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75.97% Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale / Chapter 272: Chapter XCIII: The Ashes Settle

Kapitel 272: Chapter XCIII: The Ashes Settle

The sweet taste of victory lasted me only for about a minute longer before the irritating realities of warfare reasserted themselves as Rikke barged into the ruined chapel and browbeat me into checking on every single legionary and Dawnguard member to make sure none of them were about to die or worse yet, turn into vampires.

As for my own forces, Gelebor and Nightshade were more than enough to ensure a lack of Molag Bal rated STDs among our meager numbers so I did not even bother looking at them. Neither of them were stupid enough to make that kind of mistake and I would have been genuinely shocked if they managed to somehow fuck it up.

Worst case scenario I learn that my people are less competent than I thought and I get some uncursed vampires in my forces.

All of them have long since left the castle and were chilling on the Jagged Crown, unwilling to spend any longer in the place they went crawling through guts and bones. On that cheerful note, the feeding grounds were suddenly painted a nice charcoal black, which I am sure is completely unconnected to the gleeful looking bunch of elves.

Hours and well over a hundred cases of sanguinare vampiris* purged out of people's systems later I was finally able to plop down on one of the less filthy chairs in the repurposed throne room of the castle, the whole thing having been turned into something of a command center as our uninjured forces went about cleaning the whole castle out of anything worth taking with the gusto hitherto unseen in the legion.

Sure, Valerica did grumble a lot but even she knew not to dispute Skyrim's sacred tradition of looting the shit out of anything you found in a den of monsters. Not even the gods would have saved her from the furious Nords who lost over three hundred of their comrades that day if she did. Besides, her lab has long since been looted by yours truly so anything she may have felt was important was already back in her hands.

As I finished with my short smoke break I joined Torygg at the central table.

Anyone not stuck in a looting frenzy, which funnily enough excluded Tolfdir and Phineas as the two were currently on a merry quest digging through the vaults of the castle, was standing or seated around the table.

Torygg was discussing something with the thanes, the legion officers were debating the battle while looking mightily frustrated, and the Dawnguards were just standing there looking completely and utterly lost.

Tullius and Rikke both looked worn out by the day's events, their elite forces would no doubt be a massive pain to have replaced as one does not simply train an elite veteran. I doubted, however, that that was the reason for their current dour mood.

No, the duo of veteran officers were currently being struck with the realization of just how useless even their personal elites were against truly powerful magi and were both brainstorming ideas on how to make sure their beloved legion is not wiped out by any random Thalmor mage with more creativity than a vegetable.

Yes, somehow we managed to scare the legion more than the vampires who took out over a third of them in just a few hours. I was not apologizing.

Savos and Shalazar were eagerly listening in while poorly pretending to talk about the castle's ward scheme and giggling to each other as Rikke was proposing more outlandish counters to our styles of fighting.

Leaving that amusing sight I moved on to the King. Torygg and his Thanes looked tired and wrung out. All of the Thanes participated in the battle directly and while Torygg was not permitted to the front lines he still did his utmost to lead by example so almost everyone had sported a wound or three.

Yet despite that all of them had an air of satisfied pride around them as even Erikur looked happy with the idea of no longer having to deal with constant vampire attacks. The glory of our victory no doubt helped as well.

I was honestly disappointed that Harald wasn't able to come. The madman would have probably loved invading a castle of vampires with his warriors at his side but unfortunately for the both of us the Thane was currently stuck in his steading dealing with the immigration of a bunch of defecting forsworn, much to his dismay if Torygg's cheerful words were to be believed.

Done with my one second of silent observation I cleared my throat "Did anyone else get bitten while I wasn't looking?" I ask cheerfully while hiding my annoyance, and as usual, my voice takes command of the room, stopping any other conversation.

Rikke looks amused for a brief moment but shakes her head "No, any vampire that was smart enough to survive was also smart enough to flee." She offers me a brief salute at that "Still, you have our thanks for saving so many."

Pointedly not mentioning the dozen or so vampires currently hiding in a secret room I let out a neutral hum, accepting the thanks, and look to Torygg "So, when are we leaving?"

The King's eyes brighten at the idea of getting as far as possible from the bloodied castle that was somehow sucking out even his enthusiasm "We let the men finish what they are doing and board the ships as quickly as possible. There were talks about turning the castle into an outpost but no one wants to garrison a cursed island so we will be leaving it alone."

"The island isn't cursed though." I blurt immediately.

"Yeah, tell that to them." He amusedly points to a group of legionaries making whatever religious gestures they practiced as they pointedly avoided going anywhere near the feeding grounds.

