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100% Kitchen Princess (Yu-Gi-Oh x Reader) / Chapter 5: (Y/n) and Onion Gratin Soup

Kapitel 5: (Y/n) and Onion Gratin Soup

As all the students in the room buzzed, I stared up at Atem with my eyes and mouth agape.

"Atem... you're the director?" I asked, flabbergasted by the possible connection between him and the director of the school. "Also, why are you giving me an award for my cookies?"

"Are you surprised?" Atem said as he got off the stage, approaching me with a smile and one of my cookies in his hand. "Because you made Christmas special... I wanted you to have an award. And since I was filling in for the director."

"Filling in... for the director?"

"Oh, (Y/n), you didn't know... about Atem and Yugi?" Duke spoke as he  his arms around the Muto brothers' necks. "These boys are the director's sons."

I was almost speechless! I didn't know anything about that at all! And from the other students' surprised reaction, none of them knew about this fact either. 

"Duke!" Yugi and Atem exclaimed in unison. 

"What?" The student council treasurer played the innocent act which only angered the two boys further.

"Duke... you promised to keep quiet." Atem reprimanded Duke. "Why else did I let you participate in Anzu's fashion show!?"

"Oh, come on! You felt close enough to the little princess here to kiss her without her consent during your first meeting, so it's only fair that she knows more about you and your dear little brother ~"

Wow. Duke sure knows which buttons to push to get Atem and Yugi to lose their composure so quickly. Oh... now that I think about it, I know so little... about the academy, too... I just came here because... I wanted to see my prince again...

"Everyone, please settle down!" The announcer called out through the microphone. I can hear his British accent more clearly. "If I may continue..."

After hearing what the announcer said, everyone calmed down. Atem regained his composure while Vivian and Kaoruko urged Anzu to step forward and receive her reward.

"The winner receives... a trophy and the silver spoon."

Silver spoon? I watched Atem give Anzu the trophy. Then, I saw him give her... a silver spoon!?

 "It's the director's belief that what you eat is what shapes you. That is why all the winners receive a silver spoon."

Atem gets back on stage and onto the podium.

"Your winter break starts tomorrow!" Atem says loudly to the audience. "Everyone please have a safe vacation."

Every student in the room rejoiced over the approach of the winter vacation, but my attention is focused on the silver spoon in Anzu's possession. Maybe... maybe that spoon is...

"(Y/n)? Are you okay?" Serenity asked with a concerned look on her face. "What's on your mind?"

I didn't answer Serenity's question and ran to Anzu. Serenity followed me.

"Anzu!" I called out, grabbing the three girls' attention. "Can I take a look at that spoon, please?"

Anzu hesitantly gave me her silver spoon and I examined it. I knew it! It's the same spoon as my prince's!!

"This spoon! Do you know who else has this!?"

"There are many special people in this academy." Anzu answered. "There's no way to know how many spoons there are."

That... many?

"(Y/n), why are you so interested in Anzu's spoon?" Serenity asked.

I pulled my prince's spoon out of my pocket and showed it to my friend. Before we could both react, Kaoruko snatched both spoons out of my hands.

"Why do you have this spoon?" Kaoruko interrogated.

"Hey! Give that back!" I tried to grab my spoon back, but Kaoruko dodged me.

"That belongs to (Y/n)!" Serenity exclaimed. 

"Yeah right!" Vivian chimed in. "Just admit it, you glutton! You stole it!"

"No I didn't!!"

As me and Serenity argued with Vivian and Kaoruko, trying to get them to let me explain myself, Anzu suddenly interrupts our quarrel and takes my prince's spoon from Kaoruko. I felt a sense of relief once my friend got my spoon back for me. This has all been nothing more than a slight misunderstanding. Anzu will let me explain how I got my spoon and everything will be alright... but what happened next, replaced that relief with horror. Anzu dropped my prince's spoon on the floor and stomped on it without a second thought. Me and Serenity stared down at the bent spoon then back at Anzu in disbelief. 

"(Y/n)... you're the worst." Anzu glared at me with disdain. "Do you want to know something?" She grabbed my hair, and looked me dead in the eyes scornfully. "I... hated you from the very beginning."

I was stunned by Anzu, the person I thought was my friend, reveal such a hateful demeanor. Her words were so... laced with venom. After Anzu let go of my hair, she walked away with Vivian and Kaoruko. They praised Anzu for saying those hurtful words while I slumped down to my knees and stared down at the spoon. Serenity screamed insults and curses at the three girls with tears in her eyes, but they just ignored her. Everyone else was staring at us, but I didn't care. I was too shocked by what just transpired.


Dear (Y/n),

Are you doing okay? It's almost winter break. Everyone is looking forward to you coming back. Bring back many stories of your new life.


