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10% Really Avengers? / Chapter 1: Chapter One - It all began with the end
Really Avengers? Really Avengers? original

Really Avengers?

Autor: Azeneth2523

© WebNovel

Kapitel 1: Chapter One - It all began with the end

And then the darkness began, so silent, so lonely, and strangely so sheltering.

How did I get here? But what a good question Dorothy.

The last thing I remember is the moon.

- "Don't be a liar, that's not it."

- "You shut up! Okay."

So... the last thing I remember, of course, is my family. Wait, who called me a liar? Is someone here? Ah, it was me, sometimes I forget I'm talking to myself, I'll go ahead.

I was with my family, at a nice dinner with my sister and her husband. My two brothers had left a while ago and they were still here. It's not strange, I know they love me too and well it's not very easy to talk to someone who spends her time in shifts in a hospital, I guess it's typical of people who want to dedicate themselves to health.

We were already doing the dishes, Tom said he would take care of everything so we could talk some more.

- "Did you have fun at the hospital" - My sister asked.

- "Of course, it's not like being in the middle of a war camp. But I love working with the children, they are such a different world to explore, and as tired as you may be after shifts, looking into their eyes, with so much curiosity and happiness makes all your tiredness go away. You feel refreshed again."

- "Yes" - She laughed - "I had forgotten your passion for children, but you are a pediatrician, it was obvious. I don't even know why you went into the middle of a war, that was very dangerous."

- "You know that since I was little I intended to go to those places" - I reminded her, her face changed a little remembering our childhood days - "Besides, you know that most of the people who are in the middle of that have no one to help them. I'm sure you know perfectly well that I will go again in a few years." - I looked at her raising an eyebrow.

Her face showed concern and resignation, she knew that nothing she could say would change my mind.

After a few seconds, she sighed and spoke again. - "I know, I'm just worried. I don't want to lose you."

- "Please honey, no one would want to lose me" - I told her with a rather self-centered tone, I only received a few laughs from her.

I know perfectly well that she would always support me, no matter how much it might hurt her to do so, so I decided to change the subject. - "How is married life?" - A rather interesting question, in my opinion.

It had been a year since they had gotten married, she was the first in the family and my brother and I were older. The day she said she had a partner the first thing I told her was that she shouldn't let someone get away who could stand her, there wouldn't be many in her life.

After receiving a few gentle blows from her she went on to tell me how she met her now husband.

A few months after that I volunteered for the army and went away for a year, when I came back they were still a couple, and one day after I arrived Tom asked for my sister's hand. I always wondered why me, I guess I was the closest to her, I honestly always thought people didn't ask for permission anymore and just got married, what century are we in, please.

But well at the time I didn't think much about it I made him do something too embarrassing to accept. I didn't think he would do it, first because it was stupid and secondly I wouldn't do it. So he did it.

While we were the 5 brothers together talking about any nonsense, he arrived in a Pikachu dress and came to ask for her hand. And yes, of course, I recorded it, what kind of sister would I be if I hadn't recorded it?

After enduring an hour of laughter from my three brothers and me, my sister started to challenge us for doing that.

Everything was going perfectly, she was daring my brothers instead of me and it would have worked out if it wasn't for the fact that Tom the fucker thought to ask me if I would accept him now. I looked at him with my eyes wide open and saw my sister coming straight in my direction, and like any good warrior, I told him that he had passed the test and ran away.

I spent a week in the hospital with different shifts so I wouldn't have to endure what my sister would tell me when I arrived. But not everything lasts forever, and I had to go home.

They got married, after the typical vows "Kelsey do you accept Tom" and "Tom do you accept Kelsey" to love her and respect him for blah blah blah they said they accept, cool because I was already getting tired of how long the wedding was, why not just last a few minutes and say accept, why should it be so long.

That's how we are here, the first wedding anniversary. Because they celebrated with us when they could be alone, stupid in my opinion, but maybe they had something prepared for the night, who knows.

I assumed that my sister would answer me with the typical phrase that their marriage was going great, but she made a worried face and answered me.

- "Actually, I think he's mad at me."

- "Why would he be?" - I asked her directly, please he loved her too much of course he wouldn't be mad at her unless my light bulb went off - "You forgot the wedding anniversary, didn't you?"

- "Yes" - She hesitated a bit, I couldn't hold my laughter at what she said.

