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22.22% Nier Automata: Journeys in the 12th Millennium / Chapter 6: Interval 2 - Answering Questions

Kapitel 6: Interval 2 - Answering Questions

I am having these bizarre dreams once again. I stood on a battlefield, staring at a medieval army. They all wore armor, had red glowing eyes, and spoke in an emotionless voice.

"The Goddess is just ahead."

A huge castle with another army stood behind me. Their armor had blue fabrics and they waved big blue flags. A cloudy sky and desert landscape, a rocky and lifeless soil, surrounded me.

Soon, the battle began with the blast of war horns and the two armies clashed. I thought the two forces would crush me between them, but they passed me as if I were a ghost,

It was a bloodbath, arms and legs flew away, heads rolled on the ground, blood ran in rivers, and the screams of pain and rage deafened me.

There was a person amid this chaos; he must have been in his mid-twenties, with brown hair, a gray shirt with a black and blue chest plate on top, black pants, and shoes.

He massacred the red-eyed knights with a sadistic smile on his face; the blood of his enemies ran down his face as he grinned from ear to ear.

I backed away, focusing on the person while reaching my hand for a gun that sadly was not there until I bumped into something and I felt a heavy breath behind me.

I turned around and what I saw left me speechless, a familiar red dragon. I have not seen it since what happened in the Amazon Rainforest millennia ago. It was injured and chained to the ground.

Suddenly, the dragon spoke in a female voice.

"Careful, they still live in you, you've resisted for years but you can't go on like this forever."

"What do you mean? Who are you talking about?" I asked.

"THE WATCHERS!" The dragon roared and struggled, trying to break free.

"Watchers, like more than one? I rode myself of him a long time ago!" I replied, but steps behind me caught my attention.

I turned around and came face to face with the brown-haired person, he ran towards me with that smile sadistic smile. Why was he doing this?

"Hey! Calm down and let's talk!" I screamed, outstretching my hands in defense, but I noticed something strange, I wore armor, the armor of the red-eyed soldiers.

I did not react when that person raised his sword and cut my head off. I heard something while my head flew. Was it a song or poem?

"Speak not the Watchers."

"Draw not the Watchers."

"Write not the Watchers."

"Sculpt not the Watchers."

"Sing not the Watchers."

"Call not the Watchers' name."

Then I woke up.


I woke up sweating and scared. Why do I keep having these dreams? Who were that psychopath and battlefield? What are Watchers? Why do I have to deal with him after so many years?

In addition, what does that have to do with the Red Dragon that appeared in Tokyo and the Amazon Rainforest? Those dreams never go away.

"Claim: G-Good morning administratoooor A-alan." POD 000 spoke, floating beside me.

"Good morning POD!" I sighed, smiling happily at the familiar face. I got up, opened the bedroom window, letting the sunlight in, and patted the POD.

"Question: D-do youuuu feel w-well?" The POD asked worriedly, I think. It was hard to guess thanks to the lack of emotion.

"I'm fine, POD, it was just a nightmare. But thank you, anyway." I smiled lightly.

"Claim: T-this unit isss h-happy to hear iiiit."

"Come on POD, it's time for breakfast, I think." I did my morning stretches and went down to the kitchen, approaching my makeshift wood stove.

I opened the bottom cabinet to the left of the stove and took a frying pan, putting it on the stove. Then, I picked some eggs in a basket on a counter to the right of the stove, these were bird eggs since chickens went extinct a long time ago. 

Therefore, I stole the eggs from the bird nests in the trees, there were also slices of salted wild boar meat in a plastic pot next to the basket.

"POD, can you light the stove?" I opened the bottom of the stove, showing the firewood inside.

"Claim: Affirmative." POD 000 fired a small energy shot at the firewood, lighting it up.

I cracked two eggs and put one slice of meat on the frying pan, then opened a drawer on the counter, took out a spatula, stirred the eggs, and turned the meat.

"POD, how about some music?"

"Claim: Affirmative."

Then, the POD played Star Man. Nothing like a good song to start the day, I tapped my foot to the rhythm of the music, opened a jar on the counter, and took some salt, putting it on the eggs.

I heard two pairs of footsteps behind me. Looking over my shoulder, I saw Devola and Popola.

"Good Morning." I said to both of them.

"Good morning Alan." The two said simultaneously.

