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53.84% Where the hell am I, and is that a Kaiju!? / Chapter 28: Regenerator'd

Kapitel 28: Regenerator'd

So, here I was in a Mexican standoff with some KKK prick who's literally pure white, and some nazi teenager with telekinesis... Unfortunately, the fight doesn't start as I'd have liked.


Before I can even start moving Alabaster fires off two shots, one I barely sidestep while the other clips me in the side, 'a mere flesh wound' I'd like to say, but it was still fucking painful to get shot!

"Fucker!" I grow, eyes narrowing into slits as I start running at him in a zig-zag pattern to try and avoid eating any more bullets. I was fast, especially after getting 'A Son of Sparda' but I was nowhere near the likes of Sparda's actual children who'd trained their whole lives, both against each other and fighting demons.

The next two shots are easier to dodge now that I had momentum with me, but before I could tear the cunt's throat out a large boulder drops from the air in an attempt to turn me into red paste.

I roll to the side as the rock leaves a crater on the tarmac and throw a vicious glare at Rune, who just throws a smug smirk back at me as another rock descends.


"Shit!" I grunt as Alabaster takes advantage of my distraction, nailing me in the stomach.

"Give up kid! Or I'll show you the many ways we have to skin a cat!"

"Really dude...?" Rune grimaces at him.

"Hey, I thought that worked!"

"Just shut the fuck up and shoot me." I growl at them, picking up my pace. I duck behind a nearby parked car and then quickly leap over it as I hear Alabaster reloading his weapon. Just in time too, as a boulder crashes on top of the vehicle flattening it's interior.

"H-HEY NOT THE FAC-AHH!" the Klan-bastard screams as my claws tear into him from his forehead to his neck, utterly destroying his eyes, taking off his nose, and cutting most of the muscles in his jaw.

"Ugh, SICK!" Rune gags as she recalls her boulders before jumping atop one to get out of my range. She flies a good distance off of th street, leaving me still mauling Alabaster.

"Huune! Heulp!" he shrieks as I smack both guns away, one going down a storm drain while the other goes through a nearby shop's front window.

"You asked for it, whitey!" she states and uncaringly drops a boulder on us. I move of course, causing the rock to land on Alabaster's abdomen, cutting him almost completely in half.

I blink at the girl in mild shock, "Our score against nazi's is tied! Now if you'll just kill yourself you'll be ahead!"

"Eat a dick, ass hole." she spits, then everything goes red for a moment. I tumble to the floor as something hits me, and only now do I realise I have a knife in my throat.

"Ha! How about that cat-boy!" Alabaster shouts, somehow with new legs and an undamaged outfit...

Just what kind of healing power did this fucker have!?

I gurgle as I tear out the knife and flip it into a reverse grip. Spitting out whatever blood is left in my throat as the wound heals, I glower at him furiously.

Bastard went for the kill there, he didn't know I'd have survived that, especially with how he's looking at me in complete surprise. Like a deer in headlights.

"Huh... Boss never said anything about t-HAT! he yelps as I crash into him, driving his knife into his chest over and over and over. Blood spatters across his pristine white outfit as I go from stabbing his stomach, lungs, and heart, to his neck and eyes.


Something hard hits me in the back and I'm sent spinning through the air and into a parked car, heavily denting the door.

"Are you ever trying, whitey!? And stop screaming, I know you don't feel pain!" Rune shouts at Alabaster. The dying man, almost at random, is suddenly healed of all of his wounds in an instant... His carved-out eyes, pierced heart, punctured lungs, and even the blood covering his suit was gone.

Time reversal healing? That or some kind of save point system... Unless he's able to heal himself instantly whenever he wants. No, otherwise he'd keep doing it as soon as he got an injury.

This is beginning to piss me off.

I look from Alabaster to Rune who is currently berating him and decide to get the mage first. After all, targeting the tank is for noobs.

Cracking my back, I run to the nearby building and swiftly clamber up the pipes going up the wall, quickly reaching the roof. From there, I leap onto the next, the roof closest to where Rune was floating.

Unfortunately, these two weren't completely retarded, causing the girl to just fly higher, leaving me standing on the edge of the roof with my thumb in my ass... I lean to the side as two boulders shoot past and collapse part of the building, courtesy of the teen.

"Come up here and get me, asshole!" she taunts.

"Yeah! Come up there and get here!" Alabaster idly adds while looking around in search of his guns.

Ah, right.

"You asked for it." I retort, dodging another boulder as I jump from the roof to the road. I snatch up a manhole cover and spin, throwing it straight at her like a discus. She dodges it, obviously... While I was not surprisingly proficient and accurate with it, I was even close to hitting... It does cause her to move however, a good enough distraction.

I run past Alabaster and reach into the destroyed shopfront where he'd dropped his gun, immediately pointing it at the girl. Rune puts a hand to her chest in fear, the visible part of her face contorting into abject terror...