- "My God, how could you forget? You have your head in the clouds"

While I was laughing I heard a big commotion in the kitchen, and we both approached slowly. It couldn't be my Kyu, he was sleeping upstairs and probably wouldn't wake up later, just like Kobu.

Tom was on the floor, everything looked very strange clearly he had not fainted, it looked like he had been hit, I took a knife and put it under my sleeve. But before I could tell Kelsey to call the police and get out of the house to be safe, she was already approaching her husband on the floor, I didn't even get to say anything to her and someone had already grabbed her from behind, and was pointing a gun at her.

Everything happened very quickly, three guys tied the three of us to the chairs with our hands behind our backs, they were clearly first-time assailants, it was obvious that one of them did not even know how to hold a gun, he was probably a child who had been forced to come, perhaps to pay off a debt. There is always a child, the decoy, the one they will catch, but will not be able to take to jail because of his age, who has a stained record and may not have any other option but to continue with the same thing they are teaching him. For things like that, I think Ultron should have killed all humans, of course, if he really existed.

I look at the assailants because the bad guys are never cute, I imagined all the "bad guys" that were cute, Bucky, Loki, Draco, Lucifer, Sebastian, Magneto, Joker, Benimaru, Itachi, Gaara, Hisoka, Heung Soo, Young Do, although those two are Kim Woo Bin, well they were not so bad either, or the worst ones, like Umbridge or... a slap took me out of my beautiful thoughts.

- "Damn, what's wrong with you!" - I yelled at the guy in front of me, apparently the one who hit me.

I saw my sister, her brown eyes were full of tears, next to her was Tom waking up from the blow, he was moaning in pain, when I noticed he was moving he hit him in the head.

- "Where is the money?" - They shouted at me, I turned my head in their direction again, the boss I guess.

I got another slap in the face.

I remembered the time the health team had been kidnapped in the war, I got out of that one, why couldn't I get out of this one? I thought this should be quick, let's hope it works.

- "I have a safe, it's in the room behind the dining room, you have to go into the closet, at the back is the safe, the password is 2- 8- 0- 4- 8- 9."

- "Nice and cute, that's the way I like it" - How disgusting really, even my poor little angels were cuter, two guys left and left the boy alone, the excellent start of the plan.

- "Hey, I'm sure you don't want to do this" - I looked at the boy, and his hand started to shake.

- "They're making you do it, aren't they?" - I took some time to take a breath and continue.

- "Think about it, if they catch you maybe they won't put you in jail, but you will stain your sheet, and you will surely think about being something more than a mugger in your life."

- "You don't know what you're saying" - He whispered.

- "Yes, I do. You're just like the children of war, forced to fight, even if they don't want to, to die for someone they hate with all their being. They don't usually have a choice, but here... you may have one, let us go."

- "I can't... I can't."

- "Of course, you can, I trust you."

I looked at my Kelsey, she was scared to death and looked at us without saying anything. Then I looked at Tom, of course, the bastard still wasn't fully awake, it wouldn't do any good for the kid to let us go. Besides, he would get into too much trouble if he did, I needed a plan where these men would get out of the boy's life and nothing would happen to my family, I sighed.

- "Ahh, you're right you can't, you'd be risking too much."

- "What are you talking about?"

- "Well, I have another proposal for you and no, it's not an indecent one" - I joked, to which the boy started to laugh a little - "Take my cell phone and call the contact that says 'Detective Park Gwang Ho'."

My sister looked at me as if to say, 'Seriously, like the detective in the drama?'

I looked at her in the same way, mentally responding. 'Obviously, the best detective, Tunnel takes it!'

I knew that with the single look I gave her she would know what I was thinking and I took out a small sketch of a smile.

I kept talking to the boy. – "Well, when he answers tell him your name and the situation, don't tell him that you came with these men, just tell him that you heard something and I told you to call when you came in and ran with my cell phone to call. Wait in the garden of the house in front, waiting here will be dangerous."

The boy looked at me, he seemed to be processing everything I had told him, he seemed to be making an interesting equation in his head, which reminded me of Jungkook's memes.

After a minute the boy looked at me, it seemed that everything he had thought had left him with more doubts, but he answered me.

- "How can I trust you?"

- "Clearly, you can't, you don't know me" - I Sighed - "But I'm sure you'll do the right thing."

- "Ok, I'll do it." - I gave him a little smile. - "Where's your cell phone?" - I point to the couch.

