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73.75% The Ultimate Saiyan Warrior Reborn / Chapter 104: Alliance Chp 97

Kapitel 104: Alliance Chp 97

(N/A: Hey guys, I wanted to say thank you for all of your support and I also wanted to let you guys know that we have entered into the semi-last arc of this fic and then we get to the final arc

Also, I have started working on the outline for the remastered version of this fic, I am also releasing the first chapter of the remastered version at the bottom of this chapter

But, do know that it won't be my main priority, as I am focusing much more on my other fic A Traveling Kaleidoscope which is a fic inspired by A Nascent Kaleidoscope and has already truly started)


"Really, an alliance?" Percy questions me

"No, he's right," Says Connor cutting Percy off

"But, still a contract," Percy says frowning at my suggestion

"Look, as I said before we are some of the most dangerous beings that we know of, getting a contract of non-aggression could help out in the long run. We may get along now, but what about the future? I know that you 2 have gotten into arguments and I won't always be there to stop the argument from escalating into a fight," I remind them as they both turn away making me sigh

Seriously, leave them alone for an hour and they cause a huge mess

"Besides, all three of us are here to decide the terms of this 'alliance'. Keep in mind that this also helps in case anyone manages to get into our minds," I say trying to tell them a positive of the agreement

"I know, its just..."

"I get it," I say while looking down a bit

"If he won't I will, I mean so long as we practically stay the same as before,"

"No backstabbing on serious matters,"

"We should talk about this..."


"Signed, there, oh, you weren't kidding when you said that it felt weird," Says Connor to Percy while looking at the binds

"Now, the contract isn't anything special, but it will let us break it at any time with the only repercussion that lets us know if one of us has broken their agreement," I say putting down the paper on the table as it begins to turn into magical energy and a small beam of magic goes to each one of us

"So, that's it," Says Percy looking at me

"That's it,"

"Now, what did you discover about the infected?" I ask Connor

"It is the most advanced biological engineering I have ever seen in my life," Connor says while putting his hands together and leaning forward on the table

"I managed to isolate the Bio-weapon made by the Umbrella corporation easily enough, Percy here is able to cure it, the main issue lies with the strain made by the GRE," He says while rubbing his forehead

"The GRE zombie virus forces adaptive mutations on the body, affecting them right down to their DNA. Percy can cure them too, but they are far more susceptible to any other diseases as their immune system can be said to be practically exhausted,"

"The other issue is the Flood infection, while it can be cured, it is far too contagious for us to cure them as they will most definitely become infected again due to the spores in the air or even their clothes,"

"Can we be affected?" I ask him rather nervous about it

"No, Percy is outright immune to them all, his body is constantly improving, in fact, Percy could probably take control over the hiveminds if he really tried. My immune system is much the same. While your God Ki is capable of burning the infection away, literally," He says and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding

"Alexander was using science to achieve all of this, the real question is, when will he begin to combine it with magic?" Percy says and I nod severely at that

"How is the Omni-Map going?" I ask

"Better, much better, I had to do some alterations, but with the number of worlds Percy has given me, I have a lot more to work with, but I will need at least a dozen more before I can accurately map out everything,"

"In the meantime, I will be returning back to Dragon Ball reality, when I accepted the Angel's training, I agreed to fight in their tournament of power or its equivalent," I say to them for the first time

"But, how, if there are only a few universes left..."

"it won't be all of them, it will be three universes that will be fighting, 3 others will stay out of it, and as far as I am aware universal destruction won't happen if a universe loses," I say

"That seems...nice," Says Percy

"Zeno will learn about you won't he," Connor says looking at me

"Yes, I will have to reveal myself, I won't have a choice anymore," I say grimly as I think about the major repercussions that will happen

I will have to find a way to escape in case the worst happens

"I am sorry, what is so wrong about Zeno learning that you exist?" Asks Percy and I look at him for a moment before I remember that he doesn't know the exact details of Zeno's betrayal towards Zalama

"I have to catch you up to speed..."


"So, Zeno wants to become stronger than he originally was and he believes that learning Zalama's secrets will help him do so,"

"Yup," I say plainly after the long explanation

"You have Zalama's staff right, can I see it?" he asks curiously and I bring out without another word

"Holy shit," Says Percy stunned as his eyes glow

"That is still fucking ridiculous," Connor comments while staring at it

"That it is," I say as I hold the staff

"What can you do with it?" Asks Percy making me sigh

"A lot, but once I get Grand Magic, I will be able to do so much more than I can right now,"

"Grand Magic?"

