( Undines pov )
was the word I would describe the young man as he defeated Vanica. Seeing him fall. I gently grabbed him with my wayer magic and brought him to the infirmary.
Lolopechka:" Undine! do you think he'll be fine."
" I'm sure. Look, Scathach seems calm."
Seeing Yutos partner remakn calm as she held her spear it looked like she was guarding Yutos room.
Gadjah:" I felt a lot of nature element headed towards Yuto, but for some reason, he didn't absorb them, but used something else."
Lolopechka:" What??"
" Maybe something close with nature."
Gadjah:" I thought the same as well."
Gadjah waited here until Yuto woke up. and Lolopechka and I have to calm the citizens.
( Yuto Pov )
" Ugh. I feel like shit." Waking up like my body was ripped to shredds, I saw Scathach sitting next to my body.
" Scathach?"
Scathach:" Yuto, you're awake."
She said worryingly, caressing my face with her hand. I held it.
" I'm alright, Scathach. I'll live."
Scathach smiled.
Scathach:" Of course."
Scathachs:" I'll go get you food you stay there."
" Alright."
I tried to sit up but couldn't.
" Sigh, great, now I'm stuck to the bed."
< Sir, you should check on the curse.>
' Right the curse. thank you, Iris.'
< Of course, sir.>
[ Curse: Unholy pact ]
( Description: The one who activated the curse wouldn't die unless the user is killed.)
' Sigh, so that means she's still alive. Now that I think about it, I didn't receive any exp.'
Scathach came in and looked at me as she held a plate of food. It was fruits from the trees in the kingdom.
Scathach:" Is something wrong, Yuto?"
" Sigh. it's the curse. She wouldn't die unless I died with her."
Scathach sat down again and put the plate on the nightstand.
Scathach:" I see, that's a problem. "
Scathach fed me some fruit.
And, as i stared at the ceiling, I spoke.
"Can I wear my sunglasses?"
Scathach:" No. Why don't you keep them off this time? Besides, I want to see your whole face."
" Tsk."
Scathach grabbed my ear and pulled it.
Scathach:" Don't click your tongue at me, your man." She calmly said as she smiled.
" Did my mother tell you to say that?"
Scathach:" Of course I have her consent to punish you whenever I want. "
" Traitors."
Scathach stopped pulling my ear and grabbed another fruit, and fed it to.
As she cut fruits again, I checked my status.
[Yuto (Takahashi) Yamamoto]
[Level 76 [045,784xp/212,500xp]
[Defense: 4,067]
[Stat points = 10]
[Hp =7,560] [860HP/s]
[Cp = 30,368] [860CP/S]
[Mp = 180,368] [ 860MP/s]
[Strength = 1,240]
[Dexterity =1,240]
[Agility = 1,240]
[Vitality =1,240]
[Intelligence = 1,978]
[Wisdom = 1,978]
[Endurance = 1,240]
[Charisma = 1,240]
[Luck = 3,780]
' Sigh, even with all the training with might guy, I only increased my status by 240 points.'
' Right, Kakashi did some weird wall climbing with one hand. Maybe I should do that.'
I've decided to train in the heart kingdom for a while and learn the mana method.
but I also needed to check my mission completion.
' Iris, missions.'
< Yes, sir.>
[ Force back Vanica] [ Completed ]
[ Make Vanica usee 100% of Megicula ] [ Completed]
[ Kill all of Vanicas' dark disciples] [ Completed]
[ Rewards: New weapon, new title, new equipment.]
[ Ding! New Weapon: Mahiro-no-yo ]
( Description: Wielding the weapon will amply your physical stats. Calling out the joint beings' names will increase and see your power to a greater extent. A simple wound will be able to curse your enemy to dissolve. )
[ Unique Skill: Possession.]
( Description: Calling out the demons' real name will enshroud the blade and your arm with intense flames.)
' Observe.'
[ Mahiro-no-yo ] [ Legendary ]
[ + Demon Slaying properties]
[ + Curse: Dissolve ]
[ + increased physical abilities]
[ Unique Skill: Possession]
' Where the fuck was this when I needed it.'
[ Ding! New Title: The Accursed One]
[ Increase in physical and mana attacks]
[ Pain every time Vanica or Megicula are injured]
' Fuuuuck!!'
It was a shitty title.
[ Ding! New Equipment: Anti-Magic gloves]
[ Nullifies all kinds of magic]
' Cool, I can look like a badass if I can punch away magic.' I thought as I felt myself calm down as I took a bite of the fruit that Scathach presented.
' Sigh, for now I should just rest. And wait to heal'
( Megicula Pov )
" That boy was interesting." I spoke inside of Vanicas' mind.
Vanica:" Hehe, I agree with you on that."
' That boy has a familiar magic grimore. But that last attack. I wamt to see more about it. I want to see the curse inflicted on him do. Will he die like the rest or surprise me again.'
Vanica:" Phew!! finally, my arm is back!!"
" Good, now let's home. I'm starting to get bored."
Vanica:" Can't we just see the kid again!?"
" He's recovering at the moment we can't let our fun waste... Is that a scar?"
Vanica:" Huh!? Where!!?" She started to scheck her body.
" On your neck, there's a scar."
Vanica:" Ah, you're right!!" She touched the scar and felt the difference between it from her skin.
Vanica:" How!? I was able to heal from those holy light attacks!!?"
