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70.73% A Wizard's Solitude / Chapter 29: The Iron Claw Forge

Kapitel 29: The Iron Claw Forge

As the world morphed around me, I felt my stomach churn and nausea infected my brain. Passing shapes and colours, slight glimpses of other places flashed in my vision until I eventually found myself knelt down on a dark and rocky floor. 

I collected myself for a moment, forcing the sicky bile feeling in my throat back down. Gradually I pushed myself to my feet and took in my surroundings.

The smell of hot iron and sweat invaded my nostrils, the heat from the room I had arrived in prickled my skin. As I took in these senses, the sounds of metal being tempered echoed in front of me. Glancing up, I saw a goblin engrossed in his work. He wore attire that was similar to what medieval blacksmiths would wear and his muscles seemed chiselled, unlike any other goblin I pictured when I thought of a goblin in this world. His eyes were like sharp daggers, looking intently at the iron in front of him and his pointy ears were covered with faint sprinkles of ash.

The goblin was so engrossed in his work that he didn't even acknowledge my presence, he simply hammered away at the iron in front of him.

The image of a lone goblin, hammering away calmly struck a chord deep within me. Engaged in his craft, the world around him dimmed as he focused solely on what was in front of him.

Watching the goblin work, I marvelled at his prowess and focus. Each strike from his burnt hands that gripped his beautifully designed hammer resounded throughout the smithy. The rhythm of hammer meeting metal was distinct and reverberated within me, my heartbeat matching the tempo of the metal being tamed.

The goblin's expression didn't waver once despite being in this heat, his eyes focused solely on the task in front of him. His determined expression, that watched each swing meet metal, left an impression on me similar to Randolph's when I first watched him make a broom; Two forgers, cut from the same cloth.

The goblins within the books were mostly shown as just bankers within Gringotts, however it was mentioned that goblins forged their own metals and were possessive over it. This thought had always dwelled in me, as Randolph was using goblin-iron despite goblins having this possessive nature, I had to wonder why this goblin was different. What mindset did he have to allow another to use his work when most others were so grasping of theirs.

I heard a burst of flames appear behind me and disappear in a flash, Randolph's body emerged and he walked out with a rough and chilling expression. Seeing his face made me realise that the man, the 'god-father', I knew as Randolph was just a face he showed me. The Randolph he showed to the world was a man who seemed stern and expressionless. He was a businessman after all and the owner of a huge company that spanned Europe, such monopoly was not for the weak-hearted.

As he looked at the goblin forging iron, he turned to me and spoke. "Looks like he won't be available for at least another hour or so… for now let's go outside".

We walked through the dark, tool-filled smithy quickly. Turning back as we got near the exit, I noted the goblin didn't once raise his head to see who we were or even acknowledge our presence. Leaving the smithy, the icy air cooled my heated body and I felt as though I could hear my body steam, similar to how it would sound when water hit a hot pan.

Looking around the outside of the smithy, I instantly noted how secluded the area was. Much like Randolph's house, this smithy was surrounded by trees and wildlife. The main difference between the two though was what was strewn about outside.

At Randolph's house, broomsticks lined up against the fence near the riverbed and piles of wood were dotted around, wood he had collected for his projects. Here though, there were anvils, buckets and all manner of blacksmithing equipment surrounding the smithy. Some seemed to be intentionally out here whilst others seem discarded.

Looking up from the trees surrounding, I noticed a mountain not too far from where we were. The mountain I was seeing was definitely the 'Harz Mountain'.

As I was still taking in the surroundings, Randolph crossed his arms. The wrinkles on his head became more pronounced as he spoke;

"That goblin… whenever he's working on something the world seems to disappear around him. If we had ill-intentions, we could have killed him or robbed him without him even knowing we did it".

I chuckled to myself a moment. Randolph didn't realise he was a pot calling the kettle black here. Hiding my amusement at his words, I asked Randolph. "So, the floo powder connection to here? Is that a private connection between you two in some way?"

Randolph affirmed my guesses with a nod. "Yes, it is a private connection. Grimbolt has a system with his clientele and it's strict in its design. If a wizard, witch or any other magical being somehow meets Grimbolt out here and requests his services, he audits them in his own peculiar way. He doesn't care if someone is dark in nature, he only makes connections to those he sees as 'interesting'".

