My eyes?!
What were wrong with my eyes?!
I started panting looking at myself in the mirror as I blinked numerous times at my glowing eyes. My hands then suddenly grew out nails, really sharp looking nails and then my teeth started growing out from the corners of my mouth.
I started hyperventilating, something was happening to me and my body and It was terrifying me. I quickly rushed to the bathroom stall.
I heard my best friend call out my name.
As much as I wanted to come out and show myself, I knew I couldn't. I practically looked like a monster, as I touched the tip of my pointed teeth from the corner of my mouth. Tears sprung my eyes.
"Are you ok? What's wrong?"
"I'M FINE!" I snapped loudly controlling my sudden rage.
"What's wrong?" Aria asked again in a worried tone.
"Nothing! I'm OK, Aria." I said trying to calm myself down.
"Jeana? Please tell me what's wrong?! You don't sound like yourself?"
I suddenly banged the door leaving a terrible scratch mark. My voice was very itchy and sounded heavy almost like heavy growl escaping.
"Jeana? Is there an animal inside with you?" She was sharp to have noticed.
"Then what's making all that noise? Talk to me!!.." she sounded scared and I could tell, because now I could hear her heartbeat rising fast. How the heck can I hear her heartbeat like that?!
I can't be around her. She can't see me like this, there must be something going on with me!. What the heck happened to me?
"Aria, you need to go. I'm fine, I'll catch up with you later?" I said in my most calmest normal tone of voice, I produced. Aria sighed.
"Fine! I expect you to call me when your ready to talk." She said angrily and slammed the door shut.
I was crying on the floor. What the hell was happening to me?
After I calmed down I got out of the cubicle and saw my self in the mirror. My features had turned back to normal. Was I having a bad side effect to the medication I was on? Was that it? Was I seeing things?
I then opened the bathroom door, and my heart pounded in my chest. I saw the claw marks upon the door, I made earlier and it frightened me to the core. Shit I did that. That was no illusion! Something was happening to me and I didn't know what it was.
For now I closed the door, took a deep breath in and exhaled relaxing again. Ignorance is a bliss. Pretend like that didn't happen. I nodded at myself and realised my heat spell was gone. I felt back to normal as strange as that felt.
It was the end of last period.
I remembered that I had to take my red note book back. So I reluctantly returned to my bio class. Mr Chase watched me like a hawk, but I gave him no attention. No my attention was on my new neighbour whom I was quite pissed of at.
I groggily returned back to my seat and found that every person in class had left. My things were still at the far end of the classroom and I sat back down and immediately keeping my head on the desk.
This was going to be a long detention.
"What is this 'New Project' about? And why have you got the police 100 code down Miss McCredie?"
Why are people so nosey these days? Snapping out of my recent thoughts of WTF just happened to me back in the bathroom, earlier. I returned my attention back in front to see Mr.Chase reading my red note book freely.
I walked up to his desk and immediately grabbed it from his hand. Really bold of me to do that, but honestly I really don't care if he finds me rude for snatching back what is mine.
"You're not supposed to read something that is private and confidential to me, sir." I said in the most respective tones, altogether.
I was expecting Mr Chase to glare or shout at me but then he let out a deep amused chuckle surprising me.
"Oh, come now no need to get so defensive around me. Infact I can help you out? I'm rather intrigued by your private investigation you're conducting on school grounds?" He asked curiously.
Ok, why is he getting up all in my business?! He shouldn't get involved like this, not when the information I hold is kinda dangerous. Besides this is my solo project that I want to solve by myself.
"Master, said not to talk." I boldly sassed back.
"Is that right?"
I kept a
He said walking up close so close to me, that quite frankly he alarmed me for a moment with his deep intimidating stare.
Be cool. He's just a scary teacher.
A scary somewhat handsome looking teacher!
Crap, I hate how Aria is always right about him being handsome.
Even so, I was not attracted to him that way. I was actually quite terrified of his presence, and being all alone with him in the classroom made my heart pound when he stared deeply at me.
Whatever! He's still a teacher and he knows very well that he can't touch students or his @ss will be fired!
He had now taken a very close proximity towards and tilted his head in deep thought.
"Are you feeling ok Miss McCredie? Because you know I'm here to talk to if something is going on with you?"
He placed a warm hand upon my shoulder and I nervously gulped.
His hand on my shoulder almost made me want to tell him the truth. I don't know what it was about Mr Chase, but when he said that to me, it really warmed my heart. I knew he was a kind teacher but then again there was something about his aura that terrified me to my core.
I shrugged his hand away and I simply nodded at him, with my heart skipping beats.
