"You're still going with me?!" You hear Kyla crying through your phone that was on speaker.
"Yeah, meet me at Penn Station by 3 so that we can get a good spot on line."
"Okay, okay! For a while I thought you bailed on me! How are things between you and Yoongi, by the way?"
"Um…" Lowering the volume drastically, you glance off to the side. "...it's rocky, I guess you can say."
"You've been getting some good dick from him, haven't you?! I'm so damn jealous!" Kyla squeals. "And here I was the one who was introduced to him first while your ass was drunk! You owe me!"
"Hey, hey!" You hiss. " You stan Jimin right? Maybe I can get you to meet him."
"No way—" You can hear the expression on Kyla's face. "You met Jimin, too?!"
"A lot happened after you left, Kyla."
"You need to tell me EVERYTHING when we link up!"
"I will." Glancing at Yoongi who was preparing to leave, you whisper. "I will."
After hanging up, you fold your arms and lean to one side, questioning the star's early dismissal.
"We have to make sure things are running in order." He walks up to you, beginning a staring competition. "Why?"
Caught offguard by his response, you fumble in your words. "N-Nothing. I'm just curious."
Awkward silence continues.
Yoongi glances away and sighs. Redirecting his eyes to you lips, he keeps his attention on them before finally meeting you eyes again.
"It's finally D-Day."
Snickering, Yoongi replies, "It's not D-Day until I hit the stage tonight."
For some reason, that comeback made your insides bubble. Hugging yourself, you nod. "You don't say?"
"I want to feel alive tonight…especially after everything's that happened." The rapper adds, "And…I'm sorry that my manager has been giving you a hard time."
"He's just doing his job, Yoongi." Shaking your head, you whisper. "Besides…I'm out of the demographics many Koreans go for anyway."
"Hajima." Yoongi snaps. "Don't say that."
"I'm just saying, Yoongi! I can see it on Mr. Yun's face! He hates the fact that you've been sleeping with me. And he knows that he can't do much about it because you've progressively made a name for yourself and your contract is different now. He can't force you to not have sex with me!"
Hushing your lips with his finger, Yoongi smiles. "You're getting worked up."
You move his hand away. "Listen Yoongi…stop worrying about me. I'll be fine. Enjoy yourself tonight."
"Are you sure you don't want to just come with me? Yunnie told me that you refused late last night."
Frowning, the star mutters, "...Mr. Yun."
Losing character, you smile briefly at Yoongi's nickname for his manager. "Ah."
"Anyways, it's not too late. I'm about to leave so that my team and I can get to the center."
"I promised Kyla months ago that I would go with her to see you."
"Kyla?" He furrows an eyebrow questioningly.
"My best friend? She was at the hotel, where I met you…not drunk."
"Oh! You mean the girl who bopped you in the head a few times when you were drunk! She can just come with us."
"This early?" You glance at the time on the wall. "It's about to be 1:00 PM."
"So what? This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to be more VIP than the VIP's already camping at the stadium to get in."
Nodding your head, you had to agree.
ARMY fans would go through a lot just to get a good spot on line.
But you declined. "We'll see you later Yoongi. Enjoy."
The rapper was visibly saddened. His head motions up and down slowly, still realizing that you rejected him entirely. "...okay. I'll…see you later, then." Yoongi about faces, heading to the door.
You felt bad seeing how disappointed Yoongi was in your decision.
But he stops abruptly, returning to you.
Confused, your hands fall to your sides, questioning what Yoongi was doing.
He leans forward, giving you a kiss on the lips. He caresses your cheek gently, looking into your eyes. Exhaling, Yoongi finally separates from you and leaves.
It took everything in you to not give in. You were on the verge of caving in until he forfeited.
Lowering your head, you inhale deeply.
Time was passing by slowly. By the time it was ready to go, you had everything together—from your hair down to your toes. You didn't have an opportunity to get your nails done since the schedule was tight. But you didn't mind.
It wasn't as if anyone would be paying attention to your fingers or toes.
Once you and Kyla meet up, the two of you head to the Jersey Line at Penn Station. You board the train, following your best friend to a two-seater.
Sitting, you close your eyes, waiting for the train to finally move.
Once it began moving, it swiftly picked up many passengers who were going to see Yoongi. You could tell by their attire and conversations that they were fans.
"I can't believe we're actually doing this!" Kyla squeals. "I've been waiting months—MONTHS for this opportunity!"
"I can't wait either…" You sigh.
Kyla notices you're downcasted, leaning in close. "Did something happen between you two?"
Putting your hand over her mouth, your gesture for her to hush. "Lower your voice…who knows if any of these people are listening?"
Kyla peels your hand from her lips. "No one cares, (Y/N). No one's even listening nor cares about what we're saying."
"Girl, don't be stupid!" You look around carefully. "I'm pretty sure these girls can put two and two together if they really wanted to."
"And they won't," Kyla successfully pulls your hand down to the two of your laps. "Now tell me, what's been going on between you two!" She starts to cheese. "I know he gave you that good good!"
"Kyla!" You breathe.
