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Sinnoh’s Future Menace

[•—•{James Morgan}•—•]

"Be safe honey, we'll see you at the end of the day. Have a fun time searching!" Mother shouts as the Limo sped off my parents. Thankfully though I had my butler Hopkins with me and a maid I never really bothered to get to know.

Hopkins has his Haunter personally guard me while he sent out his Magmar to scout the area

I mean I literally don't know her name, I should probably change that.

"Hey what's your name?" I asked the maid as the three of us kept on walking. The maid holding a little food basket gets flustered as she stutters out her name.

"M-my n-name is Amy." She croaks out nervously. Chuckling at her response I start to make some small talk as walking around a huge mountain full of metal Pokemon wasn't that exciting.

As the hours went by with Amy and I mostly talking about what to eat. Hopkins managed to battle quite a few Pokemon.

We found a few wild Magnemites, Mawiles, and some rock types like Geodude. Currently we were on top of the mountain finally with Hopkins battling against a Graveler.

"Magmar use [Ember]." Hopkins calls out, which in turn made me question his move choice. Soon after Magmar attacks which didn't do much but still startled Graveler. The move ended up angering the Pokemon and making it use Rollout and head towards Magmar in full speeds.

"Quickly use [Cross Chop]." Hopkin says right after reacting accordingly to the Pokemons attack. With Graveler not knowing about this and dumb enough to fall for the bait, rolls itself right into a super effective move which sent it tumbling back.

"Finish this with [Mach Punch]."

Magmar not giving the poor rock a chance, sprints towards it and decisively knocks the poor Pokemon out.

'Damn I guess I can't expect everyone to be a brainless brute force trainer like in the anime. But it makes sense in a way as these are real people.'

With the road now clear, we kept on walking towards one of the mountain cliffs to where we saw an interesting sight.

"Bel beldum!" A Beldum with a white and gold colouring hums in fright. Looking down at the cliff side we saw two more normal coloured Beldums with a Metang in the middle.

"Meta meta!" The Metang hums right back as it gets in close and swings it arms towards the now identified shiny Beldum.

The shiny Beldum not moving at all just tanks the hit as the other Beldums who were watching started to join in on the beating which lasted only a few more minutes.

But to me it felt like hours as my blood started to boil. You'd think because they're practically smart computers that they wouldn't discriminate because of a colour difference.

'I guess these robots are racist in some way or another.'

While thinking this, the two Beldums and Metang started to trot around and left the area. With them now gone I could see the Beldum just sitting there seemingly contemplating something.

"Should we go hel-" I quickly cut Amy off as I didn't want to alarm Beldum.

"Shhh, we'll just watch for now. I've decided to catch that Beldum but I want to watch it for a bit longer." I tell Amy as Hopkins just watches from the side completely silent.

After saying this I look back at the shiny Beldum to see it already up and going with a determined face. We followed the little guy which he ended up heading over to a rocky land scape with huge boulders which was directly next to a forest.

Beldum proceeded to tackle the lower part of a huge boulder vigorously for a little bit before taking a pause, then he went into the forest shaking a little as it was still injured.

It soon came back but with a Magnemite and a Magneton following it. Beldum while moving towards the huge boulder, tanked a few [Thunder Shock]s as it lured the two Pokemon under the previously hit rock.

And when the time was right, Beldum used [Tackle] at the huge boulder which made it collapse and drop on the two Pokemon.



While the Magneton was completely under the rubble without any movement, Magnemite was still up but extremely weak.

'That's the ability [Sturdy] I assume.'

Beldum seing that there was still a survivor, doesn't hesitate and instantly goes for a [Tackle]. Magnemite still recovering from the boulder doesn't see Beldum coming at him and gets directly hit sending down to the floor unconscious.

"What high intelligence." Hopkins quietly comments seeing Beldum win a 2v1. Hearing this I nod with a smile.

'He's perfect no doubt.'

Beldum seeing that its won floated over to the downed Magnemite and started to feast on it. With it only taking a couple bites to properly consume the Pokemon.