"I..I'm feeling just fine sir." I said with a nervous stutter.
I took a nervous step back easily lowering my defensive gaze at him. Then he played a silly smirk upon his face then out of the blue he quickly grabbed my red book from my hand so fast making me surprised.
"Miss McCredie, I know you're a new student at Apollo high, and although i've been teaching class for over two years now, I know when my students are lying to me. I'm really disappointed in you for not confiding in me?"
I knew he was giving a shot at reaching out to me again, and quite frankly I did appreciate that but I was not prepared to tell him what the hell happened to me just now when I didn't know myself.
"With all due respect sir, don't try and act like you're suddenly my best friend because we're not, you're not my friend sir, and you're definitely not the school consular or therapist. You're just my biology teacher whose got my book that I'd like to have back please." I spoke with in my normal tone, still quite pissed at him on a certain level.
Chase smiled and shook his head, making me easily fire him a very annoyed gaze.
"Master said go back to your seat and not to talk." He grinned and winked then turned on his heel making his way back to his desk.
I hate this guy!
I wished to tackle him to the floor and grab my book out of his hands. But I controlled that crazy notion of mine. If I dared to attack the teacher I'd no doubt get expelled and then I'd have to face Dad who then interrogate me why the hell would I do that, because I'm not a violent girl by nature. But something inside of me was telling me to fight back.
Stop being a p^ssy all the time and stand up for myself for once.
There was no way I could stand up to Mr Chase. As handsome and annoying as he was, he was a teacher who unfortunately I had to obey.
I went back to the seat and fired daggers at Mr Chase who continued reading my personal note book.
Damn him.
Moments later, the classroom door opened up.
"Vince, Luke and Diego. Glad you could make it." Mr Chase said cheerfully as they all now turned their eyes back at me. Luke and Diego smirked at me while Vincent looked at me with a brief smile plastered on his extremely handsome face.
I returned his brief smile with a brief annoyed glare of mine.
"Hey there cutie." Hulio winked my way.
I gave him a silent annoyed look. He was known to be a playboy since he was no doubt trying to flirt with Aria previously too.
"Oh, she doesn't look so happy to be here, Luke." Hulio said to his friend.
Luke. The one with the red jock jacket with brown hair and deep brown eyes chuckled at me. I just returned my attention back in my book and continued with the notes that I had to right up.
Keeping my mind busy from the late gang that arrived, I found my previous neighbour sitting beside me once more.
Butterflies instantly played up in my stomach as he sat down beside me.
"Must you sit here?" I said not looking up from my book.
"Yes, I thought you look cold back here and decided to warm you up."
He put an arm around me making me freeze. What the hell is he doing?
Acting so friendly with me?
I immediately pinched of his arm away and looked at him.
"Don't touch me." I said bluntly, with clear warning in my tone.
He earned a chuckle from my his friends and I looked up to see Mr Chase, stuck in my red book again. Why is that stupid nosey teacher not paying attention to his trouble making students?
Vincent caught me staring at him and he darted his eyes to the front too.
"I see we have another fan reading over there?"
Vincent was getting on my nerves and I ignored him as best that I could. I sighed returning my attention back to my work book and text book that I was writing notes from.
"You know Jeana, I don't mind doing a 415 right now with you?"
I looked at him, meeting his attractive blue eyes. How could he have possibly know what that code meant when he had the book for only 5 minutes earlier?!
"I don't know what your talking about?" I said returning my attention back to work and decided to play dumb.
He smirked and came close to my ear and whispered.
"You know exactly what I'm talking about. Infact I don't mind doing a 261 with you any time of the day."
His hand went under the table and suddenly squeezed at my mid thigh. My returned my hot firey gaze at him earning me a wink from his pretty face. I blushed hard as he stroked my thigh playfully, and quite shocked and afraid of what he just said to me.
I had enough of his stupid cocky behaviour. My heart rate was rising once more and I had to get away from this dangerous guy immediately.
I slapped Vincent so hard that he finally let go of me.
I quickly packed my things and moved away from him, and immediately sat up front to where Mr Chase's desk was.
No way in hell am I causing a 415 (disturbance) with you and no way are you ever ever coming close to 261 (raping) me you disgusting, despicable guy!
He was not affected by my slap at all.
Infact Vincent rubbed his cheek suggestively then licked his lips and then shot a wink at me.
Crazy guy.
"Miss McCredie did you find anything on the rooftop that day?" Mr Chase asked in a serious tone.
I really, really didn't want to answer that, but the way he strictly gazed at me.
"Master said not to talk." I reminded
Hulio then threw me a paper ball.
