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51.28% Yu-Gi-Oh: Fate Of Time / Chapter 20: The First Duel Of The Tournement!!!

Kapitel 20: The First Duel Of The Tournement!!!

So Here is the Deck List Before we start:

[Ryze Deck]


Lvl 10 Wicked God Eraser x1

Lvl 8 Beast Machine King Barbaros UR x1

Lvl 8 Beast King Barbaros x2

Lvl 7 Cyber Dinosaur x1

Lvl 5 Magical Marionette x1

Lvl 4 Zombyra The Dark x3

Lvl 4 Machine Lord Ür x3

Lvl 4 Castle Of Dark Illusion x1

Lvl 4 Opticlops x1

Lvl 3 Legendary Jujitsu Master x3

Lvl 2 Cobra Jar x3


Block Attack x1

Big Bang Shot x1

Pot Of Greed x1

Graceful Charity x1

Monster Reborn x1

Share The Pain x2

Axe Of Despair x1

Malevolent Nuzzler x1

Heavy Storm x1

Snatch Steal x1

Riryoku x1


Mirror Force x1

Reinforcement x1

Michizure x1

Windstorm Of Etaqua x1

Shift x1

Rising Energy x1

Call Of The Haunted x2

Blast With Chain x1

Now on to the chapter, it´s a long one.


As the Bingo Machine started, the number got shuffled around, all duelist was watching the with determination and just one second away, a nummber was shown.

''The First number is... Number 6# Bakura.''

Bakura was looking suprised and was laughing akwardly, ''Me? I duel first?''

Tristan and Tea was looking at Bakura with worry, ''you sure you are alright?, you were pretty sick.''

''Yeah Bakura, maybe you should rest?''

Bakura laughed and was looking at them, ''Im fine you guys, just was suprised that i was the first to duel.''

Yugi and Joey was looking at Bakura with suspicion, ''Yugi, Something feels really wrong about Bakura, it can´t be just me!''

Yugi nodded, ''Yeah, something tells me this is not Bakura.''

Joey looked at yugi with suprise, ''What do you mean Yugi!?''

The Bingo continued and was about to stopp at the next number.

''Okay, and the duelist who be facing of against Bakura is... Number 8# Ryze Minato!''

Everyone looked at Ryze and saw his shooked face.

''Looks like someone else is suprised they duel in the first round, Eyy Yugi?''

''Yeah Joey.''

Ryze was suprised, Wasn´t Yugi supposed to duel Bakura? looks like his presence have made some changes to the time line, but now that he thinks about it, alot is not what is seemed, like the apperance of PaniK and the Paradox Brothers.

''Now both Duelist enter the arena, this follows the rules of battle city rules, so the loser will give up his rarest card to the winner, and loses his spot in the finals, while the winner contines to round 2, so be prepared.''

both Bakura and Ryze went on the same elevator and was going up towards the arena, Ishizu tried to predict the out come of the duels but to no avail, the Millenium Necklas barley gave any glimps of the future, just that an evil spirt is against Ryze.

''Please Ryze, Win... for all of our sakes.''

Both the duelist arrived at the top of the Aircraft, ''I welcome you to the *Stratos Dueling Arena*, Duelist take your marks, Elevating the playing field!!!''

The arena moved upwards for everyone to see.

System: [Defeat The Evil Spirit Of The Millenium Ring, Reward: Relic Of Power]

Ryze was pondering, The last Relic gave him a mission and the reward was the Wicked God Eraser, Would that mean he will get another one?

''Woah, Dueling up here is insane!''

Serenity felt a the cold wind on her, ''And freezing too.''

Both Tristan and Duke saw that Serenety was freezing and was about to offer som warmth, but Mai went towards her and hugged her, It´s fine Serenity, tho here comes the master of cermony.

As everyone arrived Kaiba started his so called speech, ''I only say this once, Kaiba craft 3 is crusing in the air of multitude of 4000 feet, The strong winds and cold air will test your strength and stamina, if you can´t take it, then you don´t belong here.''

everyone was excited of how Kaiba did the tournement, meanwhile that, Bakura was looking at Ryze, ''So are you prepare to lose it all?''

