"What's our next move? Discussions are already underway regarding the terms of assimilation. Alexis and I attended the last meeting, and I struggled to restrain myself from lashing out at everyone present," Scarlet said with gritted teeth.
"Was Yang Sheng present?" inquired Jiang Yue.
"No," replied Alexis, shaking his head. "He wasn't."
Scarlet interjected, "You weren't aware?"
Furrowing her brows, Jiang Yue asked, "Aware of what?"
"Yang Hanying has been poisoned and is already on his deathbed. That news has been circulating which explains why Yang Sheng hasn't been as involved with Alpha Assault in recent months, and was simply delegating tasks to Black Mamba," Scarlet explained.
Upon hearing the name, Jiang Yue felt her heart tighten. It had been years since she last heard that name. Unaware of this recent development, she hadn't delved deeper into the news when investigating the events surrounding Fallen Vengeance.
In a world of betrayal, Chen Lin and Wu Yuxuan's love unfolds.