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58.78% Naruto : Pure Blood / Chapter 87: chapter 77

Kapitel 87: chapter 77

Chapter 77


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long chapter... Enjoy or Die



Naruto and all of his friends exited the portal. One by one, they made themselves comfortable in their hideout. They settled into chairs, sofas, and tables scattered around the space.


The hideout felt just like home, nestled beneath the Uzumaki Shrine, a temporary meeting place they had chosen for the time being.


"That was fun," Hinata called out in a joyful voice, not caring about what others might think of her.

"Yep, that was awesome," Naruto replied, grinning at her.


"It's all his karma; he got what he did to others," Nagato spoke with a tone reminiscent of a wise older brother.

"Hehe... you can say whatever you want, but that was a lot of fun, man," Naruto replied, his voice filled with a mixture of amusement and satisfaction.


"Yes... I wish he could have more life so we could have tortured him further," Hinata said to Naruto.

Naruto nodded in agreement.

He then shifted his gaze to Sasuke. Sasuke and Konan remained the quiet ones in this group of bizarre individuals.


One of them is a yandere, a crazy girl. The other one was the emo, who killed his brother. Another one was the man who killed his sensei in the name of peace. The other one has a god complex.

So, in this group, the blue-haired girl, Konan, was relatively normal in comparison to them.


"Hey, Sasuke! Do you think revenge is a sweet pill?" Naruto asked a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Sasuke turned to his friend, his expression unreadable. "I don't know what you're talking about," he replied, .

although he knew what Naruto was asking.


"You're no fun, man," Naruto remarked to Sasuke, shaking his head in mock disappointment.

Sasuke's expression remained unchanged.

"You're always like this, the emo brat... Although you've changed, you're still you—the classic Uchiha," Naruto teased him, a playful glint in his eyes.


"What did you just say… emo?" Sasuke retorted, irritation evident in his voice.

Naruto looked at him, amused by Sasuke's reaction.


Turning his attention to Hinata, Naruto asked, "Hey, Hinata... Do you think revenge is a sweet pill?"


Hinata looked at him, and a smile appeared on her face. "Of course, revenge is a sweet thing," she said with conviction.

"The people who say revenge will lead you to nothing... that's all bullshit. Look at me. I killed the elders of the main family, tortured some clansmen who looked down on me and mentally tormented my father. And I feel nothing bad; on the contrary, it feels amazing." She spoke to Naruto with a sweet and innocent smile.

"Hehe... that's my girl," Naruto said, and hearing his praise, her cheeks reddened in response.

All of them looked at her, seeing her sweet smile. In that moment, no one could believe that this girl could have a darker side.


Then, Naruto suddenly remembered something, and he looked at Sasuke with a subtle smile playing on his lips. "Hey, Sasuke, now that your goal is complete, and you've avenged your clan... but," Naruto said, pausing for emphasis although Obito is still alive, and they're all going to kill him together.

"But what..." Sasuke asked, not fully grasping the point Naruto was making.


"But... have you thought about rebuilding your clan? Do you have any girls in mind?" Naruto asked, a sly and teasing smile on his face.

"..." Sasuke remained silent, unable to provide an answer to Naruto's question.

"What about Sakura... or do you not like flat-chested girls? Oh... what about your other fangirls..." Naruto said, playfully needling Sasuke.

"Naruto," Sasuke responded with a visible vein pulsing on his forehead.

"Tell me, Sasuke, what type of girls do you like? Tall, short, flat, big boobs, or something else... You can tell me, you know I'm here to help you," Naruto continued a sly smile on his face.

"Naruto... you're getting on my nerves lately," Sasuke said in annoyance. He struggled with words, and Naruto was clearly enjoying poking fun at him.

"Tch... you're no fun... I want to help you, emo brat," Naruto said, the last part in a low voice, but everyone in the room heard him.

"You…" Sasuke wanted to respond, but he found himself momentarily at a loss for words. But He was determined not to let Naruto have his way.


"Look who's saying this, the boy who always yelled like a fool, 'I'm gonna be Hokage.' What's now?" Sasuke asked, his lips curling upward slightly. After having Naruto as his friend, he had also picked up some of Naruto's traits.

"Hokage... why should I become Hokage when I could become a god," Naruto replied.

"Isn't that right, Hinata-chan?" He looked at her, and she nodded in agreement.


"Here you go again with your god complex... I'm out of this," Sasuke said, his smile fading as he walked away from them. He found a corner to sit in, closed his eyes, and decided to disengage from the verbal battle. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't seem to win.


Naruto's expression shifted, becoming serious as he turned to Nagato. "The three villages are getting ready to wage war on Konoha, and these fools didn't even know they're being manipulated by someone," Naruto explained to Nagato. He understood that this was not just any ordinary war.