"Fair enough." I roll my eyes at the obvious superstition, but then I turn serious and level a lightly annoyed glare at the young King "Then again, you are aware that we already had plans for the island's fate?"

Torygg winces slightly and raises his hands placatingly "Yes, yes. Some people were just a bit too enthusiastic about it and are not privy to the plan." He gives Erikur a pointed look but the thane simply huffs in annoyance and looks away.

'This little shit.'

When it is my turn to give out annoyed looks he doesn't even need to see me for a shiver of terror to go down his spine, at which point he vacates the table, soon followed by his totally not lover Bryling.

Helm looks at their retreating backs with a judgmental stare, probably annoyed by his fellow Thanes not taking their 'duties' seriously, but doesn't otherwise react.

"In any case." I forcefully resume the conversation "I am likely going to be busy for a few months... building up some forces for what is to come, so I would appreciate not being summoned for every little thing."

Torygg nods, his expression serious "Of course, your current task is more important than any skirmish." There is some confusion among the legion members and the remaining Thane but none of them breach the topic.

"Speaking of little things." I speak up again while scratching my chin "I suspect Ulfric might... act out after hearing of our victory here. His side has been losing the war from the beginning and what with the constant rumors about his supporters the faith in his cause has taken a big hit so he might end up doing something drastic to retake a modicum of momentum."

Tullius frowns at that implication "Winter has begun only recently, I doubt he would be able to commit to a grand assault before spring, even if his forces are almost exclusively Nordic and used to it."

"Which doesn't mean he can't act at all." I point at the General "Elite forces can still be used to damage something or other of importance and you underestimate just how fanatical some of the Stormcloaks are. Just keep the troops ready for potential fuckery and we are golden."

"That tells me nothing." He grumbles barely audibly, mostly to himself "Very well, I will ensure the troops are combat ready if the time comes." He suddenly looks even more tired and Rikke seems to have gotten a sudden idea, something to do with a certain crown I'd wager.

I give him a smile that is just the perfect mix of cheeky and appreciative as to maximize his annoyance while not outright insulting him and clap my hands "That is all I needed to know. Isran, if you would walk with me?" I wave for the Redguard and leave without waiting.

He seemed a bit out of it for a brief moment, my invitation no doubt having shaken him out of whatever worries were infesting his mind. He quickly catches up to me and asks "What did you need?"

Deciding not to needle him for once I ask "What are your plans now that your main goal is complete?"

He slows down at that, causing me to do the same so as to not leave him behind, a troubled look mars his face as he considers the question for a full minute. He lets out a defeated sigh "I do not know. There will always be a need for warriors to face the beasts prowling in the night but none remain that would justify a response like the Dawnguard."

"Hold that thought." I raise my hand, stopping the both of us as a bunch of loot laden legionaries pass the hall in front of us, they pause briefly to salute us and leave just as quickly.

Not hiding my amusement, I shake my head and keep walking like nothing happened.

As all noise becomes distant, Isran resumes "I thought of returning the Dawnguard to our mercenary roots, at least in that case those who remained would be able to make a living... But I am reluctant." He grumbles "Would we not be just another bunch of money hungry Companions if I did that?"

"You aren't wrong there, even if there is nothing wrong with being paid for honest work." I hum my agreement without turning "But you are wrong if you think there will be no evil to smite as it were."

It takes him a moment to realize my implication but the moment he does he tenses up, slipping almost comfortably back into his serious state "Another threat?" He asks grimly.

"Indeed, and I will need all the help I can get to deal with it." I explain lazily, as if discussing the weather.

All of his earlier lethargy leaves him as newfound purpose reignites his being "What is it?"

Finally, I turn back with a wide grin, showing off my excitement and hiding my terror "Have you ever heard of our destroyer and devourer Alduin the World-Eater?"

In the next instant, I am cursed with a noise so foreign it outright made me shiver, for I heard Isran laugh.

Then I got to watch his utter terror as he realized I was not, in fact, fucking with him.


After telling the poor man everything I believed he needed to know, I left Isran behind looking more grim then when he was certain he was going to have to face Harkon with only a bunch of angry farmers at his side. Indeed, I somehow managed to disturb him even more than Harkon potentially blotting out the sun and that fact made me laugh my ass off internally.

'Goooood' Scorch made his best impression of Palpatine while cackling like a loon.

Good thing no one could hear him.

'Eh hem.' I mentally clear my throat 'Thank you.' I smile at the ensuing silence in my head (and wasn't that a thought I ever thought about having) and lacking further obstruction I enter the so-called royal suite of the castle through its ruined doors, my eyes immediately landing on the two vampires who were discussing something while seated on Harkon's luxurious and completely unused bed.

