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Schreiben Sie eine Rezensionso when is the update author ? i love the story so much that i even hope that you continue this after months but it seems that you wont update it as you have the other stories too but still this fanfic has a lot of pottential because its a slice of life with a few fights but i guess that you lost your motivation because of critics and mlst people not understanding the plot and wanting a mc who thinks that his powerfull because of the system
It's a great Multiverse fanfiction!! 👍👍 It have a good plot/storyline and great english/translation.. I like the idea of Cafe/Coffe Shop in multiverse.. It's interesting slice of life.. It's a great story in Narutoverse at beginning, but it got bad in One Piece verse, and next world too.. He should focus more with his cafe/coffe shop.. And the achievment and reward is so crazy/absurd.. I understand with achievment and reward which relation/link with his cafe/coffe shop, like serve someone, open new cafe, etc,, not kill someone, rob, kiss, etc.. And when he got Greed mode is no no for me 🙅🙅 Love your story author san 😁👍👍😍😍😍
Фанфик полное дерьмо и автор полный идиот ! аххахазазазахахахаххахахахахахахахахахахзахахахахахахазазахахахаххаха Фанфик полное дерьмо и автор полный идиот ! аххахазазазахахахаххахахахахахахахахахахзахахахахахахазазахахахаххаха Фанфик полное дерьмо и автор полный идиот ! аххахазазазахахахаххахахахахахахахахахахзахахахахахахазазахахахаххаха
well definitely not my cup of coffee, writing quality and grammar is quite ok. story development is boring it's not a character driven plot but also not a plot driven character and made think what is this story trying to do, and I still has no clue. author attempt at "character development" is cliche and poorly executed. the way the mc act before and after "the event" is pretty much the same that makes the event quite useless and not needed and the way things are going makes the plot progression feel forced and not natural. world background is poorly represented. this review is probably biased since I don't like hows the story progressing but I wish the author develop the character in other way since it's easily predictable. I wish the author the best in their future endeavors
HONEST REVIEW! Ver.2 I already made a review of this before and gave this a decent review but I thought I wasn’t going to continue to read. HOWEVER I took time off and came back to this story after a while. Now here is my 2nd review. This book is good, very good. It’s a multiverse story that starts off in Naruto and my first read I felt it was alittle slow. However after returning I noticed how the pace definitely picked up and the mc actually started visiting new worlds. The comedy in this fic is great had a lot of great laughs while reading. When the pace picked up there was barely any dull moments. The character development the mc has is decent and the romance factor didn’t feel as forced as other fics tend to do. Many of the side characters have there own ability’s and personality’s that makes it easy to see them as real people and not a one and gone character. Idk if the author just didn’t know a lot about Naruto but when it came to the other worlds the author did well in explaining the Worlds Lore while keeping it short and sweet. My only problem so far is that I’m the type of person that has a 2nd tab open so I can search for picture references for the characters. So when the mc gets so many changes with each power up it’s hard to really imagine how he is supposed to look after it. OVERALL: I needed a second time to read this as I was impatient however I do not regret coming back. Great story would recommend.
I tried but had to give up. Maybe it gets better later on but it just seems like nothing relevant happens or when they do, no change occurs afterwards. Maybe I just don’t resonate with this kind of MC that seems to just live in his own little bubble. I feel like the story is trying to make the MC as pitiful as possible so that we can be moved? But the execution just doesn’t quite deliver.
Well, it was great in the beginning but I couldn't just keep my interest in the story anymore. (till chapter 111) Sorry maybe it's just me but it felt like the story's turning into a chore. Keep up your great work and see you in your next project. (hope it could be a more "serious" story)
The grammar and writing quality are at the top! But I just don't like... Not my cup. (Of tea?) Everything is too easy for tenshi, he hasn't suffered enough... There is simply no drama. It therefore becomes redundant and then boring... I would still stay to read because who knows, maybe it will become interesting for me?
Its really interesting and good story the mc is kind at the earlier chapter but you can see his character development and i like reading this type of fanfiction cause its interesting (yea i made some nonsense so it becomes longer)
Autor-san i like you and i hate you. How can you write such a good storybut kill everyone when we grew attached to them can't you just leave them alive ? Wonderful story
Gracias, he disfrutado la historia hasta ahora ojalá continue ......................................................................... ................. . . . .