- "You should hurry up before those damn sons of Umbridge arrive" - He takes my cell phone and walks. But I told him something and he stopped to answer - "Hey, what's your name and how old are you?"

He looked surprised. - "Stanley, I'm 14"

- "Excellent, it's been a pleasure" - I winked - "When Francisco arrives tell him that this time it wasn't me who got into trouble." - I looked at the boy with doubtful face, until I remembered that he had no idea who Francisco was - "He is the detective you will call, the name I gave him sounds cooler."

Little Stanley left the house quickly with my cell phone, I hope everything turns out well and they arrive quickly. For now, I'll leave everything in his hands, I wish the knife would cut this rope out of my hands faster. Score one for you Scarlet, good thing you kept the knife up your sleeve.

About five minutes passed when one of the assailants came to look, clearly not the boss because that's not the guy who had hit me.

- "Where is the brat?" - Excellent question.

- "He's new at this, isn't he?" - I answered - "I think he went out to throw up, that's what usually happens when you're new, he looked so nervous that he must have been a while." - You are an excellent liar, I should get an Oscar.

Mr. Assailant #2 looked at me and then passed his gaze over my sister, he got too close to her for my taste. Damn it, if he lays a hand on her I'm going to kill him. Francisco if you don't hurry I'll kill you.

I didn't take my eyes off my sister and that man, Kelsey's eyes were teary again.

- "Maybe I can have a little fun with you, sweetie."

How disgusting, it won't be long before these ropes are completely cut. Hurry up.

- "Don't even think of touching her" - I shouted at the guy, but he only passed a knife across my sister's throat and opened her legs - "Let her go, stupid" - I said with all the hate I could, he looked at me and came straight to me.

- "Why? Are you going to give me my fun?"

He started laughing, and I spread my legs on the chair, Scarlett Johansson I hope your Lucy scene works.

He approached me when he saw what I did, when he started to touch my leg I managed to completely untie my hands and I gave him a headbutt that distracted him and made him drop the gun.

I untied myself and got up as fast as I could while the guy still didn't know what happened, I saw the gun near me and lunged for it, when I looked in the other direction the guy seemed to be looking for his gun on the ground, I just showed him that I had it.

He approached as fast as he could, but he was still dazed, when he was already in front of me, I put the knife directly on his throat.

He looked at me with wide eyes, and I put a finger to my lips as a sign for him to be quiet. Just when he opened his mouth a little, I stuck the knife a little into his neck.

I ended up directing him to the same chair where I was seconds before, when he sat down with the hilt of the gun I gave him a big blow on the head.

Instantly, he was unconscious and I tied his hands and legs to the chair, I looked at him for a moment, and just as a precaution I gave him another blow on the head, I saw that blood started to come out and I left him.

But when I turned around and saw my sister I remembered what I was about to do to him and I was filled with rage, I took another knife from the kitchen and I stuck it in his crotch, I hope his "male reproductive system" never works again, I thought about if I should have mutilated that part, but I remembered the couple that was still tied behind my back.

- "Hey, I got it" - I turned to my sister, and with another knife, I untied her and her husband - "Excellent, I freed you, but apparently your beloved husband is still unconscious." - I looked disapprovingly at Tom and to lighten things up a bit I spoke to my sister - "Tell me he doesn't stay in bed unconscious after, you know" - I wiggled my eyebrows.

- "Idiot" - She was crying - "You're thinking about it in this situation, you're unbelievable."

- "Oh stop crying, it's almost over... I hope" - I whispered the last - "Take Tom outside and wait, The stupid detective should be here soon, ah... I remembered Lucifer" - I smiled - "I'm going to get a first aid kit for your husband's wound" - I told her when we both arrived at the door carrying Tom - "I won't be long... wait outside with him. It'll be all right" - She looked at me doubtfully, but left.

I went straight to get the first aid kit, as quietly as I could. As I grabbed it and was walking out, I wondered what was taking the other assailant so long that he didn't come out with the "loot" he stole.

- "What's he doing, trying on my clothes" - I laughed a little but I turned around and he was standing there - "Great Scarlet, you summoned him."

- "What did you do? How are you free" - Well, Dah your companion is stupid, the end. He looked at his companion and saw the knife, he got a look of disgust - "You'll pay for this."

- "Yeah, I figured that sentence" - I blurted out - "Why don't you just leave me and wait here calmly for them to come for you, after all, you don't have much choice, they'll get you anyway."