So Grimbolt was the goblins name. Hearing the strict system he had around clientele, it did make sense considering how sought after and powerful goblin iron is. His auditing though did raise question as to how he judged people, leaving me wondering what he looked for in his 'clientele'.

With a curious mind I spoke to Randolph. "So, how did you manage to catch his attention enough for him to supply you with iron?".

Randolph's gaze drifted to the skyline, thinking back to the past. "Honestly, I don't know. I met him by chance when I came over to The Harz Mountains on a broom, looking for some unique materials for my project at the time. He spotted me flying and called me down… "Wand-Bearer!" he yelled up to me, nearly made me fall off my damn broom…". 

Randolph lifted his arm and pointed in a direction from the smithy we were at. "It happened over in that direction. The meeting was purely chance and he seemed intrigued enough by me to call me down… I did tell you his personality was eccentric; Merlin knows why he decided to supply me with materials and whilst I have asked him, he's never given me a proper answer".

Trying to gain a profile on this goblin Grimbolt was going to be difficult. Trying to understand him seemed impossible even for Randolph, although I did have one theory on his selection of clientele.


Seeing him work so intently, it's possible he held a desire for the users of his work to be similar to him with his work ethic. Randolph's hardened hands, covered in calluses and splinters was a visible sign of the work he put in, the dedication he had to his craft. He may value clientele that worked a similar way to him and with his 'eccentric' personality, he didn't contain that to just other goblins. 

Thinking on this though… If my theory was correct, Grimbolt probably spotted Randolph's hands and overall physique at that time from the ground, whilst Randolph flew around up high. This goblin had some insane eyesight if that was truly the case.

Me and Randolph spoke some more about Grimbolt before discussing other topics as the time passed. The winds started to become colder and the sky noticeably darkened, finally the doors of the smithy opened just as Randolph was mentioning on checking in on Grimbolt. Even though we arrived abruptly, he showed no signs of confusion or concern as if this was normal for him.

Whilst his gaze never left his work when we arrived, he must have noticed the floo network being used.

Grimbolt looked down at Randolph briefly and then turned his head to me. Looking at his eyes scan over me, I felt as though he was 'auditing' me in this very moment. Looking into my eyes and over my body, he seemed to confirm something as he turned to Randolph and spoke in a deep and raspy voice;

"Du hast einen interessanten Welpen aufgegriffen, Randolph."

Randolph let out a laugh, hearing Grimbolt's words. Hearing the goblin speak in German made me instantly smack myself, realising I didn't have the Polyglot's compass on me currently. I had kept it safe in my room, not expecting to need it until I went to Beaubaxtons. This trip happened so abruptly I didn't even have time to consider getting it.

Randolph seeing my current plight spoke back to Grimbolt. "Der Junge hier spricht nur Englisch. Würden Sie etwas dagegen haben, wenn wir ab hier Englisch sprechen, damit er sich nicht ausgeschlossen fühlt?"

Randolph's words to Grimbolt brought Grimbolt's gaze back to me. He scanned me again and I felt an itchy sensation crawl over my body. The eyes felt the same as Jasons did in a way… Obviously Grimbolt didn't wish to capture me or anything, but the goblin seemed to be the type that was also influenced by his own curiosity to some degree.

The goblins deep tone rang out again. "So, you've gotten yourself an English pup Randolph".

Randolph smiled and introduced me. "Grimbolt, this is Axel. He's my… God-son".

Hearing Randolph refer to me as his god-son out loud was not what I expected, but before I could mull on this, Grimbolt started to descend down the stairs just outside of his smithy's entrance. As he walked over, I watched his every move as he came closer to me. 

I didn't know if it was his eyes or maybe my time in the black forest but I instantly felt alert, studying his movements. Grimbolt was the curious sort and when I drew the similarity between him and Jason, I became guarded instinctually. 

As Grimbolt arrived before me, he took an even closer look at my features. He looked at my hands, my face and even my hair focusing his attention briefly on the 2 streaks of white I had on my scalp. 

Grimbolt mumbled something to himself and then spoke towards Randolph. "This boy… he's gone through some crazy shit… I can tell that just by a glance".

Randolph nodded but gave no further information. Seeing him do this made me thankful as he was giving me the floor on explaining myself rather than him talking for me. I stayed silent, not mentioning anything about myself.

Grimbolt smiled slyly. "What's the matter pup? Are you a mute or something".

I scoffed and spoke coldly. "I don't know you Grimbolt, so why should I give you my backstory on a whim?".