I uncrumpled the paper and saw a message.
'Meet me after school. V xxx ;)'
I crumpled the paper and shot it the nearest bin scoring it in.
"Oh, nice shot babe." Vincent said clapping in approval of my obvious answer.
Wait did he just call me babe?
Why did that make me happy?
Stop it Jeana, he's a bad boy that wants to do 415 and 261 with you!
"Hey, why are you calling Chase Master? You like him or something McCredie?" Hulio made kissy noises making Luke and Vincent laugh at me. Teasing bunch aren't they? I rolled my eyes and continued on with my work.
"Hulio, the next time you throw something at her, I'll throw you out of the class." Chase fired in his strict calm tone.
"But Vince here told MMM!" Vince clamped Hulio's mouth and shook his head. Then he turned his attention back at Chase and grinned at him.
Chase ignored him and turned his attention back at me.
"Master said to talk Jeana." Chase spoke making me look up from my work.
I shook my head trying to keep him out of my business as much as possible. Chase leaned back in his chair and sighed out, almost ready to give up on the matter.
"Jeana. I need an answer or I'll book you down for another detention for misbehaviour."
"Why can't you just drop it sir? Really this doesn't concern you." I almost snapped but retained my tone to my normal calm one.
"If something dangerous is going on at this school, it's my duty to know, now tell me or you'll come to me with the principal's office to explain your private investigation personally. Do you want to go there?" He warned in a low tone.
I nervously gulped. I easily submitted into his intimidation and answered.
"Nope. Didn't find anything at all. Nothing at all in fact it was just paint." Keeping a straight poker face. Mr Chase looked right through me.
He knew very well I was lying.
It was definitely not paint. I had gone back to the rooftop and the mysterious paint was gone. It was washed off completely and luckily I did find some trace of it. I'd had taken a chemical from the school lab to prove my theory and I'd been correct.
It had been blood.
However, I was unsure if it was human blood or animal blood.
Afterall that strange growl I'd heard that day, made me assume it might have been a blood of an animal, and if it was an animal? Then what kind was it?
"Hmmm. Since there's no cause for alarm I suggest you forget about your personal project of yours."
The guys had been quite all along. I hate the fact they were eagerly listening to our conversation. I thought they'd be busy on their phones or plugged their ears in by now to avert their boring attention from me.
"Good job on the codes by the way…and don't let me catch you doing a 390 or 420 for that matter."
He laughed and so did the Vincent from the back. Luke and Diego seemed to shrug their head not knowing what they were laughing at.
But I knew.
I gave Mr Chase a short glare and rolled my eyes at him. How could he possibly think I'm that kind of girl?
"Hmmm, yes so hilarious." I sarcastically remarked mimicking him with the Hmmm sound, he so deeply liked to say.
Sure Mr Chase, let me just do a 390 (Get Drunk). Plus I'll do a 420.(Possession of Marijuana) Just because I didn't look so good a minute ago he probably assumed I was on drugs! Stupid crazy intimidating teacher, I fought the urge not to roll my eyes but failed miserably at the end.
He just raised his eye brow at my attitude showing.
Oh shit. Did I just mess up again?
"You didn't seem so well this afternoon right?" he said looking at me studying my eyes curiously. I immediately was confused and stared at him blankly. What is he? He was so intimidating earlier on and he's goes and plays the nice guy, suddenly worrying about me out of the blue?
"Yeah? I think I might be coming down with something?" I said quickly grabbing the book from his hand. Then before I could head towards the exit door.
He suddenly got up and bent down towards my eye-level.
"Yo, Mr Chase, what are you doing?" Hulio asked sensing my sudden nerves with my very observant curious teacher.
"Quiet Mr Hulio." Chase said in his warning tone.
Vincent didn't seem to like his closeness with me and clenched his jaw, watching both of us like hawks.
I stared back at Mr Chase in silence. He had a tall height and there was something about his aura that made me stand still. He then surprised me by putting his huge palm on my forehead, testing his as well.
Wait he's checking my temperature with his?!
"Chase, get your hand off of her." Vince said darkly getting up from his chair.
Chase simply ignored him and smiled down at me stepping away from my close proximity.
"Your right Miss McCredie. You are very warm it's best you get going now."
He let go and I just nodded my head shaking those nonsense idiotic thoughts out of my head. Going back to my desk I immediately grabbed my books and stuffed it in the bag and rushed out of the classroom.
I could have swear the boys were laughing and I slowed down my pace when I reached the end of the hall to catch my breath.
What the hell was happening to me and why did Mr Chase do that?!