadness washed over me as I realized that Kiritsugu already had a son. It meant that he had a family, someone he shared his life with. The thought of him having a wife made my heart ache with a mix of envy and longing. I tried to push those feelings aside and focus on the present moment, but the sadness lingered in the back of my mind.

Shirou POV

I sat patiently at the table, waiting for Kiritsugu to join us so we could start our meal. After about five minutes, Kiritsugu entered the living room, greeted me with a "good morning," and then his gaze shifted to the girl standing before us. In that moment, his eyes seemed to lose their warmth and hollowed out, as if he were ready to attack her. However, recognition quickly sparked in his eyes, and he spoke, "Good morning, Fujimura-san. What are you doing here?"

The girl looked shy and stumbled over her words, "Uhh, I... uh... umm..." She seemed hesitant and unable to articulate her purpose for being here. Finally, in a burst of embarrassment, she blurted out, "I... My grandfather said you were fluent in English, and I was wondering if you could teach me."

Kiritsugu appeared bewildered by her request but then nodded and said, "I... sure. You can come on weekends, and I will teach you."

We all sat down at the table and started to enjoy the meal. Kiritsugu and Taiga engaged in a conversation about her education and her aspirations of becoming an English teacher. It was evident that Taiga was passionate about her goal. As they chatted, Kiritsugu turned to me and said, "Shirou, today we will focus more on your swordsmanship training."

Taiga seemed intrigued. "Sure, that's actually what I wanted to focus on today." I nodded in agreement, and Taiga's smile widened. She then asked, "You train in Kendo?" I replied, "Yeah, I only just started." Taiga's eyes lit up, and she suggested, "You know, I'm pretty good at kendo. If you'd like, we could have a spar." I smiled back and replied, "Sure, I'd love to." With that, we made our way to the dojo, ready for a friendly practice session.

Taiga and I stood opposite each other in the dojo, ready to engage in a kendo match. We agreed to follow the traditional kendo rules, where the first person to score three points would be declared the winner. Taiga, being more experienced in kendo, initially intended to take it easy on me.

As the match began, I focused my attention and activated my Epitaph skill, allowing me to see into the future. With this advantage, I swiftly executed my flame-breathing 4th form, anticipating Taiga's strikes and countering them with precision. Surprisingly, I managed to land the first point, catching Taiga off guard.

However, Taiga's expression changed, and I could see her determination intensify. She realized that I was not to be taken lightly. From that moment on, the match grew more intense as both of us displayed our skills to the fullest. I relied on the various forms of Flame Breathing, incorporating them into attacks.

Despite my efforts, Taiga proved to be a formidable opponent. Her mastery of kendo, combined with her superior strength and speed, allowed her to outmaneuver me. Taiga gradually took control of the match after my stamina ran out using epitaph, skillfully evading my attacks and launching swift and powerful strikes of her own.

In the end, Taiga emerged as the victor, having scored three points against my one. She showcased her superior skill, demonstrating why she was regarded as an accomplished kendo practitioner. Although I put up a valiant fight and utilized my abilities to the best of my ability, it was clear that Taiga's experience and skill surpassed mine.

After the intense kendo match, Taiga looked immensely surprised by my skills, referring to me as a prodigy. However, I quickly dismissed her notion, assuring her that I was far from being one. She seemed confused by my response, but she didn't press further. Instead, we continued our sparring session, with Taiga offering guidance and correcting my mistakes along the way.

As we took a break for lunch, Taiga used the opportunity to approach Kiritsugu and discuss her desire to learn English from him. Meanwhile, I took charge of the kitchen and began cooking our meal. Once the food was ready, we gathered around the table and enjoyed a satisfying lunch together.

As we finished eating, Taiga surprised me by giving me a warm hug. She then playfully requested that I call her "Fuji-nee" from now on. Perplexed by her sudden request, I obliged and addressed her with the new nickname. Her continuous giggles delight at my compliance much to my confusion.

With Taiga's departure, I resumed my training for the remainder of the day, with Kiritsugu supervising my progress. We focused on honing my magecraft skills. The day was filled with intense practice, pushing me further toward my goal whatever it may be.

(Note Shirou was wearing the blindfold for the rest of the day because when Kiritsugi woke up he hypnotized Taiga to assume the wasn't wearing a blindfold.

Anyway, give me your feedback in the comments on any you liked/didn't like I will hopefully drop another ch later today or tomorrow)

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