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64.28% Uber-Talented Gamer in the Omniverse / Chapter 35: Chapter 28: The Chairman, Recovery & The Trauma of the Past

Kapitel 35: Chapter 28: The Chairman, Recovery & The Trauma of the Past

A/N :

" " : Dialogue,

' ' : Thought,

[ ] : System, Akasha, Minerva,

"Italicized text" : Telepathy,

{ }: Parallel Wills,

« » : Artificial Intelligence,

| | : Sung Jin-Woo's System Panels, Sung Jin-Woo's System Messages.

Updates are gonna be a bit slow, since I'm writing in between long bouts of work. Thanks for understanding.


Narrator POV

Go Gun-Hee looked at the two S Rank hunters that had teleported into his office with caution. The limitations of the measurement technology showed itself prominently with these two, as he was sure that none of the other S Rank hunters that he has met were as powerful as these two.

They had brought some vials of liquid that they called potions and offered them to him, saying that they would heal him upon ingestion. Not only that, they also told him that a war was on the horizon and humanity would be unable to protect themselves when the time comes.

He had initially wanted to remain skeptical, but he remembered the times when such a thing happened, the S Rank Gates. The Gate on Jeju Island that made the place uninhabitable by humans, the Gate that opened all those years ago in America that released the first Calamity, Kamish, and resulted in the deaths of multiple S Rank hunters. Thinking of those made him feel that their warning was not so farfetched.

They had told him that the vial with the green liquid that had a golden glow was called a Panacea, while the one with the red liquid with a purple glow was called an Elixir. And they had told him to take them, with the Panacea being taken first, then the Elixir.

Taking the vials into his hands, he looked at them and they just nodded. He gulped down the Panacea and immediately felt his body seemingly clear out everything causing problems within it. Then he drinks the elixir, and he feels his scars clear out, leaving unblemished skin behind, he even felt his Mana shoot up in power. He had not only healed, he had become more powerful than his prime.

"If you say that humanity would be helpless to do anything when the time comes to defend themselves in a war, why bother with any of this?" Go Gun-Hee asks them. The man, Dante, looks him in the eye and smiles. "While humanity won't be able to deal damage that counts, like taking down any of the leaders of the aggressor army, there's nothing to says that y'all can't just take out the weaker minions."

Hearing that they're doing this to give humanity a fighting chance of sorts reduced the suspicion that Go Gun-Hee held toward them. He felt appreciative toward them, but then, a thought came to his mind. If humanity was merely collateral damage, who were the beings at war.

He could tell that one of the forces has the monsters that came from the Gates under their command, but he didn't know the other forces that were opposing the monsters' master or masters. "If you're worried about the forces at war, stop it. You can't do much to influence the outcome of the battle. Just understand that the ones opposing the monsters' masters are doing so to help humanity survive." The woman, Shiraori, tells him, her voice impassive.

Hearing that the second force had intentions to help humanity survive the war, he asked if he could meet them. Dante and Shiraori looked at each other meaningfully then told him that when the time comes, he would meet them and know them. Then they leave the same way they came in, leaving the room with the Chairman of the Hunter Association to his thoughts.

*A few days later*

Jin-Woo had just received a report from Yu Jin-Ho concerning the proposal that he had come to him with. Yu Jin-Ho had asked him to go on 19 dungeon raids with him so that he could meet the criteria for becoming a guild master. Naturally, Jin-Woo wasn't interested, but he later agreed after being offered the hefty amount of 30 billion Won.

However, he advised Jin-Ho to make sure that the people they would add to the raid team would not be similar to Hwang Dong-Seok and his team, and Jin-Ho agreed as he had learned his lesson that day.

Currently, Jin-Woo is standing in his mother, Park Kyung-Hye's hospital room where her comatose body lays on a bed, unmoving. In his hand is one of the vials containing Panacea. He had decided to cure his mother of her Eternal Slumber.

Although he currently doesn't have the direct status to make the hospital refrain from keeping his mother, he does have the backing in the form of South Korea's two newest S Rank hunters, not only by their words, but also by a contract that Dante himself had written up after his training.

Gently placing his mother's upper body upright, he opens her mouth and pours in the Panacea, and it immediately shows its effect as her pale complexion instantly became healthy and her heartbeat became stronger. Seeing this, Jin-Woo grabs an Elixir from his inventory and similarly pours it into his mother's mouth, and like the Panacea, its effect is immediately apparent, as the wrinkles of age, the signs of muscular atrophy and even the scar she had from boiling water being splashed on her by Jin-Woo in his childhood are seemingly erased.