Watching this first hand, I get a little surprised but not react too much as I already knew that Pokemon ate Pokemon in this world.

Real animals such as cows and chicken did exist in this world, but Pokemon didn't refrain from eating other Pokemon.

Beldum after finishing its meal, hurriedly went to the rubble and used [Tackle] some more to reveal the Magneton who wasn't moving an inch.

The Iron Ball Pokemon proceeded to grab the Magneton and went as fast as it could towards a specified direction. The three of us following it from behind still, made me a little nervous as we went deeper in to the mountains.

Fortunately for us though it didn't took to long for Beldum to take a break as it found a Metagross and three Metangs.

"Beldumm!" Shiny Beldum bums out in plea as it offered up the Magneton it caught. The other four Pokemon looking down at the Beldum from above didnt look impressed though.

"Meta metagross…" The Metagross hummed back in a low but seemingly threatening tone.

'How do I know it's a threatening tone?' I question myself as Beldum persists on by bumping the Magneton forward.

Metagross having had enough, uses [Teleport] to get in front of Beldum and smash it to the ground. Soon after this it notifies the Metangs and they proceed to head out the area.

Seeing that the area was cleared out, I smirk.

'Finally, I can recruit a canon Pokemon to my team.'

"I'll go to it myself, just stay here. I will bring Haunter with me just in case though." I tell Hopkins as he just nods at my words.

Getting out of my little hiding spot, I walk up to the downed Beldum who was just barely hanging on to its consciousness.

"Hey Beldum, I saw what happened. Things must be tough on you huh."

Beldum realising that there's a human in front of it tries to straighten itself to show that its still strong, but this only makes itself shake in pain even more.

"It must feel like shit to be treat like this no? The feeling of weakness must suck." I say sucking my breathe in. "I can help you… get stronger and never feel this kind of lonely pain again. Just get up and get on my hand and you'll be my part of my family, you can never go back."

"Bel?" Beldum hums in contemplation. It's currently at an all time low, the iron ball Pokemon has been trying to get back into the colony for weeks now just for it to be attacked and left behind..

With the Pokemon getting some tunnel vision and seeing no other way out, floats to the hand of the James in plight as it powered through to get stronger.

"I see you've made your choice." I comment with a sly grin as the Shiny Beldum soon after closed its eyes in exhaustion and falls onto my hands.

Feeling the weight of 92kg falling onto my hand, I nearly fuck up my wrist as I kind of drop the poor guy to the floor.

"Shit." Looking over to my back, I stare into Hopkins eyes with a helpless look. "Help me, I don't got a Pokeball or have the strength to carry it."

Hopkins hearing this quickly walks over with Magmar and Amy at his side.

"We didn't really bring any Pokeballs with us yong James, I thought you knew this?" Hopkins said helplessly. "I didn't think you actually wanted to catch or that we would find a Pokemon suited for you."

"I got an Idea, we can put Beldum into Amy's basket and get Magmar to hold it so we can hide the Beldum until the Pokemon center." I recommend.

"But why should be hide a Beldum?" Amy questions as she hands the basket to the ground. While Magmar loaded this basket up with Beldum and closing it shut, I answer her question.

"It's because a Beldum who evolved into a Psuedo-Legendary will catch too much attention because of the difficulty to get one. Plus this one being a discoloured one on top of that." I explain. This could attract the wrong attention and I really can't be bothered to have some theirs on my back at all times.

How did Ash deal with Team Rocket anyways, did he ever just snap?

Speaking of the Beldum line, the reason it's almost impossible to catch one is because they are like a hive mind.

If one's in trouble then it can call on the big boys to help via telepathy to the hive. So if one gets yoinked then the others will know it's location and race off to save it.

That's why I'm so happy that I got a Beldum. Not only was he ignored, he accepted my offer and never sent signals back to the main hive. I'm not exactly sure how it works but he might be disconnected from his pack.

But because of this it's safe to take this awesome Shiny Beldum now. With the little guy now hidden and in possession, we start to make our way back.

The journey back was at least 40 minutes long as we only got lucky to spot such rare Pokemon. While on the way back through the last bit of forest, we spotted an aircraft which had a tank like vehicle coming out of it.

