(A/N Hey so I got a new laptop hopefully this will help fix the issues of both grammar and spelling. Hopefully it also fixes the issue when I paste over the chapter to webnovel. Please leave me reviews. Hopefully five star ones.)
At the top of the hill was about a fifty by fifty yard flat surface. There were two griffins in the middle and Noctis could be seen slowly walking low to the ground towards the one on the right. Faye was at the edge of flat surface with her bow an arrow ready.
Once Noctis slowly got closer he pulled his axe out. Luckily with his sneaking skill an overall awareness he was able to sneak up as far as he did. Once he was right next to the griffin he looked over to make sure Faye was ready and she was. He got ready to slam his axe down with all his might on the griffin's neck. He was set on decapitating it.
A bit earlier
Noctis smirked under his mask "So here's the plan."
He then continued "I'm going to sneak up next to the griffin on the right. Hopefully he will not notice me an I can get a clean kill before either are aware of our presence. I need to you to prepare an arrow so that you can hit the other griffin's eye."
He then asked Faye "Can you hit one of the eyes?"
Faye nodded "Even in this darkness I would not be able to call myself a marksman if I could not hit a small object moving fifty yards or less out."
Noctis nodded "Okay because this is very critical. Once I kill the griffin in one strike the other one will surely wake up. It will become immediately hostile."
Faye then asked "What if the other one flies away after I hit it in the eye?"
Noctis sighed "Well that's why you hitting the eye is crucial. After I kill the first one I'm going to rush over to the other one and hopefully heavily wound a wing. Once it's grounded it should be relatively easy for both of us to kill it."
He then pulled down his hood and took off his mask. It took a second for his eyes to adjust to the darkness but after a few more seconds he could see fine.
He then handed the mask over to Faye. "Wear it."
She was confused "Wait why?"
Noctis rolled his eyes and smirked "Just put it on."
Faye took the mask and struggled to put it on correctly so Noctis went over to her and started to adjust the straps and put it on Faye the correct way.
Faye's eyes widened under the mask "Noctis this is incredible everything is so much easier to see."
She turned over to see Noctis smirking and he then said "Don't get too use to it. I'm taking it back but I figured if you could see as good as I can you would not miss."
Faye nodded "I definitely won't."
Back to the Present
Noctis swung down with all his might over the griffin's head. Faye saw this and shot her arrow off straight towards the griffin on the other side of Noctis.
The griffins both woke up to the noise of the arrow moving through the wind an air. However it was already too late for one griffin as Noctis's axe was already down upon its neck.
When he swung down with all his might the axe started to cleanly go through the griffins neck. Noctis started to feel some resistance but he powered through with all his strength. The axe went straight through completely cutting the head off the griffin before it could even react.
The follow through Noctis had caused his axe to slam into the ground. You could hear a loud impact and could see slight splinters in the ground. He quickly pulled it out. When he fully pulled out he could hear a shriek coming from the griffin on his left. He immediately turned and started running towards it.
When he could finally see it more clearly he saw the griffin buck up with its front legs in the air and come back down. He could then see the wings starting to flap.
Noctis was still about sixty feet out. The griffin started to get off the ground. He then saw another arrow go into the griffin's back. This slowed it down however it was still getting higher. Noctis quickly grabbed three throwing knives in one hand. He decided to go for the softest spot. The stomach.
He took one large step and threw the three knives as hard as he could. Since at this point he was only twenty feet out it was an easy hit. Three for three. This caused the griffin to let out another ear ringing shriek. However it's altitude had become a lot lower. It was barely able to stay even slightly above the ground. Right when Noctis was upon it he felt something blow right by his head. When it past him he saw an arrow hit the griffin in the neck. This caused the griffin to fully land.
Noctis then with both hands slammed his axe down on the griffins head splitting it open. Immediately killing the griffin. Once he was sure the griffin was dead Noctis relaxed and started to breathe a little bit heavier.
Faye ran over and checked on Noctis "You okay?"
Noctis nodded "Yeah, the closest thing to me getting hurt was your arrow."
Faye took off the mask and handed it back to Noctis. She smiled "I'm a great shot."
Noctis adjusted the mask again and put it back on with his hood up "You sure are."
He stared into her eyes for a moment while she stared back at him. Faye realized what she was doing and started to blush. "Let's head back. It's already late but we should head back."
Noctis looked up at the stars in the sky "Alright but it might be morning by the time we make it back to the city."
He looked back at Faye "You sure you don't want to camp out here?"
Faye shook her head "I think it's better we head back. Neither of us have camp gear anyways."
Noctis shrugged "Fair enough let's start heading back."
Before they left they gathered the two griffin bodies and set them on fire that way it would not attract too many other monsters to the area.
That next morning
Noctis and Faye had just made it back to the city Cobalt and we're about to head back into the guild. Neither of them were that tired. Adventurers had to be able to at least go a couple days without sleep. When they both stepped in the guild they saw Dain, Krox, Ruri, and Goblin Slayer.
Ruri ran up to them "We have an urgent quest."
Word Count: 1172
(A/N Also give me powerstones please)