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13.33% Teen Wolf: Void Stiles / Chapter 6: 6: Wolf Moon [6]

Kapitel 6: 6: Wolf Moon [6]

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I wake up with my eyes practically popping out of my head, feeling like some genius decided to park a dump truck in my nasal passage. 

Like seriously, who needs to breathe? Anyway, I'm practically gasping for air, my face drenched in a lovely layer of sweat, and to top it all off, I find myself in this totally bizarre place. 

Where the heck am I? It's like I teleported into the Twilight Zone or something.

I'm sitting here on this creepy interrogation table, right under the most cliché single light bulb you can imagine, illuminating my confused face and I've got zero clue how I ended up in this delightful establishment. 

I must have pulled a Houdini in my sleep or stumbled into an alternate dimension. Who knows?

"Shut up!" Out of nowhere, this voice came booming right behind me, I almost had a heart attack. 

Seriously? Could they have been any louder? I flinched so hard, I swear I was about to faceplant into the floor, but lo and behold, some invisible power held me in place.

I sucked in a breath, trying to regain my composure and turned my gaze towards the shadowy figure standing across the table.

The darkness made it impossible to see any details but it was definitely a dude. 

"Who the fuck are you?" I blurted out, desperate to find out why I was snatched up like a prized possession. I needed to buy some time until I figured out where the heck I was.

"You cannot just stop talking can you?" He retorted, taking a step closer to the light. his voice was clearer this time and I immediately recognised it, this is the same brooding Batman-ish voice I heard when I blacked out.

"I don't know who you are but you got the wrong guy." I pleaded.

Roughly speaking I got nothing special other than being the son of the town's sheriff and Beacon Hill is definitely not a crime high country, we got crimes but nobody at the level to kidnap a random teenager.

"Oh I know I got the wrong guy." He admitted, taking another step towards the light, his pants and boots coming into view while I let out a sigh of relief. "In the thousand years of my life, I have never seen somebody so weak and a pathetic excuse of a host."

Ok, that was weirdly hurtful.

"I don't understand what the fuck you are talking about and seriously I don't care." I slowly stood up and pointed in a random direction. "So I'm just gonna leave, if it's ok."

"Sit down!!" He came forward and banged the table.

"Ok, no problem, I'm totally ok with sitting down, is this chair Italian wood? It's so shiny and smooth." I kept rambling as I fell back on the chair while my supposed kidnapper finally walked into the light, showing me a glance of his face. "What. In the. Actual fuck?!"


I gulped as It felt like I was looking in a mirror, it was my face, the guy had my fucking face, I totally get why he looked so great and awesome under the darkness.

"You can't see because I'm drooling over my extraordinarily handsome face but I'm totally freaking the fuck out inside." 

I didn't lie, I'm gonna lose it sooner if I can't understand what's happening here but that doesn't mean I was gonna take my eyes off my own face for the time being.

"Anyway, who are you?" 

The other me suddenly leaned closer, his head moving in and his body hovering over the table, he locked his eyes with mine and glared at the light.

"Chaos, suffering, pain and despair, I bring them all who am I?" He asked with an elongated smirk on his face, which doesn't look cool at all.

Anyway, was that supposed to be a riddle? Is he playing like twenty questions with me or something? 

Fine, I will play his stupid game.

Chaos, suffering, pain and despair, what is the common factor between all of them? All of them are bad.

Is it Death? But Death doesn't bring pain, pain brings Death.

Is it Evil? It's a concept, so it doesn't exist in the first place, it's a matter of assumption, so that cannot bring anything.

Pandora's box? Nah, Chaos created it, not the other way around.

Wait a minute..

"Surprise test." I answered, almost sounding proud of myself.

It's gotta be a surprise test, you never know if there is going to be a surprise test and when you do, it's total chaos in the class, followed by the suffering of the unknown and then comes the pain of failure with despair in the end.

I'm a fucking genius.

"What?" He seemed stumped by my answer.

"Well whatever, are you like my evil twin? I never expected there to be a Hans Ramoray moment in my life, this is so cool." 

"Shut up!!" He suddenly grabbed me by my chin and pulled me up with a single hand, before slamming on the table.

I groaned in pain as the air was knocked out of my lungs, I looked up at his face as he covered the light above.

"Hear me Stiles and hear me well." He leaned closer to my face and whispered into my ears. "You can have everything you ever desired, fame, wealth, women. Instead I need pain and despair, I need their suffering."