This is the best fanfic I've read in recent years, there's not much to say, everything is perfect, the world, the details, the characters, everything is very funny and the truth fills me with happiness to read this.
Its nauseatingly wholesome...or atleast it tries to be. The whole disney mc level of being naively good with the stupidity to match it doesnt sit well with me. It also feel very forced, like mc want to be good so he can be liked by others and be praised for being such a good boy instead of trying to do things that actually help people.
Man this stuff is good af. Text fill \\ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer et lacus ante. Sed tincidunt accumsan venenatis. Aliquam ut vulputate eros. Donec lacinia tortor sed eros scelerisque, consectetur congue ex tristique. Curabitur quis arcu mattis, pharetra justo et, ultricies tortor. \\
A ideia em si não e ruim, mais o autor exagou ao ridículo na gentileza do protagonista, ninguém chega a ser gentil nesse nível tão retardado que parece que o protagonista tem problema cerebral. O cara tá sofrendo uma tentativa de assassinato e não sente um pingo de raiva ? So tristeza por que teve de mandar, se o protagonista tivesse reações mais realista e mantendo a própria gentileza essa seria um história legal pra acompanhar.
well definitely not my cup of coffee, writing quality and grammar is quite ok. story development is boring it's not a character driven plot but also not a plot driven character and made think what is this story trying to do, and I still has no clue. author attempt at "character development" is cliche and poorly executed. the way the mc act before and after "the event" is pretty much the same that makes the event quite useless and not needed and the way things are going makes the plot progression feel forced and not natural. world background is poorly represented. this review is probably biased since I don't like hows the story progressing but I wish the author develop the character in other way since it's easily predictable. I wish the author the best in their future endeavors
didn't read the ff and I won't bc i don't like mcs who refuse to kill(i also don't like mc who kill everybody) but this reviews is bc i found the review by evilbluecrystal or something like that funny and the author beat him up
so when is the update author ? i love the story so much that i even hope that you continue this after months but it seems that you wont update it as you have the other stories too but still this fanfic has a lot of pottential because its a slice of life with a few fights but i guess that you lost your motivation because of critics and mlst people not understanding the plot and wanting a mc who thinks that his powerfull because of the system
It's a great Multiverse fanfiction!! 👍👍 It have a good plot/storyline and great english/translation.. I like the idea of Cafe/Coffe Shop in multiverse.. It's interesting slice of life.. It's a great story in Narutoverse at beginning, but it got bad in One Piece verse, and next world too.. He should focus more with his cafe/coffe shop.. And the achievment and reward is so crazy/absurd.. I understand with achievment and reward which relation/link with his cafe/coffe shop, like serve someone, open new cafe, etc,, not kill someone, rob, kiss, etc.. And when he got Greed mode is no no for me 🙅🙅 Love your story author san 😁👍👍😍😍😍
Фанфик полное дерьмо и автор полный идиот ! аххахазазазахахахаххахахахахахахахахахахзахахахахахахазазахахахаххаха Фанфик полное дерьмо и автор полный идиот ! аххахазазазахахахаххахахахахахахахахахахзахахахахахахазазахахахаххаха Фанфик полное дерьмо и автор полный идиот ! аххахазазазахахахаххахахахахахахахахахахзахахахахахахазазахахахаххаха
well definitely not my cup of coffee, writing quality and grammar is quite ok. story development is boring it's not a character driven plot but also not a plot driven character and made think what is this story trying to do, and I still has no clue. author attempt at "character development" is cliche and poorly executed. the way the mc act before and after "the event" is pretty much the same that makes the event quite useless and not needed and the way things are going makes the plot progression feel forced and not natural. world background is poorly represented. this review is probably biased since I don't like hows the story progressing but I wish the author develop the character in other way since it's easily predictable. I wish the author the best in their future endeavors
HONEST REVIEW! Ver.2 I already made a review of this before and gave this a decent review but I thought I wasn’t going to continue to read. HOWEVER I took time off and came back to this story after a while. Now here is my 2nd review. This book is good, very good. It’s a multiverse story that starts off in Naruto and my first read I felt it was alittle slow. However after returning I noticed how the pace definitely picked up and the mc actually started visiting new worlds. The comedy in this fic is great had a lot of great laughs while reading. When the pace picked up there was barely any dull moments. The character development the mc has is decent and the romance factor didn’t feel as forced as other fics tend to do. Many of the side characters have there own ability’s and personality’s that makes it easy to see them as real people and not a one and gone character. Idk if the author just didn’t know a lot about Naruto but when it came to the other worlds the author did well in explaining the Worlds Lore while keeping it short and sweet. My only problem so far is that I’m the type of person that has a 2nd tab open so I can search for picture references for the characters. So when the mc gets so many changes with each power up it’s hard to really imagine how he is supposed to look after it. OVERALL: I needed a second time to read this as I was impatient however I do not regret coming back. Great story would recommend.