' Holy light, I haven't seen that in forever. I've seen light magic, but that isn't close to holy light. It must've been that weird energy he was using.'
" It must've been something to deal with his transformation that made him gain those cat ears and tail."
Vanica:" Ah! do you think so?"
" Yes."
' I want to see more of that as well.'
" Let's head back home, I'm sure we've made a lot of noise."
Vanica:" Right!"
( Yuto pov )
" Ugh. sigh."
I felt the pain in my arm stop finally.
Gadjah:" Yeah, that's definitely a curse."
Undine:" Sigh, I'm sorry, Yuto, even though it wasn't your place to fight for us, we've caused you more trouble."
" It's fine, I think I can manage."
I could finally sit up as they checked my health.
Though I gained a black curse on my stomach along with a scar.
'Let's hope nobody sees this back at home.'
Scathach:" A scar huh? I hope you left one kn that woman." She spoke as she caressed my stomach.
It felt ticklish, so I had to use every fiber of my being not to smile or laugh.
Scathach:" Hoh? you're ticklish?"
Undine:" Ahem, Yuto, you can stay here anytime you want. Please don't hesitate to call out for help."
"Thank you, Undine."
I turned to Gadjah.
" You don't mind if you could teach me that Mana method, right?"
Gadjah:" We should wai..."
" I'm fine, Gadjah, I think I could handle it."
Gadjah:" Sigh, it's your body, but I'll guide you to the teaching ground."
" Alright."
* A month later*
I was climbing the mountain with one arm, Gadjah and Scathach were down below looking.
* Breathing heavily *
" This...is.....way.harder...tha.n...it...lo..oks."
I kept climbing as I reached the top, where Scathach and Gadjah floated up to.
Gadjah:" I don't get how you're able to do this? I can't even reach half, especially with the breathing technique you taught me."
" It's....all...in..the...body...i....think??"
Scathach:" He's just weird. Get used to it."
Gadjah took her wisdom to heart, and he nodded.
Undine:" Still training?"
" Undine!! I need the waatterrrr."
Undine:" Sigh, am I a water source now?"
" Yes." I spoke with a serious face as I lay down, looking up at the three.
* Splash *
Undine just splashed water on me.
" Eh, that'll work."
I got up as I shook my head from the excess water in my hair.
" So how's Lolopechka?" I looked up to Undine only to see her looking away.
" Oi, don't tell me you have a thing for little boys?"
I looked at her with disgust.
Undine:" Ahem no. I don't." She stated as she walked away.
I looked at Scathach.
" Aren't you going to defend me here? I feel like a victim."
Scathach smiled.
Scathach:" You wanted a harem. Deal with it."
Gadjah:" Children these days weird." He shook his head as he followed Undine.
" Oi, I heard that!"
Scathach:" Clme on, Yuto, let's see Lolopechka."
" Sigh, following you, I guess."
* A few minutes later *
* Bam *
Lolopecha fell, but she lifted her head and shouted.
Lolopechka:" What you're leaving already!?"
" Already? we've been here for a month. I think it's time we head out."
Undine:" I see. You're both always welcome here."
Lolopechka looked at Scathach since during these months, Scathach helped Undkne teach and advising Lolopechka.
" Well, I'll make sure to write letters and come visit."
Lolopechka:" I see, please come visit."
I smiled.
" We will."
* Next day *
Lolopechka:" DON'T GO!!"
She held Scathach as I pulled Scathach towards me, and Undine did the same with Lolopechka.
" Let go! She mine!!"
Undine:" Lolopechka, this isn't how a queen should act!"
Gadjah:" Sigh."
" Oi!.help us you damn bastard."
Gadjah:" Guess I have no choice. Excuse me, Lolopechka."
He helped Undine pull her off as I took Scathach into my arms.
Undine:" Sigh, finally, goodbye, you two."
Lolopechka:" NOOOOOOooooo!!!"
Undien took her back into the castle as Gadjah waved us off.
Gadjah:" Goodbye, Yuto and Scatahch, may you two travel safely."
" Laters Gadjah."
Scathach and I left the heart kingdom to travel back to Clover Kingdom as going to Spade kingdom was akin to suicide at the moment.
( Yami Pov )
Julius:" Oh? "
" What's up Julius did that kid get himself killed?"
Julius;" Oh no, apparently, Yuto managed to make an alliance with the Heart kingdom."
" Huh? isn't that supposed to be for spoiled brats?"
Julius:" Apparently, Yuto managed to be friends with the queen and her subjects."
Yamk:" Tch, damn brat is going on adventures while I'm here working."
Julius:" Haha, didn't you force Vanessa to.."
" Quite."
Julius:" Well, it appears Yuto made a huge merit. What do you think I should promote him to, Yami?"
" Just give him a negative promotion."
Julius:" Now we can't have that. How about..let's see, he has 156 stars! that's a new record. So he'll be granted Senior Magic Knight. He'll be able to participate in the war merit conferement ceremony. "
" Hoh? Is that's so?"
Julius:" Well, Yami, how does it feel to strike gold? Your squad mate already set new records."
" HAHAHAHA, that's right!! I'm a genius for looking for talent!!"
Juluis:" Yes, but I'm sure it'll make a lot of noise because of this. Have you given Yutos Salary yet?"
" Ah!? I spent it all."
Julius:" Sigh."
Julius:" Make sure to send a letter to Yuto so he could participate in the ceremony."
" Right, right, I'll try."