They looked wasted, probably the hangover from yesterday's drinking. Both had messy hair, wrinkled clothes, and downcast faces. They looked like two zombies.

"So did you two have fun yesterday?" I spoke with palpable sarcasm.

An outfit covered in vomit, a Vodka bath, and a broken window. Sometimes I wonder if I am living inside a comedy.

"Please, we don't need a lecture." Devola groaned tiredly.

"Yeah, just let us rest." Popola spoke, laying her face on the kitchen table.

"Of course, of course, I'm sorry I didn't get drunk with you girls, I just don't like waking up the next day looking like a zombie." I put a plate with eggs and meat on the table and ate my breakfast.

"Do you two want some?" I offered my food to the two.

"No thanks, I just want some drinks." Devola said. Is that all she thinks about?

"Devola!" Popola yelled at her sister, and both of them shuddered at the volume of the scream.

"I'm sorry Pop." Devola apologized to her sister.

You know, I am happy to see the little interactions between these two; it gives a sense of normalcy to this messy life.

"Know what? You two can rest until this hangover ends. I'm going to record my show at the office, and then, maybe I'll walk a little across the ruins." I think it is best to give them some time until they feel better, maybe I will take them to participate in a future episode.

"Are you sure we can't go with you?" Popola asked worriedly.

"I appreciate your concern, but I'll be fine. I will just run in the opposite direction if something happens." I smiled at her, finishing my breakfast and approaching the two of them.

"Don't worry about me and just rest, I worry about you. I'll be in the office if you need anything, let's go POD." I said, patting their heads, the twins closing their eyes in appreciation.


"Alright POD; today we will do something different. We will answer some questions sent to us about previous episodes. So let's get started, how many questions do we have?" I asked, sitting on the office chair with POD 000 floating in front of me.

"Claim: We have twenty-five questions in total."

"Not bad for two episodes. Let's start in 3, 2, 1, now!"

A red light shone on top of the POD and our recording started.

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another episode of our humble show! Today I will do something special; I will answer some questions you all sent in previous episodes. You can show me the first question POD."

J@CKA55: "Send nudes."

"For God's sake, we got off to a good start to the show! Is that the first question?" I could not believe what I read; the POD must be kidding me.

"Claim: Affirmative." The POD replied, to my despair. Well then, let us answer it.

"No, if you want nudes so bad then go ask someone else. And I'll put you on the blocked list if you send the same question again." Well, it is not the first time I had to deal with a perverted android.

"POD, show me the next question."

MARVELLOUSDUDE: "You traveled the world have you not? How the world is at night? "

"Good question! Many androids do not know how the world is at night, so let us experiment. Close your eyes and imagine the sun slowly fading over the horizon, the sky turns orange and then dark as coal, and bright dots appear in the sky a few minutes later, ten, a hundred, a thousand, a million, countless dots, each one is a star."

"Some of them died, but their light still travels through the universe, so the moon rises a huge bright white natural satellite. Nocturnal animals appear, like cicadas, fireflies, and crickets. Finally, if you look hard enough at the sky you will see the constellations. I hope I have cleared your doubts."

"Next question, POD."

TINFOILHAT: "I knew I wasn't the only one who believed in the Beatles theory! Everyone laughed at me, saying I was just a nut I am not alone! My wife left me, and the kids do not talk to me anymore, but I never gave up! Do you also have a complex diagram on your wall? I have other theories to share, the reptilian presidents of the United States, Elvis being an extraterrestrial, humans never stepping on the moon, demonic messages hidden in vinyl records, our reality being a fanfiction based on a video game! With you, by my side, we will reveal the whole truth to the world!"

Is he a crazy conspiracy theorist? Great! However, as the rule goes, you should not antagonize a crazy person.

"Of course, together we will reveal the truth to the world! I'm counting on you!" I replied nervously, giving a forced smile to the POD.

"POD, show me the next question, now!" I yelled, abruptly getting up from my chair. Of all the androids I could attract, it had to be a nutcase.

FLOWERAPRECIATOR: "You seem to know about a lot of things, what can you say about flowers? I love them, but I don't have time to see them personally."

"Flowers, huh? I am not an expert, but I will do my best. Let us talk about the meaning of flowers. They can have different meanings, peace, love, friendship, and happiness, these meanings emerged through different cultures around the world, either from the mythology behind flowers, or how they were used in festivities."