A bit morbid for my tastes but then again they do eat people.

"I see you finally woke up." I greet Serana and offer her mother a quick nod.

"Yes, I... I am feeling much better now." The greatly empowered Daughter of Coldharbour speaks softly but there is a new powerful quality to her voice, subtly vibrating a mental suggestion through the air.

Likely noticing my immediate and instinctual frown she winces "Sorry about that, it is quite difficult to keep under control."

"At least we know how Harkon kept so many madmen under his thumb now." I quip after making sure my mental barriers were up "Don't worry." I assure the almost panicked vampire "An ability like this can definitely be controlled and then you will just have another weapon in your arsenal for when you do need it."

"Thanks." She smiles weakly, still a bit out of it due to literally eating her father's experiences.

Valerica adds nothing and we all soon settle into a comfortable silence as I take a seat on a nearby dusty chair, the instant clean up abilities of precise telekinesis coming in clutch once again. A good ten minutes pass before I decide to speak again "Considering your new position as Skyrim's vampire lord won't be an issue for at least a few years, what are your plans now that you are finally free?"

Both of them seem to almost preen at that little fact. I could not even fathom the overwhelming feeling of relief firing in their minds now that there were no swords hanging above their heads but it must have been utterly intoxicating if even Valerica managed to lose her composure so easily.

The two of them share a look and a subtle nod before Serana turns back to me "We will remain here for a while." She says with both cheer and melancholy "This is our home, ruined as it is, and we want to see it repaired and free of Harkon's madness once and for all."

"We also need to ensure no puppets of his remain in Garan's little group of sycophants." Valerica adds with obvious frustration.

I tilt my head "Decided on letting him live, have you?"

"Against my advice-" Valerica grits out.

But she is stopped by her daughter placing an arm on her shoulder "Against my mother's no doubt better judgment I have decided to give them a chance. Garan always seemed to disagree with Harkon and he is someone reliable... as long as you don't go on a world ending quest of course."

"Imagine that." I quip dryly.

Giving Valerica an amused look I ask "How much did you threaten him?"

She huffs "Such words are better not repeated in polite company."

"Since when am I considered polite by your standards?" I snark, earning me a light glare.

Serana clears her throat, drawing our attention "As fun as it is listening to the two of you, you did ask me a question." 

"And so I did. Come then, grace us with your wisdom, my lady." I bow dramatically.

The new lady of the castle rolls her eyes "As I was saying before mother went on her tangent, we plan on remaining in the castle for a good while. After we finish with the repairs I will try attracting traders to settle here at least seasonally."

"Which is no doubt going to lead to a settlement forming and you having a trading hub before long." I finish for her.

"Exactly." She tries to copy my signature wiseass smirk and fails utterly.

"A respectable plan by all accounts." I nod "Especially since you can afford to wait a literal eternity."

"Things are so much easier when one is not limited by mortality." Valerica cuts in smugly.

"I find your excuses for the renowned lethargy of your kind to be rather short sighted." I fire back without even looking at her.

"It is so sad you will never get to experience it." She offers 'kindly'.

But I simply shrug it off "Eh, I've got a couple of eras in me."

"Couple eras is still not immortal." Valerica insists.

"Your grasp on mathematics aside..." I finally turn to the amused matriarch "You are not getting out of teaching me anytime soon, and I've already set up a teleportation mark outside the castle."

"Naturally." She forces a smile "I am not so foolish as to attempt to go back on a deal with someone who can do what you have done."

"Excellent." I smile back, my expression far more genuine than hers.

"Oh stop it you two." Serana groans, blasting the both of us with a powerful mental suggestion.

Both of us give her our driest possible looks and for a moment she stills completely... before bursting into a fit of giggles at seeing us do so in perfect sync.

The conversation devolves into more mundane things after that, their plans on how they would make the castle look, invitations for visits between our 'factions', how they would interact with the kingdom itself et cetera et cetera... 

It was only an hour later that I left the room, a feeling of satisfaction in my chest, even if I was saddened at losing the company of the mother and daughter duo however temporarily.

"Hey" I hear Serana call out as I am about to leave the hallway.

I turn around with a raised eyebrow "Yes?"

Suddenly and without being able to react, I find myself enveloped in a hug, an experience far more uncomfortable for her than it was to me if her twitchiness was anything to go by, and I hear her mumble "Thanks, for everything."

Gently patting her on the back I smile "Anytime Serana, anytime."


sanguinare vampiris = vampire disease


Yet another arc finished, you know what you must do now.

If you want to support me directly and get access to 35ish chapters (Some 70k-ish words) in advance visit my patreon page patreon .com/Rastislav156

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