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92.85% Kunoichi amongst Pirates (Naruto Onepiece crossover) (Sakura centric) / Chapter 26: Encounter with The Warlord

Kapitel 26: Encounter with The Warlord

GOOD EVENING MARVELOUS READERS! It is that time of the month again and in a good way! New chapters for all!

I've been diligent in writing as much as I can manage, and there's still a ways to go but like anything in life it takes one day at a time, one foot in front of the other.

But don't forget to take a well deserved break once in a while and curl up with a good read!


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Sakura believed her captain would exhibit some sense of tact when standing in the middle of enemy territory, instead of cautious glances to the doors and whispered instructions, he boistered through the casino. Like a lunatic, as Sakura couldn't find a better word to describe it. And proceeded to scream for Crocodile to appear.




Sakura hit Luffy from the back of his head, "Luffy! Shut it! You're going to get us caught,"


"Sakua why'd you hit me?" Luffy whined.


"Because you are being an idiot!"


Nami also hissed at him, "We're dealing with this country's hero. Do you want to make the patrons our enemies too?"


"Without Vivi, we won't know who Crocodile is," Usopp added, glancing around nervously. They didn't need security trying to round them out of the casino, where Baroque Works agents would likely be waiting for them, along with a nice handful of marines.


"Oh, you're right,"


Luffy, Nami, and Usopp collectively called out, despite their warnings. "Vivi, Crocodile, where are you!"


"What is the matter with the three of you!"

Sakura didn't hesitate to administer a smack to the head of each of her friends. Just enough to hurt not enough to knock them out. The commotion they caused had already attracted attention, with curious gazes fixed upon the Straw Hat crew from the patrons, as well as some security they were yet to notice.


There was also the angry marine captain hot on their tail. Smoker was determined to catch them even if it meant shoving through security who attempted to usher him out the door as government officials weren't allowed in the establishment. However, his sights were set and nothing was going to sway him.

"Oh crap here he comes!" exclaimed Nami.


"You won't get away, Straw Hat!"




At Sakura's command, the group dispersed, weaving through the casino's maze-like layout in an attempt to evade the pursuing marine captain. They didn't want to leave the casino, Vivi would be there at some point and Crocodile was meant to be there as well.


"We've got to shake this guy," said Sakura.


"My attacks don't work on him!" exclaimed Luffy. "If we hit him, he just turns into smoke, so what do we do?"


"Like I said, run," They couldn't have the marine interrupting their confrontation with Crocodile. Considering they were attacking a warlord who had protection from the government, Smoker could intervene with their mission as well.

'Where are you, Vivi?'


"Dammit, what's he even doing in Rainbase?" Usopp queried. Worriedly glancing back. He could liken the experience to running away from a mad bull with how Smoker was charging at them. And the way he was crashing through security like they were paperweights. Of course, their group wasn't much better, doing the same when the casino security attempted to get them to stop rampaging.


"I'd say he's taken a liking to Luffy," Zoro remarked, also stealing a glance back but with a much lighter tone.


This chase continued but took an odd turn as more employees appeared, but instead of trying to force the rambunctious group out, they literally rolled out a red carpet. By now, patrons were pulled away from their slot machines and cards to watch the live entertainment. It was clear: their arrival in Rainbase had stirred up more trouble than they bargained for.


So when the welcome mat rolled out to another part of the casino, leading away from the audience, they. Hand stretched out with stiff smiles, gesturing for them to follow through the door with VIP painted on it.


"This has to be a trap," Nami stated.


"Like we have a choice," Zoro said, looking back at Smoker.


They ran through the door, leading them into a hallway. There was a split path, one that said VIP and the other that said pirates that way.


"VIP!" said Usopp but Luffy wasn't having it.


"We're pirates, pirates go this way!" Luffy declared turning right. They were met not only with an empty hallway but also a dead end. Smoker was able to easily catch up to the cornered pirates, but he was also skeptical about the path they had followed.

And his instincts were correct. As the floors opened beneath them.

"Go for the pirate's path, yeah great idea Luffy!" Sakura cursed as they plummeted.