I tried but had to give up. Maybe it gets better later on but it just seems like nothing relevant happens or when they do, no change occurs afterwards. Maybe I just don’t resonate with this kind of MC that seems to just live in his own little bubble. I feel like the story is trying to make the MC as pitiful as possible so that we can be moved? But the execution just doesn’t quite deliver.
Well, it was great in the beginning but I couldn't just keep my interest in the story anymore. (till chapter 111) Sorry maybe it's just me but it felt like the story's turning into a chore. Keep up your great work and see you in your next project. (hope it could be a more "serious" story)
The grammar and writing quality are at the top! But I just don't like... Not my cup. (Of tea?) Everything is too easy for tenshi, he hasn't suffered enough... There is simply no drama. It therefore becomes redundant and then boring... I would still stay to read because who knows, maybe it will become interesting for me?
Its really interesting and good story the mc is kind at the earlier chapter but you can see his character development and i like reading this type of fanfiction cause its interesting (yea i made some nonsense so it becomes longer)
Autor-san i like you and i hate you. How can you write such a good storybut kill everyone when we grew attached to them can't you just leave them alive ? Wonderful story
Gracias, he disfrutado la historia hasta ahora ojalá continue ......................................................................... ................. . . . .
This is the best fanfic I've read in recent years, there's not much to say, everything is perfect, the world, the details, the characters, everything is very funny and the truth fills me with happiness to read this.
Its nauseatingly wholesome...or atleast it tries to be. The whole disney mc level of being naively good with the stupidity to match it doesnt sit well with me. It also feel very forced, like mc want to be good so he can be liked by others and be praised for being such a good boy instead of trying to do things that actually help people.
Man this stuff is good af. Text fill \\ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer et lacus ante. Sed tincidunt accumsan venenatis. Aliquam ut vulputate eros. Donec lacinia tortor sed eros scelerisque, consectetur congue ex tristique. Curabitur quis arcu mattis, pharetra justo et, ultricies tortor. \\
A ideia em si não e ruim, mais o autor exagou ao ridículo na gentileza do protagonista, ninguém chega a ser gentil nesse nível tão retardado que parece que o protagonista tem problema cerebral. O cara tá sofrendo uma tentativa de assassinato e não sente um pingo de raiva ? So tristeza por que teve de mandar, se o protagonista tivesse reações mais realista e mantendo a própria gentileza essa seria um história legal pra acompanhar.
well definitely not my cup of coffee, writing quality and grammar is quite ok. story development is boring it's not a character driven plot but also not a plot driven character and made think what is this story trying to do, and I still has no clue. author attempt at "character development" is cliche and poorly executed. the way the mc act before and after "the event" is pretty much the same that makes the event quite useless and not needed and the way things are going makes the plot progression feel forced and not natural. world background is poorly represented. this review is probably biased since I don't like hows the story progressing but I wish the author develop the character in other way since it's easily predictable. I wish the author the best in their future endeavors
didn't read the ff and I won't bc i don't like mcs who refuse to kill(i also don't like mc who kill everybody) but this reviews is bc i found the review by evilbluecrystal or something like that funny and the author beat him up