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21.71% Vampire: World of Blood / Chapter 34: A New Member of The Family And Cheating The System

Kapitel 34: A New Member of The Family And Cheating The System

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Bridging between reality and fantasy depict a vacuum space or bridge of a spectrum of colors, many of which the human eye and brain cannot perceive or comprehend without consequence.

Merciless stared from his throne, staring across the gaps of reality; Hector did the same, bending down, his hands shaking, clearly tired, due to the effort he used to construct this monster for his alpha. Hector knew he couldn't always use his full strength to blur the lines between truth and illusion. The way things stand, he can probably perform this at full force one more time before reaching his current limit and burning through his stamina for the day.

However, the enormous amount of work expended to convert this falsehood into fact was not in vain because the sound of something squishy and moist could be heard from the opposite side of the gap. And suddenly it appeared: a massive puddle of red slime-like fluid resembling blood leaked and poured out of the gap as it touched the ground, and it proceeded to make its way toward Merciless, entirely ignoring Hector, its maker.

The puddle was directing its mass toward the person it obeyed. This thing's current thinking suggests that it only knows and cares about Meerciless. And after crawling up the throne, the slime began to reassemble into an abstract-looking crimson blub, wriggling its body as if exited.

Merciless noticed this and hoisted the abstract blub in the air, only to have it dissolve between his fingers. But, in any case, he was happy with the little guy; it was kind of cute in its own way, ignoring the smell of blood, of course. However, it was a perfume that attracted vampires, so Merciless found it extremely appealing; ordinary humans, on the other hand, might disagree.

At that point, he planned to form a blood bond with it and see if the blood slime inherited the ability he expected it to have.

As a result, he returned the slime to the ground, or, more accurately, scraped it off his body as it began to reassemble and merge with separated mucus-like components. It became an amorphous pool of moving blub again. Merciless, on the other hand, proceeded to bite down on his finger, causing blood to stream from the incision. He then extended his fingers outwards towards the slime, where a single drop of blood dropped on its soft mucus-like body. Merciless immediately noticed the alterations that had occurred.

Because when his blood came into contact with the slime body, it was instantly absorbed. The slime then began to undergo a transformation that was not unique to it. No, this was more of a flawless mimic, as the mucus-like body began to take on a human shape, with the sound of blood and bones filling the interior of the body. Skin, eyes, and hair followed soon after the organs.

And what Merciless saw in front of him was an exact replica of himself. But there was one distinction. This version of him had no tattoos, and from Merciless' perspective, the clone of him did not appear to be a vague notion either, implying that it solely reproduced his physical characteristics and attributes. Anything magical or spiritual in nature was not copied, or more like it couldn't be copied; yet, that was not the aim of this slime; rather, it was a walking, living biological weapon for Merciless to use in battle in order to gather DNA samples, so he can also copy into himself.

Merciless muttered this while folding his arms and crossing his legs.

"Hmmm~~ Based on what I requested, this clone of myself should be physically as strong as I am now, as well as possess all of my Michellian vampire powers, including my Ichor. The only limitation it possesses is the fact that it simply cannot duplicate any items or artifacts that I possess that are not biological, nor can it replicate magical natures as a whole or the souls that it stole from Keziah."

"But it has another flaw: it is mostly stupid, with no emotions or knowledge, despite its inherent obsession with me. As a result, I can't give it detailed instructions, but the good news is that it can be taught if you take your time to teach it. Given its ability to copy others' shapes and forms, duplicate genetic characteristics within itself, and store information within its cells."

"However, I find it strange that it resembles me, hmm... I wonder if I can... well, let's give it some instructions; I hope this isn't too complex."

"But first and foremost, I need to give you a name. Hmm, I'm not sure what to call you. Agh, well, that's a nice name for a slime, not too fancy but also kind of unique; okay, Blood Slime, from now on, your name will be Substance."