"Some examples are the Rosemary representing courage, Carnation representing pure love, Dahlia, recognition, Jasmine, luck, Lily, innocence and peace."

"I hope I helped you, but as I said before, I'm not an expert. Of all the flowers there is one that interests me the most, but it is also one of the rarest to find, it is the Lunar Tear. According to legends, you will have one of your wishes fulfilled if you get one of these."

"POD next."

MECHANICALMUSICIAN: "Hey man, I saw the video of you rescuing Kokio, thank you very much for saving her! You are famous now; by the way, everyone talked about you fighting the machines, good fight!"

My eyes widened at that information. What video is he talking about? I do not remember recording a video of Kokio's rescue, and now everyone knows about it! The POD was the only one who could have recorded the fight!

"POD, we will talk later." I spoke menacingly, half-closing my eyes.

"Claim: I-I do not k-knoooow what you are t-talking about, Administratoooor Alan." The POD replied, pretending ignorance.

"Next question, please." I sighed tiredly.

MEDICALAMP: "Are you okay? I saw the video; the machine threw you down the street! When was the last time you had repairs? You have scars, not to mention, of course, your old clothes and tired face! Take better care of yourself, please!"

"Thanks for your concern, but I'm perfectly fine. Each of these scars carries a story and I do not want to get rid of them. And about my face, I left the factory looking like that."

Is this how other androids see me? Do they see me as an old and damaged android? Well, I suppose that is enough for today, I took enough blows to my pride.

"Thank you all for watching today's episode! I cannot answer all your questions in one day, but I hope I have cleared some of your doubts! I see you all in the next episode! 3, 2, 1, cut ..."


All the windows in my house shook, small objects fell and a deafening noise echoed through the city. What the hell was that?!? It sounded like a jet flew over my house!

I looked through the office window and saw the source of the noise, Yorha's flight units heading toward the factory. Finally, that factory spat machines for months, and Yorha will end it! I have not seen a Yorha operation for a while and I do not want to miss this one.

"POD, come with me!"

"Claim: Affirmative."

I ran out of the office and down the stairs, seeing Devola and Popola in the living room.

"What the hell was that?" Devola yelled surprised.

"Yorha flight units, they are on a mission and I want to see it!" I replied happily.

"Yorha's missions are dangerous! We're going with you or you don't leave this house until the mission is over!" Popola replied with determination.

"All right, let's go!" I replied, choosing my option.


A space station known as Bunker, orbited planet Earth, serving as Yorha's command center. In addition, a certain operator android known as 6O stood in the command room.

6O watched the Q&A episode of a poorly dressed android in her terminal. What she did not notice was operator 21O right behind her.

"What are you watching?" 21O asked, looking over 6O's shoulder.

"AAAHHH!" 6O yelled, trying to cover her terminal screen, but it did not help much.

"Let me see it." 21O spoke, gently pushing 6O chair aside and seeing a strange android that had a POD, for some reason.

"Who is he and why is he in possession of Yorha's property?" 21O asked seriously, angrier at the android on the screen than with her coworker.

6O, on the other hand, sweated nervously, thinking of an answer.

"His name is Alan and he makes recordings sharing knowledge about the human world. He claims to have traveled the world and seen the night. He also answered one of my questions about flowers and did episodes talking about cities and music. Please don't tell the commander, she'll have me dismantled if she hears I'm watching it instead of working!" 6O said, clasping her hands together and bowing her head.

21O crossed her arms, wondering what she should do, meanwhile, 6O waited expectantly.

"Very well, I won't tell the commander." 21O sighed.

"Thank you!" 6O replied happily, hugging 21O.

"Please let me go." 21O answered emotionlessly.

"Sorry!" 6O said, releasing her friend.

"So what model is he?" 21O asked, looking at the screen.

"I have no idea, but he knows a lot about human history. Maybe he's a member of the Human Heritage Investigation Committee on a mission or an archaeologist model?"

"If he's a committee member and he's on a mission, then what is he doing here alone? He is poorly equipped and damaged to be one of their agents."

"You're right! Maybe he is a stealth model. There is a video of him fighting machines and rescuing a wounded android. Although he didn't fight directly and destroyed the machines by sneaking up behind them and stabbing them in the back." 6O spoke as she went back to watching the show.

"A Stealth Model? He doesn't look like one." 21O replied, watching the show with 6O.

