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28.57% ASOIAF: Lord of Nature / Chapter 15: Chapter 15 (Revamped)

Kapitel 15: Chapter 15 (Revamped)

It was unknown why the Mountain Clans became bold enough to make incursions outside of the Mountains of the Moon. Yet, it was a decision that would come to haunt them soon after. The attempt on Lady Dalia was simply the spark that lit the flame that would bring them to their knees.

The Mountains of the Moon were home to the descendants of the first men more commonly known as 'Clansmen' who rejected the authority of the Arryns. Made up of an egalitarian society, they believed that every person's voice, regardless of gender, should be heard during councils, a unique style of ruling when compared to their more civilized counterparts. Despite their savagery, the clansmen were noted to be fiercely loyal to each other, with this sometimes extending to other clans. Whilst conflicts between the clans did occur, they were often resolved by payment of blood money or by settling personal grievances through violence. The clansmen lived short and savage lives, having largely been considered bandits and outlaws. 

Before the incursions, they were known to wield stone axes and wooden clubs, raiding local settlements and small groups of travelers to survive. Taking all they could, be it women, weapons, grain, and armor, like the Valemen they rode horses, though far smaller due to the narrow paths they needed to traverse. Only those close to the chiefs and their families rode them due to the high cost of maintaining them.

It had been hundreds of years since the clansmen had threatened the rest of the Vale with anything more serious than raids. Hence why the incursions had taken many by surprise and allowed them to successfully wipe out several settlements before a proper response could be mounted. These attacks would quickly be put to an end by Lord Lorimas Mudd, who would begin the campaign that would see the end of a millennia-old threat, once and for all.

Excerpt from 'A Tale of Mudd and Steel' by Maester Alyn Feld


(Lorimas Mudd, the Gates of the Moon)

Several servants walked in and out of the solar, depositing various books and reports on his desk, whilst removing those that had been gone through. As a result, stacks of parchments and books sat atop the desk, where just looking at them gave him a headache.

"We've done our best to compile the list of provisions that will be required for the campaign," Nestor voiced, his tone carrying a hint of fatigue.

The two of them had been looking through various books on the Mountain clans and the reports sent by the Lords of the Vale.

Glancing up at Nestor, Lorimas could see that the man needed a break.

"That will be all, Nestor." Lormias said, "Thank you."

Nestor raised an eyebrow, sending a glance towards the pile and then back at Lorimas. With a respectful nod, Yohn's cousin chose to take the chance provided, but not before sending a look of pity toward him.

Lorimas hated reports with a passion, not to mention the amount of books he had to go through to gain a better idea of how the mountain clans fought was necessary.

He was all for raising the levies of the Vale and rushing towards those savages, but that would mean sending thousands of men to their deaths, for little to no gain.

Dalia would also be quite furious at him for doing so, and his nephew wouldn't be all that pleased either, instead, he had to plan and prepare before he made any moves. An action heavily favored by his nephew, but not so much by Lorimas.

If only because of the staggering amount of paperwork that tended to follow it.

As of now, the first to third Banners were spread out across the Riverlands. Guarding its strategic points and the coast from Ironborn reavers and pirates, whilst hunting for small bandit armies that had formed in the wake of the rebellion.

The 6th and 4th Banners under Strong were doing the same for the Crownlands.

Leaving only the Fifth Banner available, heading towards them under Erlends command. 

Much of the Valeman already raised under Lorimas's command had to be divided and sent throughout the Vale to protect settlements and strategically located holds.

It would take time for the levies to get into position, as they were far less organized and efficient compared to the Banners.

Weapons and supplies were another issue as they had to be redistributed, and their quality assured. Supply routes need to be planned, created, and secured, lest his men starve and riot.

Strategies and tactics have to be considered, normally this wouldn't be an issue as the Valemen had been fighting the Mountain Clans for several millennia. No, the real issue was the Mountain Clans were far better equipped than they had ever been in the past, their attacks and raids were far too expertly planned and coordinated.

Whole settlements had been wiped out in the wake of this sudden revival, with no one spared, making it difficult to get accurate information on their position and leaving them blindsided.

Lormias, having calmed down from his rage after finding out about the attempt on his wife, had to consider his decisions carefully.

Whoever was leading the new incursions by the mountain clans was far more skilled than expected. He had to be careful not to play into his opponent's hands. 

This was evident by their attempt to capture his wife, as that was something he doubted the mountain clans could come up with on their own. 

They were a people focused on martial might, not strategic thinking and scheming. They weren't stupid by any means, but the level of foresight needed for such an operation was beyond them.

Regardless of who this mastermind was, may the gods have mercy on him for he sure as hell wasn't going to have any.

