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24.13% Marvel: Abysmal Spider-Man / Chapter 13: Hulk Vs Abomination Part 1

Kapitel 13: Hulk Vs Abomination Part 1


In a brightly lit room sat a single person.

The room itself was a cubical made entirely of glowing white walls from all four sides, the floor and the ceiling. Positioned in the center of the room were a standard well-made book bed and a stool placed as close to the bed as possible.

The stool was white, like marble, with ornate gothic carvings of bones and creeping thorned roses, with each arm ending in a well-crafted skull held in place by skeletal fingers, making it look more akin to a thrown rather than a stool.

Sitting quite comfortably on the stool was the only occupant in the room, shrouded in black miasma, hiding their figure despite the light, making it difficult to tell who or what this figure was, however the human shape it took made it clear that it was indeed a humanoid being.

The being sat patiently, one hand on each arm rest of the marble stool with legs crossed, twitching slightly in anticipation as if it was waiting for something that should already be here.

It didn't have to wait long.


The space around the bed was distorted with a crackle, and a teenage boy appeared on the bed. As soon as he arrived the rest of the blank white room warped along with the bed. objects appeared here and there; two windows with curtains appeared on the blank bright walls with a serene view of the park seen through them, a door on the adjacent side, a desk next to it, followed by other trivial objects here and there. Science, Star Wars, and ripped spider-women posters appeared on the walls, followed by sea-green sunflower patterned wallpapers beneath them, dirty clothes on the floors, a PC and monitor on the desk, etc...

After a few seconds, it looked like a room that one would expect to belong to an average teenager, a science geek with a once unhealthy obsession for Spider-women.

In fact, this was Peter's room.

"Hello, you" the figure chuckled, its voice revealing itself to be feminine, its tone caring with a hint of irritation.

She reached out a hand, the black mist-like miasma fading to reveal a pale hand, connected to a forearm wrapped in black bandages.

The mist faded more and more when the room stopped warping, showing the sitting figure in its entirety, a beautiful pale woman, with obsidian black hair whose face was hidden behind a skull must with two long goat-like horns protruding from each side of her mask or so it seemed; she was dressed in a dark sleeveless silk dress made from interconnected and intricately laced bandages that danced like the shadow mist the covering her form.



Peter stirred awake to the feeling of a comforting hand caressing his hair, fiddling with a piece of his brunette locks.

He was once again back in his room, this time lying on his back with his head resting on his pillow, the sheets felt like sand against his skin, the comfortable kind.

His room, it felt like it was his room.

His mind was heavy, clouded with something he couldn't describe like he wasn't all here.

Where ever 'here' was, it felt like his room, but it wasn't his room, not really.

why did it feel like his room and yet feel so alien to him?

His vision was blurry, he's eyelids were also heavy. He felt so tired, what was he doing again, he couldn't remember.

What was it? fighting? shouting? sleeping?

'Am I dreaming right now?' he wondered.

"Back so soon, did you miss me that much" the voice teased.

It was that voice again, that familiar feminine voice. The hand kept playing with his hair, tousling, fiddling with it. Bright white light filled the room and he could see a figure resting next to his bed, her face resting leisurely on her palm.

" I'm bored here you know, it's rude to keep a girl waiting. Why won't you just use me? hmm or do prefer the stay-at-home types? mmhmm," she questioned him jokingly.

Peter struggled to respond, to open his eyes to see her clearly. But he just felt so tired, seriously what the hell was he doing?

"Don't try it, just rest. Your evolution tired out your visits here, not to mention you're not used to this yet, if I didn't tug a little at my end you probably wouldn't even be here" She told him in a soothing tone.

'Evolution? What is this?'

Peter's confusion grew.

"You know, You don't need to punish yourself so much, you did nothing wrong. Sigh... Regardless, I can't help you if all you want to do is go out and get yourself killed, not that I mind, I welcome it in fact. But you can't use me if that's all you intend to do with yourself." she continued.

In the depths of Peter's mind, those words seem to resonate with him.

