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62.5% Iori Yagami in Avatar: The Legend of Korra(fanfiction) / Chapter 5: Chapter 5 The voice in the night Part 1

Kapitel 5: Chapter 5 The voice in the night Part 1

Hey, guys hope you enjoy the new chapter and I also improve my grammar and vocabulary including watching so I can get a better understanding and writing the scenes better, also I won't be able to write for a week or so cause I have a test but you will know when the next chapter comes up when I upload so enjoy

Also I seen the comments, some one suggest that I should make a harem with Asami so what about it:

vote here





We see Korra asleep in her room. but then a shadow passes the doors, she quickly woke up in her bed, alarmed. Soon after, an Equalist chi-blocker breaks through the window, while two more break in through the door. Korra jumps out of her bed and kicks a downward fire arc through the air. She kicks another arc in the air toward them. The chi-blockers dodge it and rushed at her, but Korra blasts two shots of fire to keep them at bay. The chi-blockers avoid her attacks, while one leaps up in the air while spinning like a top in an attempt to kick Korra's head, but Korra blocks the hit with her arm, and fires several fists of fire. While Korra is distracted from keeping two of the chi-blockers away, the other somersaults and uses chi-blocking on her back, before kicking her to the ground on her knees while she lets out a shout of pain and feeling her body gone numbed, Korra sees Amon walking toward her as she hears his footsteps

Amon:"After I take your bending away, you will be nothing." he said, reaches his hand toward Korra's face as she watched in fear

Korra suddenly wakes up with a frightful scream, beads of sweat running down her face while she is gasping for air, revealing that it was all a nightmare. She looks at Naga who is beside her, who licks her right hand to comfort her before resting her head on Korra's lap.

Korra:"It''s all right Naga. I just had a bad dream" she said

-scene change-

[City Hall]

We see the City Hall of Republic City where inside the representatives are discussing about the Equalist and Amon

Tarrlok:"There is a madman running around our beloved city, threatening to tear it apart. We need to create a task force whose sole mission is to find Amon and bring him to justice" said Tarrlok, representing the Northern Water Tribe

Tenzin:"Absolutely not. A move that aggressive would only further divide the benders and non-benders." said Tenzin who is opposed of the idea

Fire Nation Councilwoman:"Tarrlok, I'm inclined to agree with your proposal, but who would even head up such a task force?"

said Councilwoman who is slightly skeptical

Tarrlok stands up and bows saying "it would be my honor and privilege to accept such a duty."

Tenzin:"This is just another one of your ploys to gain more power, isn't it?" said Tenzin, accusing Tarrlok and lightly hitting the table

Tarrlok:"All I'm trying to do is help. Think back, forty-two years ago. Republic City was threatened by another dangerous man. Yakone. Your father was not afraid to deal with him head on."

Tenzin:" a completely different situation...and how dare you compare yourself to Avatar Aang!" said Tenzin angrily pointing his finger at Tarrlok

Tarrlok:"Amon is not going to stop with the bending Triads. Eventually, he will come for all of us benders. Our friends, our families. Vote for this task force and I will stop Amon before it is too late. All in favor?" said Tarrlok persuading the other representatives

Tarrlok raises his hand and the Fire Nation representative raises her hand as well. After a brief glance at each other, the Southern Water Tribe and Earth Kingdom representatives also raise their hands. With that, Tarrlok slams a gavel down on a platform to close the meeting and smiles mischievously at Tenzin while he glares at him.

[Third person POV]

The scene change to during nighttime, at the Air Temple, Jazz music plays as Korra practices airbending stances. The music becomes static and soon after, Amon's voice is heard

Amon:"Good evening my fellow Equalists."

Korra suddenly stops and starts listening to the radio carefully

Amon:" This is your leader Amon as you have heard, the Republic Council has voted to make me public enemy number one, proving once again the bending oppressors of this city will stop at nothing to quash our revolution. But we cannot be stopped. Our numbers grow stronger by the day. You no longer have to live in fear. The time has come for benders to experience fear." the radio returns to static as we see Korra who is frightened with sweat running down her face

-the next day-

Mako is walking around at the industrial area of the city, then he heard a voice calling him behind

Iori:"Mako." he called to him

Mako:"Oh. Iori, hey man hows it going" he said greeting him

Iori:"...Good, pretty good how about you?"