Planning the campaign was quite difficult, while their shadows had access to a majority of the lords of Westeros. The same could not be said about the mountain clans, this made it difficult to anticipate their next moves.

His nephew might've been able to find them thanks to his abilities, but he was currently focused on purifying their future seat.

It wasn't that hard to excuse the 5th Banner's delay to the Vale Lords, since while his nephew was purifying that cursed monstrosity, the Banners themselves were facing a suspicious amount of raids from Bandits.

It practically confirmed suspicions that the mountain clans had help from someone, one that had vast resources that allowed them to be more effective than normal. Someone was pushing both groups to harass the Banners as much as possible, an effort to weaken Erlends grip over his territories.

Still, he and the lords of the Vale busied themselves by discussing their counterattack. They understood the reasons for the delay but they couldn't afford to wait, hence the various meetings held clarifying their roles, duties, and goals that were to be performed and achieved.

The plan itself was rather basic, the Valemen were to spread out and position themselves around the mountains of the moon, allowing them to defend the settlements from any attack from the mountain clans.

This would give them the time needed to prevent any more raids and attacks and hopefully force the clans on the defensive.

While not ideal it was necessary, as it gave him and the rest of the lords the time needed to wipe out the various pockets of clansmen that had set up camps around the vale. As well as locate the source of their supply and equipment.

Once they were wiped out, and whoever was supplying them was cut off, the Valemen would be able to go on an offensive and switch the dynamic currently in place.

With their offensive capabilities greatly reduced, he would be able to pressure the clansmen from various entry points around the mountains. 

The information provided by the books and reports suggested that despite their increase in skill and equipment. They were still unable to match the Valesmen in an open battle, having far less experience.

This also meant that they would likely resort to the familiar hit-and-run tactics they've been known for in the past.

The issue was that Vale's mountainous terrain made ambushes quite easy for them. Even if the Banners were here, they wouldn't be as useful as they were elsewhere due to the lack of familiarity with fighting in such a terrain.

Open fields, deserts, and flatlands were where the Banners shined, not mountainous terrains.

Lorimas knew that even if he was aware of their vulnerability to ambushes, the clansmen would still have the upper hand. He wasn't eager to throw his men to their deaths. Not to mention the bloody wild predators who would prey on his men and supplies.

The knights of the Vale, while useful in routing out clansmen and killing them in open grounds, that wasn't all that useful in this mountainous terrain, which was heavily unfavorable for cavalry. Cavalry simply could not do well in the narrow passes.

It gave Lormias a headache that both the forces under his command would be more of a liability and hampered by the terrain than any help.

"You're worried," a soft voice spoke.

Lorimas looked up to see Dalia standing in front of him, being too tired to notice her entrance.

"I thought you were with Mya?" He asked. 

The brunette let out a gentle smile at the remainder of their adopted daughter.

"She's sleeping," she replied. 

He raised an eyebrow at that, confused at why Mya was put to sleep so early.

Seeing his confusion, Dalia rolled her eyes "It's long past her bedtime Darling, you've been here for a while."

"Really?" He asked, had he been here for so long?

Ignoring his question, Dalia took one of the reports on his desk.

"They're leaving no survivors," Dalia frowned, as she read through it.

"They are preventing any news from leaking out to us, we're lucky to have any news at all." He sighed.

Her blue-gray eyes held a certain venom within them as she spoke "When do you intend to wipe them out."

Tapping his fingers on the desk, he looked thoughtfully "It would be foolish to attack them immediately, they've gotten themselves a rather scheming backer." 

She nodded at that, while she was angry about the loss of her close handmaidens who had been dear to her, she knew better than to rush her husband, especially with something she had little expertise in.

"As long as they face justice, I don't care how long it takes," she said.

Making her way behind him, she gave him a warm smile as she massaged his shoulders. He couldn't help but let out a groan of satisfaction.

"As for you my dear, you need some rest."

The day had finally come for him to leave.

All his forces were in position, boxing in the clansmen in their mountains.

He was ready to leave, especially if that meant that he could finally avenge the attempted kidnapping of his wife.

Erlend had sent ravens informing them to launch the attack, he would be arriving soon to join them, as the bandits that had been harassing the 5th Banners had been wiped out.

Yet, there was no excitement to be had, war was not a pretty thing. Those who claimed there was honor and glory in it were fools or green boys who never truly experienced it.

"Lorimas!" He turned to see his wife calling him, Mya walked beside her.

They both came to a stop in front of him, his wife staring intensely at him "Make sure to come back to us." Her voice was demanding, yet he could feel the affection behind it.

"Don't worry my love, no savage is going to keep me away from you." Lorimas moved to engulf her in his arms.

"Arrogant oaf." Despite her words, she didn't avoid him, returning his hug with enthusiasm, and kissing him softly on the lips.