"He seems to be a very old android, a model that may not even be manufactured anymore. Can you imagine, a millennial android walking around the world? The last of its model!"

"It feels lonely; it would be like losing your family. Do you think he would mind if I asked him a question?" 21O replied sadly, staring at Alan.

"I do not think so, but this episode is to answer questions from previous ones. You'll have to submit it in the next episode if you want your question answered."

"COMMANDER IN THE COMMAND ROOM!" An automated voice spoke.


6O and 21O ran to their posts, trying to pretend that nothing happened. Papers fell from 6O's desk as 21O tripped, falling to the floor while running to her desk.

Commander White entered the command room and stood on a platform, overlooking all the operators that stood up, and turned towards her with their feet together and backs straight.

"Everyone to your posts, the attack on the Machine Factory is about to start! 7E, 12H, 1D, 11B, 4B, 2B, and 9S will be the androids sent for this mission. Operators, contact your designated androids, lastly, Glory to Humanity!" Commander White spoke sternly.

"GLORY TO HUMANITY!" All the operators exclaimed simultaneously before sitting down at their terminals and beginning the mission.

"2B, are you ready?" 6O asked for 2B in her terminal.

"Yes, starting the mission." 2B replied emotionlessly.

"Very well 2B, be careful and good luck." 6O looked at a separate tab on her terminal, watching Alan's' recording, then…

"3, 2, 1 Cut..."


…A deafening noise cut the recording. 6O looked around, realizing that no one saw it, and then, she calmly closed the tab.

"Oops." 6O said to herself, knowing the source of the noise.


The four of us stood in the City Ruins on top of a building overlooking the sea, where six flying units headed towards the factory.

My audience will increase if I record one of Yorha's operations, without mentioning the positive image that Yorha will get if the mission succeeds. Who knows, maybe they will thank me? I doubt it, but the intention is what counts.

"POD, record everything, don't miss a single scene, but don't broadcast it! I want to check the video back home!"

"Claim: Affirmative." The red light shone and the POD recorded the mission.

"Are you sure we should be here?" Popola asked hesitantly.

"Don't worry, we're far from the mission, I doubt anything can hit us here." I tried to reassure her.

Honestly, I am a little worried too, but we are far from the action. What could happen, a nuclear explosion? As if!

"Get ready Pop, we'll take Alan and run out of here if the worst happens." Devola spoke, materializing her staff.

"All right, Dev." Popola replied, materializing her staff too.

When you think of Yorha you think of the best androids in the world, the most advanced, the smartest, the strongest.

I also thought the same until I participated in the Pearl Harbor mission and saw that normal androids, Yorha androids, and humans are not so different, we all commit mistakes under pressure, laugh with our friends, and cry when they pass away.

The six flight units headed toward the factory, but a gigantic laser came out from somewhere inside the building and shot them down one by one with absurd precision. Luckily, one of the units entered the factory.

I wanted to see Yorha's mission, but my smile disappeared and I frowned after seeing what happened.

"POD, stop recording and delete the video, I prefer to preserve Yorha's image. This could affect the morale of Yorha and the resistance."

"Claim: Affirmative, deleeeting the v-video."

It is terrible to see androids dying; they fight for humanity but get nothing in return. I feel bad for them as a human.

"Are Yorha's missions always like that?" Popola asked me.

"Yes, Yorha's missions are brutal, I speak from experience." I said sadly.

"Damn it! Have you been on one of those missions?!?" Devola asked surprised.

"Yes, while I participated in a resistance group." I replied, looking at the factory.

Suddenly, a gigantic mechanical arm with a buzz saw opened a hole in the factory wall. I saw a small black dot fighting the saw, probably the android that entered the factory.

Several missiles collided with the mechanical arm, destroying it, and another flight unit appeared.

The android disappeared inside the factory again, appearing in my view field after he or she reached a bridge. Then two cranes with buzz saws on both sides of the bridge moved and fought the android.

The android won the fight, so the two cranes retreated on their rails towards a platform. Hooks came out of the platform and pulled the cranes up, forming arms, while legs came from under the construction.

My mouth dropped at what I saw, a Goliath-type machine. I never thought I would see one of these again. Once I suggested changing the name from Goliath to Metal Gear, unfortunately, the resistance refused my proposal.

The machine looked like an oil rig with arms and legs, big enough to step on the ocean floor. The Goliath jumped forward, falling into the ocean and coming face to face with the android on the bridge, so the fight resumed.