Mako:"(sigh) not much, been trying to find some money for the championship pot by having a job. The pay is good but...not enough." he said sadly

Iori:"Hmmm. Hang in there you might find a way" he said

Mako:"Yeah. Thanks man"

Mako then sees a trolly being boarded

Mako:"I gotta go see ya" he said, running towards the trolley and entered at the last second

[Iori POV]

'Thats odd, he was supposed to meet Asami when she crashed at him. Looks like me being here changes some things.' I said in thought

"Help! Thief! Help!" I heard an elderly woman whose purse got stolen shouted and I saw the thief about to get away but was crashed by someone who is driving a moped. The thief got up and tries to steal the moped as well to get away.

Thief:" YOU! GIVE ME THAT MOPED NOW!! AND NO ONE GETS HURT!" he shouted as he took a knife from his back to threaten the driver

Normally I would just ignore this and let the Police handle it but I soon recognized the driver which is Asami and is paralyzed in fear. I approached the thief and tap his shoulder with my eyes shadowed

Thief:" What do yo-" he stopped when he saw my intimidating glare and tall physique whilst his body starts shaking in fear.

I then kick him at the groin and used 'Kanyarai', the thief's shoulder bone was dislocated due to him falling shoulder first, concussion, the ground cracked and was immediately knocked out. The surrounding people saw that and started cheering and clapping at me, the old lady then approached me and I handed over her purse thanking me and the police came and took the thief to prison

I sigh. I then focused at Asami who is still processing on what happened

Iori:"Are you all right?" I asked

Asami:"Oh! thank you for you help Mr..?"

Iori:"Iori...Iori Yagami"

Asami:"Iori...Yagami, thank you again" she said

[Asami POV]

After thanking my saviour who got rid off the thief I took off my helmet and got a good look on him and I was starstruck. He was handsome with a unique red hair and his bangs are long that covered one of his eyes, has a tall athletic physique and his fashion style gives him punk vibes but I don't mind it (he's wearing his KoF '95 clothes).

Iori:"Is there something on my face?" he questioned narrowing his eyes and leaned closer

I just realized that I was still looking at him and I blushed in embarrassment but I can't stop looking at him especially when he narrowed his eyes at me and it made my heart skipped and I blushed harder

Asami:"S-sorry, I did not mean to look at you longer it's just that your handsome-

I-i-i mean it won't happened again sorry!" I said

[Iori POV]

'Huh? ain't this a familiar sight' I said in thought watching Asami who is blushing and stuttering trying to defuse the situation that she's in, Korra did the same thing and I think that the stunt that I just did is some cliche anime moment, 'well not that I mind and it looks like that Asami likes me which is obvious to the blushing and she was looking at me for too long. Looks like I got the Avatar and a Sato' I mused in thought

Iori:"You haven't told me your name?" I said

Asami:"Oh! right my name is Asami Sato"

Iori:"Sato? as in Hiroshi Sato?" I asked pretending to not know

Asami:"Yeah, he's my dad. Hey, look I'm sorry that I just wasted your time how about I make it up to you. Uh, how about I treat you dinner at Kwong's Cuisine, tomorrow night, eight o' clock?" she said

'huh what do you know instead of Mako, I was the one who got treated for dinner. Did my presence triggered this event?' I asked myself in thought

Iori:"...sure" I answered to her

Asami:"Thanks, I'll be waiting" she said with a smile and put her helmet back on, picked up her moped and drove off

Iori watched Asami drove off as he wore his usual apathetic face and turned to the other direction and walked off

Iori:"Things are getting interesting...I should visit Korra after having dinner with Asami"

Same thing goes in Canon as Tarrlok barges in at Tenzin while he and his family and Korra were having dinner. He tried to persuade Korra to join his Task Force but she refused

[Third person POV]

[Kwong's Cuisine]

Iori arrived at the restaraunt and was greeted by a server

Server:"Ah, welcome to Kowng's Cuisine Master Iori" he says as he bows

I nodded and he took me to Asami who waved at me and I chuckled on her reaction as I wore a simple black suit with a tie. I took a seat while the server fetched us our food I started to make a conversation to her

Iori:"So, what does being the heir of the Future Industries like?"

