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74.28% Rewrite the Past: / Chapter 26: Chapter 26

Kapitel 26: Chapter 26

After the weekend, I went to school on Monday, and as expected, many eyes were directed at me.

Earlier on Saturday at the end of school hours, I beat those punks, so many students were watching my performance on the street live.

"Wow! The kick is amazing."

"Brother, you're cool."

"Daniel, what happened?"

"As expected, Daniel is the best in our school."

When I entered the school gate, looking at me, friends who weren't usually close to me started talking to me and asking questions, and girls shouted excitedly at me.

I entered the classroom with a puzzled expression.

As soon as I sat down, classmates gathered around me and asked what happened.

Only after the homeroom teacher came to check everything did they calm down.

Some girls came to see me during recess.

I felt like a complete zoo monkey.

However, this was the first time in over 40 years of my life that I had gotten attention from so many people, so somehow I felt good.

"Are you all right? It's unpleasant to get that kind of attention. If it were me, I would die of nervousness."

Brandon, who came to our class every break, grumbled and said something.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to die."

School is over

It seemed like the bugs weren't going to let that previous incident pass them by.

So I asked Caleb to go outside the school gate and check if any fools were waiting for me again.

Just as I expected.

Outside the school gate, 10 people, including a third-year senior, were waiting to catch me and Brandon.

The situation was the same on the back side of the school.

How great was I, almost thirty people were mobilized to catch me.

Fortunately, no one was waiting in the classroom hallway.

It was expected that the second-year seniors would come to look for us, but it seemed they couldn't come because classes ended later than the first year.

The school was very, very chaotic.

Students couldn't leave the school to go home properly because of the many disgusting-looking senor punks waiting around the front and back gates of the school.

It got to the point where teachers in the school office and student affairs office would go outside the school gate and talk to the senior punks because of student reports.

Since I was targeted by the seniors, fortunately, no other students were harassed and they were able to go home safely.

After hearing about the school gate situation from Caleb, I thought about what Brandon and I should do after Caleb went home.

"I can't go home if it stays like this. Brandon, follow me."

I picked up Brandon and quickly ran down the central staircase in front of class 5.

Since this is a class of female students, only teachers and female students use the central staircase, and male students never go this way.

It was currently break time, so the stairs were full of girls from first year to second year.

As Brandon and I got entangled among the girls and jumped down, they shouted in surprise.

I went down the middle staircase, opened the window between the 2nd and 1st floors, climbed up, and ran outside.

With quick movements I jumped, spun half a turn, and kicked a waiting senior who was shocked at my purity.

It was like an action movie.

I told Brandon to run first because I was taking care of the waiting senior.

I glanced back at the senior, who was knocked down by my kick and ran after Brandon.

By the way, it seemed like the idiots who were chasing this time weren't fools like before.

Even though their friend was knocked down, they ignored it and ran straight toward me.

Because while I was slightly delayed before, they were already behind me.

It looks like I'm going to get caught like this.

"Brandon, don't worry about me, and just run."

I shouted to Brandon from behind as I continued to observe the seniors behind me.

Brandon stopped and looked at me, then ran back when I nodded.

As I ran, I looked to my right and there was a gas station, but it was very wide because there were no cars.

I quickly turned into the gas station, took off my bag, threw it to the side, and ran towards the guy waiting for me in front.

I had to do my best to buy time for Brandon to escape.

Using the Dempsey Roll Technique, I folded my arms as far as possible and brought them together in front of my chest, lowered my upper body, and hid under my fists.

The bastard swung his fists as he ran, so I would never be able to dodge as I lowered myself.

I moved my front leg to the side, spread it wide, and tilted my body to the left, punching him in the stomach with my right fist with my whole body on it.

With a thumping sound, the bastard fell to his knees, wrapped his arms around his stomach, and fell forward.

After that, I rushed at the people running behind me.

I, who charged at them, suddenly disappeared from their sight.

I knocked down the second man running toward me as he was surprised by my actions.

After knocking down the second man, I advanced to the third man and kicked him hard taking advantage of his time of shock to be thrown into the other man whom I quickly rushed over to.

Seeing his friend thrown in front of him, the man dodged with quite a practiced movement, but even so, he did not anticipate me who quickly came from behind the man I kicked earlier and hit the man's face with all my might.

Looking at the four punks who were currently down in pain from me, I was even more convinced that my senses had improved a lot.

