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Kapitel 5: alien love

was late. From the viewpoint of anyone standing on the parapets of the Eternal Palace on the planet Jahoobus Two, all four moons had set, so almost all of Queen Muu's subjects in this hemisphere were snug in their beds.

Queen Muu herself, on the other hand, was still wide awake. Per her usual nightly custom, she'd had nine males—the finest specimens that the Royal Cock Procurer could obtain—brought to her bedchamber, where she had fucked each one to exhaustion before moving on to the next. Usually, this was perfectly adequate to her needs, but tonight, she found herself unsatisfied.

She thought of summoning the Cock Procurer and commanding her to fetch nine more males, but the queen quickly thought better of it. Most likely, none of the males from the Procurer's stable of standbys would be any more capable of pleasing her than the previous ones. But what other options were there? The Ministry of Satisfaction was, on the Queen's orders, growing several prototype "ubercocksmen" in its laboratories, but it would be months before these specimens were ready to be decanted and trained to used their specially biocrafted male members, which were expected to be as long as eight hundred milliglorbans when erect.

Irritated, the Queen reached back and adjusted the straps of the multi-tiered anti-grav bra that lifted and separated her three substantial pairs of breasts beneath her royal robes, which were cut so as to display her triple cleavage in the most flattering way possible. Where could an extraordinary woman like Muu—descendant of a royal line of Jahoobian queens who, in the old days, produced their heirs by literally fucking their husbands to death—find genuine satisfaction in these times?

She was about to depart her bedroom to stroll the palace corridors while she tried to think of a solution. But just as she turned toward her bedroom door, Muu saw an odd sight: a small portal of some kind, opening in the air just above her bed.

And then, far more intriguing, Muu sensed something from the portal: a kind of wordless message. Somehow, she knew that beyond that portal was a cock, hard and ready, eager to get inside her.

She didn't waste a moment before stripping off her royal robes. Then she got on all fours on the bed and thrust her plush ass right up against the portal, her royal pussy wet and wide open.

Whoever the owner of that cock was, he didn't waste a moment: One thrust, and Queen Muu had what felt like a full glorban of male member shoved inside her.

"Haaaaaaah!" she hollered. "Yes! MORE!"

She didn't know whether the wielder of this mighty cock had heard her. Nonetheless, he pulled most of the way out and shoved back in, thrusting even more length into Muu's royal pussy. The queen bellowed with pleasure.

"Yes! Fuck me! Fuck your queen!"

The mighty cock slammed into her depths again, and again. Muu reached forward and braced herself against the elegant wooden headboard of her huge bed so that she could shove her ass back against her unseen lover's thrusts, enhancing their depth and power even further. Cracks formed in the wall as the bedstead slammed into it over and over.

"Oh, by the Thousand Gods, do not stop!" Muu cried, her voice piercing the din of the shaking bed and the repeated blows of the headboard against the wall. "Fuck me, fuck me, FUCK ME!"

It seemed impossible, but somehow, the massive cock pounded Queen Muu's royal pussy even harder than before. Most women in this part of the galaxy would have found this treatment brutal, if not fatal; but for Muu, every blow the mighty member struck against her womb-entrance brought a shock of unmatched pleasure. Her six huge breasts swung wildly beneath her, her plush ass rippled with every pounding thrust, and the sheer girth of the cock inside her stretched her vaginal opening to a degree that, in lesser women, would have drawn tears of agony.

Now, Queen Muu's pleasure was such that words evaded her: She simply grunted and hollered incoherently as her climax began to well up within her.

"Hah! Hah! HAH! HAH!" she bellowed. "Ah, yes! YES! YEEEEEEEESSSSSS!"

Her climax was so powerful that she tore the headboard to splinters as she thrashed and writhed in ecstasy. Lights came on all over the palace as guards and staffers were startled awake by the Queen's orgasmic screams.

Muu, panting like an animal, felt the huge member withdraw from her now-cavernous cunt. She looked behind her, hoping to see some hint of who her mostly-unseen lover might be. Instead, she saw only the hole in space, which closed and vanished. Then she turned onto her back and opened her legs.

