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Located at the deepest part of the Uzumaki underground complex was a grand hall with a singular iron throne at the end of it, made to reflect Menma's status in the clan.

Currently resting on the iron throne was Menma Uzumaki, lost in thought, with his hand supporting his chin and a bored look of indifference. Konan stood off to the side silently with her hands behind her back and head down like a dutiful maid.

This grand hall had become the nominal meeting space to discuss topics, with the throne being made to symbolize Menma's status.

He was above Hokage and the Diamyo...

He was their ruler and the one who would soon rule all.

When Konoha was subdued, it would be the spearhead from which the Whirlpool Clan would begin its conquest of the rest of the world...

That would have to wait for now, however...

After a few moments, subtle footsteps began to be heard from the other end of the grand hall, snapping Menma out of his thoughts yet keeping his look of indifference as he watched the newcomer walk towards his throne.

"My heart is filled with happiness to find myself before you again, my dear Master..." Declared the newcomer as she prostrated herself respectfully before the grand iron throne.

Menma's eyes carefully examined Shizune, who was prostrated below him…

Several months had passed since Shizune's last report. The last time he had received a piece of information from her, she had reported that she had gained an important position in Kumo after building a false identity.

"You may rise..." Menma spoke with a gleam in his eye as Shizune slowly brought herself to a kneeling position before looking at her Master.

"How are things in Kumo?" asked Menma, causing a Shizune to shudder.

"Everything is perfect, my Master..." The woman smiled, eager to inform her Master of the good news.

"I've managed to reach the top brass, taking the place of the Raikage's personal secretary under my disguise as Shizuka... And I bring news that may interest you."

"Tell me," Menma said with interest.

"In the coming months, there will be a secret meeting between Kumo and Konoha to agree on an alliance..." Shizune said as she adopted a severe expression.

"I already know that... Koharu has informed me of it since the day Kumo's messengers came to give the message with the proposal..." Menma replied with a bored expression as his interest disappeared.

"The information I have is that this negotiation is just a ruse..." Shizune quickly continued speaking, seeing her Master's interest fade.

"The reality is that the Raikage only wants access to Konoha to kidnap Hanabi Hyuga..."

"Well, that's interesting..." Menma replied with interest, returning to his eyes.

"The plan is that the ambassador of Kumo, Yoruichi Shihouin, will take advantage of the moment to kidnap Hanabi, using me as an alibi by having myself take the form of Yoruichi so that no one will notice the absence of the real one... Officially, the delegation sent by Kumo will only consist of Yoruichi Shihouin and two other people who, at the time, have not been decided." Shizune concluded, hoping that she had pleased her Master.

"When the information is known to me, I'll immediately inform you, Master..." Shizune added, seeing her Master's silence.

"Very good... We will take advantage of this just like we did with the Uchiha massacre..." Menma said with a smirk growing on his face.

"I have another piece of news, Master..." Shizune added, seeing that her Master had finished pondering the information.

Menma returned his attention to the Kage Bunshin his faithful slave had sent.

"As you ordered, I have received access to all of Kumo's files. I have compiled all possible information regarding their military capabilities and its most prominent members... Likewise, I have gathered all the information at my disposal about the involvement of Kumo in Operation Vertical..." Shizune said before bowing her head and offering several scrolls.

"Perfect, Shizune..." Menma said as Konan came forward to grab the scrolls and hand them to him.

"The last two scrolls are a gift I managed to get you," Shizune said with a smile.

It's about Shizuka's predecessor and her friend in the Raikage's office... With some persuasion, I made her resign. Once she laid low as a civilian, I came to her residence, planning to kidnap her, but she had a friend over, so I made food with the sleeping drugs that Tsunade-sama gave me. Once they were knocked out, I placed them into the enhanced sealing scroll you gave me. I thought that they would be helpful to you, Master..." She said with a blush.

"You did a good job... Tsunade and Mikoto made a new instrument and have been dying to try it. They will work perfectly..." Menma replied, visibly satisfied with the infiltration work of Shizune.

"I'm glad you like my gift..." Shizune said with a smile before the Kage Bunshin dissipated in a cloud of smoke.

Seeing Shizune disappear, Menma's thoughts instantly became active.

"I was going to let Tsunade and Mikoto try out their new instrument with Kurenai, but seeing as she is adept with Genjutsu, it's unlikely to work for her. I got lucky with Mikoto, seeing as she is a natural submissive. Still, I will be extra careful with anyone experienced in the mind." Menma thought to himself before remembering Mikoto's situation.


(Mikoto POV)

-Flashback to 1 year ago-

Five years...

Has it been that long since I learned of Master Menma's greatness and my true place...

It's been so gratifying to finally understand my true place in the world as Master Menma's lowly slave...

I can't describe my happiness when I first saw Master Menma. I instantly kneel before him as I became so horny that I thought I was an animal in heat...