Shortly after, Park Kyung-Hye woke up from her Eternal Slumber, seeing a man she felt she had never seen before with tears at the corners of his eyes. She looks at him closely and notices the similarities to her precious son, despite his clearly larger build and more chiseled body.

"Jin-Woo?" She says as she gently holds his face. "Yes, Mom. It's me." Jin-Woo says while hugging her, being careful to not use his S Rank strength on her body. She pays his head and returns the hug as he keeps crying. "It seems that even after growing up, you still cry when it comes to me." She says as she gently wipes his tears with her hands.

Not long after, a doctor barged into the room and sees them. The thought of using this chance to try and keep Park Kyung-Hye in the hospital so that she could be studied to find out what helped her recover from the much dreaded Eternal Slumber crosses his mind. But first, he had to deal with the man that seemed to be hugging her.

He was about to speak, but quickly shut up when he heard someone else's voice behind him. "Oh, so this is where you were, Jin-Woo." The name Jin-Woo only meant one thing to the doctor, Park Kyung-Hye's son who is known to be a hunter.

Turning around to see who spoke, the doctor was shocked to see what he could only call an impossibly beautiful man with white hair, dark skin and blue eyes. But at the same time, his brain forced him to remember where he had seen such a face, the news announcing two new Korean S Rank hunters. If Sung Jin-Woo and Park Kyung-Hye had connections with such powerful and influential people, there was no way that they'll ever get the chance to keep Park Kyung-Hye in the hospital beyond some confirmatory checkups.

"Ah, Dante. I'm sorry for showing you such a display." Jin-Woo says as he fully wipes away his tears. "Don't worry about it. If my mom came back from the dead just to meet me, I'd also bawl out in tears." Dante says with a somber tone.

"My apologies ma'am, where are my manners. My name is Dante, one of Korea's two new S Rank hunters and your son Jin-Woo is my disciple." Dante says with a respectful bow. (A/N: Really want to give him a new surname since he has denounced his former surname following his departure from the Kumo desu ga nani ka? universe. Any ideas??)

"Ah, thank you." Park Kyung-Hye responds, slightly flustered. Meanwhile, the doctor who came in earlier is just feeling crushed over the fact that they'll most likely not learn the reason for Park Kyung-Hye's recovery.

"By the way, doctor." Dante's voice jolt the man out of his reverie. "Since she is clearly fully recovered, she'll be discharged today." Dante says, and the doctor nods and leaves the room to report to his supervisor.

Shortly after, Shiraori walks into the room and introduces herself, and similarly to before, she thanks Shiraori in a fluster. They wait in the hospital room for some time with Jin-Woo telling his mother about his time as a hunter before meeting them. He of course, omitted the incident of the double dungeon.

A few more minutes pass and the doctor and his supervisor walk in and begin the discharge processes for Park Kyung-Hye. Jin-Woo mentioned that he forgot to bring clothes for her, but Shiraori simply made some with her threads and gave them to her, skipping that part easily, then she and Dante left to hunt in some more dungeons.

An hour later, Jin-Woo has dropped his mother off at their home, and he's gone to the supermarket close by to get groceries, only to meet someone familiar during his grocery shopping.

Sung Jin-Woo POV

After giving my mom the Panacea and Elixir, seeing Mr Song before me with his missing arm has helped me understand why Dante gave me multiple of each, as well as their recipes. I had decided that I would help heal him and anyone else I could get in contact with, that experienced that day.

Surprisingly, he had told me that Ms Ju-Hui had been looking for me at various Gates, even the gate where I had killed Hwang Dong-Seok and his lackeys. I really didn't want to worry her so much, but I guess with all that has been going on, I'd forgotten to contact her. Silly me.

About a minute passes while we talk and we hear whispers coming from the people around us, directed towards Mr Song's arm. I ask him if we could go somewhere else and be agrees.

We eventually made it to a more isolated and quiet place. He looked at me and bowed a whole 90 degrees. "Mr Sung. Thank you. If it wasn't for you, we would have all died that day, so please, on behalf of all the Hunters who were there that day, let me thank you." Mr Song said out of the blue, but I could very much tell that he was being sincere. But I wouldn't leave an elder bowing to me for so long.