Ignoring the downed punks, I quickly grabbed my bag and left the gas station as I heard the police sirens.

It took less than five minutes to knock down four people.

In retrospect, I was quite surprised at the speed with which I defeated them, but I didn't think about that at the moment and exited the gas station due to the approaching police sirens.

Due to the police intervention and the problem getting bigger because of the previous incident at the gas station, the seniors who were previously waiting in front of the school disappeared.

I haven't seen those people come waiting for me for days.

As rumors spread, second-year students didn't dare to touch me anymore.

I felt lucky that things were resolved sooner than I thought, and we were able to go home comfortably through the school gate.

The first week of September passed like that, and my father came home after a long time.

My father, whom I hadn't seen in a long time, limped a little.

He said that while working at the construction site, he tripped and fell and injured his leg.

Fortunately, he was not seriously injured, but he was unable to work for a few days.

My mom, who had been very angry earlier, also saw my father's injured figure and she shed tears as if she was upset.

Even though my momr was upset and angry about my father's previous actions, she still made porridge soup and bought medicine for my father.

My mom told me that she hated my father, but I guess she still had compassion for him given his current condition.

I'm also saddened by my family's poverty.

My father took care of himself at home for about a week and then went back to work after recovering.

My mom slept next to my dad before, but they never touched each other or had sex.

When I asked him why he didn't, he said, "Is that a question for the woman you love?" She slapped me on the back and told me that she had no desire to do that at all with my father.

Even when my dad was home, she just ignored him and every time she saw me, her heart fluttered with desire.

Now I'm sure my mom has fully become my woman since my dad was home during this week, my mom was so horny that she did it with me and released the desire that she had been suppressing all week.

And I ejaculated three times in a row, and my mom had countless orgasms, opening her womb to receive my semen.

In the end, I had to pick up my mom, whose legs were limp and lay her on the bed.


By the way, I uploaded a new work with the title,

Legendary Dragon Swordsman


With a sword in hand, I challenge destiny, not to become a hero, but to create peace. With a sword, I challenge the four directions, the heavens and the earth, to become invincible. With a sword, I transform into a dragon, exterminating demons, saving humanity. With a sword, I discover a world within someone's self, protecting it with all my strength, forever by their side. With a sword, I carve a legend, of a human child defying the heavens, the legend of the Dragon Warrior!


Chapter 1 Holy Swordsman :

Peach Blossom Mountain was once the location of one of the largest righteous sects in the martial world but a huge battle 50 years ago turned the Mountain that was once filled with peach blossom trees into a land of death.

Over the past decades, this place has been neglected and even changed its name to Devil's Skeleton Mountain because so many bodies were buried in this place.

After being uninhabited for so long, today the Mountain is the site of another major battle. Visible under the blue horizon, a middle-aged man was being surrounded by dozens of other people.

"Senior Xiao, hand over the Heavenly Dragon God Scripture and we will let you live."

"Senior Holy Sword don't be stubborn, you can't possibly win against all of us in this place."

"Xiao Chen! You think with the Heavenly Dragon God's Scripture you can do as you please? If you don't comply then I will exact revenge on the sects you destroyed!"

One by one people tried to persuade the middle aged man in front of them, everyone realized that even though their numbers were far outnumbered but at least tens of people would lose their lives if a battle really happened. That's why no one was the first attacker knowing they would lose their lives if they did.

The middle-aged man only smiled faintly hearing all these words, his name was Xiao Chen who was also known as the Holy Swordsman. Even though he looked like he was in his 50s at first glance and only had some gray hair, Xiao Chen was actually 92 years old.

"If I had ten… no, five more years then I would have no problem escaping them all." Xiao Chen thought as he checked his surroundings.

Everyone present at this scene were high level warriors from both righteous and heretical sects, not the least of whom were sect heads. All of them gathered because they wanted to seize the Heavenly Dragon God's Scripture , which is the most powerful martial art in the martial world.

Xiao Chen took a deep breath as he remembered that all of this had started 70 years ago, the martial world was in an uproar due to the reappearance of the Four Peerless Scriptures as well as the Seven Rulers of the World. All of this was the beginning of what is known as the Age of Chaos.

So many humans died in the Age of Chaos and at the same time talents in the martial world emerged, people who were called Heroes or Great Villains but Xiao Chen was not one of them.

Xiao Chen closed his eyes, he understood that today it would be impossible to get out of this place alive. Even though everyone could see Xiao Chen closing their eyes but not a single one of them tried to attack him.