"Papa, you have to come back." Mya beamed as joined in the hug, making him let out a chuckle, before disentangling from Dalia and hugging her too.

"Listen sweetling." Mya listened intently to what her father had to say "When I'm back I want to hear from Maester Colemon that you've done well in your lessons, Understood?"

"Yes, Papa." She nodded, while Dalia hummed in appreciation.

"Good girl." kissing her on her brow, before handing her over to Dalia.

"Lenny has made it clear that you avoid doing anything stupid." She stared at him.

Lorimas merely laughed in response, having already started moving towards his horse. "I'll do so dear, you worry too much."

He could practically feel her rolling her eyes at his response but felt only warmth at her worry, he would come back to them, he had promised after all.

(???, Mountains of the Moon)

The incoming force was quickly spotted.

You couldn't hide an army on the march, especially when it was expected. As armies marched, vultures would follow, ravens carrying messages and wagons traveling along them. All could be spotted and seen from a distance away.

He recalled the lessons forced upon his people by the 'Foreigner', where they learned more about their enemies, the elders insisted everyone learn, be they younglings, warriors, or elders. 

He hid quietly behind the boulder, keeping himself out of sight, the army below him was well-equipped and seemed more at ease than his people had in using them. 

They marched towards his home with impunity and with seemingly no resistance.

Moving forward to gain a better vantage, he could practically feel them marching.

What started as little vibrations, built up slowly as they got closer as if the earth trembled as they moved like a great beast searching for its prey, uncaring of the land it trod upon.

Despite their intimidating size, he tried to remain unfazed by their presence, he could not afford to panic just yet. These men were coming to destroy his lands and slaughter his people. He needed to get enough information to prepare them better.

The clans had gone too far, and this beast would now seek vengeance. Tales were told about the fate of the clansmen who'd traversed outside of the mountains, wreaking havoc across the Andali settlements, and none had yet to return.

The thought of these Andali razing his home silenced whatever panic he felt, serving to calm the palpitations within his heart.

Unfamiliar Red-Brown banners fluttered in the breeze, each containing a golden crown studded with emeralds. Behind them were the familiar banners of the Andali Houses and the traitors who abandoned their ways.

Their armor glinted as the rays of the sun bounced off it. The familiar clopping of the horses of their enemy moved around the groaning of wooden wheels of hundreds of wagons that carried the supplies. They were on their guard, ensuring the line of wagons moved smoothly without interruption.

This was enough for now, he'd have to leave before he was spotted,

"Ten thousand men, all well equipped and looking to quench their bloodthirst." The Chief looked to have aged a decade at the news he'd brought.

"Chief, I'm sure the 'Foreigner' has a plan for this." He tried to reassure the elder chieftain.

In response, the wizened man simply snorted as he sat himself, the clansmen around them followed suit.

"Don't be foolish Osh, it's his damn fault we're in this position in the first place." the Chief scoffed in response, turning his attention to the men around them. "What of the other clans?"

One of the men rose to answer "Ready for our call, Chief."

Another man snorted derisively at this "And only half will answer."

Chief Cheyk seemed to agree with the man "Aye, the rest will cower in their homes, paying no heed to our plight."

Nervously Osh looked at his fellow clansmen "The 'Foreigner' promised to aid us Chief, we've held our part of the deal." he tried.

"I doubt that snake would raise a finger in our defense." the older man growled "We've already done what he wanted and failed at that."

Osh paled at the implications "He…he was using us then?"

"Of course, he was using us, our role was to weaken the Andali, nothing more."

"Why did the Clans agree to this 'Foreigner's demands.'" One of the men looked panicked.

The expression on the Chief's face turned grave as he stared at all of them "Would you have us starve instead?" He finally said.

Many of the men shared the Chief's look, despite our hatred for the Andali, we've only ever survived by the skin of our teeth… Now nobody knew if they could do so.

"Make the call, we'll see who responds." The Chief looked like he had aged decades at that moment, yet his eyes burned with determination. 

This was a fight for survival, they couldn't afford to lose.

(Lorimas Mudd, MotM Encampment)

Many of the Lords present looked grim, history had proven that assaults on the Clan's home had never turned out favorably for them.

"Report." Lorimas gestured towards the scout. 

He was standing at the head of the war table placed within the Command Tent, sprawled across it were the various maps concerning the mountains. The various Lords and Commanders stood on the sides of the table, all clad in their armor.

The scout did not hesitate "My Lord, the paths ahead are clear of any large force, so far it seems none of the clansmen intend to engage us. Though we are aware that the clans were watching us, their familiarity with the mountains has made it difficult to capture any of them."

Lorimas nodded, they weren't sure why the clansmen hadn't engaged them yet.