"Magnificent!" Muu gasped, watching her unseen lover's huge load of cum flow from her gaping pussy like a white river emerging from the mouth of a cave. She could not remember the last time any male had gifted her with such a bounty of seed.

The door to her bedchamber burst open, and a half-dozen guards rushed in, brandishing their photon spears.

"What has happened, my Queen?" the guard captain cried. Then he saw the copious quantity of seed on the bed and on the Queen's thighs.

"Forgive us, Your Royal Hotness," the man said. He and his troops bowed and quickly exited the room.

Dizzy with post-orgasmic bliss, the Queen crawled stumblingly to the edge of her massive bed, reached for her comm necklace, and pressed a yellow gem to summon her chambermaids. A team of four arrived almost immediately, bearing mops, sponges, semen-proof laundry bags, and a host of other items specially intended for cleaning up after one of Queen Muu's nighttime trysts. Saying nothing, the maids got right to work, and the Queen ignored them as she pondered what had just transpired.

Really, she could scarcely believe it. Not since the thousand-man gangbang on her coronation day had she experienced such pleasure.

Muu again grabbed up her jeweled comm necklace. This time, she pressed her thumb against a large, flat, ruby-like gem to contact the Palace's communications hub.

"Summon the Royal Cock Procurer, the Ministers of Science and Satisfaction, and the Royal Cartographer to my chamber immediately!"

The four palace staffers—all in their sleepwear—arrived at Queen Muu's bedchamber within minutes. After the Queen told them what had happened, the Minister of Science pulled a hand-held device from her bag and slowly scanned the room with it.

"I'm detecting residual particulate radiation," she said. "The kind most often associated with a wormhole."

"A wormhole?" the Royal Cartographer exclaimed, his black eyebrows shooting upward. "Should we be concerned that the palace's security was so easily penetrated?"

"That is not the penetration you should concern yourself with!" the Queen barked. "We must find the other end of that wormhole. Immediately!"

"Why is that, Your Holy Chestiness?" the Minister of Satisfaction asked.

"Because," the Queen replied, "I have just experienced the most magnificent fuck of my entire reign, and I shall have the owner of that mighty cock in my stable if I have to tear the galaxy apart to do it!"

The Royal Cock Procurer, looking a bit hurt as she adjusted the short hem of her nightgown, asked, "I cannot imagine that there is a species in the known galaxy that possesses a cock more satisfying than those I have procured for you, My Queen. Can you describe it?"

"I did not actually see it, but I could tell by feel that it was as long as my arm. And the shape of it…oh, the stimulation it caused in my Sacred Chamber was simply magnificent. Incomparable with anything I have experienced. Which is why we must find this cock and its master at once!"

"Of course, Your Royal Bodaciousness," the science minister said. "We will do everything in our power to track the wormhole to its source."

"See that you do," the Queen replied.


Just before noon the next day, the Minister of Science and the Royal Cartographer came to the Queen's throne room, where the six-breasted monarch was conducting affairs of state. This being daytime, both of the senior staffers were in their proper uniforms: The Minister wore a black V-neck top with silver trim that showed a substantial amount of inner sideboob, and a long black skirt with silver-trimmed slits that ran from hem to hip up the sides of both her legs, partially exposing the Minister's lacy black uniform panties. The Cartographer had on a short, sleeveless black vest that revealed his well-muscled upper arms and abs (all staffers in the palace were required to make regular use of the gymnasium—and, if that did not produce a visually satisfactory result, the royal plastic surgeon) and tight uniform pants that showed off both his well-toned ass and his crotch-bulge.

"My queen," the Minister of Science said, "I have good news. We have managed to locate the planet on which the other end of the wormhole appeared."

"Is it Bodonkus Seven?" Queen Muu asked. "The Alpha Prime males there are rumored to be legendary cocksmen. I had been planning to dispatch the Procurer there before our mysterious wormhole gave me the greatest fuck of my life."

"No, Your Eminent Fuckableness," the Cartographer replied. "The owner of the member in question appears to be from a remote planet that was identified a century ago during a routine mapping expedition. There was nothing particularly noteworthy about the planet, so the Royal Cartographer at the time simply designated it Shmuckulon Three and moved on. Although she noted that the planet's indigenous people call it 'Earth.'"