He was just so perfect, so manly, so godly...

I instantly came upon him looking at my body for the first time, causing him to laugh out loud. I only felt pride for bringing my Master a small amount of joy and my own degradation.

I still remember how he molested my body so roughly and had me cum until I passed out. It's still one of my fondest memories.

It's ranked right next to the moment Master Menma permitted me to dive back into researching Genjutsu. I was filled with pride and determination as he said he was looking forward to me being of use to him.

Enough thinking... I must go back to my research of Genjutsu so that I may be useful to him...

I made a qualitative leap in my skills and spirit as I finished training. With this, my skills should finally be of help to Master Menma.

One moment, I felt overwhelming happiness at the thought I could be useful, but then the feeling began to fade and was replaced by...dread.

Dread...and pure terror as I realized what was happening to me.

This feeling was the gremlin trying to reassert dominance over my mind once again. She was always there since she realized that her life as a human was over. I was a slave now, bound to serve Master Menma forever as the lowly bitch I was meant to be...

I tried to close my eyes and calm myself to stop the gremlin.

I won't give in... That gremlin is always saying how I shouldn't obey Master Menma or that I should leave the Uzumaki clan.

Who is that stupid gremlin to insult Master Menma's greatness... How dare she...


I must not let the gremlin succeed. I am Master Menma's most loyal slave...

Slave... No, I'm not a slave....


Get out of my head, gremlin! I am Master Menma's most obedient slave! How dare you say I am not! Why are you fighting this! It is a supreme honor to kiss the ground he walks on!



The tendrils of his influence that once held me captive had been severed, leaving me unburdened and free from the clutches of his control.

Yet, even in the joy of breaking free, the image of Menma Uzumaki haunted the darkest corners of my mind.

A shiver of pure terror danced down my spine at the memory of his influence, a chilling reminder of his hold on me.

For a moment, I felt a paradox of emotions. A simultaneous sensation of both fear and gratitude. His decision to grant me the opportunity to study Genjutsu had unknowingly allowed me to break free.

To think I have been a prisoner of my mind for the past five years... I have been forced to watch every single thing that has been done to me as his programming forced my consciousness to the bottom of my mind.

The simple act of thinking of him caused my feelings to twist and knot. I had once regarded him as my god. Every encounter with him had stirred happiness within me, a warmth emanating from the depths of my soul. It was as though his mere presence could infuse my life with purpose and meaning.

And yet, now that I had broken free from his grasp...

What awaited me beyond these walls? I was adrift, unmoored from the life I had known. I have nothing to go back to... no family... no friends... I should stay here where I'm happy.

Could his programming still have control of me? Why else would I be in doubt of escaping...

I walked towards his location as tears welled in my eyes, cascading like crystalline raindrops. I didn't know why, but I couldn't stop.

Before I knew it, I kneeled before him with tears flowing down my eyes.

"Please make it stop... I don't want to remember..." I said in a pleading tone.

"Aren't you the one who wanted to break free?" Menma asked with a smirk, seemingly already knowing the situation. I didn't bother to ask how.

I was too exhausted to care. I said no words but simply began to grovel at his feet.

I sat at his feet for what felt like hours as he started to laugh and slowly pushed my head into the ground with his foot.

"I could, but it will be different this time... "

"You see, I figure I should be merciful and get this done for good. If I do the same thing, you will fight it again, so let's just get this done once and for all. What did you call it? Yes... Let's purge the gremlin out of you once and for all... "Menma said with a wicked smile as he looked at my kneeling figure.

I felt nothing... Only empty and accepted what was to come.

Seeing this, Menma didn't seem to be quite as amused before something seemed to pop into his mind, and his grin returned even larger.

"Konan, get a mirror for me..." Menma asked quickly before Konan walked off silently.

A few moments later, I watched Konan slowly wheel in a large mirror before me.

"Rather than waste my time getting rid of your gremlin, I want you to do it for me. You'll drive that pathetic little gremlin so deep into your mind that she won't want to come back up. All you need to do is stand in front of the mirror and open your mind… I'm sure I don't need to explain the rest, right?" Menma asked with a smile.

My emotions seemed to come alive again as I looked at him with pure terror. What was he saying...

Couldn't he see that I was already giving up? Why was he doing this?

"Don't look at me like that... This is for your own happiness, right?" He said with a laugh.

I slowly stood in front of the mirror, my eyes stained with tears. I flashed my Sharingan and opened up my mind in defeat.

I hate you, Master Menma...

That was the last thought I had before I found my mind going blank and me muttering some things to myself with Master Menma's insane laugh in the background.


I would love to here comments as the story is starting to become my own original. I appreciate any criticisms as I want to provide a good experience for you all.

A side note in the future I will be releasing a patreon where you can read advanced chapters or you can do it to support me.

Thanks for reading!

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