"Ahjussi, thanks, so please stand back up. Please." As I said that, his phone went off and he pulled it out after asking me to excuse him. "Hello?" I hear the voice of a man calling him for a cooperation in clearing a Gate nearby.

"I understand. I'll be there soon." He says and ends the call. "It seems that I need to get going." Despite what was clearly worry for me coming from him, I doubted that anything in a Gate that he'd be going to could adequately harm me. I could even sense the mana coming from the Gate from here.

"That was from the Association, wasn't it?" He became hesitant to answer my words truthfully, but he gave up the thought of lying to me. "You...You heard everything?" He must be shocked at the fact that my senses are that sharp, but it's really too easy for me to hear something as simple as someone talking on a phone.

I tell him that I'll go and he protests again in worry, but I insist on it and begin walking towards the Gate. I wasn't going to miss out on the mobilisation order that I had been waiting for. He called a taxi and we drove to the gate to get there faster, at least faster for him.

We eventually reached the gate and saw that the area was practically empty, save for the police officers, the Hunter Association employee and other Hunters. Some officers approach us and Mr Song shows them his Hunter License and they compare the photo on his license to his face and let us through.

As we walk towards the Gate, the employee from the Association comes to us. "Song Chi-Yeol Hunter-nim! Uh? How did you get here, Sung Jin-Woo Hunter-nim? You weren't answering your phone until now." Her saying that reminded me of my days as the weakest hunter when I'd avoid mobilisation calls because I had been afraid of going to dungeons due to getting badly wounded. It just caused me to smile bitterly.

"Ah, we were in the same location, so we came her together after you guys called me." Mr Song replied to her. "Ahh, is that so? I thought Sung Jin-Woo Hunter-nim was avoiding answering our calls again." Damn it woman, I already feel bad enough about this, don't go rubbing salt in my wounds.

She then tells us that the other Hunters are here and have been waiting for us, so we should at least meet them. We look to the direction that she is pointing in and see only two other Hunters, who as we approached them, turned their eyes away from us. They were familiar too, one of them even directly threw me down when I was injured in that demented temple in the double dungeon.

"Uhm, excuse me, Mr Sung..." The other one, Kim Sang-Sik, the man who ran off trying to only save himself, seems like he was about to greet me but stopped, as if he was scared. I guess I must have been glaring at him.

Withdrawing my hostile glare, I take a deep breath to calm myself. It seems that even though I had decided to help them heal, I still couldn't let go of the bitterness I had from being sacrificed as a result of their actions. My hostility had gotten to him, to the point that he stayed away from me entirely.

Mr Song called me while looking in a different direction, and I turned to the same direction and felt something soft wrap around me in a tight hug. "Mr Jin-Woo!" I look down at the person and see Ms Ju-Hui.

Before I could speak to her, she rushed to check my body while asking about my recovery, until she looks clearly at my face. Her face heats up, gaining a blush, and before I'm able to speak, we hear an unknown voice. "How steamy, eh! It's steamy, I say!"

Our gazes turn and we see a man wearing what is clearly a blue colored prison overalls with cuffs on his wrists. I'd have thought they were shooting a movie, if I hadn't sensed the hostility and bloodlust towards the hunters emanating from him and the three men that came out of the same van he came out of. Two of them similarly wearing blue colored prison overalls while being cuffed, while the last one was wearing an actual business suit.

The employee from the Association came by and explained that they were replacement convicts who were going to participate in the raid with us and the man in the suit, Kang Tae-Sik, was from the Monitoring Division, basically the police of the Hunters in Korea, with the convicts all being C Rank Hunters and Kang Tae-Sik was B Rank.

I already had my suspicions, but a B rank Hunter along with several C Rank Hunters being called to deal with a D Rank Gate, with four of those hunters having murderous intentions towards the rest just made it clear that the entire thing was just off.

I advise Ms Ju-Hui to not participate in the raid, but she insists on participating when I tell her that I'm going to. I eventually agree to it as I am far too strong for anyone here, and that was no exaggeration.

Ever since I got here, I had noticed that every person that came here seemed so weak and fragile, like me hitting them too hard for an instant would kill them. I guess adding 100 points to each of my stats made me just that much stronger.

The guy in the business suit eventually introduces himself and tells us that he'll be keeping watch over the convicts, and I don't doubt his words for a second, as I've noticed that the strongest part of his bloodlust is focused on them. He then releases them from their cuffs and asks which of us is leading the raid party, and Mr Song said he was the one.