If Peter could let out a knowing sigh he would, he knew what this person was talking about to some extent. Even in his current state, he was well aware of his contradictory actions. After all that talk about keeping her safe, here he was dying again.

His immortality was just an excuse...

Dying? again? Was he dead?

Did he die before?

How is that...

Who was it he promised to keep safe?

As he kept questioning himself, the room started to light up, getting brighter and brighter. A hand reached forward and affectionately caressed his cheek.

" Remember Peter, I exist for you, you stole me and I chose you, I will always bring you back but I am also an extension of your will. If you choose to die, then I can't help you, to you require... will to L..."

The voice faded, shimmering into a white light for the second time.


-Harlem New York-

In the cold dead of night, two large muscular beasts battled it out. Tossing cars, out of their way like card boxes or couch pillows.

One was a green goliath, the personification of rage and the pinnacle of physical strength given form, the Hulk.

The other one is a twisted imitation, born from human ingenuity, and the desperate actions of a vengeful father, a prideful General with a selfish paranoid vendetta against an innocent man, all of which led to the birth of an Abomination.

They paid no mind to the fleeing civilians, cops, and armed military units both in the air and on the ground who attempted to clear the streets, trying to save as many as they could.

They ran at each other with a relentless disregard, in pursuit of a single-minded goal.

Rip and tear.

A primal fight that was as old as mankind itself since before they could walk upright, a contest of strength, a battle of alphas, to prove once and for all who held the title of the strongest there is.

Banner wouldn't think of it this in such a manner, he only sought to save people from the mistake of the father of the love of his life, but Banner wasn't here right now and the Hulk saw this fight for what it was, as such he would not kneel to anyone, he would not allow Banner to kneel too, no being on this planet had the strength to make him do so, not yet, not ever, not if he had anything to say about it.

He would make damn sure of that.


The roads cracked beneath their feet as they threw themselves at each other.


The two brutes collided with each other in the air. A shockwave shook the streets once more as both tumbled over street lights, fire hydrants, and abandoned cars.

Breaking apart when they hit the streets.

"Come on Banner! Give me a real fight!" Abomination demanded from the green giant, delivered a powerful right hook to his left cheek, followed by an uppercut.

"GRROOAARR!" Hulk let out a roar, dodging the Abomination's next attempt and opting to simply pick him up and ram him to the nearest building.

Abomination stopped his attempt his animalistic hooved feet digging into the ground keeping him steady, using the support to pummelling him down with two clenched fists raised like a hummer on an anvil, cracking the pavement beneath them.

Hulk Persisted.

"Grrraa!" Hulk let out a groan in frustration, his muscles bulged, veins tightened a little harder.

Before Abomination could try again, Hulk picked him up with relative ease, surprising him, then roughly slamming him back down like a ragdoll.

Shaking the road with the amount of strength behind the simple act.


Hulk stepped on one of his arms before he could recover and punched the abomination into the ground.

Abomination threw a grab with his free hand for his leg only for Hulk to grab onto that one too. Pulling a clenched fist back to get his pound of flesh, and that he did.

Abomination spits out a tooth with blood and snot, after the Hulks got his fill, impressed by the jade giant's actions.

"That's all you got!" The abomination's blooded lips split into to smile of disdain.

Abomination grabbed Hulk's fist mid-swing with his free hand, twisting it close in one swift motion, pulling him in to ram his bone spike elbow into Hulk's face, smashing it into his left eye.

"grak!" Hulk winced.

Recoiling in pain, grabbing at his now bleeding eye, allowing the Abomination to free his hand.

"Come on! You call this a fight!" he growled at Hulk. Grabbing onto a nearby iron pole.

Abomination stabbed it into Hulk's shoulder with enough force for it to crack into his shoulder, popping out of the other side.

"graaak, aaaaaah!" the hulk howled in pain.

While he may be strong, he lacked skill and control, something a British commando like Blunksky the Abomination had in spades.

Using his hands to support him he kicked the Hulk with enough force to launch him across the road high into the fourth floor of an adjacent building with a bang.

The building did little to cushion his fall, he tore through that building and out of the other side leaving a visible hole in it.