"Didn't take you for M."

He growled making a fist and landed a punch right in my face, knocking me out in a blink.

The next time I woke up, I found myself back under a familiar ceiling, with the rays of sunlight flashing in my face.

I threw the blanket sideways and stood up with a groan as I felt a sore pressure over my neck. I walked to the bathroom mirror and found a bruise in the shape of a hand over my nape.

"It wasn't a dream?"


"So let me get this straight?" I repeated my question once more. "You got a date with Allison last night?"

"It's more like a dance partner than a date, you know, for the Friday party in Lydia's house." Scott humbly reasoned as we changed into Lacrosse gears.

"So it's like a date party." I added, which stopped him for a moment.

"Oh my god, is it?" Scott asked enthusiastically and as good bro, I immediately shut him down.

"No, it's not." I shook my head as Scott's shoulders dropped weakly. "And what's the talk about you in Mr.Chloe's swimming pool this morning?"

"Oh hell." He groaned looking around awkwardly. "Who told you that?"

"The whole school knows." He immediately grumbled in embarrassment as the words left my mouth. "A student in a teacher's pool half naked in the early morning, the theories are going wild, so did Mr.Chole give you any swirlies?"

"Ew, get your head out of the gutter." He playfully slapped my arms.

"Tell me how deep you were in the gutter first?" I gave him a knowing smirk while wiggling my brows.

"Seriously stop it." He grunted with a sigh. "I think I might have been sleepwalking last night."

"Sleepwalking?" I asked with my eyebrows raised, in a way to ask 'Really?'.

"Yeah, I was like a mile deep into the forest and I saw it." 

"You saw what? The-." I looked around the locker room and closed in. "The beast?"

"Yeah, it was foggy but that was definitely it, on all fours, red eyes and growling at me." 

"Dude, that's sick, you remember where you are?"

"No, I started running as soon as I saw it and after a minute I somehow ended up in the pool."

"Wow." I stood up carrying my casuals and moved towards my locker.

"Yeah." Scott threw his phone inside the locker and kept his clothes above it in a measure of safety.

Suddenly somebody slammed the door, causing both of us to flinch in surprise, it was none other than Jerkson, showing off his big dickhead.

"Alright, little man." Jackson stepped into Scott's personal boundary and locked him against his locker. "How 'bout you tell me where you are getting your juice." 

"What?" Scott asked, blinking in confusion, totally taken by surprise by the question.

Really juice? Why can't the Jerk get a bottle of Dr.Pepper in a convenience store-... Ohhh, he's talking about drugs.

Scott's increased reflexes in last net practice, yeah totally understand why he came to that conclusion, but the bigger question is whether Scott knows that Jackson is talking about drugs.

Scott can't be that big of an idiot can he?

"Where are you getting your juice?" Jerkson repeated.

Scott took a second to look at me and turned back to answer. 

"My mom does all the grocery shopping."

Ok, how big of an idiot is Scott?

The answer, too big.

I almost broke a chuckle at Jackson's reaction, who looked as confused as Scott at the first question.

"No, listen McCall, you are gonna tell me exactly what is and who you're buying it from, because there is no way in hell, you are out there kicking ass in the field like that without some sort of chemical boost." 

"Oh, you mean steroids." 

Oh god I love this interaction, it's like two incredibly stupid people trying to find who is more stupid.

"Are you on steroids?" And that did it to me, I held my stomach as I finally broke a chuckle.

Jackson growled in annoyance, grabbed Scott by his collar and slammed him against the locker. 

"What the hell is going on with you, McCall?" The Jerk yelled at Scott's face.

"What's going on with me?" Scott asked and Jerkson nodded. "You really wanna know?"

He let go of Scott and stepped back.

"Well, so would I! Because I can see, hear and smell things that I shouldn't be able to-." Time to step in.

"Ok, that's enough." I stepped in between them, stopped Scott from blabbering anymore and pushed back Jackson.

"Tell me stereotypical rick jock boy, when have you last seen Scott playing goalie?" I asked, the Jerk wanted to revolt back but I didn't let him. 

"Let me guess, the 4th of Neverary, do you want to know why he is kicking ass in the field? Because while you were spending your dads money on her majesty's land, who is literally immortal, we were training our ass off in the field like there is no fucking tomorrow."

Jackson stared at me before giving a mock scoff and smiled.

"You think you are funny Stilinski?" 

Bitch, I know I am. 