Oh, who am I kidding? We're here to enjoy ourselves. Not worry about what everyone else thinks, right?
"He definitely did." You smile. "In fact, for a while, it was every night. I would be extremely sore after he begs me to do one more round…He definitely knows how to make a girl throw it back.
The brunette clutches her fists and groans. "Ugh, it's not fair! Why couldn't he invite me into the bedroom for some fun, too?!"
"You already have your boyfriend."
"Yeah, but having a member of BTS member ram you like a truck is something you don't get to experience everyday at ALL. You lucky bastard!" Kyla hits you playfully.
Laughing, you shush her again. "Okay, okay!"
Kyla folds her arms. "Is Yoongi going to let us see him backstage after the show? That would be cool!"
That never crossed your mind. "I'm not sure."
"Did you ask him?!"
You frown. "No."
"Why not?!"
"Kyla…" You inhale. "…we got into an argument a few nights ago. I don't wanna talk about it though."
"What?" Kyla gawks at you. "What happened?"
"It's nothing, really. It's pretty stupid, actually. I just want him to enjoy himself tonight. Besides, it's D-Day. Let him have his fun."
"He didn't hurt you or anything, did he?"
"Not physically, no."
Gasping, Kyla shouts, "Yoongi broke your heart?!"
A few passengers' heads turn to the two of you, making you shrink in your seat. Gripping your best friend's hand you tell her to stop talking so loud.
"You said that you'd tell me everything that happened after I left!"
"Yes, and I will. So, stop making a scene. I don't need anyone looking at us like we're delusional."
"Fine." The brunette sits back in her seat with her arms folded.
Exhaling, you explain to your best friend what has you on a rut.
"Seriously? You just expect him to make a huge decision like that on a whim?"
"Well, I mean—he did sleep with me plenty of times. I've become so attached to him, it's driving me crazy."
"Wasn't there any mutual agreement about what either of you wanted out of this…affair?"
Struck by Kyla's question, you silenced.
She could tell by your mute response that neither of you ever discussed your needs and expectations. "Holy shit, (Y/N). You really are crazy."
"Listen, I know I messed up, okay? I should have thought this through."
"And he's super famous? Let alone—part of BTS—"
"BTS—" You interject. "I know. Let's just drop this."
When the two of you arrive at your stop in Long Island and a crowd of passengers get off, the two of you follow suit.
There were coach buses waiting at the notion of the stairs waiting to pick up the concertgoers.
"They actually have coach buses waiting for us?!" You and Kayla gawk.
She grabs your hand, rushing to the door. The driver nods, letting you two go up the stairs. Kyla was venturing towards the back, but you stop her and point at the seats in the front.
"Let's stay here. We can get off the bus first to find the line."
"Good thinking."
Settling in the front row, you see many other girls—and a few guys—piling into the bus.
You had so many thoughts circulating through your mind. How would the lines be? And how long would it take to find your seats? You've been here from a previous concert, and you fared. But this time, you didn't have any friends who were early goers that could help you jump the line.
The bus finally stops at the destination, letting everyone off. You were astonished to see how many fans were already there.
No signs helped figure out right away where the line starts. Glancing behind you, Kyla was recording the scene as many of the people on the bus went off in their own directions, leaving you confused on where to go.
"This is crazy." Kyla starts texting someone.
"Um, Kyla…I don't see where the line starts."
The brunette was distracted by her phone, not paying attention to what you were saying. Pulling her by her shirt, you lead her up the stairs that lead to the main campus of the concert. There were lines everywhere.
You ask a few people what certain lines lead to, but many of them had no clue—or maybe they just didn't want to tell you.
You see someone wearing an orange high-beam vest, prompting you to rush over to him. "Excuse me sir! Do you know where the main line starts?"
Your eyes follow his hand which points in the direction that leads you down the road the bus came from. "Back there, Miss."
Your heart sinks seeing how far back the line goes. "Oh, god…"
"All the way back there?!" Kyla gapes.
"You might wanna start going before the line gets longer."
The both of you groan, speed walking as fast as possible.
"You couldn't ask Yoongi to get us in?!" Kyla cries.
You felt like an idiot. How could you forget that so many fans would be here before the two of you? These fans were more dedicated than you've ever been to BTS—and you've been a fan since their debut.
"I'm sorry!" You gush as you struggle to keep up.
You soon reach the back of the line. Looking ahead, you see how much farther you were from the front of the line. "This really sucks…"
"We'll never get in!" Looking at the time on her lock screen, Kyla groans. "It's already 6:30… the concert starts at 7:00. There's NO way we're gonna make it."
Hearing that brought on a rude awakening. "Damn…" Holding your phone to your face, you scroll through your contacts down to Yoongi's name. You wanted to call him so bad to come rescue you and Kyla from this nightmare.
But you couldn't.
You close your eyes, trying your best to grasp some positive outlook on this situation.
"Well…at least we're here."
"Yeah, we're here early, and we're going to be late! This is ridiculous! They should have been started letting us in!"
"Would you girls like any collectibles?"
The two of you turn to see a woman holding cards protected in a fancy plastic ziplock.