Ryze was laughing, funny, was about to say the same thing to you.''

Bakura the laughed more and more which confused alot of people and suddenly the Millenium Ring appeared around Bakura´s neck.

Yugi saw that immediately, ''Oh no! The Evil Spirit of the Millenium Ring!?''

Tristan was looking at it with shook, But that´s impossible, i tossed that far away in Duelist Kingdom!?, I don´t know how Bakura got it back but i know it´s not a good thing.''

Namu was looking at them with a small grin and then acted like he knew nothing, ''So what´s the fuss, What´s that around his neck?''

''Yeah, What the big deal with that thing?''

Joey explained that both Yugi and Bakura have this item that has magic powers and both of them contains a spirit, Yugi´s is good, While Bakura´s is Bad.''

''Ryze, You need to surrender quick! you have no idea what danger lurks in this duel!''

Ryze looked at Yugi and just smiled, ''Sorry Yugi, but i came this far not to surrender, so Bakura was it? you are an Evil Spirit?''

''Hahahaha, Why yes i am, What? i will let you surrender now and we can get over this quickly.''

Ryze started to laugh to which annoyed Bakura, ''What´s so funny?''

''Oh im sorry, Evil Spirit or not, in the end, i´m just here to wipe the floor with you, so how about you stop this talk and lets Duel?''

Bakura looked at Ryze with an Evil smile, ''Very well, let the duel begin then.''

''Duelists, are you ready?''

Both duelist have shuffeld each others decks and tossed a coin on who went first and it was Bakura and then went towards on thier side of the field.

''This is bad you guys!''

''I know Tea, but it´s nothing we can do, Ryze is a duelist, let´s just see how good of a duelist he is.''

''Let the Duel Begin!!!''

[Lets Duel!!!]

Bakura [4000LP] [Hand: 5]

Ryze [4000LP] [Hand: 5]

''Well then, i start then, by playing this, My *Headless Knight* in Defence mode.''

From the ground a knight appeard with out his head.

[Headless Knight]

[Normal Monster]

[Attack: 1400]

[Defence: 1700]

''Then i place 2 card facedown, Lets see if you can take him down.''

''My turn then, I draw! First i play my magic card, *Heavy storm*!!! what this card does is that it destroyes every spell and trap card on the field!''

As it was already windy on the aircraft, a huge storm was approaching Bakura.

''You fool, I knew you were targeting my facedown cards, that´s why i have Something to counter it, Go, *Magic Jammer*, this card allows my to negate the activation of your spell card, all i have to do is discard one card.''

Bakura threw away his *Earl Of Demise* monster card and negated the storm that was about to hit.

''Tch, oh well, but that doesn´t mean you are safe yet, I summon my *Zombyra The Dark*, In attack Mode.''

[Zombyra The Dark]

[Effect Monster]

[Attack: 2100]

[Defence: 500]

''What, how did he summon such a powerful monster, Yugi do you know?''

Yugi made a small smile, ''Its easy Joey, Ryze Zombyra The Dark card is powerful, but it has a weakness, Everytime he destroyes a monster his attack decrease by 200, also, That monster cannot attack to player directly.''

Joey started to understand, ''Ohh.... i knew that.''

Serenity looked at Joey with big eyes, ''My brother is so smart, he already knew that monster strength and weakness.''

Mai just looked at Serenity, ''Yugi just said that....''

'', Im not done yet, I acitvate *Monster Reborn, With it i can resurrect a monster to my side of the field, and didn´t you say you sent a card to the graveyard, i bet it was a monster, So i resurrect your *Earl Of Demise* to my side of the field.''

From the grave a mummy with a rapir appears ready to slash.

[Earl Of Demise]

[Normal Monster]

[Attack: 2000]

[Defence: 700]

''Zombyra the Dark, Attack Headless Knight!!!''