"I should add," the Minister of Science piped, "that we cannot tell you where on Schmuckulon Three the companion wormhole formed. We did well merely to track it to the correct solar system."

The Cartographer added, "The planet has five continents and eight billion more-or-less sentient beings, so identifying the owner of the cock in question will be challenging."

"Then we must go there at once," Queen Muu declared. "Ready my ship!"


Within hours, Queen Muu's flagship, the Indomitable Vajayjay, was fully loaded with two months' provisions for its crew of forty thousand, plus the three hundred or so cocksmen chosen by the Procurer to provide at least minimal satisfaction to the Queen during the voyage. The Procurer herself, as well as the Ministers of Science and Satisfaction, were also on board to provide their expertise in support of the mission.

Queen Muu was restless during the voyage. Although the cocksmen worked themselves literally almost to death to satisfy her, none of them could match the magnificence of her unknown wormhole-lover. How she wished that aperture through time and space would open again in her presence and allow her to experience her mystery-fucker's unmatched cockulence. In the interim, Muu satisfied herself—barely—with multiple double- and triple-penetrations per night, usually while watching some sort of elaborate erotic performance by whichever cocksmen weren't pounding her pussy and asshole at the moment; they plowed various female members of the ship's crew in different positions and orifices for their Queen's titillation.

When the ship was a few days from Earth, the Minister of Science and the Royal Cock Procurer came to Muu with the closest thing to good news that she'd heard since the voyage began.

"Your Most Generously Boobedness," the Minister of Science said, "my staff have devised a method of tracing the precise location of the opposite end of any wormhole that should form inside the Vajayjay. We also had a detector placed in your royal bedchamber back at the Eternal Palace, in case the wormhole should reappear there."

"Very good," Muu sighed. "Although I suppose there is no reason to believe that I will be so fortunate. That blasted wormhole has not appeared to me again since that magnificent night, and the palace staff have not reported seeing it in my bedchamber there."

"Do not be dispirited, My Royal Fuckmistress," the Royal Cock Procurer replied. "Any man capable of pleasing you must surely be famous on his world, especially a world as puny as Schmuckulon Three. If we cannot locate him through science, perhaps we can find him by reputation."

"Yes," Queen Muu replied, her despondency giving way to cautious optimism. "Yes, you are quite right. Take a landing craft and round up some of the female natives for questioning; surely, they will know who their planet's greatest lover is."

"Right away, Most Mightily Titted One," the Procurer replied, and hurried away to do her queen's bidding.


"I am sorry, Your Most Impressively Endowedness," the Procurer said days later as she and the Minister of Satisfaction stood before the Queen in the Vajayjay's throne room. "We have conducted extensive interviews with females from every continent of Schmuckulon Three, but it seems that the women of this planet are not aware of a male who possesses the sexual prowess that you describe."

Muu frowned. "Perhaps they are keeping him a secret," she said, "to avoid having to share his services." She turned to the Minister of Satisfaction. "Did you interrogate the females thoroughly?"

"Yes, Your Plowableness," the minister replied. "But despite repeated involuntary orgasms, none would confess to knowing the male we seek."

"Then we will have to do this the old-fashioned way," Muu growled. "We shall conquer Schmuckulon Three and submit every male to sexual testing."

"That will take considerable time, Most Penetrable Highness," the Cock Procurer said. "There are nearly four billion males on this planet."

"Then we'd best get started!" Muu barked.

"And what should we do with the females?" the Minister of Satisfaction asked.

"How many are there?"

"Also about four billion, Your Gang-Bangableness."

"There are as many females as males?" the Empress exclaimed with a sneer. "How revolting. Well, I suppose I could use a billion females to organize my shoe collection."

"Of course, Most Poundable Majesty," the minister replied. "We'll start rounding them up at once."


Subjugating Schmuckulon Three (aka the planet Earth) took weeks. This was not because the natives could put up a real fight with their non-spaceworthy aircraft and primitive nuclear weapons, but because Queen Muu had forbidden her forces from slaughtering the natives en masse—at least, not until the singularly mighty cocksman among them was found.