And when Merciless said this, the slime tilted its head sideways in a cute manner and began to imitate Merciless, as it said in a flat monotone.


"Yes, Substance, that is your name."

Merciless responded to Substance, to which Substance continued imitating, this time in a clearer voice, as if it had evolved at that moment to the inconvenience of being unable to speak effectively.

"Yes, Substance, that is your name."

Substance said, to which Merciless replied.

"Oh my goodness, are you already evolving? My Ichor promotes continuous evolution and has passive benefits. So good for you, I suppose."

Merciless stated as he watched Substance imitate him word for word, and Substance's reply to this was, well, it imitated him again.

"Oh my goodness, are you already evolving? My Ichor promotes continuous evolution and has passive benefits. So good for you, I suppose."

'Hahahaha, it's like I'm watching myself in a mirror. How cute.'

Merciless thought to himself, but he quickly began to issue Substance orders, the first of which he thought was a little impossible for Substance, but it was worth a try.

"Substance, I don't like that form; you look too much like me; shapeshift yourself into a female version of myself."

However, it was just as Merciless predicted. Substance simply looked at him, expressionless, but he could tell it was perplexed. As a result, it responded with the same words, as if it didn't know what they meant.

"Substance, I don't like that form; you look too much like me; shapeshift yourself into a female version of myself."

'Hmm, just as I expected, that order was too sophisticated for it to understand; then again, maybe it's because it doesn't know what a female is; perhaps if I feed it a female human or something, it'll be able to understand that command.'

Merciless thought to himself, attempting to understand his new toy: Substance was like a baby, or better still, a newborn with insane evolution abilities; it was like him, the polar opposite of Olga. If Merciless evolves to deal with a scenario, Olga adapts based on her negative feelings for someone she meets for the first time. He is in a state of constant transformation, whereas Olga is trapped in conditions that limit her. The difference between them is that Olga's adaptations are insane and were designed to match the requirements of defeating an opponent, whereas his evolution is not designed to just straight-up defeat opponents. Instead, his evolution is to ensure that whatever was an issue in front of him is no longer a problem, even if the changes are minor or sometimes major. In layman's terms, evolution is overcoming flaws that are currently present in the host. On the other hand, adaptation is the process of becoming better suited to an urgent problem that threatens the host's survivability.

On that basis, he wanted to determine if Substance was like him, an entity that evolves slowly when there is no pressure but swiftly when change is required. Then maybe he could help Substance achieve a gender-bent form; as a result, he looks at the ring Allen gave him. The ring contained a pocket dimension for imprisoning defeated opponents, as well as thousands of goblins.

"Hmmm... I just need a random female goblin to feed Substance to. And maybe then Substance will be able to take on her physical form and understand what it means to be a female biologically.

With this idea in mind, he extended his hands forward and opened up a rift between this world and the dimension inside, displaying a glowing blue portal on the other side as well as a massive corridor stretching to infinity, revealing a plethora of heavy metal doors. As a result, he got off his throne and spoke to Substance.

"Follow me, Substance, and Hector. I will be back in a minute. Just keep me informed of anything that has happened in my absence."

Hector bowed at the order and responded in kind.

"As you command, my alpha."

With that said, Merciless strode into the prison world, Substance trailing after him, and the instant he stepped inside, he felt an incredible and powerful, if not near-complete, connection to every living person and the very dimension itself that was currently present. He knew where everyone was, and he could construct anything he wanted in this space, including realistic illusions, manipulating senses, changing rooms, terrains, atmospheres, and much, much more; essentially, he was like a god in this realm; he was even able to read the minds of others.

"Is this the power of the Sephiroth family?" Quite the scary Ichormancy to possess. Controlling space is one thing, but dominating anything that occupies their area in any shape or form is something else entirely."

"But anyway, it's not a bad thing. Now, let's get you something to eat. Substance, I'm wondering what female goblin should I give you... Oh, that one is gorgeous, but I do not want you to eat a useless goblin who cannot fight. For starters, I want a female goblin who is physically superior to the rest."