"The magical equivalent of God Ki," Connor says helpfully


"I can barely see into it, but I am sure, that even just looking at its inner workings, I am getting stronger,"

"Oh, yeah you mentioned that, can you really do it with the staff?" Connor asks

"Learn from the [Divine Authorities] that help make up the staff, yes, I can,"

"That's bullshit," Connor whines

"I know," Percy smirks at Connor and I send to small ki blasts to their faces to get them back on track

"That aside, I am going to have to train the rest of my team," I say rubbing my forehead

"Why don't we..."

"No, if Zeno sees the 2 of you, he will immediately know something is up, besides, I need 5 more people and I already have an idea as to who I am going to be training with," I tell them

"Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Piccolo,and Vomi," I say 

"Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan from what I heard, can all go Super Saiyan 4, Piccolo has been on Namek and made full use of the wish I made for the Namekian people to thrive, and I am sure that he will be the easiest to teach God Ki too, given his prodigious level of Ki control," I say as they both nod at me

"I will also be doing my best to obtain Ultra Instinct for myself, as well as Grand Magic, and refining my control over my transformation further, I believe that I have discovered a pathway forward with them and with God Ki too," I say as I remember Goku Blacks transformation

When he went Super Saiyan 3 rose, it was different

He still had eyebrows

Going through his memories, I was able to learn what he was using

Super Saiyan Full Power

But, to such an extent that it drew power from all three forms in one...


9 chapters ahead in Patreon

Please Comment, Review, and please send me some stones

Here is the first Chapter of the remastered version

I struggle to open my eyes as I feel surrounded by a viscous liquid that reminds me of jello

Struggling to move my arms and legs around as I feel like I haven't moved them in years

My throat and lungs are burning

I force my eyes open and even then it hurts to do so as all I see is pitch-black darkness

Suddenly, I realize why my throat is burning

I am not breathing any oxygen

I begin to panic as I grab at my mouth and pull off a respirator that is no longer providing any oxygen for me

Reaching out my arms hit a glass barrier at least what I am assuming is a glass barrier anyway

My panic increases as I struggle to get out and rage begins to come over my vision with as much of a scream as I can make at the moment, energy seems to come from me and break the glass causing me to take in a deep breath as oxygen enters my lungs again

Falling from the glass tank, I fall to the ground taking very deep breaths

I try to stand up but I end up falling down again as my muscles scream at me

Trying to open my eyes is a failure to as they sting a lot

As if someone threw pepper into my eyes

I stop struggling as I try to comprehend what is happening

As I take my time, I move each of my limbs one at a time slowly and my worry increases with each one

My body...

I pass my hand around my upper body and feel the rock-hard muscles on my stomach and let out a gasp

"I don't have muscles," I say my voice completely unfamiliar to me

It's not my voice...

"What..." I stop as I force myself to stand up on shaky legs

I open my eyes no matter how much they sting and fortunately I see some lights around me

Turning to the glass tank, that I just came out of, is giving out the most light

I grab my head as a huge headache starts to appear

Memories not my own, make themselves known

Screams and flashes of light are the most prominent

I shake my head and continue to look around lab that I found myself in

Did someone experiment on me?

Looking down at my body, which seems to have been sculpted from stone due to how solid it feels

"I don't have a six-pack, I have fucking eight-pack," I say marveling at my new muscles

I never was really athletic before

Translation, I was a fat tub of lard before

I marvel over my own body for a few minutes before something furry seems to touch my back and I turn around a bit too fast and fall on my ass

I look around for a bit looking for whatever touched me on guard

I feel it again as I grasp it quickly and let out a quick yelp of pain and let go of the furry thing

I frown at it as I grasp it gently and follow it to my lower back and I stand up again

"No fucking way," I say as I look at the tail

I quickly look around for anything that resembles a mirror and I as look around, I freeze as I catch the sight of a creature in another glass tank and it gives me the creeps

It looks so familiar, yet...

The creature opens its eyes and looks at me in what I am going to assume is curiosity...

He looks to young, at least he doesn't look like he is going to hatch yet

He closes his eyes and goes back to being dormant

I guess

I walk closer to his tank as I don't feel in danger

Then again, this could all just be me being an idiot

As I get closer to him something comes up from his table which spooks me a bit but I shake it off once I realize it's a keypad and a screen showing me a progress report

"What the fuck," I say to myself as I look at the screen which barely shows my face and I see my new looks

Grabbing at my hair which is now spiky and black while 2 bangs go down in front of my forehead

Memories rise to the surface of my mind as I see myself in the first person meeting a rather pretty teenager with blue hair, and then training with a bald old man with a purplish-blue turtle shell on his back, and sometimes fighting with a staff that expands and contracts