Hearing my icy tone, Grimbolt seemed taken aback for a moment. He probably didn't expect such a tone coming from an 11-year-old boy. This momentary shock was fleeting though and was replaced with a laugh.

"Interesting, VERY interesting!". Grimbolt rested his hand on my shoulder after speaking. I stared at him directly in the eyes the whole time, prepared to do anything if something were to happen. Seeing how guarded I was, Grimbolt took his hand away from my shoulder and gave a meaningful smile.

"Young pup, you are truly 'interesting'".

His focus seemed to shift from me back to Randolph, focusing at the business at hand. Grimbolt seemed to know why Randolph was here without any words actually being exchanged between them. He guided Randolph and me into the smithy again, walking us over to the end of a smithy where a box was. 

The box looked just like the ones Randolph had at his workshop. Filled with bonds and footrests for brooms, crafted in advance as if Grimbolt knew Randolph would come at one point for them.

Randolph looked at the box's contents and then to Grimbolt. "The usual fee?".

Grimbolt nodded. "Yes, the usual".

Randolph sighed as he pulled out a pouch of galleons from his pocket and threw them over to Grimbolt. I couldn't tell the number of galleons in the pouch but it was evident that purchasing something like goblin-iron was bound to be expensive overall.

Randolph didn't use goblin-iron all the time in his 'test' builds… he'd usually substitute for silver until he got to a point where he intended to create his final piece; At this point he'd then switch for goblin-iron. Still, the amount of bonds and footrests made for brooms in the box was in abundance.

Grimbolt looked at the galleons within the pouch with a devious smile and then snapped his fingers. The box with the bonds and footrests disappeared in that instant, vanishing from the smithy.

Setting aside the pouch he spoke. "It's been sent to the usual place Randolph".

Randolph's stern gaze softened. "Thanks, Grimbolt. We will leave you to your work".

Randolph ushered me back over to the fireplace within the smithy. Grimbolt trailed behind us, watching as we were about to leave.

Randolph who placed floo powder in my hands once again looked at the fireplace. "You go first again Axel; this time say 'Randolph Spudmores'".

I nodded at Randolph and then also gave a brief nod towards Grimbolt who was watching us leave. As I prepared to use the floo powder, Grimbolt's voice spoke out one last time.

"By the way pup, feel free to visit me for anything smithing related you need… services will cost galleons though, nothing in this world is free".

Hearing Grimbolt's words I spoke in a lighter tone. "Will do".

Whilst I couldn't tell how, it seemed Grimbolt had accepted me as worthy of his services during this short trip. He was truly eccentric as he accepted even me, a boy so young, as worthy of his works.

Standing in the fireplace, I threw the powder down;

"Randolph Spudmores".

A green flash entered my vision for a moment, before I was whisked into the realm of the floo network once again, transporting back to Randolph's home.


Just after Axel left, Randolph prepared to leave. As he was about to though, he turned to Grimbolt and spoke coldly. "That child is my god-son Grimbolt, I appreciate you offering your services to him but don't take advantage of him".

Grimbolt just stood in silence for a moment before replying. "Don't worry, my clientele when selected become my priority to keep, not take advantage of and drive away…".

Randolph noted that Grimbolt seemed to be hesitating, as if debating about telling Randolph something. After a moment he caved;

"That pup you've picked up Randolph… I wasn't kidding when I said he was interesting. I know you've probably noticed his disposition and his maturity; Like young metal that's already been tempered. When I stared into his eyes though, I saw something more... His magic power within him… It seemed 'chaotic' yet 'controlled' and most shockingly 'unbounded'"

Randolph didn't respond to Grimbolt as he stepped into the fireplace. His face did show though he acknowledged the words though. He knew Axel was special in a lot of ways, but maybe he was only seeing the tip of the iceberg as Axel was still young.

He didn't worry though as in the end he viewed Axel as his god-son now. That being the case, he had no fear towards a son with power and, as a matter of fact, would feel pride if Grimbolt's words did end up true. 

Goblins weren't known to be creatures that could 'see magic', however, the eccentric Grimbolt could easily be an exception to the rule. Noting this, Randolph knew he couldn't dismiss Grimbolt's words so easily. 

The fireplace burst with green flames once more before ebbing away, leaving Grimbolt alone once again in his smithy. He headed over to the anvil and picked up his hammer, whispering under his breath.

"What a frightening child…".

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