After reading Miss Hagio's letter, I stared at the picture of Miss Hagio and everyone back at the Lavender House. Memories I shared with everyone in Hokkaido. Miss Hagio's loving hugs, cooking for everyone at the Lavender House, and the time I spent with Seto and Mokuba before they got adopted. I started to silently cry and my teardrops landed on the photo in my hands. Miss Hagio.... if I go home now... I don't think I'll ever come back here... but... I want to go see them... so, after packing up my things, I take one last glance at my dorm room and leave. As I was walking, I saw Joey shooting hoops by himself. After watching him for two minutes, Joey notices me and drops the basket ball in surprise. The ball falls on his foot, causing him to cry out in agony, clutching his foot in pain as he sits in the middle of the court and lets the ball bounce away.

"Oh my gosh! Joey!" I quickly ran to Joey's side and kneeled beside him. "Are you okay?! I'm sorry if I scared you!"

"Nope..." Joey groaned. He blew on his foot to soothe the pain. "No need to apologize... I was the one who dropped the ball!" He lets go of his foot and uses his shirt to wipe the sweat off his forehead. "Anyway, what are ya doing here?"

"Me? What about you? Aren't you and Serenity going home?"

Joey leans back on his arms a bit and gazes up at the starry night sky.

"Waiting on Yug."

Waiting for Yugi?

"Why are you waiting for him?"

"Well..." Joey paused for a brief moment before continuing. "Don't tell him I told ya this, but... he doesn't have a good relationship with his dad, so he doesn't like going home. Me and sis know how Yug feels, so the two of us and our mom always welcome him into our home whenever he just, ya know, wants to get away."

"I see..." I hugged my legs close to my chest. "Everyone has their own problems..."

I shouldn't bring my friends into my problems. 

"Is something wrong?"

"Huh?" I raised my head and looked at Joey.

"It's weird..." Joey sits up straight and scratches his head. "... to see ya down like this. Ya usually so rowdy."

Oh. That's right. I always said what I felt to Joey, Serenity and Yugi... then, Joey's stomach growls loudly. His face turns bright red with embarrassment. 

"Ah, shoot!" Joey immediately turns his head away from me, feeling abashed. "S-sorry, (Y/n). I'm hungry. I really need to get something to eat."

I giggled at how shamefaced Joey was right now. He usually isn't embarrassed about his stomach growling or his love of food.

"I have an idea, Joey." I stood back up on my feet and offered him my hand. "Let's go to Fujita Diner."

I helped Joey up and we made our way to Fujita Diner. Luckily, Mr. Fujita hasn't closed it yet, so Joey and I entered the Diner without any problems. I looked around the kitchen for ingredients and found an old onion, hard French bread, and some cheese. With these ingredients, I can go French! After I told Joey to go wait at the table, I got to making the French dish. I casted a spell. First, I cut the onion. Then, I sauté it with butter. Put in consommé and simmer. Add the French bread and cheese. Then toast it in the oven. I can forget all the bad things when I'm cooking. This was the only place... where I belonged. Thank you.


3rd Person POV

After Atem finished the last of his student council work, he met up with his younger brother, Yugi.

"Yugi, are you sure you don't want to come home for the break?" Atem asked his dearest brother.

"Yes, Atem." Yugi answered his brother." I'm going with Joey and Serenity to their house for Winter Break like always. Their mom doesn't mind."

Atem didn't push the subject any further and replied with a "very well". He knows how bad the relationship between Yugi and their father is, so he never forces his brother to come home during seasonal breaks and other special occasions. He also feels partially responsible for the rocky relationship between him and Yugi. It's only thanks to (Y/n) Kazami that Atem and Yugi's relationship improved. Suddenly, the smell of food hit the boys' noses. The cooks are already gone, so there's only one student in mind who has the ability to cook delicious food: (Y/n). The Muto brothers already know where the delicious smell was coming from and made their way to Fujita Diner. When they both entered the establishment, the first thing they notice is their blonde haired friend sleeping at a table. Joey Wheeler was sleeping peacefully with his head down and snoring softly. The sight of their friend's sleeping form made Atem and Yugi glance at each other for a second before suppressing their laughs. Whenever the Muto siblings saw Joey sleeping, he's usually snoring like a bear or sleeptalking loudly with drool coming out of his mouth and his body in a weird position. In other words, he's a restless sleeper. Seeing their friendly underdog sleep like a newborn puppy, Yugi and Atem couldn't help but find it amusing. 

"Hey, Joey." Yugi gently shakes Joey to wake him from his slumber. "You're going to catch a cold."

Joey slowly woke up with a murmur. When he glanced up, noticing his two friends standing next to him, he became wide awake and shot up from his seat.

"Yug? Atem!?" Joey turned away from his friends and blushed in embarrassment. Shoot. I fell asleep. ​Joey thought.

Atem grinned.

"You know, Joey, you actually looked quite cute while you were sleeping this time." Atem comments. 