The Goliath swung its arms while the POD fired and the android slashed the gigantic mechanical arms. Explosions erupted from the chimneys above the Goliath, launching missiles toward the android, but the android dodged it all.

The Goliath went underwater after seeing the lack of result, and destroyed the bridge from underneath, giving less space for the android to fight.

The flight unit returned and launched several missiles at the Goliath's face, the red eyes of the machine went out, but relit right after as it tried to crush the android on the bridge.

The flight unit shot towards the Goliath's hand, stopping the attack, but the Goliath's other hand hit the unit, throwing it upwards. The Goliath fell against the bridge, his eyes fading again, the android on the bridge climbed the machine, probably to save his or her friend.

The Goliath stood up again and the fight continued. I do not know what happened up there, but the flying unit left the top of the Goliath and fired at it. The Goliath sent a missile wave from its chimneys in retaliation, while a robotic voice echoed across the ocean.

"KILL… KILL… KILL…" The Goliath spoke emotionlessly.

It is not the first time I have heard a machine speaking, but one thing that annoys me is how much android underestimate the intelligence of machines.

It does not mean that machines are not intelligent just because they remain silent most of the time, and we do not understand the reason behind their actions.

I have met several intelligent machines who imitated human culture; I also had friendly conversations with some of them.

Back to the fight, the Goliath punched the flying unit away, firing lasers and missiles right after. The unit flew toward the Goliath, dodging all the attacks. Suddenly, Goliath's left arm exploded and floated beside the flight unit.

The Goliath and the flight unit exchanged punches, and then the flight unit ascended and descended at full speed toward the Goliath, dodging missiles masterfully.

An android jumped out of the flight unit and stabbed the Goliath directly in its eye, killing it.

I smiled, clapping my hands in joy, but my eyes widened at what I saw, three more Goliaths rising from the ocean.

"POD, can we do something? That android is there alone."

"Claim: N-negative, it is t-tooo dangerous..."


"Don't even think about it, Alan!" Devola exclaimed, grabbing my arm.

"I know Devola, but I do not want to watch others die."

"I'm sorry about that, but we can't do anything about it. You are our priority." Popola replied, preventing me from going further.

I looked at the three Goliaths again, waiting for the fate of the androids, but saw a white light followed by an explosion instead.

"Popola!" Devola shouted to her sister.

"Right!" Popola answered.

Popola and Devola raised their staffs and a red bubble enveloped us, protecting us from the blast, but the bubble cracked.

"POD, use your shield!" I ordered.

"Claim: Affirmative."

A white and yellow shield reinforced the bubble, enduring until the explosion ended, destroying the Goliaths.

"Devola, Popola, POD, let's go home, this was too much emotion for one day." I spoke tiredly, my heart racing and head spinning.

"I agree." Popola and Devola spoke simultaneously, looking exhausted too.

"Claim: Black box signal detected, distress call received, one android survived the operation, I suggest rescue." The POD spoke normally again.

"Devola, Popola, let's do one last thing before heading home. We have a rescue to do, are you two with me?" I asked expectantly, hoping to save at least one life.

"Yes, we are. It doesn't feel right to leave a distressed android to its death." Devola replied.

"You can count on us." Popola said, walking beside me.

"What are we waiting for? POD, lead the way!"

"Claim: Affirmative." POD 000 spoke, floating ahead of us.

I am glad; at least I will be able to save someone after this disaster. Even after so many centuries, it never gets easier to see androids dying in the name of humanity.


1?: We lost three Goliaths, this was a disaster!

2?: Not entirely, it looks like an android survived.

1?: And why does it matter?!?

2?: I plan to run a small experiment. A fake rescue and a few surviving machines, nothing too complicated.

1?: Interesting, let us go with your plan.

???: Are you two still obsessed with Administrator Alan?

1?&2?: Oh, it is you two.


VonLeporace VonLeporace

You know this chapter took some work to write, writing, in general, is something strange sometimes I have creative spurts and I write a whole chapter in one night, while at other times I spend days writing a single chapter piece by piece, step by step minutes staring at a blank sheet of paper I know what I want to write the words are on my mind but I don't know how to put them down on paper.

Anyway, thanks for reading the chapter, leave your comments and opinions about what you thought of the story.

Until the next chapter.

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