"This letter isn't for the sister you grew up with."
Hua looked at her, confused. "It's not?"
Su Jiyai shook her head.
"No, it's for your real sister. The one who just returned."
Hua blinked in surprise.
"Wait, how do you know about her?"
Su Jiyai didn't answer directly. Instead, she gave him a knowing smile.
"Let's just say I have my ways. Your biological sister is very important, Hua. She's... special, and I need to make sure she gets this letter."
"I don't understand," Hua said slowly.
"Why is my sister special? What's going on?"
Su Jiyai glanced at the letter in her hand before meeting Hua's gaze.
"That's something you'll understand in time. But for now, trust me. Deliver this letter to your real sister. It's important."
Hua hesitated for a moment, still unsure of what to believe. Looking at the thin paper, he thought,
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