"Yes, I could feel the disturbance in the air. What do you want me to do?" Nagato asked. He was willing to follow Naruto, he was driven by his goal to create peace in the shinobi world. However, now he understood that it wouldn't be as simple as he once thought.


The people here could change the way of war on their whims, but that wasn't Naruto's primary concern.

"We'll see when the war starts. First, you have to train hard," Naruto said to Nagato.

Sasuke, eager to use his eyes asked, "How much time do we have?"

"One month," Naruto replied.

"This is enough," Sasuke affirmed


Naruto nodded in agreement. He was well aware that the scale of this war would be significant, with Jonin-level shinobi serving as cannon fodder and Jinchuriki of Ten Tails and Otsutsuki clan members posing the real threat. However, he didn't appear overly concerned.

He turned his gaze to Hinata. "Are you ready?" he asked. She nodded, and a portal materialized behind her.

Naruto looked at them. "We'll see you in a few days. Until then, goodbye." With that, both Naruto and Hinata stepped through the portal.


Sasuke stood up, his fire burning in his eyes, and walked away. He knew he had to train hard; he couldn't let Naruto get too far ahead. With purpose, he disappeared from the scene.

Now, only Nagato and Konan remained. They exchanged nods, silently understanding the gravity of the situation and the roles they needed to play. Without further words, they too vanished from the location,


Naruto (clone), the arrogant punk, was now heading towards Konoha.

"Hahaha... this is addictive," he exclaimed, a swaggering grin plastered across his face.

A Earth-style Rasengan pulsated in Naruto's palm. As he prepared to unleash its power, he felt a significant recoil, and the Rasengan was expelled like a high-speed projectile, hurtling forward at a velocity of 200 meters per second.


The brown Rasengan tore through everything in its path. Trees were reduced to splinters, and rocks were sent flying in all directions. With a deafening explosion, the force of the Rasengan devastated the surroundings. As the explosion expanded at supersonic speed, it disintegrated everything down to a cellular level and dissipated instantly.


Naruto gazed at the devastation he had unleashed. "Hehe... it's fun," he mused aloud, a gleam of excitement in his eyes. "What if I add some kekkei genkai into the Rasengan? Even thinking about this gives me goosebumps... the power will be so tremendous that not even the Jinchuriki of the Ten-Tails could absorb my ninjutsu... haha..." His laughter echoed through the forest.


"He activated his eyes and looked in the direction of Konoha, and saw Shikamaru still hadn't reached the village.


"I will think about mixing my kekkei genkai into the Rasengan when I reach 'my village,'" Naruto declared, and with a casual flick of his finger, he vanished from the spot.

Meanwhile, Shikamaru continued his journey towards Konoha. After an hour had passed with no sign of Naruto's return, Shikamaru muttered in a low voice, "It's been an hour, and Naruto hasn't returned."

A chill settled over him as he neared the village. The climate had undergone a drastic change.

Deep in thought, Shikamaru suddenly heard Naruto's voice from behind. "You haven't reached the village yet, you're so slow, Shikamaru," Naruto's teasing voice called out.


The inability to sense Naruto scared Shikamaru.

"Are you done with your business?" he inquired cautiously.

Naruto nodded in response.

As they conversed, snowflakes began to drift down from the sky, and the coldness intensified. The once vibrant greenery transformed into a frosty landscape.

With a final exchange of farewells, they went their separate ways.


Shikamaru strolled through the village, taking in the changes to the architecture.

Despite the alterations, the place still felt like home to him. As he meandered, he noticed his team sitting in a restaurant, enjoying a meal together.

Entering the establishment, Shikamaru joined his friends at their table. His fatigue was evident, and he slumped wearily into a seat.


Sikamaru's friends, Choji and Ino, turned their attention to him. They shared a knowing glance, aware that he had recently gone on a mission with Naruto, a secret known only to the three of them.


"So you completed your mission?" Ino asked Shikamaru, her blonde hair tied in her typical style. [an-img]

"Yes," Sikamaru replied to her.

Meanwhile, Choji was munching on chips, even though there was still food on the table.


Both Ino and Choji noticed that something was amiss with Sikamaru's demeanor. There was a clear unease in his expression that caught their attention.

Ino, perceptive as ever, locked her gaze onto him. "What's on your mind, Shikamaru?" she inquired.

Shikamaru hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether to share his thoughts. After a pause, he finally spoke up, "It's about Naruto."


"What about Naruto?" Choji inquired.

Shikamaru took a moment before he responded, his words laced with hesitation. "He's a monster... I really felt scared being near him."

Ino, seemingly surprised by Sikamaru's assessment, chimed in, "How can you say that? Look at him, he's so handsome. In the whole village, there is no one as Handsome as him... you're not making any sense."

"You don't believe me about what I saw," Sikamaru stated to his friends.