Asami:"Oh, well it's nice and challenging. I've been following on my dad's foot steps on the line of business, when it's my turn to lead when he retires. But enough about me what about you? do you like anything?" she said

Iori:"I like cats" Iori said bluntly

(#me too, I like cats and dogs and some other animals too#)

Asami:"Really? no offense I didn't know a guy like you likes cats?" she said

Iori:"hehehehe. Don't judge a book by its cover" he said with a small smile

Asami blushed a bit and smiled back

"by the way what do you think about pro-bending?" Iori asked quickly returning to his usual face that has no emotions

Asami:"I have been such a fan on the Fire Ferrets" she said excitedly

Iori:"hmmm. I'm friends with them I could introduce you to them someday"

Asami:"Really?! that will be amazing, thanks if you're going to introduce them to me I could introduce to you my dad if that's ok" she said happily

Iori:"Hn. That will be nice" he said

Then the server came back with the main dish and the two ate their food and the night has passed

-the next day-

[Air Temple]

We see Bolin and Mako who were visiting Korra there

Bolin:"Hello, fellow teammate!" said Bolin in a cheerful tone

Korra:"Hey Bolin, hey Mako" Korra said while rubbing Naga's chest

Mako:"Missed you at practice this week"

Korra:"Yeah, sorry about that you guys"

Bolin:"Nah, that's all right. We're probably out of the tournament anyways unless some money miraculously drops out of the sky by tomorrow. Anyways, the reason we came by was to give you this"

He gives her a cupcake and a rose

Korra:"wow, thanks. what's this for?" she said while taking the gifts from Bolin

Bolin:"Uh, oh I can't remember now. Oh yeah, now I remember. You saved me from Amon!

Korra:"Oh that? it was no big deal" she said shrugging

Bolin:"No big deal, come on are you serious. I was totally freaking out when he was coming towards me with his creepy mask and said "I will take away your bending forever". I mean that stuff was scary that I couldn't sleep." he said


Then they heard footsteps. They looked at where the source is and they saw Iori at his KoF XV clothes. He wears a large black trench coat with dark red texture on the inside of it and a dark red textured Yasakani crest marked on the back, dark red printed shirt that button halfway to expose his chest, red pants, black shoes, two black belts that were placed similar to his KoF XII appearance, a black choker, and a necklace with a silver Yasakani crest as pendant

Bolin:"Hey, Iori! loved your look gives you 'don't mess with me vibes' but hey I like it" Bolin said with a thumbs up

Mako:"Bolin's right, love the trench coat" Mako said

Korra:'Wow, he just keeps getting cooler' she said in her mind while blushing

Iori nodded at their praise and turn his head to Korra who is still looking at him with a red hue on her cheeks. He walked towards her and snap his fingers Infront of her to snap her out of her trance. She blinked and shook her head and realized what she was been doing

Korra:"(cough) so Iori what brings you here?" she said

Iori:"You said you wanted to spar the other day we'll let do it. I always wanted to fight the avatar" he said with a smirk on his face

Korra, who heard it was beaming with excitement and said "sure!, let's do it at the training grounds and don't whine when I beat you!"

Bolin:"Hey can we watch!" said Bolin with Mako nodding beside him

Korra:"sure, let's go!"

[Training arena]

They arrived at the training arena with Bolin, Mako, Pema, Meello, Jinora, and Ikki. Tenzin arrived just in time

Tenzin:"what's going on? why are you all here? and who is that red haired fellow?" Tenzin asked

Ikki:"Daddy! Daddy! that red hair guys name is Iori Yagami. Korra met Iori on her arrival at town and he went here to watch her training while you were away! and he's here to spar with Korra!" Ikki said

Bolin:"Go! Korra!" Bolin cheered to Korra

Jinora:"remember the movements" Jinora reminded her

Meello:"Go! scary red hair man!" Meello cheered for Iori

Ikki:"Go! Korra! Go! Iori!" Ikki cheered for the both of them

Tenzin stood there observing while stroking his beard. He observed Iori who had a straight face and his eyes pierced through Korra putting on. a calm expression 'Interesting' he said in thought

"All right Iori, you ready?" Korra asked putting on a stance

"Hn. let's get on with it" he said as he put on his own stance


{play Without Me by Eminem}

Iori rushed forward delivering slashes and kicks towards Korra who is evading his attacks easily. then she shot out an arc of flames from her hands finally attacking while it's Iori's turn to dodge. then he suddenly rushed towards Korra and used

'Ge-Shiki Yumebiki' successfully hitting her but she retaliates by using earth bending, shooting stones at him and shot a big wave of fire towards him using both hands. Iori quickly avoids the stones, occasionally blocking it then he saw the wave of fire coming towards him 'Well let's surprise her' he thought with a smirk and suddenly he vanished from the spot before the wave of fire hits him.