"This was not our fault," Usopp and Luffy stated, as they stared blankly beyond the bars of the cage they were currently trapped in. Along with Zoro, Nami, Sakura, and even Smoker. They surveyed their surroundings. The room appeared to be a spacious office, adorned with a large desk right in their line of vision. Papers were strewn about, but through the wide windows, they could see nothing but water and large yellow gators, bigger than their ship crossing over the glass from time to time.


"I TOLD YOU THIS WAS A TRAP," Nami screamed.


Sakura couldn't help but let out an exasperated sigh, covering her face with one hand. The absurdity of the situation was giving her a headache.


"How the hell could this happen?" Her pride was wounded, by getting caught this easily.


Luffy was gripping at the bars trying to use his strength to bend them, only to be hit with a sudden sense of fatigue. His usual exuberance was replaced by a sudden weariness, as he slumped against the cage, stating he wasn't feeling too good.


"Luffy what's wrong?" Sakura asked.


Smoker, approached Luffy without a word, and in a swift, practiced motion, he struck Luffy, with his jutte, the weapon's tip pressing down on his stomach. It wasn't an attack that seemed enough to take down the straw hat captain, but Luffy found himself unable to resist or counter in any way.


"What's going on? I feel so weak…," Luffy mumbled.

Smoker, spoke with a cold stare down at Luffy, "At the tip of this jutte is a material known as Sea Prism Stone. It has the same effect as the sea, rendering Devil Fruit users helpless, just as if they were submerged in water."


That revelation certainly made the atmosphere damper, Sakura knew that meant she would be affected by that stone as well, and if Smoker hadn't tried to leave the cage yet, it meant that he simply couldn't. Sakura had yet to try to use chakra to break out of the cage, but the first thing to deal with was the marine captain.

"Get off of him!"


Nami also chided, "If what you're saying is true, then there's no point in us fighting!"


Zoro had his blade drawn, waiting to take a swing at Smoker, but Usopp pointed out it was useless since the blade would literally just go through him. However common sense in this situation was already dissipating.


Glancing over through the bars, Sakura saw what had evaded her the first time, she had meant to look at the gator swimming across the window only to lock eyes in the reflection. And it was not her own.


She called out, "Hey you over there, show yourself!"

Heads turned and the bickering stopped, as the tension in the room shifted. The chair behind the imposing desk slowly swiveled, revealing a large imposing figure of a man with slicked-back hair and a scar etched across his face.


"And here I thought you lot would continue to give a good show, too bad,"

Smoker was able to immediately identify the man, and he announced him like a bad taste in his mouth. "Crocodile,"


"That's Crocodile!" exclaimed Usopp.


Luffy, who was still under Smoker's jutte looked to the side where he could see the warlord. Watching them with bemused eyes.

"Every bit the lowlife sea scum I imagined,"

Crocodile smiled, as if Smoker had just complimented him, "You're every bit the wild dog Smoker. Seems like you never thought I was on your side,"


"Only fools would," Crocodile replied.


Pushing back his seat, Crocodile stood and sauntered over to the cage, "I do believe you'll die in the line of battle, fighting valiantly against the Straw Hat pirates,"


The warlord was already certain that Smoker had acted alone in coming to Alabasta. And he was correct. It would only make disposal that much easier.

In the confrontation, Smoker finally released Luffy from under his weapon, and he didn't waste any time standing to face Crocodile. Challenging him, as he said he would since they arrived in the desert country.


"Crocodile, fight me!"


Crocodile's smug smile stayed strong as he addressed Luffy with mockery, "You've done well to come this far, Straw Hat Luffy. But it seems your journey ends here. Once the guest of honor arrives, we can begin,"


'It has to be Vivi,' Sakura was very certain of this factor. There was only one person who had the potential to set things right in Alabasta and that was the princess. She had all the information regarding Crocodiles scheme. About Baroque works.

Crocodile would likely want to nip that in the bud. And she worried because Vivi was likely coming their way.

'I hope Vivi finds Sanji and Chopper before that,' Crocodile mentioned that he had sent Mrs. All Sunday after Vivi. If she was alone, it would be easier to capture her, not to mention they also had more Baroque Works agents searching for her.


'We can't let that happen,' Resolving to at least attempt, Sakura reeled back her fist.


Gathering chakra, putting in as much strength as she could, as she attempted to channel a powerful punch, that would hopefully break apart the cage. She rushed at the cage, throwing her fist forward to the cage.