Kang Tae-Sik nods his head in understanding and we all enter the gate one by one. Ju-Hui held on to my sleeve, almost as if she hadn't recovered from the trauma of the double dungeon.

Goblins were the main enemies that we faced in the dungeon, and as they were the weakest of all humanoid monsters, they were pretty easy to kill off. So I cleared out as many of them as I could with the same physical level of power as a B Rank Hunter, while using my bare hands. I also didn't care much for the surprise that Mr Song and Ms Ju-Hui had toward my new capabilities.

I also happened to notice that I was quite literally getting no experience points for killing the goblins, no matter how many I killed. Not to mention, the magic stones of goblins were also the worst grade possible. Long story short, killing goblins was in no way profitable for me.

Looking at the 'replacements', they were swinging their weapons wildly, tearing down any goblins in their path. I would have thought of just quitting the Association if I didn't have Dante and Shiraori's support, since my current license still places me as an E Rank, even though I'm clearly S Rank or higher in strength.

Soon enough, we come across a fork in the road with three paths. The guy from the Monitoring Division suggests that we split up to cover more ground. Agreeing to his suggestion, I tell Mr Song to go left, since that's where the boss is, and he agreed. So Mr Song, Ms Ju-Hui and I take the left path, the convicts and the guy from the Monitoring Division take the right one and Mr Kim Sang-Sik and the person he was with went down the middle path.

Quickly dispatching the goblins down the path, we eventually get close to the end of the cavernous passageway where the boss room is, when we suddenly hear screaming coming from different parts of the dungeon. The screams were very clearly human.

Turning to where I could hear the sound coming from, I take off, carefully grabbing Mr Song and Ms Ju-Hui, rushing to the place where the screams came from. Shortly after, we came across the guy from the Monitoring Division, Kang Tae-Sik, who was kneeling on the ground, covered in blood. It seemed like he was wounded, but I knew, the blood on him wasn't his own, neither were the screams we heard earlier.

Ms Ju-Hui rushed to heal him, and as she got close to him, he attacked her, wrapping his hand in mana, trying to stab it into her neck. But I caught his hand before it could go halfway.

His eyes widen in surprise and he tries to pull away, but my strength is far too great for him to escape my grasp. He pulls out a dagger to stab me in the neck, but it impacts my Mana Armor, letting off sparks. Immediately after, I see a quest window pop up.

|Emergency Quest: Kill all the Enemies!|

|There are lifeforms holding murderous intentions towards the 'Player'. Kill them all in order to secure your own safety. If you do not follow this instruction, a corresponding penalty will be given.|

|The number of enemies left to kill:1

The number of enemies killed: 0|

I quickly accept the quest and hold his arm that has the dagger and twist, mangling his arm and causing him to scream in pain. I do the same to his other arm and punch him to the wall.

Quickly following my perception, I locate Mr Kim Sang-Sik, who is bloodied up and severely wounded. He apologizes for his actions in the double dungeon and asks me to forgive him. "Despite how it seems, I'd forgiven you after thinking about it in your shoes. So just be quiet and gulp this down." I say, dumping an Elixir down his throat. Immediately his wounds heal and his fatigue clears. I rush to his partner who's his last breath and do the same, saving him from death.

I walk back to Kang Tae-Sik who has been able to struggle to his feet. I feel a quick flare up of mana and he suddenly disappears from my sight. 'This isn't speed, so it's probably Stealth, seeing that he's not making any sounds and I can't smell him either. It's too bad that he thinks this would be effective against me.' I think to myself as I track his movements, thanks to my high Perception stat.

As he runs in Ms Ju-Hui's direction, I grab him and hold him in the air. I ask him why he had killed the convicts and he told me that he had been paid by the father of a girl that they had raped to kill them. He then foolishly tried to convince me to let him go, causing me to snort derisively at him. "You really thought that I'd let you go after what you'd done to our party members? You're more delusional than I thought." I say, then stab him in the chest with Kasaka's Poison Fang.

|Effect 'Paralysis' has been activated.|

|The effect has been cancelled due to the high resistance of the target.|

|Effect 'Bleeding' has been activated.|

|The target's stamina will decrease by 1% per second.|

'Hmm, it seems that I'll have to get a better weapon soon, if a B Rank is starting to resist this one's effects.' I think, looking at the dagger that accompanied me throughout my training.