His face paled, and my mind thought "Didn't you see it coming", but of course, not everything turns out the way you want, and through the door came my sister.

The thief pointed the gun at her and I stepped in front of her so that nothing would happen to her. The result was, a penetrating bullet in the right lung and a bullet in the heart, with time remaining, approximately 10 minutes, chances of survival, less than 9% would probably be higher if it were not for my luck.

Several shots were heard as I fell to the ground held by my sister, damn Francisco you took too long, at least you shot the stupid guy who left me mortally wounded.

- "Hey, don't cry, you look ugly" - I said to my sister who was crying while holding me.

- "Why... Why did you take the bullet, you shouldn't have."

- "Of course I should" - I stroked her cheek with what little strength I had left. This hurts quite a bit, a terrible burning and my blood feels extremely hot. - "I had to keep them both safe."

- "What do you mean, Tom's outside"

- "I don't mean him, silly. You are so distracted and live in your own world, you probably didn't even notice that you are two months late"

She looked at me with a look of tremendous doubt, she still didn't understand what I was saying. It wasn't that hard, please.

I put my hand on her stomach - "Two months, I checked it with the test I asked you a month ago, I know I said it was to see if you were still anemic, but I wanted to know and you never noticed." - I sighed, talking was costing a lot - "Congratulations."

- "I... I am. I'm pregnant?" - Yes, idiot, don't make me say it again, it hurts too much to talk.

- "Yes, I'm going to be aunt yupi" - She was still crying - "I won't meet him, but I guess he'll be a cute baby, ouch" - I complained as I moved a little.

- "Of course, you will meet him, you can... you can handle this."

- "Of course not, I'm the doctor, and I know perfectly well that this is my end" - I smiled - "Do I look like a colander? Or are there too few bullets... I must look awful" - I remembered Pietro's death.

- "You look perfect, as always" - She couldn't continue speaking because she was crying.

- "You know, I remember that time at the hospital with the kids." - I gave her an attempt of a smile - "When they asked me, who I liked and I answered 'The winter soldier', when I arrived the next day all the children had an arm with metallic paper and they were drawing a star."

- "I remember, you took a lot of pictures that day. Try to hold on a little longer, you can't leave all those kids, just like that... you can't leave your family."

- "Don't worry, maybe I'll become a cute slime in my next life, or the villain of a video game" - She looked at me with a little smile - "Or maybe I'll be a hero, although those are usually summoned" - I meditated a little - "I would have liked to help a little more here."

- "Don't say anything" - For the first time in all this time tears fell from my eyes - "Please stay."

- "Tell our brothers that I love them very much, and that they should take a bath not all otaku follow the same rules" - I looked her in the eyes. - "I love you, I hope you will be very happy. Do what I always said to do at my funeral, if you don't do it I will come to throw your legs in the night." - I said jokingly - "Take good care of my son, take him to your house he won't bite anyone and he will be able to continue living with someone he knows, I am sure Kyu and Kobu will be happy to live together again." - I looked at her with a pleading face, there wasn't much left - "I feel that my goodbye, is lasting longer than Deadpool's" - I tried to laugh, but it hurt - "Bury me with Benjamin, my cell phone and my external memory. Wherever I go, I don't want to get bored."

- "No... please don't go."

- "I don't want to leave Mr. Stark" - I said jokingly - "Take care of the little one, he didn't deserve to be in this" - I said referring to Stanley - "I'm so sorry, take care of all of them..." - I could not finish what I was saying, I only heard a scream, sobs, and everything went dark.

Everything stopped hurting, but nothing was talking to me, sadly it seems I won't be a slime. I waited, waited, and waited, but nothing was happening.

I can't believe it's so boring to die, nothing extraordinary will happen?

I won't turn into a spider, no one will come to tell me that I will go to hell or heaven? I won't be judged for my actions, anything?

Will this be the end of the spider man? If this is the end, it is very boring, I should have fought harder to be alive. At least, my references and I can live together in the dark and I can talk to my conscience about what I like.


- "What, who spoke?"

And suddenly a light appeared.





This story doesn't belong to me. Credits to the respective author. KimPanqui



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Translator: Translate Spanish, Portuguese, and French. To English.

Proofreader: Those in charge of reviewing and correcting the translation (grammar, punctuation, etc.).

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