One memory after another flashed through Xiao Chen's mind, he was actually an ordinary child from a simple family. One day when he was 5 years old his village was attacked by robbers, he was arrested and intended to be sold as a slave but he managed to escape into the forest where he met someone who changed his life. Xiao Chen met someone who became his Master and brought him into the world of martial arts.

Xiao Chen had good talent in the sword art, but unfortunately due to a childhood trauma, he was reluctant to learn martial arts and chose to spend his time studying like a scholar. His Master never forced him and allowed Xiao Chen to act as he wished.

When Xiao Chen was 17 years old, the Master died from a long illness. It was then that Xiao Chen realized that he should have learned martial arts, but it was too late. Five years later the Chaos Era occurred and Xiao Chen's sect became one of the perished in the Era's early years.

"When you think about it, everything feels really weird…" Xiao Chen thought as he shook his head.

Xiao Chen being one of the few who managed to survive the destruction of his sect, with the intention of revenge Xiao Chen spent all his time studying martial arts. In the end Xiao Chen had never gotten something that was actually easy for most people like love, a person's face appeared when he remembered that.

"Come to think of it, I've never even held a girl's hand…" Xiao Chen suddenly felt like shedding tears but he couldn't do it in front of all these warriors.

At the age of 72, Xiao Chen felt that he had wasted his life in vain, despite having high attainments in swordsmanship after practicing 50 years but in fact he could not seek revenge.

Never did Xiao Chen expect that he would be lucky enough to find the Heavenly Dragon God Scripture, when practicing according to it not only did his profound strength improve greatly but his body also became more youthful.

Indeed, in the martial world, Xiao Chen had seen several great warriors with high inner strength being able to look young, he did not expect that he would also be able to experience the same thing.

Xiao Chen shut himself in for more than ten years before reappearing in the martial world to seek revenge. His excellent swordsmanship and internal strength made him famous in a short time and earned him the nickname Holy Swordsman, one of the foremost warriors in the martial world.

Many wondered because Xiao Chen had appeared so suddenly and was not recognized before but had such great abilities. Because of that, many investigated and finally discovered that Xiao Chen was in possession of the Heavenly Dragon God's Scripture .

All of that led Xiao Chen to the situation he was now in. Xiao Chen opened his eyes and looked coldly at all the warriors before him.

"Today heaven and earth will bear witness to blood being shed again on this Mountain…" Xiao Chen then took out a scripture from his clothes, all the warriors reacted immediately as they believed it was the Heavenly Dragon God's Scripture, "This is what you guys want? Take it!"

Xiao Chen threw the scripture into the sky, before the warriors could react, Xiao Chen drew his sword and released a sword energy aimed at the scripture.


"Are you crazy?!"

The Heavenly Dragon God's Scripture was indeed the greatest internal energy but still the scripture that contained that knowledge was made of plain paper. The sword energy that took the form of blue light immediately penetrated the scripture, sending it shattering into pieces.

All of the swordsmen drew their weapons and became enraged by that action while Xiao Chen only laughed loudly in response to them.

"You guys want the Heavenly Dragon God Scripture? I won't let it in your dreams even!" Finishing saying that, Xiao Chen charged forward with his sword.

Thanks to his great inner strength, Xiao Chen has a high lightness skill that makes his movements so agile and agile. Within a few breaths, he had arrived between the warriors and managed to release several slashes.

Everything happened so fast, two high level warriors had been killed by Xiao Chen's sword. Even though the two of them managed to block Xiao Chen's sword, it was just that the stab of the sword shattered their swords so easily.

Xiao Chen's sword was not an heirloom sword, but the internal energy that flowed into the sword was so great that it made the sword have tremendous damage and easily cut through steel like cutting paper.

The warriors no longer remained silent, they attacked at almost the same time. A fierce battle ensued between Xiao Chen and dozens of formidable fighters. In the face of so many enemies, Xiao Chen did not flinch in the slightest and could even fight while smiling broadly no matter how much his body was covered in wounds.

The battle didn't last long, about fifteen minutes passed before the warriors moved back away from Xiao Chen and looked at him while feeling terrified.

Xiao Chen's condition was so bad, he lost his left arm, his whole body was covered in wounds but he was still able to stand up after losing so much blood. His breathing was heavy, but he still seemed able to kill a few more people to die with him.