Kang Tae-Sik leans his head ever so slightly closer, as if he's trying to tell me something, despite his blood leaking from the side of his lips. I lean forward to hear his words. "I've tied up the rapist not too far from here. I was thinking of disposing of him last, after the victim's father asked me to make him suffer for a bit." I look at him and nod in understanding, then he takes his last breath and crumples lifelessly to the ground.

|You have completed 'Emergency Quest: Kill all the Enemies'|

|Completion rewards are now available.|

|Would you like to confirm the rewards?|


Even after knowing that this guy was trying to kill us, I still had a bad taste in my mouth from killing another human. Maybe someday I'll stop feeling that way eventually, but it seems that day isn't today. Shaking myself from that train of thought, I confirm the rewards.

|Reward 1: Three additional stat points.|

I knew that the rewards wouldn't be the same as when I killed Hang Dong-Seok and his team, but I hadn't expected them to be this low. I then look at Kang Tae-Sik's corpse and see a glow on his chest, the same glow I would normally see being emitted by the loot found on dead monsters from the instant dungeons.

That light was also present in monsters from the Gates, as they indicated the position of their magic crystals. Yet, a human corpse is glowing with that same light. I reach out to the light and a notification pops up.

|You've discovered 'Rune Stone: Stealth'. Take it?|

I was quite surprised as Rune Stones are not only expensive, but one such as Stealth is quite rare. Choosing to take the Rune Stone, a small rock with runic letters carved on it materializes in my hand and I inspect it.

|Rune Stone: Stealth|

|You can absorb the skill by breaking the Rune Stone.|

After reading its description, I do as it says and break the Rune Stone, acquiring the Stealth skill. Shortly after, I hear Mr Song, Mr Kim and his partner, and Ms Ju-Hui coming up behind me and I look at them. Their faces were in awe of what happened. After all, the person they knew as an E Rank that struggled to even kill a goblin had just manhandled a B Rank Hunter.

They start trying to ask questions on how I'd gotten so much stronger. "I'm really sorry. When the right time comes, I'll tell you everything, so please, don't ask me anything for the time being." I tell them, then stealthily hand over an Elixir to Mr Song and tell him to take it when he's alone.

"With what's happened here, I think it's impossible to continue on with this raid anymore. For the time being, you four should leave the dungeon and contact the Association. I'll remain here and see if the convicts are dead or not." I tell them, still intending to defeat the boss and close the gate.

They all agreed and left the dungeon, but before they left, Ms Ju-Hui reminded me of the date I had asked her about before the tragedy that was the double dungeon. After they left, I thought about the implications of them witnessing my new level of power. I really didn't want any actual witnesses that I couldn't keep quiet, like Yu Jin-Ho, but here we are now.

There was only one way that I could explain this to others without sounding too crazy, and that was to say that I had Re-Awakened. An E Rank reawakening to become an S Rank might sound farfetched, but it's more believable than me telling them I have a system that allows me to level up.

Going down the right path, I come across a singular convict who is in fact, not dead, just tied up. At least, Kang Tae-Sik's last words were not lies.

Seeing me, he began struggling even harder, almost as if asking me to free him while trying to scream through the gag on his mouth. I take a closer look at him and see that he's the same one that threw a dirty wink to Ms Ju-Hui earlier. I take the gag off his mouth.

"*Pant, pant, pant* That crazy fucker, Kang Tae-Sik killed everyone! He killed everyone! What the fuck happened? Is he gone? There's blood in your clothes?! Did you get done in by him too?" He said hysterically.

I didn't bother giving him a reply and just looked forward and saw that he had been dropped at a place not far from the boss room. It was like a side passage from the right path that still led you to the entrance of the boss room.

Seeing that I was ignoring his shouts for help, he started cursing at me and telling me to give him a weapon. "The boss should be just up ahead." He goes quiet as he hears my words and just lets out a simple, "What?", in response.

"It feels a little stronger than a regular D Rank boss, too. I'm getting really curious about its attack patterns, you see." He lost his cool immediately I said that and started cursing me out again.

"Before all that, though, I gotta ask you about something. You remember the girl you raped before?" I ask him. "What? Which one are you talking about? You a family member of the victim?" His words made me lose all thoughts of letting him die quickly.