'I think I recognise this vehicle.' I say squinting my eyes. Soon after this a Salamance could be spotted leaving the thing with a woman on top of it.

She had short silver hair, a fit figure, glasses that covered both of her eyes like a visor and had some kind of attachment to her right arm.

While taking off, the Salamance suddenly does a double take and heads towards our direction. Hopkins seeing this starts to sweat a little and sends out another Pokemon.

"Be careful young master." Hopkin says as he taps a Pokeball from his pockets.


The Pokeball reveals a Golem as the Salamance with the woman on top of it lands in front of us. Seeing this I finally recognise who this is.

"I will have to warn you to stay away from this area or I'll have to kill you." The woman tells us with a threatening tone. Hearing this I take the opportunity to do something bold.

"Are you some kind of Pokemon poachers or hunter?" I question.

"You barking off the wrong tree kid, I'm just roaming around because of boredom right now. So this is as merciful as I'll be." She says with a little growl in her voice.

"No, no, you've got my intentions all wrong. I was confirming to see if I could purchase your services." I say making everyone there get a surprised look. The future infamous Hunter J looks at me in the eyes and gets an interested look.

"Well now your speaking my language a little brat, what are you looking for. My prices aren't cheap you know." She replies with a smug smirk.

'Fuck I feel a little guilty about this but it's for my future. A Pokemon as strong as that can't be held up to rot and waste its talents.'

Thinking this I take a small leap of faith and make up my mind.

"Hopkins, Amy, give the two of us some space. I'll be fine I just need to talk to her." I tell them which Amy shortly agreed on while it took Hopkins a little time to finally do the same.

Walking a little closer to Hunter J, I start to talk.

"Are you up to stealing a Pokemon egg from an old man. While the egg might not be protected too well but the Pokemon inside the egg is quite unique."

Hunter J's ears perked up at my words but soon after proceeded to lose it.

"Hahahahaha!" Hunter J laughs out loud. "Are you serious kid, just an egg from an old timer? Why can't you just get it yourself." She comments looking back at me with a sharp gaze.

"The Pokemon inside the egg is a Riolu and is something I need for my future team. As I said before I'm willing to pay as long as you get the egg." I tell her which made her contemplate a little.

"Well I guess if your willing to pay then I'm all in. Tell me the price your offering and the guys location." She says after a little while. Grinning at her words, I get a relieved feeling that she accepted my request.

"Because you basically just stealing from an old man, I'll pay you the price in between a Siver to Gold Riolu and a bit extra for the services. So 3,500,000 + 50,00 for the total price" I offer. Hunter J hearing this starts to bargain a little which in turn only made the total 3,610,000. .

The 3.5 million is for the egg and 110,000 for the labour technically.

This honestly didn't matter as I knew that Riolu would be worth way more than that anyways. So in the end I happily agreed with the final price and told her the location of the guy.

"Hopkins come over here!" I shout after making the deal. Hopkins hearing this rushes over with a vigilant look as the Salamance behind Hunter J was still overseeing us. "Can you tell us the location of my parents mansion in this region?"

"Have you already made the deal young master?" He questions. Nodding at him, we soon after dealt with all the technical stuff and started to head to the hotel.

Now that I had some breathing space I explained to Hopkins a very warped version of the story.

It went by something like asking Bunter J to kidnap a Riolu egg for 3,610,000. Hopkins didn't really know what to say to the story and mainly made sure that I was alright.

'I almost forgot about Beldum.'

With some sweat dripping down my face I reminded Hopkins to buy some Pokeballs when we exited the mountains.


[A/N: What's some Pokemon you guys would like to see or is your favourite? The MC will have more than 20 Pokemon hopefully as canonically its common for the average trainer to have 30+ Pokemon. Name a Pokemon bellow this paragraph and if I like it or it gets the most likes, I'll add it. Also give me some Pokemon strategies like Toxic stall for the Mc to implement if you got one Ty!]

{Pokemon to add to MC Team}

{Pokemon Strategies}

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