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87.5% Crest of the Strongest Knight / Chapter 210: Melindra

Kapitel 210: Melindra


I urged my horse forward confidently, puffing out my chest with pride as I continued driving straight through the enormous mass of... whatever the fuck these things were! Honestly, I wasn't even sure what the plan was, and at this point, I don't really care. Last I remember, Eirlys threw a cool lookin' lance at me and told me to go ham, so here I am... goin' HAM!

"Shut the hell up." Charlotte growled as she reined in her horse next to mine. She shot me a glare that looked like she wanted to do nothing more than lop my head off with that bigass greatsword of hers, but there was absolutely NO way I would let that happen even if she tried.

I mean, I had this glowing lance and everyone knows that the cooler your weapon is, the stronger you are. Like, the strongest knight in the whoooole Empire is Dame Artori—Huh. Actually, I guess not. Her sword's pretty simple lookin'...

Okay, well, the strongest knight I know personally has a pretty... Wait, no. Medrauta's swords are always just normal as hell. D-Damn it! Anyway, I'm right and they're wrong! Dame Artoria and Medrauta are just exceptions! People like Dame Eirlys have super cool looking swords, just like this kickass lance she gave me, and there was no way in hell I'd lose to Charlotte in any scenario!

I turned my gaze to Charlotte, fixing her with a gaze of supreme cool and nonchalance, doing what I called "putting on my best 'Medrauta-face'." She always has this annoying ass expression when she knows she's gonna win, and it honestly kinda pisses me off every time we spar. It's really funny when she does it to other people, though.

"Ahem!" I wiggled my godly eyebrows which I shaved into epic bean shapes to increase my power just for today. Of course, they'd be even more powerful if I dyed them pink, but I just love my natural lavender way too much!

"What?" Charlotte replied, her voice laced with acid as she kept a close eye on the remainder of the whatever-weird-lookin'-creatures clustered around the Spire. She wasn't even looking at me despite the effort I was making to create impressive wave-like motions with my bean eyebrows. How rude!

"Might I remind you that Dame Eirlys assigned me as the leader of this squad? That means I am your superior, ufufufu! That means you owe me an apology for your rudeness!" I crossed my arms, gazing down at Charlotte with what I thought was a super cool look of authority. Despite my bold claims, I was pretty new to this sort of thing.

"Oh, Aluvsha." Charlotte sighed, turning her head upwards to stare at the sky. Honestly, I have no clue why she did that. I mean, she wasn't gonna see Aluvsha and there wasn't much to look at up there, if you ask me. "Why the hell do they always put me with these brainless dolts?"

"H-Hey! That was really mean, Charlotte!" I winced, genuinely hurt this time. I dunno why she was like this, but sometimes Charlotte would say the meanest things ever.

Medrauta and Esme always shot jabs like this at me too, but we kinda all did it to each other and it was always in a joking fashion. With Charlotte, not so much...

Honestly, I wasn't really close with Charlotte either. I only knew her briefly after Medrauta introduced her to me, but we'd never shared any classes together, so I pretty much knew nothing about her. Worst of all, I wasn't learning anything new about her either. Well, except for the fact that she hates my guts.

Charlotte sighed, shaking her head as she returned her attention to the wriggling black mass of the whatever-crazy-monsters. "Look, Melindra. I'm not trying to be mean, but you simply continue to make idiotic choices that endanger the rest of the squad. Look at Sir Rodney behind us."

"Hm? What about him? He looks fine." I turned in my saddle, peering over my shoulder to look at the knight in question. Rodney wasn't exactly the best rider, but he was okay with his sword, I guess. 

Honestly, he should've brought a shield with him, but he chose to keep using a greatsword for whatever reason. Kinda weird if you ask me since I had the only weapon in the whole squad that could actually kill the whatchamacallit-weirdo-wolves.

"Are you fucking blind, Melindra?" Charlotte glared at me fiercely now. If she could shoot daggers outta them, she probably would've done it already. "He's injured. Because of you."

"No?" I frowned. "He's injured 'cause of him."

The injury in question was a minor one, so I didn't even know why Charlotte was bringing it up. We were caught up in a light skirmish earlier as we responded to an emergency flare from Brig's group and Rodney ended up with a gash on the thigh due to some weird-doodad-thingy attacking him, but it was all bandaged up now and a-okay!

"Are you fucking serious!?" Charlotte roared.

I had no idea why she was getting so angry, but if this was how she was gonna act the whole time, then I wasn't gonna put up with it. I mean, all I was doing was having fun and fulfilling Eirlys' orders, whatever they were! Geez...

"He's injured because you kept fucking shouting and drawing the attention of the witchspawn." Charlotte spoke as she mastered her anger with great effort. "We were about to meet up with Dame Brigitte's group. Everything was going as planned until you decided to scream 'Ultra smash!' or whatever at the top of your fucking lungs, Melindra."

Sensing the rising tensions, another knight had urged their horse forward, stopping next to Charlotte. If I remember correctly, her name was Delen, a refugee from the now-destroyed Imperial Academy.

"Dame Charlotte," she said. "Perhaps we'd best save this for after the sun sets? The witchspawn appear to be preparing for yet another charge."