The spectators were shocked and wondered where he is. When the fire died out Korra tried to look for Iori but she suddenly heard something at her left side. she saw Iori with lightning dancing around him like it's armor 'his mastery over lightning must've give him a boost of speed' Tenzin said in thought

Korra didn't know how he did that but she suddenly saw Iori Infront of her and not giving her time he used '127 Shiki Aoibana' and launched Korra in the air. Korra who was still in the air was dazed and she used water bending from a nearby pond to counter his flames. she shot him a water whip while Iori defended himself with flames on his hands, she landed with water hovering her body with a smile on her face whilst Iori put his hand Infront of him to show his purple flames to everyone.

Everyone except Mako and Bolin were surprised of his purple flames as it shows that it is hotter than regular flames. the spar continued with Iori launching

'108 Shiki Yami Barai' towards her. Korra quickly used the water to block the purple flames, she succeeded but lost a lot of water then she used the remaining water to shoot it towards Iori. Iori blocked it and was met with Korra flaming kick, he quickly put his hand on his chest to block it and it made contact Iori's flames were overpowering Korra's as she grunted and quickly leapt backwards to make some distance. She was panting while Iori shook his hand and quickly attacks Korra who she conjured a earth wall but was destroyed by '311 Shiki Tsumakushi'

followed by '129 Shiki Akegarasu' and she was hit. Korra looked at her arm that she used to block the 'Akegarasu' and she saw it bleeding with claw marks on it. she even had slight burns from earlier and she stared at Iori who was smirking at her and said

Iori:" I'm surprised you were able to keep up and put some damage on me. But let's finish this!"

Iori then used 'Ura 1018 Shiki Yashiori' towards Korra putting her at the defense while some got her hit, she was barely defending most of it. When it was over she coughed due to the smoke and when it clears she couldn't see Iori, she looked around and saw him behind and he used another technique, 'Kin 1211 Shiki Ya Otome' was unleashed on her "Playtime is over!" she felt scratches from all around her body and he ended it with an explosion. when the smoke clears we see Korra laying on the ground with Iori standing


Everyone couldn't believe their eyes that Iori defeated Korra. They heard Korra coughing and struggling to stand up and she saw Iori's hand offering to her. she blushed a bit and accepted it and he put her arm around his neck and sat her to the staircase where everyone else is there.

Tenzin:"Korra! are you ok?" he asked worried

Korra:"I'm hurt from all over my body but I'll heal" she said as she bends water to heal herself. once it's done her arm slumped and she was out of energy

Tenzin:"save your energy and rest"

then the others rushed towards Iori asking questions

Bolin:"dude that was awesome!"

Mako:"gotta say your control over lightning got me surprised, I've never seen someone bend lightning that good"

Jinora:"how did you bend the lightning and made it armor and it increased your speed, how did you acquire purple flames? " she asked

Meello:"that was cool Iori" Meello said with a toothy smile

Ikki:"that was cool! so cool!"

Tenzin:"Young man I'm Tenzin I suppose you heard of me from Chief Beifong and I am very impressed with your mastery of your Firebending. Purple flames are rare considering we only know blue flames are recorded but can you please try to tone it down, cause of how injured Korra is" Tenzin said

Iori:"I did, I held back but if I didn't then she would've had third degree burns all over her body and about the claw wounds, I'll try." he said with a straight face

Tenzin:"I see...well then thank you for understanding"

Iori approached Korra who was resting

Iori:" hey"

Korra:"Ow. hey Iori, man you really gave me a beating but that technique at the end was epic what was it called?" she said with stars on her eyes

Iori:"it's called 'Kin 1211 Shiki Ya Otome'" he said with his apathetic face on

Korra:"Huh. rolls on the tongue but okay" she said a bit down that she lost

Iori:"Don't look down. you can learn from this and you might find a way to defeat. that is "IF" you can defeat me" he said with an arrogant grin and tone

Korra:"Just you wait, until I finished my Airbending training we'll get a rematch and I'll be the winner this time" Korra said, this time with fire in her eyes

Iori:"Hmhmhm... Hahaha. HAA~HAHAHAHA!"

He laughed while he put his hand on his face making everyone around him frightened. He stopped and said to Korra

Iori:"I will hold on to that" he said

as both of them smirk at each other

To be continued

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