Memories of fighting an old green alien, up to fighting a rather small white and purple figure, and being on an alien planet learning about the spirit, and then nothing

Then another set of memories of being a prince of a planet

Destroying and pillaging entire worlds with a smile, this seems to go on for years as my memories settle down and I am on my knees grasping my head as I feel like someone used a hot metal spike to pierce into my skull

After a few minutes, the memories finally settle down and I am left out of breath

"Those events, those people..." I look up at Cell who is all the proof I need to know what happened to me

"I am in Dragon Ball," I whisper as a memory of being killed by a rather beautiful blonde and a black long-haired man comes to the surface and a pit begins to form in my stomach as a chill runs up my spine 

I let out a deep breath as I realize which timeline I am in

I am in the Future Trunks timeline

The real timeline of Dragon Ball

Fear begins to take over me before I force it down with sheer force of will

I look at the screen and frown a bit at the information on it

[Primary Objective: Kill Son Goku

Son Goku Status: Deceased

Secondary Objective: Achieve Perfection by absorbing Android 17 and 18

Status: Not yet Achieved]

I read through that part several times and I attempt to wipe the primary objective which I am able to do for some reason

I am confused, yet elated

Why would I have access to Gero's stuff?

I minimize the tab and try to look into the files on the 'computer'

"This is above my pay grade," I say looking at the files on the computer and I spot one that catches my interest

Perfect Saiyan Clone

I shake my head a bit and press it and I see what Gero was doing

He wanted to create the Ultimate Saiyan to kill Son Goku

"Huh, he is nothing if not persistent," I say while looking at the files

Most of the scientific terms go above my head as I don't exactly understand much about them but some of the details about my creation are shown

Reading through them, I see that Gero was originally planning on using all of the Saiyan DNA that he had access to in my creation

He eventually discarded that idea as Saiyan DNA is extremely volatile with other Saiyan DNA

However, he found that Goku/Kakarots DNA and Vegeta's DNA were somehow compatible with each other and he began to grow me in a glass tank that stimulated growth and provided me with nutrients to grow

He couldn't make the alterations that he would have wanted to make and he also didn't have the time to do so and eventually discarded me and was going to use me as a sacrifice for Cell to empower him further

I read through the files and found something interesting

[Access Level To Mainframe: Level 5]

I frown as I read that minimize my tab and go on to others

Reading Android 16 file, I see that he has Level 2 access which means he can enter the facilities for stuff like repair and general maintenance

Going over it, I see that half of his body is incomplete

I open up the files on Android 13,14 and 15 and see that they are also incomplete and have Level 2 access

I shake my head as I open the files on 17 and 18

"Well, shit," I say as the files on their objectives are corrupted

Reading through them, I see that Gero made them into cybernetic beings and I shake my head as I see that they don't have any access level at all

Going back to Cell's tab, I see that he has Level 4 access

I turn back to the sleeping creature in the tank

Reviewing my own access level, I see that I have one level below authority than Dr.Gero, who has Level 6 access which is a huge oversight on his part as I have access to practically everything that he did anyway

Not that there seems to be much left as the Oxygen for my glass tank ran out, although, there does seem to be a stash of supplies that he was using to create his machines and live down here to

I look down at myself and a disgusted look comes to me

I need a shower

I rub my eyes as I try to process everything

My mind is a complete fucking mess right now

Shaking my head, I see what I can change for Cell at the moment and frown as I read some of Dr.Gero's notes on Cell

If I am reading this right, it says that since Cell will be a fully conscious living being, he might not be fully affected if I were to change his mission directives

But, since Goku is already dead most of the operations around the lab have ceased and are awaiting further input, the only ones still going were Cell and me

Erasing the primary objective, I change it to obey me,

Project Ultima

Which is what Gero referred to me as

I leave the area I was in before as I walk around the...bunker, I guess

I don't see anyone else as I walk around but I do come across a kitchen filled with rotten food

Next, I come across a greenhouse and I see that some fruits and vegetables are ripe

I get some to eat as a snack

Continuing to look around, I finally come across what were Gero's private quarters

Going inside, I look through the closet for any decent thing to wear and I am disappointed that I find practically just lab coats...

That are suspiciously clean...

I turn around and glare at a tiny little machine going into a wall...while I hear scrubbing in another room

Entering in a rush, I stare at the little robot cleaning the rather big bathtub

I watch for a few minutes as it then places 2 bottles on the edge, one that says shampoo, the other conditioner, and then it places a bar of soap and sponge next to it

"Convenient," I say shaking my head and looking at the bathroom mirror

I gasp as I finally see what I truly look like

"Holy shit, I look like..."


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