"Ugh! Alright... But don't think you're off the hook, Melindra!"

I crossed my arms angrily. This wasn't the first time Charlotte had shouted at me like this, and at first I'd resolved to just deal with it, but now she was really getting on my nerves. Plus, I wasn't gonna take heat from someone who didn't even remember the name of my special move!

"Hmph! I'll take you on any day! And for the record, it's not 'Ultra smash!' It's 'Omega SLASH!'"

"You... Alright. That's it. That's fucking it." Charlotte snapped, drawing her greatsword and pivoting her horse toward me.

The moment I sensed her hostile intent, a true sense of calm and tranquility washed over me. It was nothing like the pretense I wore while attempting my best Medrauta impression. Rather, it wasn't even something I'd triggered consciously.

My senses drove themselves to their utmost limits within a fraction of a second, taking in every ounce of information in the world around me and filtering out all the unnecessary parts. The tip of my lance dropped low, describing minute circles in the air as my mount tensed, preparing for a rapid pirouette that would immediately launch into a charge. My eyes tracked Charlotte's every movement, analyzing her technique even as she drove her horse forward.

I knew the result even before it happened. There was simply no world where Charlotte would win this exchange, but I was fairly certain that she didn't know this. After all, no one would make their steed gallop toward their opponent so brazenly with such a large disadvantage in reach.

In all likelihood, she was probably underestimating me. In this entire world, there was no one more aware of my own stupidity other than myself. Well, there was Jocie, but other than her, I was the supreme authority on how idiotic I could be at times. However, there wasn't a single knight in the world who had bested me on horseback yet.

Not even Medrauta.

I narrowed my eyes as Charlotte entered my reach, flicking my wrist and angling the tip of my lance toward her greatsword's pommel. Conveniently forged into the shape of a ring, the pommel of Charlotte's weapon served as the easiest target for me to neutralize her non-lethally.

I squeezed my legs against the sides of my horse with perfect timing, causing him to dart forward as I thrust my arm with all my might. A jarring force shot through my arm as the tip of my lance threaded the pommel of Charlotte's greatsword, tearing it from her grasp as my strength combined with my steed's forward acceleration.

The massive blade clattered against the flagstones beneath us uselessly.

Charlotte never had a chance in the first place.


I pivoted my horse around expertly, holding my lance in a relaxed grip as I kept it readied in case Charlotte still wanted to continue fighting. "It's gonna get totally dangerous if we keep goin', so maybe we should call it quits already, Dame Charlotte?"

"H-Hell no! I'm gonna—"

"Please listen to her, Dame Charlotte!" Delen cut in. "You're not her match!"

"What did you just say!? Are you telling me that I'm outmatched by this... This absolute buffoon with flowers for brains!?"

"Hey!" I shouted, slightly wounded by Charlotte's insult. Maybe I had flowers for brains once upon a time, but I've since improved after Jocie tutored me to no end! Now I can even do two-digit subtraction!

"...Based on what I just witnessed, I'm certain there are very few knights in the empire who can match her on horseback even among senior knights." Delen said carefully. "Besides, I am not sure it is wise for us to fight amongst ourselves when we have another wave of witchspawn approaching the academy already."

Both Charlotte and I turned our attention to the Spire in the distance. No one really knew where it came from, but the gigantic structure had suddenly burst from where the Imperial Academy once stood, causing enormous tremors that had pretty much destroyed the entire northern district of the capital. After that, the weird-looking creatures suddenly started pouring out of its base, attacking every living thing indiscriminately.

Soon, Avalyne Academy became one of the only safe havens in the city, and we'd taken to defending its premises and the refugees within on Dame Eirlys' orders. Knights, nobles, and civilians alike, all who managed to survive the initial rise of the Spire and the waves of misshapen creatures that came after found their way to the academy, hoping to wait out whatever calamity had befallen the empire.

Unfortunately, people in the academy were starting to despair and become impatient. Around two weeks had already passed since the rise of the Spire and things certainly didn't look like they were improving. The fact that knights like Charlotte and I were starting to fight each other just made it worse.

I sighed, finally allowing the tip of my lance to fall as I rested its length on the pommel of my saddle. Of course, it was gonna be up to Melindra the Awesome to be the bigger person and take a step back!

"Dame Delen is right, Charlotte. I'm not sure what I did wrong, but I—"

No." Charlotte said stubbornly. "I don't care if the Spire is about to collapse or spit out ten thousand more of those damned things. I'm not going to let you keep endangering our comrades if we're going to work as a squad. 'I'm not sure what I did wrong'? I literally just told you what you did."

"Those things were gonna come after us anyway! And besides, it's Rodney's fault for not using a shield!" I protested. Screaming out my special move was certainly not the problem, and I dunno why Charlotte was riding my ass so hard. "He's not you, Charlotte. You're really good with your weapon and you know how to use it defensively. He doesn't. That's why he got hit."

"You're an idiot." Charlotte said in a conclusive tone. "He wouldn't have to use it defensively if you didn't attract a whole horde of them by screaming like a dying dog."