An explosion resounded on the other side, a gas explosion caused by the Hulk crashing into a tank on the other side.

Abomination stood up and cracked his neck. A wicked grin lit up on his face, he thought a fight with The Hulk would be more well, MORE.

"Disappointing..hehe " he let out a chuckle to himself. But he would take what he could get, this was only the beginning.

Bullets rained on him from the night sky. Floodlight shined on him. The glaring lights temporarily blinded him, making him raise his hands both in defense of the bullets and she'll his eyes.

"Ross.." he spat the words like poison in his mouth. A car near him exploded from the rain of bullets.

He growl, ramming through the exploded smoking car for cover, breaking apart a door, and violently throwing it at the source of its ire.

It hit one of its propellers, making the military helicopter spin out of control, almost smashing into one of the new choppers.

Abomination watched it with a giddy expression breaking into a sprint, jumping on and latching onto the side of a building, using it to jump to another, then another, scaling from building to building. To fast for the military helicopter to maneuver away from its frenzy state.

Abomination landed on a roof, jumping at it in an excited frenzy of his own.

"ROOSSS!" He roared in revelry, a hand out reaching for the out-of-control falling machine.

He didn't make it close. Something smashed into the abomination mid-jump. An invisible force constricted his movements, it felt like being wrapped in a tough unbreakable steal cloth.

Abomination was violently pulled down back into the streets, something slid past.

Something smashed into his face, accelerating his fall into the streets, using it as a platform to in turn launch itself at the falling helicopter instead.


Abomination smashed into the streets below. Further damaging the road with a crater made from his fall. Jet's of water sprouted from broken pipes and fire hydrants, washing the disoriented brute in shit, piss, and water.

The figure matured the air as if it was his natural element, utilizing unseen forces to stabilize himself as a crimson liquid flowed around him.

It crystallized into multiple long hardened yet fluid tendrils, acting like whips.

An oddly shaped crimson-bladed tip formed at the end of the whip-like tendril that he then used while spinning in the air for extra momentum, once again propelled by an unseen force to cut through the metallic hide of the military-grade chopper's roof like a knife through butter, opening it up for all its occupants to fall out.

They had little time to react to that, but the shock and terror was clear.

"Aaaahhhh!" Betty Ross let out a shriek of terror, bringing her hands up to protect herself.

"What the fuck!" the pilot cursed in surprised panic. hands still tugging at his belt buckle.

"Holy fucking shit!" the gunner cried out in fear thrown out unceremoniously.

"Iacceptjesusasmylordandsavour!" This poor unfortunate soldier was already accepting his fate, planning ahead for what was to come next.

"Jesus Christ! Betty!" General Ross cried out in panic, being a God-fearing seasoned warrior, the man responsible for the making of the Abomination and the head of the military unit responsible for hunting for the Hulk.

He would be called many things but an incompetent soldier was not one of them, he held onto one of the straps reflexively, saving himself from being thrown, reaching out for his daughter with a horror-stricken expression.

An unseen force ripped them from the air, pulling General Ross and the pilot from their position, and plucking Betty Ross and the poor Soldier from the air.

All four of the occupants of the helicopter were placed gently on the roof, much to their shock and amazement, they could only watch in utter astonishment as the two pieces of the sliced helicopter were grabbed, again by some unseen force, and thrown with ridiculous speed and accuracy at the place where abomination fell.


A fiery inferno engulfed the streets with a mushroom cloud of fire and smoke lighting it yellow and orange, so much so that the heat could be felt from the roof where General Ross and the group were.

The fire lit up the streets in an orange glow.

The hooded figure landed on the road not far from the inferno. His clothes were covered in blood and viscera, hands were bandaged his face made it difficult to discern his identity. The only thing that was clear was the smile on his face.


It wasn't over yet, he went on guard, leaping back as something crashed into the spot he was in.

"ROOOAAAR" the hulking green giant landed with violence in mind, the roar made that clear.

"wow, wow, wow, easy there big guy, we're on the same side here. I don't wanna fight you right now." the bloodied figure waved his hands in a calming manner in front of the raging beast.