"What!?" Joey snapped his head back to Atem, freaked out and insulted by such a remark. "What's that supposed to mean?!"

"It's so cold." Atem let out a visible cold sigh as he hugged himself to combat the low temperature. His incomprehension to his friend's reaction to his comment irritated Joey.

"Hey!" Serenity suddenly entered Fujita Diner, causing all three boys to shift their attention to her.

"Oh, hey there, sis." Joey instantly forgot what he was upset about and greeted his little sister. He frowned when he noticed the worried expression on his face. "What's the matter?"

"Have any of you seen (Y/n)?" Serenity questioned the boys. "I can't find her anywhere!"

"Calm down, Serenity." Yugi said. "(Y/n) is probably in the kitchen. I smelled her cooking from outside."

The four friends know how much (Y/n) Kazami loves to cook, so the kitchen is the most likely place to look for her. It also helps that that was the last place Joey saw her. To their surprise, (Y/n) wasn't in the kitchen. Instead, sitting on a set table is a gratin dish that serves as evidence of (Y/n)'s presence.

"Wow!" Joey exclaimed as he started down at the dish in astonishment. "She made all this with only three measly ingredients!?"

As Joey recalled, he and (Y/n) only found three food items that he thought weren't good enough to be used to make something good. (Y/n) didn't share Joey's pessimism and looked excited to "go French". He didn't understand what she was talking about, but the fact that (Y/n) whipped up this gratin with just three ingredients truly amazed the whole group. Joey got out a spoon poked the dish with the silverware. The gratin let out a satisfying crunch and a soup base seeps out, surprising Joey and the others once again.

"Hang on. This isn't gratin." Joey scoops up a spoon full of the food and puts it in his mouth. The excellent taste caused him to smile and his eyes to grow wide. "It's onion soup. Mmm, it's so good! Not to mention that it's warming me right up."

Serenity and the Muto brothers got out some spoons from the drawer and took turns having a taste of the food (Y/n) made. Each of their reactions are the same as Joey's. Their eyes lit up and they all hummed in delight as the onion gratin soup satisfied their tastebuds, warming up their bodies and souls.

"She toasted the cheese." Atem said with a grateful smile. "That way the soup stays warm. It's her way of cooking. To think about the person eating."

Yugi, Joey and Serenity agree with Atem. Each of them remember how (Y/n) always thought about the people she's cooking for. That just proves how caring their friend is. 

"And, where did our chey go?" Yugi queried. 

"Uh...!" Joey's eyes widened as he realized that (Y/n) left at some point after making the onion gratin soup while he was sleeping. "I... I have no idea... she must've left while I was taken a snooze. Do any of ya know where she might be?"

They all thought for a moment, but nobody had any idea where else to look for the talented cook. Then, Serenity noticed a note under the teapot that's sitting on the same table as the onion gratin soup. The note is from (Y/n), but what was written inside made Joey, Yugi, Atem and Serenity gasp. 

Thank you. Goodbye.



(Y/n) Kazami's POV

I take one last glance back at the school before continuing my way to the academy gates. Tears fell from my eyes with each step I took. When I came here... I was so excited. A new place, new people, and I wanted to make... new memories... but... I... I don't want to make any more sad memories. As soon as my hand reached for the iron bars of the gate, two hands blocked me from leaving for good.

"(Y/n)!" Yugi and Atem stood in front of my path while panting.

Then, Serenity comes running out of nowhere and captured me in a tight embrace, scared that I might disappear if she lets go. 

"(Y/n)!" Joey panted out once he caught up. "If ya think we're gonna let ya leave with just leaving a tiny note without saying a word in person, then ya hot another thing coming!!"


"Please don't leave, (Y/n)!" Serenity cried. "You're like a sister to me! Don't leave us because of what those other girls said and did to you!"

... Serenity...

"Are you really not coming back?" Yugi questioned me. "Why? Don't run away!"

Yugi... my friends... they really want me to stay. I grew to love them during my time here, but...

"But... I don't know... where I belong..." My voice broke and I started to sob. "I got in as a mistake. I have no special skills."

"Oh, (Y/n)..." Serenity wiped my tears away with her handkerchief and tried to comfort me.

"If that's what you really think about yourself, then..." Yugi tears up the note I left into pieces. "That's even more reason not to run away!"

I stopped crying and stared at Yugi.

"Yug is right!" Joey agreed. "I don't know what scumbags made ya think so bad about yourself, but I do know that your cooking skills are better than anything I've ever seen from anybody!"

"Plus, whenever you cook, you always think about the person you're cooking for!" Serenity adds. "That means you're one of the most kindest people we know!"

I stared at my friends in disbelief. So many emotions are running through my heart and mind, but right now, I'm starting to feel a bit better....

"You really don't realize your talent?" Atem said as he caressed my face. "Most chefs can only dream of having a tongue like yours. You have... an absolute taste."

To Be Continued....

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