"My Master once said to be careful of the elderly in the martial world, because in this world most people die young… Today my eyes really opened." Someone said while chuckling amazed.

Xiao Chen and the remaining warriors looked at the source of the sound and found a young man who looked to be in his 20s. They all immediately recognized him as the most talented young swordsman of this generation who came from one of the biggest sects today.

The young man looked around, which was now filled with the bodies of high-level warriors. He was sure that even with his abilities, it was difficult to do what Xiao Chen had done.

"Don't misunderstand, I came here because I heard the Lord of the Ice Island was coming here, isn't it a rare opportunity to witness the Lord of the Ice Island?" asked the young man with a broad smile.

The expressions on the faces of the warriors including Xiao Chen immediately changed, almost at the same time as the young man finished speaking, the air around them all felt colder.

Xiao Chen looked in one direction and saw a girl rapidly approaching from a distance, at first glance the girl seemed to be floating in the air but Xiao Chen knew that it was a technique that could be performed by someone with such high strength. As far as Xiao Chen knew, the people who could do it in the entire Martial World could be counted on the fingers of one hand.

When the girl finally landed in front of everyone, they could see her face clearly. Everyone was amazed but no one dared to stare at him for too long apart from the young man who was the most talented young swordsman.

"The beauty of the Ruler of the Ice Island really lives up to the legend. Today my eyes were really opened." The young man laughed freely and was full of arrogance.

The girl who possessed divine beauty wore a cold face and didn't say anything, other than suddenly raising her hand.

One more breath, the talented young man's body was blown several meters before crashing onto the ground. His body froze and his breath stopped for a moment. Seeing that scene all the remaining swordsmen didn't dare to take a breath, some even left the scene immediately.

Xiao Chen chuckled, that young man was probably the most talented of his generation and was even able to learn his sect's advanced martial arts. The problem was that this girl who looked to be in her early teens was actually the same age as Xiao Chen.

Bing Ruyue, Lord of Ice Island and the only martial genius from the Chaos Era who is still alive today. Not only mastered one of the Four Peerless Scriptures but Ruyue also possessed one of the Seven World Ruler Treasures.

"Within three breaths, those who are still here will stay here forever…" Bing Ruyue said softly, but everyone could hear her.

It didn't take three breaths, before Ruyue finished saying more than half of the remaining warriors immediately left the Mountain. Xiao Chen chuckled again when only he and Bing Ruyue were left.


"I am not married." Bing Ruyue interrupted Xiao Chen.

"Ahem… Miss…" Xiao Chen choked on his own spit when Ruyue cut him off at something he thought was trivial, "Miss Bing, I don't know the reason for your presence here but if what you want is the Heavenly Dragon God's Scripture, you're too late."

Bing Ruyue shook her head slowly, "I only want to help people from the same generation as me. I heard we are from the same era, but I guess I'm too late…"

Xiao Chen raised his eyebrows, not expecting Bing Ruyue to come to his aid but Ruyue was right, he was too late. If not for his inner strength, Xiao Chen would have died long ago and even his vision had started to blur.

"Miss Bing… Thank you for your good intentions. If there is a next life, I will avenge…" Xiao Chen could not finish his words before vomiting blood, his profound strength unable to endure the wound any longer.

All Xiao Chen could do was smile as wide as he could at Bing Ruyue, before breathing his last breath. Bing Ruyue's eyes widened slightly when she realized that Xiao Chen had died standing up using his sword as a support.

Bing Ruyue remembered her Grandfather's words which she had almost forgotten, "Only a true warrior dies standing upright, no matter how many wounds he has." Bing Ruyue didn't really care about those words considering that her grandfather had died in bed too.

"To think I'd see a real warrior here…" Bing Ruyue smiled faintly, she couldn't remember when she last smiled. Bing Ruyue took off the necklace she was wearing and then wrapped it around Xiao Chen's neck.

"This necklace is an heirloom of Ice Island, it is said that it has the power to change destiny…" Bing Ruyue had never discovered the secret of this necklace, in the end she felt that this could be a form of regret for not being able to save Xiao Chen.

Bing Ruyue then used her inner strength to create ice around Xiao Chen's body, causing his body to be trapped in an ice coffin. Bing Ruyue lowered her head once before leaving the Mountain, not realizing that when she turned around something had happened to the necklace she had given to Xiao Chen.

Something that changed Xiao Chen's destiny in the most unimaginable way.


If you're curious, don't hesitate to visit to read the rest.

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