"I know you idiots are hiding something, that two months practice is a bunch of bullshit, nobody can improve that quickly, I'm gonna find whatever it is and I don't care how long it takes." 

He slammed the locker next to me in a way to assert his dominance over us but I didn't flinch.

I was never afraid of him but I always let him walk over me, maybe I just didn't want the trouble but something inside me just snapped, not anymore, I'm not letting anyone walk over me anymore.

I saw him leave and turned back to Scott, who was looking at me with his eyes wide in surprise. 

"Dude-." He trailed.

"I know, I was awesome right?" I asked with a big smirk.

"No, we are going to be late for the elimination match." He said pointing at the clock in the hallways.

"Oh shit." 


"Let's go, gather around!" Coach called us with a whistle as soon as we reached the field. "Bring it in, come on!"

All of us jogged towards the coach and formed a circle around him, when suddenly Scott raised his hand with a smile, I followed his eyes and they landed on Allison, who walked to the seats with a smile, I immediately groaned as Coach pointed it out.

"Got a question, McCall?"

"What?" Scott looked like a deer caught in a headlight, this is why you leave your distractions aside and focus on the match once you are in the field, so that you won't look like an idiot.

"You raised your hand, you got a question?" 

"Uh.. No, I was just uh, nothing. Sorry." 

"Okay, you know how this goes, if you don't make the cut, you are most likely sitting on the bench for the rest of the season." 

Why is he looking at me specifically when he is saying that? It's not like I plan on sitting on the bench every year.

"You make the cut, you play, your parents are proud, your girlfriend loves ya." For an eccentric man, he sure got a way with words. "Huh? Everything else is… cream cheese."

Okay, scratch whatever I said.

"Now get out there and show me, whatcha got!"

"Let's go! Let's go!" The members all roared in chores and moved to their respective spots.

I seriously don't know what they are so hyped about, most of them are going to sit on the bench anyway.

Me and Scott were placed in the same team, which is so great for us, considering we spend most of the practice around each other, we got a good chemistry in a game sense.

The game started with the first whistle, the attackers of my team picked up the ball and began to pass it around, after a few slip ups and take backs, the ball finally got to Scott.

He was not expecting it as Issac had a better stand, Scott turned around and began to run towards the goal, he missed the first player but Jackson suddenly tackled him from the side.

Scott stood up and kept the call down while Jackson stood opposite to him. As soon as he heard the whistle, Scott rolled the ball between Jackson's legs and curved back to pick it up.

I slowly jogged ahead as Scott made his way into the field, he dodged the first defender and kept moving forward, the second defender came closer and Scott managed to evade him too by a 180 turn around.

I looked at Scott in awe, I thought it was only his reflexes but he was way more agile now and I don't remember him taking a puff from his inhaler, which doesn't explain the stamina.

Maybe it's time I do a deep research on Lycanthropy but right now, I need to concentrate on the match.

Finally at the goal box, three defenders came in to him, leaving me unattended. Jackson noticed it but it was too late.

"Scott!" I yelled, Scott dribbled across one guy and threw me the ball, the goalie came forward to intercept it but I turned around and slipped past him.

I reached out for the ball and with one Swift motion, threw it inside the goal.

"..Yes." I muttered as I heard the whistle, followed by the cheers, Scott hugged me from behind and yelled into my ears, the rest of the team joined in to celebrate too.

"Yeahhh!!" I roared with my stick raised above in the air, everyone was so happy I scored.

"McCall, Stilinski! Get over here!" Well except one maybe. Coach called us with a scowl in his face.

"What in god's name was that?" He asked, pointing at the cheering end.

"A cream cheese coach?" I replied with a nod back.

"You should have done better." He tapped on my helmet and turned towards Scott. 

"This is a lacrosse field, what are you trying out for the gymnastics team?" 

"No, Coach." Scott shook his head way too seriously.

"What the hell was that?" 

"A perfectly taken shot." I chidded in.

"I don't know, I was just trying to make it to the goal." Scott answered.

"Well, you guys made the shot and guess what?" We both looked at him in anticipation. "You guys are starting, you made first line."

We both looked at each other in shock.

"Now, get in and get me another goal!" He pushed us into the field and stepped back.

I never loved that guy more, it almost makes me want to quit my plans for his birthday. Almost.

"Come on Stiles, let's get another goal." Scott mentioned with a wide smile.

I need to talk to Scott about his increased.. everything but right now the research can wait.

We have a goal to score.


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