The only reward for her effort was a tremor.

'It can't be,'


Unwilling to accept defeat yet, Sakura tried another powerful punch, again, and again, and again.


"Sakura please stop!" Nami called as she noticed the blood stain where Sakura had attacked. 


Sakura tried two more times, however, the results remained the same, as her fist made contact with the sea prism stone bars, a wave of weakness washed over her, draining her strength and distorting her chakra.

Gritting her teeth in frustration, Sakura recoiled from the bars, feeling the effects of the sea prism stone sapping her energy. Her normally formidable chakra reserves felt unstable and unreliable in the presence of the oppressive material.


"You idiot, did you forget ate a devil fruit too!?" Zoro exclaimed, pulling her away before she could make another attempt and rip into her knuckles until they were bare and bloody to the bone. 


"We can't just give up!" Sakura pushed Zoro away turning back to the cage.


"I didn't say we were! But it's obvious that's not going to work, so all you're doing is busting up your fists before we even get to fight!"


Reluctantly, Sakura pulled away, but not before catching eyes with the bemused warlord. It was unnerving to be trapped in a cage like she was. For all her super strength to be rendered useless.

It was as if she had fallen into the sea, and what dawned on Sakura was that with sea prism stone, she couldn't even rely on her chakra.


"That's some powerful punch you pack, too bad it's not going to do you much good in there," Mocked Crocodile, met only with Sakura's icy glare.


How were they going to get out of this one?





Being presumptuous was not a good quality for a shinobi, but Sakura didn't know how much more she would be able to take. In the few short minutes that had passed, the tension had left room for boredom which was being filled in the most ludicrous ways.


Zoro, perhaps exhausted from the lack of action, more than the dead-end ordeal, had fallen asleep like it was any other day. Meanwhile, Luffy, being Luffy. Decided to keep himself and Usopp entertained, pulling his face and mimicking his crew mates. This kept Usopp distracted from his fear and had him laughing.


Smoker was off the side, ignoring the whole fiasco. It was as if they had become little more than ornamental. And he was likely to stay that way unless their situation in the cage changed and he was able to freely move about and of course, attempt to arrest them. Sakura wondered if there was a way they could get out of this cage and leave him in so that there would be one less obstacle in their way.


Aside from that, all that was left on Sakura's mind was, just how concerned they really were for their well-being, and if they were even considering ways to escape.


If she had been with one of her ninja friends they would be formulating ways to escape this cage, find a way to pick the lock, something. But currently, everyone just seemed content to await for the rest of the cards to be played.


Nami like her, was less than amused. She couldn't stand waiting in this unknown situation, and finally her temper boiled over just as Luffy was imitating Sanji. She delivered to Usopp and Luffy a stern instruction to behave more like serious prisoners and conked them hard over their heads.



Meanwhile, Crocodile lounged casually at a nearby table, a feast laid out before him to enjoy, as he held an air of smug satisfaction watching the group in the cage. Like a spectacle at a zoo.



Suddenly, the heavy doors swung open, revealing the unexpected arrival of Vivi, accompanied by none other than Miss All Sunday herself.




"Welcome, princess VivI of Alabasta! No, Miss Wednesday! I'm impressed you managed to come this far,"


Crocodiles obvious taunt did not go unanswered. Like a trigger he was hoping to pull, the warlord watched as Vivi answered.


"I would go as far as it takes because I want you to die Mr. 0!"


As Vivi launched her attack on Crocodile, her peacock string chains were thrown with enough force to break through the top of the chair he sat on, while going through Crocodile's head. The sight surprised everyone, except for Smoker, who stated it was nothing more than a futile attempt.


They didn't understand until they watched as the Warlord effortlessly transformed into a cloud of sand, evading her assault unscathed. Then watching as Crocodile reassembled himself behind Vivi, capturing her.

He pointed out that the fact he was a devil fruit user of the sand-sand fruit should've been known to her already.


'So he's like Smoker' Taking down Crocodile was going to be a harder task than they first thought, as this was the first time they were learning about this power.