"...Can we please stop arguing and assemble?" Delen asked. Unfortunately for her, neither Charlotte nor I were willing to hear her pleas before resolving this disagreement.

I frowned. Huh...? Did she not notice?

"Charlotte, did you maybe not see them flanking us...? They were gonna circle around our formation even if I wasn't showing off how objectively cool I was."

"...It's true." Rodney said, interrupting the discussion before Charlotte could utter a retort. "I saw them circling us as well. I just wasn't fast enough to use the flat of my blade to block."

...Seriously, Rodney? Now you choose to help!? Could've done so, like, ages ago!

"See?" I smiled smugly, my lips likely resembling a feline smirk as I wiggled my bean eyebrows at Charlotte. While I did feel bad about Rodney's injury, I really didn't think it was my fault. After all, every knight is supposed to ensure that their equipment caters to their own abilities.

That was why Medrauta didn't wield a greatsword or wear heavy armor despite being strong enough to. Before Viviane showed up, not a single noble could bestow their Crest upon her, making a mobile and fast combat style much more suitable for her compared to the wrecking balls that most knights liked to become.

Charlotte glared at me regardless, turning her attention to Rodney now. "Sir Rodney, it is imperative that she understand such antics are dangerous on the battlefield. We are charging into battle against witch-made monsters, and yet she insists on screaming like a child."

Rodney shrugged. "Sorry, Dame Charlotte, but I honestly don't see the problem. I mean, yeah... It's kind of disruptive in the moment, but it ain't taking away from her skills, that's for sure."

"Gah! Does no one here see the problem with Melindra's incessant showboating and her so-called 'special moves'!?"

The moment Charlotte spoke those words, I finally understood what the real problem was all along. It wasn't the fact that Rodney had been injured, nor was it because I was shouting the name of my moves. It was actually something much, much simpler!

Hehe, I have you now, Charlotte! Aw shucks, you should've just told me if this was your issue the whole time! There was no need for us to go through all that drama!

I urged my horse forward, approaching Charlotte before she could even react. Despite Delen's warning of the approaching witchspawn, I made sure there would be enough time for this before they neared our position.

"Geez, Charlotte! You should've just told me from the get go!" I grinned, placing my hands on her shoulders encouragingly. "There's no need to be so embarrassed about it!"

"W-What!? What drivel are you spouting now, Melindra!?"

"Aw, come on! Admit it already! You're just jealous you don't have your own special moves, right?"

"...What the hell are you on about? Why would I ever be jealous of your stupid 'special moves'!?"

"Hehe, not to worry, Charlotte! Let's come up with one together!"

"No. I refuse to subscribe to this insanity."

Despite her protests, Charlotte allowed me to lead her to her fallen greatsword that she promptly picked up. It was soooooooo obvious that she just wanted her own special moves after all!

"I'm not doing this and you can't make me, Melindra."

"She says as she holds her weapon in preparation," I grinned, winking playfully at Charlotte. "Okay, how about this? First, you raise your sword up really high and then you shout 'CATACLYSM CRUSHER!' and BOOM, your sword comes down and like, everything in front of you is totally destroyed!"

"Uh... Dame Charlotte? Dame Melindra? The witchspawn are beginning to advance..." Delen said nervously.

"That's stupid and would leave me wide open." Charlotte replied, completely ignoring Delen. I could tell she was getting into it.

"Hm... Okay..." My powerful bean brows drew together with the effort of brainstorming as I quickly came up with another awesome idea for Charlotte. "How about a quick thrust then? You'll draw your arm back like this and then go 'ABYSS PIERCER!' and KABLAM! Even the sky isn't unreachable for your mighty blade!"

"I..." Charlotte frowned, looking as though she was giving it some serious thought. "That's not gonna work. Thrusting like that isn't as efficient using a weapon as heavy as mine. I'd like to leverage its weight if possible."

"D-Dame Melindra! Dame Charlotte! They're really coming now!" Delen panicked, her fear-stricken eyes locked onto the approaching swarm of witchspawn. Beside her, Rodney was equally worried.

"Well, what about this?" I drew my longsword that I rarely used, holding it in two hands in an effort to imitate Charlotte's greatsword technique. I drew the weapon back behind my shoulder, winding up for a powerful horizontal swing that swept across the air in a wide arc. 

"APOCALYPSE TIDE!" I shouted proudly as I finished the swing. "Hehe, how's that?"

"That..." Charlotte pursed her lips before finally nodding. "That actually might work."

"Dame Charlotte! Dame Melindra! We have to form up! They're about to reach the perimeter!" Delen cried, hastily making her way to her assigned position.

"Looks like you'll get a chance to try out your new special move right away!" I grinned at Charlotte, glad to have finally solved her real problem.

"...We'll see."

As the two strongest knights of the squad, Charlotte and I were naturally posted at the front. We made our way there with haste, our weapons already drawn and at the ready. I couldn't really say that Charlotte and I were friends just yet, but it felt as though a bit of the tension between us had relaxed. We stood at the ready as we reached our positions.

The witchspawn crashed into our defenses. We pushed against them, determined to hold them back until sunset.

Though Charlotte and I were posted far away from each other, I swear I could hear those words echo through the air as the sun approached the horizon...


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