Merciless announced as he proceeded to gaze at all of the female goblins at once because he was tied to the domain, after looking through the dungeon, one goblin, in particular, piqued his interest; this one was powerful, but in extremely poor health, having been subjected to different experiments. However, due to failure, the outcome is pretty dismal, and rather than killing the goblin, they simply send it back to die on its own.

"That one right there is great; I can detect a powerful aura from it, but it's becoming fainter by the second, hmmm... Olga did say they use them for experiments or to fight other races; after all, goblins, in an ironic sense, are not truly powerful, but they do have a powerful inherent ability, which is the power of murder; basically, if a goblin wins a life or death battle against someone and inflicts a critical life or death blow, the individual in question will die."

"Alright, I will feed her to Substance."

Merciless teleported both him and Substance to the prison cell where Goblina was. And as soon as they entered, the strong fragrance of blood, pee, and dung assaulted Merciless' nose, forcing him to almost puke. But that is when he also saw it, a herd of male goblins had died, at least eighty of them, some of whom had their clothes removed, and by the looks of it, the nameless goblina was leaning on the wall, shaking in pain, her left arm appeared to be severely broken, and her right leg was basically useless, given that a large makeshift dagger made from the goblin's claw could be seen, as it was stabbed through the female goblin's leg multiple time to the point it was only hanging on by a string flesh. But the most ridiculous part was that there were two male goblins near the female goblin who had their pants down and their dicks bitten off. The second goblin's dick appeared to be torn off, as the female goblin continued to clamp on it tightly in her other hand.

Blood covered the room in every corner, but Merciless also saw how useful this inherent power of the goblin race was because, after all, this goblin's aura was most likely never this weak; if anything, this goblina became this strong because she was able to kill a large number of the goblins she was imprisoned with and absorb their life essence into herself like experience points as Olga describes it. If she had killed a little more, she might have evolved. Merciless also realized that being the lone female goblin in a cell full of horny male goblins, made it obvious what happened here.

"Interesting, this specimen is quite unique, yet the power of murder is somewhat overwhelming, hmmm yeah, sure. Feeding you to Substance would be a waste, therefore I made up my mind. If you were able to slay an entire cell of horny male goblins, the average of which was already five to ten times stronger than the ordinary human, you must be quite the warrior, so I have a better idea... but before I do, what I am going to do, I need to confirm something with father."

And moment he wish to talk to Michelle, his voice echoed in his head.

'You call Merciless?'

"Agh yes Father I did indeed, quick question, is it possible to sire someone into one of our own, that is not human?"

'Ha, oh yes, 100% vampirism isn't limited to humans; it's a conceptual infection, as the church describes it. For vampires, it is the act of sharing one's blood with another. However, humans aren't as superior to the supernatural races, therefore when a vampire sires a human, they simply become a typical vampire in the relevant clan, however, if they sire another supernatural race, they are classified as vampires while also not being one. They become what we vampires refer to as a variant.'

"A variant ha? Interesting, could you explain what variants are?"

'Sure, so a variant is a vampire who was not born into another race other than human; and when embraced they become a vampire and inherit all of the powers that come with it, including an Ichor as a result of becoming a vampire. Although they also have the powers and innate features of their former race, and could even evolve further to get more abilities and racial traits of their previous race, and unlike conventional vampires, they are much stronger, and some have a minor resistance to sunlight, although not enough to matter. At the very least, they could survive longer in the sun before vanishing like ordinary vampires. An excellent illustration of a variant would be our clan's top three most powerful elders, Quincy, Scáthach, and Murphy.'

"Wait really, they weren't human to begin with?"

Merciless asked in a shocked tone, to which Michelle replied.