Hunters, even those as weak as E Rank, are without a doubt, considerably stronger than normal people. Yet this bastard used the strength he got to rape, and from his words, he did so multiple times. "Now I know, so there's that." I say and gag him again.

I drag him by his ankles into the boss room, which was populated by Hobgoblins, which would you know, enjoy eating human entrails. As if realizing what I was going to do, he started struggling harder and he even pissed himself.

Letting out a short huff, I throw him to the hobgoblins and activate Stealth. They immediately begin tearing at his stomach and chomping down on him while he screams through the gag.

Once he lost consciousness, I looked around and found the boss and began killing every single hobgoblin in the place, until none was left alive. A few minutes later, the last hobgoblin drops, now a corpse. I think of how lucky I am as I had leveled up twice in the midst of the slaughter.

But then I stop and think about this realistically. If any other hunter that wasn't a strong A Rank or an S Rank was in here, they'd probably die. Hobgoblins appearing in a dungeon filled with goblins wasn't strange, but with this many, it'll be a slaughter for most other hunters. It was after this point that I fully realized that the only way to truly be safe was to be powerful.

OMAKE: The Lives of the Newly Reincarnated

Narrator POV

In Phoeric's office, he received two peculiar documents showing the souls of two women that were once a part of the life of his most troublesome soul, Bólúwatifẹ́ Kolawole, currently known as Dante.

The first one was his biological mother, Margena Isvalt, who dark skin that was still quite supple, hazel eyes and white hair. While the other was the wife of his father, Cordelia Isvalt, who had fair skin that was clearly being taken care of with high quality products, yet still showed wrinkles, grey eyes and blonde hair.

Margena's paper showed that she was sent specifically to him by Dante's prayers, so that she'd have a much better next life, be it reincarnation or afterlife. Phoeric felt particularly proud of himself, that even as a being that could very well go beyond the bonds of reality and even existence given time, Dante still chose to entrust the soul of a loved one to him.

As for Cordelia, she was sent to him, not as a loved one, but as someone who is to be punished. The report showed how she had runes etched directly into her soul that would make living even for a day worse than dying and dying forever.

Phoeric acknowledged the two reports and gave his approval for their reincarnation, seeing that their lives had already been accounted for.

Elsewhere, on the Mortal Plane

Southern Water Tribe, 85 years after the Air Nomad Genocide

In a tent, a baby is being delivered and the mother is shouting and crying in pain. "Don't worry, Kya. You're doing good, she's almost out." The nurse says, as she helps pull out the baby. After a strong final push, the baby girl is safely pushed out and starts crying.

A man runs into the tent not long after asking about the condition of his wife and newborn child. "Don't worry, Hakoda. They're both fine." The nurse says as she makes way for him to see his wife with a baby swaddled in fur.

"Kya! Oh, thank goodness you're alright." He says as he hugs her softly. "So what name should we give the little one?" Kya says, her voice showing her tiredness. "Katara. Our daughter's name will be Katara."


Wallachia, 1 month after Dracula's death

A woman who's wrapped herself in a large grey robe is carrying a crying child in her bosom while seemingly running away from something. A few seconds later, a seemingly humanoid creature with a wolf like face and 5 blue eyes runs past where she was, only to be followed by over a dozen similarly grotesque creatures.

The woman trips and the baby flies out of her hands and lands on the floor, still crying out. She tries to stand up, but her ankle has been twisted, and shortly after, the creatures catch up to her.

One of the creatures scoops up the still crying baby from the floor and bites down at the waist, removing its legs and causing its already loud cries to become shrill and inhuman. Shortly after, a mace attached to a chain smashes the creatures head, and what look like spears of ice impact the other creatures.

A man and a woman come into sight and they quickly dispatch the creatures, killing them before they can get to the woman. "Hey, are you alright?" The man asks her. "She was just being chased by night creatures and lost her baby to them Trevor. She's not alright." The woman says.

"Oh, right. My condolences." The man, Trevor, says as he pulls up the woman in robes. "It looks like her ankle's broken. Do we have some cloth we can spare, Sypha?" Trevor asks the woman, Sypha. But before she answers him, she looks at the baby and is shocked to see that it's still alive, it only stopped crying after straining its voice for so long. "Yeah, I'll go get some." The baby was left to its fate, to survive and live a life that felt worse than hell.

Chapter End.

🧷Cover Art Submissions🧷

BasedDragonLord BasedDragonLord

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