The Schmuckulonians' inevitable surrender, too, was tediously time-consuming. Theirs was not a united planet, so hundreds of leaders had to be brought from all around their native mudball and taken to the throne room in shifts. Muu had to have a trio of cocksmen pleasuring her the entire time (rather startling some of the Schmuckulonians, who were clearly a race of prudes) just to keep from falling asleep before the last human leaders signed over their portion of Schmuckulon Three to the Jahooban regime.

Once the surrender was complete, the Indomitable Vajayjay's crew held the traditional celebratory orgy. Then, after being fucked in every hole by all three hundred of the ship's cocksmen, Queen Muu retired to her bedchamber. She was eager to begin the processing of human males in the morning—particularly because she would be testing the most promising candidates herself.

She had just changed into her short, gauzy, and entirely see-through black nightie when it happened: the wormhole appeared again, at just the right height above the surface of her bed.

Muu knew that the Vajajay's internal sensors had been set to lock onto the wormhole if it appeared. All Muu needed to do was to keep the wormhole open for as long as possible so that the ship's computers could trace its point of origin.

That, she thought eagerly, will not be a problem.

Seeing the wormhole open was all the foreplay Queen Muu needed. She got up on all fours and backed her glorious ass up to the floating space-orifice. Then she hollered in carnal joy as that massive cock she adored more than any other rammed into her eager pussy.

"Haaaaahhhhh!" she bellowed, seizing the bedstead for stability and so that she could fuck her ass back against her unseen lover's mighty thrusts. After her first wormhole encounter at the palace, the queen had ordered her various beds to be refitted with titanium-steel bedsteads, which were ornate but durable and which had many handholds that could provide excellent purchase even during the most powerful fuck.

The mighty cocksman began to thrust into her forcefully, making the Queen cry out with every powerful shove of his magnificent member into her depths.

"HAH! HAH! HAH! HAH!" she hollered, shoving back against each mighty thrust to ensure that his cock plowed hard into the very back of her love-tunnel every time. The entire room shook with the energy of their coupling, rattling the furniture and making items on the Queen's dressing table to fall to the floor.

"YES!" the Queen cried. "FUCK ME! FUCK MEEEEEEE!"

With a long, high, ululating cry like nothing else Queen Muu had ever heard, her lover thrust his cock against her cervix and fired a massive rush of semen straight into her royal womb. Queen Muu screamed to the heavens and thrashed mightily as the flood of male seed into her deepest depths drove her to a magnificent climax.

But Muu did not let the encounter end there. The moment her and her lover's climaxes ended and the mighty cock slipped from her royal pussy, she turned around, seized it in both hands, and sucked it mightily for half a minute before swallowing it whole down her throat and using her powerful esophageal muscles to pleasure its entire length.

Once the immense member was fully hard again, Muu used a control gem on her necklace to raise the bed. Then she lay down on her back, spread her legs wide, and used both hands to shove that magnificent cock back into her eager pussy. Her lover immediately began to pound the depths of her fucktunnel, making Muu scream in carnal delight.

Queen Muu repeated this cycle again and again, being fucked to an intense climax and then sucking her lover's massive cock hard again for another round. She had the glorious member in her hands and was massaging it back to minimum sucking-hardness when her comm necklace beeped. She would have ignored the call, but she saw that it was from the Minister of Science. So she hit the green Answer gem on the necklace, hoping for good news.

"Your Bootyliciousness, we've done it!" the Minister of Science shouted triumphantly. "We have identified the location of the other end of the wormhole! Or at least, we've narrowed it down to an area of Schmuckulon Three known as 'Kentucky.'"

"Excellent!" Muu replied. "Round up every male in Kentucky and begin the testing. The rest of the humans can be enslaved: I've decided that Schmuckulon Three will be our regional capital in this sector, so we will need many laborers to build a proper castle. Constructing my walk-in lingerie closet alone will require millions of slaves."

"Work will begin immediately, Your Fine-Assedness!"

"Good," Queen Muu replied. Then, seeing that the mighty cock had once again grown hard in her hands, she smiled and said, "Now leave me be. The durability of my bedstead requires additional testing."

Soon, the corridors of the Indomitable Vajajay once again echoed with the Queen's screams of pleasure.

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