'No, Quincy was a member of an advanced ancient alien race that lived long before vampires appeared. When I found him, he was encased in ice at the planet's core inside his ship, barely surviving thanks to numerous advanced machines keeping him alive. He is a member of an alien race known as the Sigosaurs, and according to the information I've gathered from their archives, they migrated from their galaxy because they were being hunted down by a more advanced race called the Almagranians. So in order to avoid extinction, they scattered the remaining members of their race in pairs to travel to different galaxies on different planets in the hopes of repopulating without fear of being hunted down.'

'While Scáthach is the equivalent of a Greek demi-god from Greek mythology or a biblical accurate angel from Khristian tradition. The point is, Scáthach is descended from an extinct Divine race known as the Tuatha De Danann. And Murphy is well, heheh, he is human, but not a naturally born one; he is an artificial human, created by alchemy. He is what many alchemists refer to as a biological golem or a homunculus. And unlike normal humans, he may have lived for hundreds of years and remained in peak form until the last five years of his life. And, like a goblin, he is at least 10,000 times stronger than a typical human in terms of physical strength, which only increased when he turned into a vampire.'

Michelle recounted to Merciless, who nodded as he went along, and his response to the information was as follows.

"I see why those guys are monsters in their own right; they weren't human to begin with. But, in any case, I've gathered the knowledge I needed, thanks a lot, Father."

'Yes! Yes... well, either way, I have things I need to accomplish, but let me warn you, turning that woman into a vampire would be a waste; she is nothing more than a goblin. Do that, and you won't be able to sire another person for another 100 years, do you still want to do this despite knowing this.'

Michelle asked in a serious tone, but what Merciless stated next surprised him. Because for the first time in a long time, someone other than Quincy was able to cheat the vampiric system's 100-year condition, which is difficult to defy.

"Father, I won't be siring her. I'm just playing with my toys, my precious substance, and hopefully, this goblina will be of some use. I hope the results of my experimentations are fruitful." And if I have to be honest with you, Father, I don't know if it's because of my Ichor, but I have an intuitive drive to do human examinations and trials in general...hehehe."

"But, in any case, Father, I have an interesting idea; I believe you already know who Substance is, correct? Given our blood-blond, we can share memories if we so wish. But, yes, I gave Substance my blood, and she perfectly replicated my biology; if she had my memories, I am convinced you wouldn't be able to distinguish which one was the real one. But I'm planning some experiments with this half-dead goblin and my pet slime."

"The plan is to have Substance bite her instead and to be her sire. You see, the true evolution of the Michellian bloodline will begin with me, or so Keziah stated; as you should be aware, evolution can turn towards any path, so I want to create variables and see how the Michellian bloodline will begin to compare to mine, after which my linage will begin to slowly sire more vampires. Technically, if Substace sires this goblina, she will be performing the siring, not me. Then again, Substance isn't even a vampire; she's a blood slime that can perfectly replicate any genetic information if her cells come into touch with foreign cells. The genetic code in the host DNA is treated as information that can be copied on the spot."

Merciless stated, and when Michelle heard this, he responded in a confused but equally concerned and shocked tone.

'Yo--Yo... You... are fucking insane?" That is absurd; we could get in trouble for it, but the rules themselves, even if written down in the Eos book of laws, can still be broken if a backdoor is discovered. Rule #9: Siring vampires is only allowed once each century. And yet, heheh... you invented a means to get around that law, which, in some ways, is so absurd and foolish that it might actually work; Substance is a vampire, and yet she technically isn't, heheh... a scary toy you made for yourself, my son. It's only been two days, yet you've already exceeded my expectations.'

Merciless giggled at Michelle's comments and responded in kind.

"*giggle*giggle*giggle*giggle*, that is true; but, I must become powerful in my own manner. So you could say the tactics I use are just immediate ideas that I act on; most of the time, they are just me having fun, but I like to experiment with things, and if it fails we can just try again."