Zombyra jumps and did a flying kick against the knight and destoryed it.

Zombyra [2100 - 200 = 1900ATK]

''Earl of Demise, Attack Bakura directly!''

The mummy charged at Balura and slashed him.

''Argh!!!'' Bakura [4000 - 2000 = 2000LP]

''I place 2 card face down and end my turn.''

Bakura then started to laugh, ''Before you end your turn i activate my facedown card, *Destiny Board*, now for each time you end your turn i get a letter, i already got 1 letter when i activate the trap, (F) and now i get the second letter (I), 3 more letters to go and i win the duel, Hahahaha.''

Kaiba was looking at them with a smirk, He didn´t belive they were strong enough to defeat him, without a god card, they were no match for him, he just wanted it to end quickly so he could watch either Yugi or Marik to play thier God cards.

''Oh no, Ryze, you need to destory the Board, Else you lose man.''

Ryze was looking at Joey and just sighed, ''Thank Joey, i would never guess that i would lose if i didn´t know that.''

Joey was looking happy, ''Your welcome buddy.''

Ryze just looked at Joey and thought, ''(Is he serious, or am i getting trolled?.)''

Bakura [2000LP] [Hand: 2]

Ryze [4000LP] [Hand: 1]

''Now then, my turn, I draw, I begin to use, *Gracefull Charity*, this allows me to draw 3 card, as long as i discard 2, lets see here, (Perfect, this will be my victory,) i discard my *Earthbound Spirit* and my *The Potrait´s Secret*, but they will not be in the graveyard for long, becase i remove both of them and my *Headless Knight* to summon *Dark Necrofear*.''

Suddenly from Bakuras shadow comes a Women with with Doll parts and demon eyes appears.

[Dark Necrofear]

[Effect Monster]

[Attack: 2200]

[Defence: 2800]

''Dark Necrofear, Attack Ryze´s Zombyra The Dark!''

Necrofear looked at Zombyra and shooted laser from her eyes.

''Not so fast Bakura, activate my facedown card, Mirror Force, which destroys you Necrofear, So much for that monster.''

Bakura looked suprised and saw his Necrofear got destroyed by her own attack, but Bakura laughed even harder.

''Hahaha, HAHAHA, why thank you, by destroying my Necrofear, you unleached my most devestating card, *Dark Sanctuary*!''

Suddeny the field was changed and behind Bakura was strange Eyes floating and a castle.

''This card is played directly from my deck as soon as Dark Necrofear is destroyed, Oh im not done yet, I place 2 card facedown and end my turn.''

Everyone looked at Bakura´s field and felt a shiver on their back.

''Yugi, What is that?''

''I don´t know Joey, but something tells me that it´s powerful.''

''And creepy.''

''Don´t worry Serenity, I will protect you,''

''Oh no you don´t casanova, If anyone is protecting Serenity, it´s me!!!''

''You? please.''

Both Tristan and Duke continue to argue while Mai relised something, ''Hey boys, doesn´t that mean that Ryze only have 4 more turn to win this duel or else he lose?''

Everyone started to relise the situation and started to cheer Ryze on.

''Ryze don´t give up, you can do it!''

Ryze was just looking at them with a smile and then focused his attention on Bakura.

''My turn then, I draw! Now that you have no monster on your field i can attack you directly, so i summon my *Legendary Jutsu Master* , in attack mode!

[Legendary Jutsu Master]

[Effect Monster]

[Attack: 1300]

[Defence: 1800]

''Then i activate my magic card Malavolent Nuzzler, Which increase the attack of my Jutsu master by 700!''

[Attack: 1300 + 700 = 2000]

''Battle, I attack with my Earl Of Demise!, Attack Baku--''

Suddenly when the mummy attacked, a ghost attacked back and charged right at Ryze.


Ryze [4000 - 1000 = 3000LP]

''Hahaha, You are wondering what just happend, don´t you? you see, With Dark Sanctuary out, A ghost haunts this field, which means that what or who ever the ghost posses, it will strike back at your life points, not only that i gain life points too.''