Forcing Vivi into a seat at the table, he began to explain his plans to her and the pirate group. "You've come at just the right time. The party is just about to begin,"


Operation Utopia. Crocodiles schemed to usurp the throne without raising any suspicion of having an active hand in Alabasta's destruction. Mr. 2 would impersonate King Cobra, and ensure that any remnants of faith left in the royal family were crushed. He would confess to stealing the rain, and with an army of Baroque Works agents in disguise, wipe out a town. They would cause so much destruction the rebel army wouldn't be able to stand still anymore.

Crocodile intended to draw so much blood, that not even the sands of Alabasta would be able to soak it away.


Then while chaos arose and just when Alabasta was on the brink of destruction, Crocodile intended to swoop in and take over.

The plan was so shocking that everyone had looks of disdain and horror after that explanation.

The irony to this was, that the rebel army and royal army would be working to both protect Alabasta and in turn destroy it along with each other.

 "How can you be so cruel!" Vivi screamed.

"Isn't it heartwarming? The love for a kingdom will be what brings it to ruin?"

Luffy screamed and charged at the cage, trying to break through but the moment he touched the sea prism stone he became visibly weak.

"Crocodile, I will kick your ass!"

The way Luffy said it, sounded as if he was making a solemn vow.

Vivi became irrational, forcing herself out of the chair against her restraints and trying to crawl, her determination was admirable but the reality was against her. Sakura knew this. Much was going to be a problem.

They weren't going to be able to do anything if they didn't get out of this cage.

'Sanji and Chopper are still out there. We might have a chance,' They just needed to get here without being detected and find them. Sanji's face wasn't seen by any of them yet, so he had the best chance of freeing them. But they were leaving that to chance.


"We're about to head to Alubarna. You can come with us if you want Princess Vivi. Or you can save your friends," Crocodile said dangling a key in front of her to what they assumed unlocked the cage.


Crocodile dropped the key just as Vivi was able to break free from her restraints, but the floor opened and it fell to a hidden bottom floor. A giant alligator emerged from the waters and then swallowed the key.


"OH CRAP!" There's no way they were getting out through the front door now!


"A bananagator!"


There was no way for them to tell which one had swallowed the key and even if they did, Vivi didn't have much hope of retrieving it from that creature's belly.


Sakura blew out a breath, 'That key is out of the question now,'


Crocodile went to leave but not without one final parting gift. He gave Vivi a warning that as he no longer had any use for the underground base, it would be submerged underwater in less than an hour. She could either try to escape to stop the rebel army and royal army, or she could attempt to save her pirate friends from a watery grave.

It was clear that he was just enjoying toying with her. Both outcomes were not within her reach.


'Of all the enemies I've faced, this guy got to be one of the craftiest,' Sakura frowned. Even she for a moment thought that Crocodile might leave her but apparently, he was not that foolish to allow even a sliver of hope to slip through his fingers.

So he had the floor hatch open with a giant bananagator coming out. The creature loomed over Vivi and didn't even turn to Crocodile and Miss All Sunday, which indicated clearly that it was trained well.


"Vivi you have to run!"


"Beat it up, Vivi!"


"You idiot, she can't beat that thing!" exclaimed Usopp.

Sakura bit her lip until it bled, 'As if things weren't bad enough!










If you want to get a hold of these latest chapters check out my Tumblr where you can join as a member. You can also get the update schedule to follow. As well as Fanart posts. 

The new Schedule for July and August are posted on my Tumblr with an IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT.

As well as a SNEAK PEEK for My new Story Kunoichi amongst Benders (Avatarxnaruto)



MEMBERS NOW: (bmcmember) 

 -NEW STORY: Kunoichi amongst Benders (Avatar x Naruto crossover) (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

-Kunoichi amongst Heroes chapter 65, 66, 67, 68

-Kunoich amongst heroes Spin Off: Movie Part 5 (Finished)

-Kunoichi amongst Heroes WHAT IF SPIN OFF: Dorms and Exams

-Kunoichi amongst Pirates chapter 26, 27, 28, 29

-Crossroads of Fate chapter 18, 19, 20, 21

-Through the Looking Glass chapter 22, 23, 24, 25, 26

-(SEQUEL) Through the Spyglass chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6

-SPECIAL HALLOWEEN CHAPTER: Shinigami amongst Shinobi



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