Merciless stated calmly, with a cruel smile on his face, as he stooped down and played with the half-dead goblina silky white hair, treating her like a one-of-a-kind vintage glass doll. And that smile contains curiosity, mischief, expectation, and malice.

Even Michelle felt apprehensive when she saw Merciless' creepy and intimidating ass smile. However, he was having fun, so he would let his son be. So, with this in mind, he decided to leave early and informed Merciless.

'Well, this is a crazy idea. I can give you that, but I will cut our chat short because I am still working on my own projects on this side of the universe. So I'll say goodbye now, have fun on your exam, and don't be afraid of building connections; you never know when you'll need help with something you don't specialize in.'

Michelle stated in a calm but serious tone, evidently trying to educate Merciless on the ways of the world. Of course, Merciless just responded in this fashion.

"Thank you for teaching me, father; I'll keep your tip in mind. Now, have a nice rest of the night."

'Same to you goodbye now.'

Michelle severed the telepathic link between him and Merciless, leaving Merciless alone in his own thoughts, with his attention now focused on the goblina. But, before he did anything to her, he turned to Subtance and remarked.

"Substance, come here for a minute."

At those words, Substance walked towards Merciless, who was obviously nude because Substance cannot mimic clothing. But when he got close enough to Merciless, he looked its master in the eyes, as Merciless began to speak.

"Substance, don't waste all of this precious biological material here, you may eat all the goblins except this one."

As Merciless issued this instruction, Substance burst into a massive corrosive pool that surrounded the entire area, swallowing the dead corpses in its bloody mucus-like body. The biological material began to dissolve due to cells, that releasing an enzyme-like toxin, disintegrating the flesh, and bones down to the cellular level and replicating their genetic DNA for itself.

Substance then reverted to its original male form, which was Merciless. From there Substance walks by its master, bending down in the same way he did before, merely looking at the goblina with no feelings on its current face. But Merciless dipped his hands in one of the goblina wounds placed it to Substance's mouth, and spoke.


When Substance heard that order, he licked the small speck of blood from Merciless' finger and tasted it. As the goblin girl's blood and DNA were analyzed, he quickly took her appearance revealing how she truly looked without wounds. And now standing before Merciless was a little and well-endowed female goblin, about 4'1" in height and weighing about 53.52 kg. The goblin girl had short silver hair that shined like silk, green skin, bright red eyes, with a red tribal tattoo, and a muscular, firm figure. Boasting a massive, solid but soft, and ample chest with a fat ass and thick thighs.

In comparison to the injured version of her, this was a significant improvement; however, Merciless then proceeded to order Substance the following order while saying.

"Good, now let's see if you can understand the previous order." Substance, I want you to transform back into a vampire, but this time as a feminine version of yourself.

"Substance understand."

Said Substance, startling Merciless, considering that Substance had evolved yet again since she was now capable of responding with a rudimentary response.

When Substance responded to Merciless, she began to take the male form of Merciless, and after experiencing what a female body is like, she began to change her gender from male to an extremely beautiful frigid beauty.

Now standing before Merciless was an extremely gorgeous woman with a clear complexion; she stood 5'8 in height, weighed 71.21 kg, and had enormous, but not overly large breasts. But her greatest attribute was undoubtedly her ass and tighs, which appeared to be even larger than Olgas'. And, like himself, the woman in front of him had gorgeous blue eyes and long golden hair, but hers was styled into large drills, two on each side of her head, and one giant, curly ponytail that passed her back and reached the lower ends of her legs. However, Substance's facial expression was bland and impersonal, and she was currently looking into her darling master's eyes.


Merciless, of course, looked back at Substance, clasping his chin and saying as much.

"Hmm, if I'm being honest, the female version of myself is incredibly hot. That ass, hahaha... sigh, I'm having a lot of fun right now, but unfortunately, I don't have enough time. So let's get the final experiment going, my lovely pet slime."

Merciless spoke as he looked down at the wretched goblina in front of him.

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