"Oh, yes!" Kyla claps.
Handing you and your best friend a few cards, you see that Yoongi's face was on all of them. He looked so handsome…and colorful.
"My boy looks so good in these outfits, I'm so proud!" Kyla holds her card up to the sun to see its authenticity. Disappointed, she retracts her arm and hides the card in her purse. "It's seethrough…she's lucky he looks good on this.
You couldn't help but feel bad that the two of you were stuck on this extended line that appears to go on forever. For sure, neither of you were getting in before the show starts.
It was finally nearing 7:00 PM.
An uproar occurs in the distance up ahead. It was very far ahead from where you stood on line. It sounded as though there was a crowd of fans screaming from excitement.
"Is Yoongi up there saying hi?!" Kyla was getting fired up, ready to beeline to the action.
Gripping her arm, you say, "I don't think Yoongi is up there. They're probably just excited and reacting to each other's energy."
"Oh, I guess that can be it."
It was finally 7:01 PM.
And your line finally starts moving.
Inch by inch you move up, but it wasn't enough to scale the distance you were from the entrance. The line's distance to the entrance can be compared to wrapping around a Manhattan city block three times. It was at least a five minute walk if you were to just get off the line and head to the front. But at the pace you are moving, it's going to take another hour or two.
Kyla was whining, angry that her punctuality was still not enough to get a good line spot. "I have to actually camp here the night before!"
Don't give up. You tell yourself. At least I'll get to see the rest of his concert.
Out of the blue, two men in security suits march their way down the sidewalk, coming in your direction. They definitely stand out because of how stoic they move in uniform. They're facial expressions were also too serious to think they're showing off.
Kyla leans in and whispers, "What's up with those guys?"
"No clue. And I don't wanna find out." Glancing away, you eye your phone, trying to find a signal.
"Excuse me."
Your eyes dart up at the two men whom you just criticized. "Can I help you?"
"Are you (FN/LN)?"
Speechless, you stare. "Why do you ask?"
The two men look at each other and nod. "Follow us. We have been requested to bring you inside by the order of Yoongi's team."
Your jaw drops.
Everyone—including Kyla— stares in disbelief.
"A-Are you messing with me?"
"Follow us."
As they walk away, you let them know that Kyla is with you.
"Mr. Min requested that we bring you."
"I'm not going anywhere without my best friend. He already knows why I didn't go with him which is because of Kyla."
"WHAT?! So, Yoongi DID ask you to come with him early and you didn't take the chance?!"
Pinching the bridge of your nose, you try to conceal the situation.
"Let's not make this scene any bigger than it already is."
"Both of you. Come with us."
You both stare at each other before stepping off
the line.
"Wait—" You raise your arm to halt Kyla. "What if this is a trap?"
The two men roll their eyes. "If you'd like to continue waiting on this line, be our guest. We'll just let the team know you refused again."
Their statements were irrefutable. "Fine."
You follow them with Kyla tailing behind you.
Your brain was in shambles. Everyone around you on the line had a disgusted look on their face. Of course this seemed like classic stage acting.
Oh, if only they knew.
Their beloved KPop idol was absolutely smashing you.
A wide grin splits across your lips. You couldn't help but feel some sort of adrenaline from that thought.
Soon enough, you reach the entrance. There were so many branches of lines leading to each door that had scanners stationed. There was absolutely no way you could have combated the time with people having to each be scanned.
The security informs the two officers who are at the scanner to let the two of you through.
"Take out your phone, any other device, keys, etc. Make sure nothing is in your pockets."
Heeding the instructions, Kyla enters first with you following after. The security takes you to the booth to scan your tickets and leads you up the escalator.
Curious, you ask them, "Where are you taking us?"
"To the floor."
"The floor?" You furrow an eyebrow.
The reason why you asked was because Yoongi had questioned where you'd be sitting last night, and was unhappy by your choice of seating.
It was evident that Yoongi pulled a few strings to get you to the first level.
Walking on the floor felt so different compared to the energy this place gave off last night. The emptiness made the stadium feel like a fresh start to a new life. Being here surrounded by all of these fans, however, made you wake up back to reality.
This is real.
Walking towards the stage, it was just like before. You couldn't really see much of anything because the platforms were pretty high.
The security ends their journey, leading you and Kyla to two seats that were set directly along the border of the stage. You could practically stand next to Yoongi—if it were allowed.
Looking at Kyla, she was visibly shaken by where she was. "I didn't even pay a quarter of the price to get the tickets that are down here! And we're actually down here!"
Smiling, you nod and look at the security. "Thank you."
"Don't thank us. Thank Mr. Min." Handing you and Kyla special passes on a lanyard, the men add, "Keep these on so that they know that the two of you are special guests. You can go backstage after the show is finished."
"Can we?!" Kyla squeals. "This isn't happening!"
After setting a barricade around you both to separate other concertgoers, they take their leave.
Whispering, Kyla says, "We're…actually…"
"…here." You exhale.
The lights suddenly dims, and a spotlight beams on a few selected points on stage. The crowd begins to roar, cheering Yoongi's name.
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