Bakura [2000 + 1000 = 3000LP]

''Ouch my stomach, Okay but now i know the ghost possesed Earl, that mean my Jutsu Master can attack!!!''

''Wait Ryze its a trap!!!''

Bakura smiled and revealed a facedown card, '' I activate my facedown card, *Dark Spirit Of the Silent*, This trap card stop you monster attack and forces another monster to attack instead, Guess who i choose?''

Ryze looked at Earl and thought, ''(Well this is gonna hurt.)''

The ghost once again charges at Ryze and dealt him damage again.

''Argh!!!'' Ryze [3000 - 1000 = 2000LP]

''Hahaha, Thank you for giving me life points back.'' Bakura [3000 + 1000 = 4000LP]

''I end my turn...''

''Since you ended your turn, Another Letter is added to the board, The Letter (N)''

Another ghost letter appeared.

Bakura [4000LP] [Hand: 0]

Ryze [2000LP] [Hand: 0]

''The table has turned, hasn´t it Ryze? soon the shadows will take your soul and i get one step closer to obtaining what i want.''

Kaiba looked at the duel and thought that Bakura was about to win, the strategy has been working for Bakura to well, he doesn´t see how Ryze could win this.

''How is he able to have more then 5 spell and trap cards?, that should not be possible!?''

''but there is, Dark Sanctuary allows the player to have more spell and trap card zones.''

''That´s not fair!, how can a card allow so much!?''

''Yugi, This is not good, Ryze is about to lose the duel.''

Yugi was agreeing with Joey, Bakura has Ryze under his wraps, he doesn´t know any advice for Ryze to use agains´t Bakura.

''Well then, I draw!, Ahh, looks like my deck shows you no mercy, I activate my spell card, *The Dark Door*, With this, only one monster can attack per turn.''

Everyone was looking at the Ryze with worry, Now Ryze couldn´t win against Bakura next turn, which made it harder for him to win.

''I end my turn, My deck will make sure you suffer slowly!.''

Ryze looked at his deck, only 2 cards could help him right now, 1 was his Ace, Beast King Barbaros, Since he has 3 monster that helps his ability to destroy all cards on opponent side of the field, the other was his God card, The Wicked Card Eraser, since its a god the ghost couldn´t stop a wrath of a god.

''I draw!''

Ryze looked disappoined at the card he drew, *Big Bang Shot* was not the card he wanted right now, he hoped that the attack will not backfire, ''Legendary Jujitsu Master, Attack Bakura now!!!''

As the attacked charged and shoot a plasma ball from Jujitsu Masters hand, it hit Bakuras stomach with no ghost in sight.

''Urgh, lookes like you attacked right this turn.''

Bakura [4000 - 2000 = 2000LP]

''I end my turn.''

''And with it another letter, the next letter is, (A), Soon the final letter will go through!''

Bakura [2000LP] [Hand: 0]

Ryze [2000LP] [Hand: 1]

''My turn then, i draw!.''

Bakura looked at the card he drew and started to laugh very loudly.

''Looks like my deck want you to suffer at the most brutal point, i summon my *DoomCaliber Knight, In defence mode.''

[DoomCaliber Knight]

[Effect Monster]

[Attack: 1900]

[Defence: 1800]

Every Duelist watching was shocked and looked at Ryze with pity.

''Yugi, is there nothing we can do?''

''No Tea, With Bakura´s DoomCaliber Knight in play and the dark door on the field, Ryze is about to lose this duel.''

''But how come Yugi!?''

''DoomCaliber Knight has a special abillity is when a monster special ability is activated, he is destroying himself and destroyes the monster and negates it so even if Ryze pull his Ace monster, Beast King Barbaros, Its special ability will be negated and with Bakuras Dark Sanctuary in play, one monster is possesed and backfires back and with The Dark Door on the field, Only 1 attack is going thorugh, im afraid its over Tea.''

Everyone looked at Ryze hoping for a miracle.