"What did you see?" Choji inquired, his interest piqued as he continued to munch on his chips.


"He didn't put any of them in his eyes... he just called them lesser beings... and I saw him using the Shadow Possession Jutsu... and believe me, this was on a whole another level than even my father couldn't do at his level," Shikamaru explained to his friends.


"Didn't it make him cool?" Ino said, her perspective was different from Sikamaru's. She found Naruto's abilities intriguing and exciting, wondering why Shikamaru was reacting this way.

Sikamaru's tone remained serious as he responded, "You don't understand. He is powerful, way more powerful. I know no one could defeat him. He's leagues beyond anyone. What if he turned against Konoha? Who will stop him? Do you understand now? He is way too powerful. I don't feel safe around him, but rather scared," he explained, earnestly sharing his concerns with his friends. These were his thoughts after witnessing his powers, he felt conflicted, he believed in his friend, but he also felt afraid of his power.


"No, he will never turn against our village. Don't you remember he rebuilt this whole village? If people hear something like this, they will kill you," Ino said to her friend. She didn't have any problem with this; in her opinion, their village was safe in his presence. She had witnessed his powers, and she knew everyone had seen his powers.

"Don't you know what people call him nowadays?" Choji said to his friend.


"What do they call him?" Shikamaru inquired, genuinely curious, as he hadn't been paying much attention to village affairs.


"They call him the 'God of Shinobi,'"


Naruto strolled through the village, his gaze falling upon a group of children playing on the street. They were busy building snowmen and engaging in lively snowball fights, their boisterous laughter filling the air.

As he passed by, Naruto couldn't help but smile at the sight of the carefree children, their innocence a stark contrast to the world of shinobi he knew so well, "I am getting bored, what should I do,"

Naruto continued his aimless walk through the streets, eventually passing by the ninja academy.

"These little kids preparing for the war," he mused to himself.

~~IN the Acadmy~~

These days, the training for the academy students has become exceedingly strict.

It was a stark departure from their usual classes, and the students felt the drastic change keenly.

Each day was a grueling ordeal as they navigated the rigorous training regimens.

New students had recently been enrolled in the academy, and the existing students couldn't help but sense the tension in the air.

Rumors circulated among the academy's corridors, whispers of an impending war on the horizon.


The rigorous training was indeed the reason they were pushed so hard, but now it was lunchtime, and the students had a moment to relax.


As the lunch bell rang, they gathered in groups.


Several students formed a group, sitting together and enjoying their lunch.


"Hey, do you remember that day when he flattened the whole village?" one of the students asked.

"Yeah, that was scary as hell. How could someone flatten the whole village? It's above 40 km in diameter," another boy remarked.

"And then he started raising houses from the ground... that was something else," a third boy chimed in.


"Look around us... There were houses made of ice, and we didn't feel cold inside them. And the whole village is now a snow village," the girl remarked.

"That was awesome... our village now looks like the paradise from some fairy tales," another boy added.


"You know his nickname, how could you be like him?" one boy questioned.

"Didn't they say that the first Hokage was the God of Shinobi... the forest around us was made by him?" another boy asked.

"I don't believe this, Naruto Uzumaki is the real God of Shinobi. We have seen his powers with our own eyes," the girl stated firmly.


They all nodded in agreement with the girl's statement. After all, they had personally witnessed Naruto's incredible powers.

Conversations like these echoed throughout Konoha, and soon, the nickname "the God of Shinobi" became associated with Naruto. The younger generation idealized him More than anything.


Naruto stood in the graveyard, his gaze fixed on the gravestone bearing Kakashi Hatake's name.

he paid his respects to the man.

In his hands, Naruto held a jar filled with green liquid, and within it floated an eye—an eye that had once belonged to Kakashi.


Now his Sharingan was in his hand. Naruto looked at the eye.

"Should I give it to Konohamaru?" Naruto thought. "But it will hinder his progress; the chakra consumption is too high for him. Even Kakashi was able to use it only two times before passing out," he said to himself.


"No one is coming to my mind," Naruto muttered, contemplating the fate of the Sharingan eye. He carefully sealed it in a scroll, ensuring it wouldn't go to waste.

"Now, let's work on my Rasengan... hehe... I wonder what will happen when my Ice Release mixes with Rasengan... This is getting addictive," Naruto mused to himself.



AN~ End of the Chapter.

How was the conversation between Sasuke and Naruto, was Shikamaru really afraid of Naruto, that poor boy didn't even know it was his clone.

The training arc will start in the next chapter, now Naruto will explore the true ability of his eyes.

If you have some jutsu in mind tell me I will add them to his arsenal in a proper way.

___and here is today's question.

Kakashi's Sharingan eyes, who will get it?

1. Konohamru.

2. Tsunade

3. His son

4. Some random crow


if you like the chapter tell me in the comments and give me your powerstons...

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