Despite this deranged smile and a maddened glint in his eyes remained.

"huff...grrrr...huff....grrr," The jade goliath stood huffing in anger but made no move to attack the bandage-blooded stranger. The stranger saved his Betty, which was a-ok in the hulks book. He was not an enemy not yet.

His instincts however told him a different story, this puny man was strong, strong enough to challenge him, maybe even hurt him.

"Grr!" Hulk growled challengingly.

But before anything could be done, a propeller was thrown between them, stabbing into the road, red burning metal melting into the tar, flames and all.

A form took shape within the flames.

The sound of slow stomping footsteps could be heard as the form finally become clear and it was enraged.

"Grrr... I don't know what the fuck you are, and I don't care. But you will pay for that" Abomination promised, surprised at that this thing was still alive.

As he made his way out of the flame, he felt it again, that unnerving feeling when he looked at the tiny super-human, as if there was a possibility that this little shit could kill him.

His train of thought was disrupted when he noticed the second being on the street.

"Ah...Banner..finally awake, Ready for that real fight now, " he chuckled.

"GrrrrrrROOOAAARR!" Hulk responded as he always did.

"Well Hello there, not looking too good there my fuck ugly pal, want me to make it all better for you...Cause I got some new tricks I'm just DYING to test out" The blooded stranger gleefully taunted the muscled brute, basking in Hulk's rage-filled cry.

Abomination let out a disdain spit, insulted by the very thought of being beaten by these two lesser beings. He could have sworn he pummeled that other one into a paste.

"You think working together makes a difference to me. I'll Crush you both. " He walked towards them slowly and intently breaking into a sprint.

Hulk noticed a police car abandoned next to him.

"GEEEHMP" Hulk let out a grunt, then smashed into the car, tearing it apart like paper mesh.

"Really, a tantrum, Now! I don't think you grasp this who teamwork thing..." Peter faced pamed in mild annoyance. 

"The is what all brawn and no brains look like. You seeing this Flash, I think I just found your long lost cousin." he mattered to himself.

He waived at the brute.

"Hey, You do realize the one that needs pounding is over there right?" His new-found companion dead-paned, pointing in the direction of the enraged Abomination Berreling at them.

Hulk smashed the police vehicle into two pieces, shoving his hands into them, grabbing into the metal rims inside, and using them as if they were functioning boxing gloves.

Hulk then bashed it together for good measure and snarled in the direction of Abomination.

"Huh, guess you're not all brawn then." Peter nodded at the hulk as the brute gave him a glance with a soft grant as to say 'Understand now'.

" OK, not bad, amma do you one better" But the bute simply ignored him and walked ahead.

"And we're back to ignoring me, we gotta work on our communication skills, I hear it's crucial to teamwork, not that you care, dumb brute". 

The figure followed Hulk's example, using his fingers to slash at his opposite forearms simultaneously.

His blood then flew out hardening and forming into sharp crescent blades protruding from his forearms, only to liquefy and then wrap themselves around his hands making a crystallized gantlet.

As the saying went, 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend' The two newly realized frenemies shared a nod of understanding; Both turned and faced the Abomination barrelling at them breaking into their sprinting strides.

The streets rumbled at every step he took.

The bloodied stranger jumped onto the nearest lamp post, opting to take the high ground. Launching himself at his enemy.

"Time to go to work...and by god it'll hurt" Peter chuckled as he threw himself at the enemy.

Hulk took the direct approach of simply ramming into him with a right hook.

Abomination mirrored his actions.

All three soon will collide with a single shared goal.





Three warcries resounded through the streets of Harlem as Ross and his party joined by countless other civilians, officers, and soldiers could only watch from their safe spot.


Only the strongest will remain and walk out of this battle alive.

-Chapter End-

(T-T) I know. Apologies to my readers for the cliffhanger was originally supposed to be a longer chapter to be posted on Sunday but I have plans for the weekend and will be busy so decided to make this a two-part fight.

For now, hope you enjoy this. p.s Leave a review if you like.

Othniel_Seth Othniel_Seth

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