''I end my turn, now then Ryze, How about you surrender now, you probably don´t want to suffer anymore, Give up, oh and once im done with Ryze, You are next Yugi!, i will have all Millenium Items Yugi!''

Ryze was silently closed his eyes, ''(Sigh, from what Yugi always say in the anime, Heart of the cards, guide me!!!)'' Ryze looked at his card he drew and with a big smile he laughed out loud, Ryze drew his card which made him laugh.

''Have you gone insane?, is the despair getting to you?, it´s all over for you Ryze!''

Ryze slowly started calm down, ''Oh im sorry, was just thinking i just won the duel.''

Bakura looked at Ryze with Confusion, ''(He must be bluffing, He has no way to escape this.)''

''So before i play this card, have you heard of the Egyptian god cards Bakura?''

Bakura was shocked, He has indeed heard of them, It was the cards Marik desires and the reason why he is here.

Kaiba and the other looked at Ryze with confusion too, What is Ryze trying to pull.

''Enough, I don´t know what you are playing Ryze, but get on with the duel, Stalling on this duel when its only one turn left is taking too long, we have life to get to and franctly, i rather this move on.''

Ryze looked at Kaiba, ''Oh well, was about to say.'' Ryze looked at bakura and then showed one card.

''(Did he just ignore me)!?''

''What if i tell you there are more then the Egytian god cards?''

------------ What!?

Everyone was looking at Ryze With Extreme shock, Especially Kaiba, Yugi and Namu (Marik).

''I sacrifice my Earl Of Demise, Zombyra The Dark and Legendary Jujitsu Master to summon the almigty god who rival all those who oppose it, I summon THE WICKED GOD, ERASER!!!''

The Sky suddenly turned dark with dark lightning, the aircraft was surrounded by snake like body, with, a huge dragon clouded with dark skin, twin-mouthed dragon showed himself and roared at Bakura.

''J-Joey, What is that!?''

''The Biggest Duel Monster card i ever seen!!!''

Both Yugi and Kaiba looked at this beast with suprise, There were more God card then the Egyptian God cards!?

Yugi´s, Kaiba´s and Marik´s deck was shining, they felt a presence and wanted to be summoned, but they didn´t noticed since they were too shocked right now.

Ishizu witness what was happening outside and was equally as shocked, This very beast had the same energy as the Egyptian God card, It should not be possible!

''W-What is this!?''

Ryze was looking at Bakura with a serious face, ''Say hello to my God card.''

[The Wicked Eraser]

[Divine Monster]

[Attack: ????]

[Defence: ????]

The Wicked God Roared at Bakura with extreme Rage, Making Bakura lose his cool.

''So let me tell you about my god card special ability, He gains 1000 attack points for every card on your side of the field.''

Bakura was shocked, that would mean this beast would have 7000 Attack Points!?

Bakura then relised that he still was safe, he had his knight in defence mode, that means even if his monster is gone, his life points would still be safe.

''Oh i guess you still think you are safe Bakura, Far from it, I activate my Spell card, *Big Bang Shot* this card give one of my monster 400 attack points but also the ability to do damage even if opponent is in defence mode.''

The Wicked Eraser [Attack: 7000 + 400 = 7400ATK]

Bakura couldn´t belive his eyes and ears, He was about to lose, ''NOO i was so close, Who are you!!!''

Ryze was looking tired and looked at Bakura with a smile, ''Me? Just a man trying to live his best life.''

Ryze pointed at Bakura´s monster and then made a sign, the thumbs down sign which the god saw as a sign to attack.

The Wicked God dark lighting that surrounds him went towards it´s mouth and was ready to blast at Bakura.


The attack fires at Bakura and hit the entire field.

Bakura [1800 - 7400 = 5600 - 2000LP =0LP]

''W-Winner, Ryze Minato!!!''


Hope you liked the first Duel, Longest duel i made so far and tried to make it as detailed as possible. Will be interesting with the other duels soon, Who will face who? we will find out soon.

If i made a mistake do tell.

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