Only to breathe a sigh of relief when the gun fails to go off.



Furious eyes turn to the man, specifically to the clip I knew sitting in a pocket on the inside of his jacket.

"H-ey, don't like the way you're looking at me-HIYYAGH!"

I drop the jacket and Alabaster's severed arm after acquiring the spare ammo, only to sigh as I look up and see Rune nowhere in sight. She must've fled when she realized what I was doing, coward.

I turn to Alabaster and cock the pistol as I approach him, "Looks like it's just you and me-"


"JUST STOP ALREADY!" Glory Girl's voice echoes through the street as she crashes from another wall with the snarling metal form of Hookwolf in front of her, being used as a battering ram.

The huge blade-covered wolf slases a claw at her, bouncing off of a forcefield, but Glory Girl for some reason lets him go in response, allowing him to slide to a halt a dozen yards from me and Alabaster.

He and Vicky look like they're going to continue, but pause as they notice me standing over a visibly trembling Alabaster... Who'd regrown his arm in the time I wasn't looking at him, somehow...

"Boss! Ah, Rune ran off for some milk-" Alabaster starts but-


He limply drops to the floor with a fresh bullet wound going straight through his head, from his face to the pavement behind him.


Hookwolf and Glory Girl's heads darted to me as I lowered the gun. "Doubt he can heal having his brains blown out." I idly remark, sending a challenging glare at Hookwolf.

"W-WHAT THE FUCK!? WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?" Glory Girl shrieks, horrified by the sudden execution.

"YOU DARE, CAAAT!!!??" Hookwolf roars and charges straight at me in a mindless rage.

I fire off a couple shots but determine small firearms are useless against him. Instead, I lean over, grab Alabaster's leg, and toss his unhealing body at him.


Hookwolf raises both clawed arms and tears his former ally's body in half, spraying blood everywhere as he moves to do the same to me. I was already on the move however, the body serving as distraction, allowing me to slip to his side and deliver a powerful kick to his underside, which to my dismay was as armoured as the rest of him.

Despite weighing multiple tons, my kick adding to his momentum sends him charging directly into a nearby car, embedding his head and causing him to start going crazy to free himself.

I shoot a glance at Vicky who is still staring at me in shock, but before I can say anything a PRT truck screeches around the corner and slides to a stop not far from her. The backdoor opens and from it, Assault, Gallant, Clockblocker, and Vista step out.

"Glory Girl we're here-..." Gallant starts but trails off as he sees shocked-stupid Vicky, destroyed street, dismembered Alabaster, and frenzied Hookwolf still trying to free his head from a car.

I look down at my pistol, then at Hookwolf before shrugging. "You guys look like you can handle this." I say, before running over to my bag of burgers that'd somehow survived the fight and going to climb up a nearby pipe.

"Wait!" Gallant shouts at me.

"Y-you just killed him! You aren't leaving yet!" Glory Girl speaks up after recovering her senses.


Hookwolf finally tears the car wreckage off of him and looks around in a rage, quickly spotting the group of heroes and running at them.

Vista throws her arms forward and suddenly Hookwolf is running in place, still sprinting but not moving anywhere.

A Shaking 9 from what I recall. Able to bend and control space to a limited degree, she'd extended the space around Hookwolf enough that it looked like he wasn't moving. Impressive, and scary for a girl under thirteen to be able to do.

Gallant looks and me and leans forward as if bracing for something. I soon reach the rooftop and he looks incredibly confused that nothing has happened...

"He's immune!" Glory Girl shouts and starts flying after me, "I got him, you get the nazi!"

"V-Glory Girl wait!" Gallant shouts as I and she go out of sight.


"I told you before! Stop following me, stalker!"

"Shut your mouth! You killed someone!" Vicky roars and tries to superman punch me. I jump just in time to avoid getting a fist through my chest, allowing her to go through the wall behind me.

"I killed a NAZI! There's a difference!" I shout into the newly-created hole.

"You EXECUTED a defenceless nazi! The Geneva Convention, ever heard of it!?" she shouts as she flies out of the hole and tries to kick my head off.

I duck the wild attack and snort at her, "Like you heroes give a shit about war crimes! As long as it's for PR there's no lengths you won't go!"

"That's not true!"

"YOU DESTROYED EIGHT BUILDINGS AND A WHOLE STREET WHILE CHASING ME!" I shouted, gesturing to the half-shattered rooftops and other heavily damaged infrastructure. "And what is my crime exactly? Self-defence!? Those fuckers were after me, they said so!" I exclaim as Glory Girl floats a good distance from me, arms folded as if judging my soul. "I recall reading it's acceptable force to make sure your attacker isn't a threat any longer... How's that law work when the fucker heals any and all injuries, including being cut in half, in an instant!"

"That's different!"