The campaign so far had been successful, with the various pockets of clansmen outside of the Moons having been slaughtered. They had slowly boxed the clans into the Mountains, but that was where his forces began to lose the advantages they held.

There was no Castle or stronghold to besiege, no points that they could infiltrate without any teams being wiped out. The shadows were of no help on this front either, as they needed someone in the clans who could be of use, something they sorely lacked. Still, they were at least able to gain some information on the one aiding the clans.

Despite the first phase being successful, the same couldn't be said about their current situation. Clansmen raiders were beginning to harass their lines and minor skirmishes would break out when one of the groups found themselves isolated. He had no idea if they intended to whittle away at his troops or if they were just acting desperate.

The casualties, while not that noticeable did affect the men, the issue was morale worsened as the Valesmen grew more paranoid and wary.

Lorimas had fought for decades, his experiences in Essos having taught him about war better than most. Yet, he knew some of the most brilliant commanders had struggled and failed to take the Mountains, let alone him who had never fought in such a different terrain before.

It was why he had insisted on taking the advice of the various Vale lords who had been fighting the mountain clans for years, being familiar with these types of battles and the capabilities of the clansmen, hence making their advice valuable.

"Those cowards," Jasper spat.

"Cowards they may be, but they aren't stupid." Responded Yohn, looking intently at the various maps.

"Aye, we can't afford to blindly rush them, not when they have the upper hand." Horton carried on.

"Any news on who's been supplying them." Lorimas interrupted. "They're far too well-equipped, and their men had shown a small degree of skill during skirmishes between us, I want to know who's been aiding them."

"We've uncovered that there's a man called 'the Foreigner' who has been guiding the clans since the start of the incursions, my Lord," Gerold Grafton said.

Lorimas nodded having been told that earlier by the shadows, he simply waited for one of the lords to uncover it themselves and inform them. This was a move encouraged by Erlend as it helped gauge their loyalty.

It also avoided sowing unnecessary distrust between their vassals, not many would take kindly to knowing that their liege had spies everywhere.

Hells most assumed the Shadow Wardens were just a more competent spy network.

Grafton so far had remained loyal to House Mudd, holding no grudge against them for the death of his brother Marq. Then again the man responsible for Marq's death had been Robert and that stag was dead.

The lords frowned and muttered amongst themselves at this revelation, not liking the fact that someone was manipulating them in the shadows. They quickly began questioning Gerold and all he knew, and the man answered them the best he could.

The meeting would be a few hours later and he bid them to take rest, they would need to be prepared for the coming battles.

Only one person remained behind, his close friend Yohn looked worried about something.

"You alright there, Yohn." He asked.

"It makes no sense, what would they have to gain from inciting the clansmen?" Yohn frowned.

"It's possible they want to cause unrest amongst the Vale." 

"Perhaps, but there are far more suitable kingdoms to do so than the Vale" Old Bronze snorted.

"You think they might be doing this to get Lenny's attention," Lorimas asked.

"We have the most experienced and well-maintained army as of this moment, I wouldn't be surprised if they aimed to weaken Erlend through this." Yohn answered.

Lorimas nodded at that, he knew that not many would take kindly to the return of House Mudd, it made sense for them to try and weaken its now powerful hold over the region.

Memories of the near-disastrous events that haunted the Mudds came to mind.

"Anya hasn't made any noise about Lenny being absent?" He asked.

"She's remained silent on the matter, the old hag is smart enough to know any disloyalty right now could be fatal to her house," Yohn spoke bemusedly.

Waynwood had been sending feelers throughout the Riverlands campaign, trying to gauge for any cracks she could take advantage of. While Lorimas wanted to execute her, he knew it would cause too much of a stir and it wasn't like she made any obvious move beyond that.

After Erlend dealt with the Vances and the Freys, the old hag swiftly went silent, not wanting to attract his ire.

Lorimas sighed as he poured himself a cup of wine "I'd hoped we'd have a break before we'd have to march for war again."

"Peace will come… eventually." Yohn did his best to reassure him.

"Knowing how shit goes in these kingdoms, we'll likely have to intervene in the Reach as well, after we're done with this."

Yohn agreed with that statement, knowing it to be true. Taking the reach was a necessity for lasting peace to be achieved.

Erlend had made it clear to his Lords and the North that he would be calling for a Great Council, intent on bringing the rest of the squabbling kingdoms into a peaceful accord.

Unfortunately, the best way to guarantee that they would heed his call, and force them onto the negotiating table was to hold sway over the breadbasket of Westeros. 

Should they succeed, there would be no need to threaten them explicitly. 

Simply put, all Erlend had to do was to bring the Reach under his control and the rest of the Kingdoms would quickly follow if only to avoid starving.

"Bah, forget about future wars… I clearly remember you spoke about falling on your arse in a tourney once."

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