"Yeah! Because a cape's involved! Who gives a shit if they hurt someone, as long as the cape lives to kill another day, right!? That's what you fuckers do, isn't it? Lock 'em up, wait for them to break out and do the whole fucking song and dance again!"

"The Birdcage-"

"Is a political prison where you throw people you don't like! Otherwise, why the fuck is Lung and Oni Lee not in it? Why don't they at least have kill orders!?"


I shake my head at her, "That's right, no answer! Because you know I'm right. Because of me, there's one less super-powered nazi running around hurting people, and anyone who says that's a bad thing is part of the fucking problem!"

"Says the ABB gangster!?"

"An unwilling gangster!" I quickly retort, "Unless you haughty pricks are in the business of condemning child soldiers? I didn't trigger because I wanted to serve 'Lung the Dragon Emperor'." I growl at her.

By the conflicted look on her face, it seems she isn't as rigid as most heroes present themselves. At least, I get the notion she was in agreement about killing nazis.

"So, you gonna let me go on my merry way," I bounce the bag of burgers in my hand, "Or are you gonna 'hero' me into a prison cell next to rapists and paedophiles? Don't worry though, when I escape I'll be sure to take revenge on the world, like everyone else you toss in there. Call it keeping up tradition." I sarcastically drawl.

"No..." You said they had your mom, you're coming with me to New Wave so we can help, without the PRT shoving their weight around." she states, flying down to grab my arm.

I send a rough jab at her stomach but it bounces off of her nearly skin-level forcefield. I grab the offending arm and blink at how weak she felt, like, she wasn't putting up any resistance against me.

"Where'd all your strength go...?" I mutter, loud enough for her to hear.

She scowls and throws a punch at my chest, throwing me heavily into a wall, and cracking a few bricks with my spine. "Uh... There it is..."

I stared at her from where I was sitting, wondering just what she was going to do. "They will kill her, you know? I'm working to get her back but I've pissed them off once, 'Plotting with the enemy' they called it, for throwing insults at them and the PRT."


"I haven't hurt any innocents. Only enemy gang members... I intend to keep it that way."


"I have no choice." I grouse, still staring into Vicky's eyes.


She lets out a tired sigh and floats to the ground, picking up my dropped bag of burgers and taking one for herself. "Payment, for my 'lenience'."

I watch as she unwraps it and takes a big bite, smearing her cheek with ketchup. "Bribery, then?"

"Yeah, let's see you try spread it around." she shrugs and holds up a hand, "'Glory Girl bribed with burger by murderous villain'... Huh, maybe it'd make a headline?"

"You're only getting one... I didn't even get a bite before you assholes started chasing me." I say, causing her to toss the rest of the bag at me.

"Unlucky, Fugly Bob's is the best in town." she smirks and takes another bite. "I'll let you off for now, but if I hear anything I don't like. I'm coming for you."

"Aye-aye, capt'n..." I give a mock salute.

She floats up, preparing to leave, "Before I go, what's your name?"

"They call me 'Kaibyō'."

She shakes her head, "I've seen your face, and you already know who I am. Where's the trust?"


Should I just tell her? It'd get me more sympathy points, and I didn't really have a secret identity anymore either... Eh, might as well, try and get her more on my side.

Scratching the back of my head to the sweet spot behind my feline ear, I look into her eyes. "I'd rather this not get out but... We've met before." I say, causing her to blink in confusion, "You used to call me 'Guitar Boy'..."

Her eyes widen, "T-that's you!? Kieu? Oh my god! T-then, at the bombing-" she babbles in confused horror at what befell me.

Good, her reaction is as planned.

I nod, "That's what pissed off the ABB. They were planning on killing me and my mom, but caused me to trigger instead-, and well, they need the capes..."

"I-I'm so sorry!"

I wave her off, "Nothing you or anyone else could have done about it. This city is just fucked up, on both the hero and villain's sides."

"Is... Is there anything I can do to help?" she asks, not airing her own thoughts about the current state of the city, or world as a whole.

"Just don't tell anyone. If the cops start searching for me or my mom the ABB's gonna know something's up. The government shouldn't care that much about a missing immigrant mother and son."

"I can do that, I guess..." she mutters before reaching into her pocket, "Look, I need to go, the guys are blowing up my phone. Just remember that I'm around to help whenever and wherever you need it."

"That include dates or...?"

"I'm trying to be serious here..." she laughs, "I don't know what rumour you heard but I'm no cradle robber." she sighs with a light smile on her face, "Just... Be safe, Kieu." she says before flying off.

"'No cradle robber'- TELL THAT TO ALL THE YOUNG BOYS YOU FLASH FLYING WITH THAT BOOTY-SKIRT!" I shout after her and receive a middle finger for my efforts.

Niggross Niggross

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

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Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :


Faruk Ereng

Peter Evans

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