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3.81% My System is Turning Me Into a Yandere / Chapter 2: The Child of End + Spawning in Chaos [Rewritten]

Kapitel 2: The Child of End + Spawning in Chaos [Rewritten]

'I'm drowning.'

'Further and further,' he says.

'Deeper and deeper,' he says.

'I'm not sure where I am, but room is limited here.'

'It's warm, wet, secure, and...


'Egh. 'What the fuck is that noise?'

Omega questions himself when he hears a slicing sound; for the longest time, he felt nothing but warmth and comfort, but as he questions more and more, a stronger sound of cutting can be heard in the distance.

The voice of a hoarse guy quickly followed, and by the second, the level of both sobbing and wales had significantly increased.

"... *Sob!*... I'm sorry, ... *Sob!* I'm sorry...

'Do I hear crying?'

Ask Omega, but as time passed, he soon discovered the source, since Omega was abruptly dazzled by a bright light, everything was in disarray, and he could not see because his eyes were extremely sensitive to light.

He couldn't see clearly, but he did hear, and the first voice he heard was a man sobbing.

"Ah... Hahaha... You've got her eyes, tiny one, hahaha... I guess I didn't win the bet... hehe! Yes, if she was still here... She would be overjoyed... after all, your mother was certain you were going to be born with her eyes."

'Her eyes... tiny one... Who is this person?'

When Omega asked what was going on, the man's next response gave him a good idea of what was going on.

"Your mother; my wife Cassandra YoUuNehiro Einsberg LXXVIII was a strong woman, one of the strongest persons in the world to be honest."

"She was a gorgeous person, and she was also quite nice, despite her race being portrayed as cruel monsters, a bit pridish in the begging;Yes! And also domineering and wicked in general, but nonetheless kind."

"Now that I think about it, I left my clan to train under the brotherhood's guidance and learn the ways of the seraphs, and it was on one of my first missions that I met her." Yeah! It was on that faithful night that our blades crossed... she had so many chances to murder me, and yet she didn't, I never completely understood why she saved my life that night... and even now she hasn't answered me... but still... our time together was some of the best moment's of my life.. all things considered."

Omega, on the other hand, might be blind, most likely due to being a newborn, but he could imagine a dying warrior sitting on a rock, his hand still bleeding from cutting out his still unborn child, which was him.

At this moment, his wife's corpse remained motionless beneath his feet! As the guy claiming to be his father, bereaved, in anguish, and yet strangely joyful, sat alone for the last time, as he began to repeat and recall his entire saga, from beginning to end, in the shortest way imaginable.

Realistically, he knew no one but him could hear this story, but he still wanted to share it in the hopes that his son would be aware of his existence, but little did he know Omega was well aware that he was conscious and the intelligence he possessed right now was that of a grown man, seared and marinated with the dreadful experience that is life.

But that's what Omega was thinking at the time. His reasoning was based on the signals and proof he had received thus far upon his rebirth, which revealed that one his mother was dead, two his father appeared exhausted if not dying based on the weakness in his voice, and three his father severed his still unborn body from his mother's corpse.

The situation appears to be one of dread and misery, but in the end, despite all the pain, a joyous occurrence was taking place, which was his birth from the man's point of view, and his rebirth from Omega's point of view. And, to be honest, Omega felt no sadness or remorse... he was just born into this scenario... thus emotional attachment would have been impossible for anyone in his situation... although he did feel sorry for the man who was holding him.

But the moment was more for the man than anything else, knowing that this was the night he would draw his final breath alongside his wife, leaving his premature and unborn son to face the world without him or his mother by his side.

It didn't take a genius to sense the many emotions clouding the man's being at this moment; it became even more apparent when Omega began to feel the man shaking with rage as if to question the unfairness of the world, as tears began to fall one by one, seeing how many emotions were filling the man's soul right now, emotions like happiness, fear, hate, anger, melancholy, and detest.

This was it, the man was dying, he knew it better than everyone else, his vision began to blur, his entire body ached, and it wouldn't be long until his spirit left this world.

He was going to spend every dying second of his fading life with his son, whom he would never see again, and at the very least, get his parting words off his chest, which is why he made Hasha wait outside, this moment was for him and his son alone, and perhaps even the spirit of his dead wife, a man could hope.

Struggling, shivering, and fading from his injuries and the curse of the Emerald rot, he forced himself to relate his story, which he spoke with remarkable eloquence, despite his voice being visibly weaker than before.

"Yeah... Casa... was a kind and gentle monster, unfit for a Diva like herself, who had never been domisticated or trained by a human in her life."

"If you ask me, the war between Diva and humanity in this world is unedifying and disgusting; I tried to make coexistence possible, but I failed in the end; your birth is living proof that man and Diva can indeed live together in unity, and yet neither side wishes to swear fidelity to the idea of peace."

"Let it be known, my son, that they fear nothing but you, the power of a Diva, and the potential of a human, you are the sore that aches the very balance of this world, so don't be surprised that this world wants you dead, on one side the Diva wants to use you for your power to take over humanity, and on the other side human want to kill you to avoid the prophecy of the end... the prophecy that started it all."

"I want you to know this little one, she nursed you in her wound for three years, she loved you, just as I love you." I'll be honest with you: I wasn't prepared to be a father; heck, you're a forbidden abomination that shouldn't exist, hahaha... All of this was my fault... *Sob*... *Sob*.... It's entirely my fault... None of this would have happened if I hadn't fallen in love with a Diva."

Said Omega's father as he looked below him to see his wife's headless, limbless body, all the limbs had been severed, he barely could have saved his child from public execution when he nuked half the empire to get to him and pick up the remaining torso of his wife, which contained his unborn child.

Meanwhile, Omega began to ponder to himself, based on all the things his father mentioned.

'Divas, what are Divas, so many explanations with no answers, but it's evident you don't have much time to live yourself, just what have you been through, or better yet, what's going to happen to me.'

Omega worried for his well-being; he had just recently been reincarnated, and now he was about to become an orphan; he hadn't known these folks long enough to care, but nevertheless, what could he do in this situation?

However, there was a problem: the man was staggering, and Omega suddenly felt like he was leaning forwards as if the man was about to pass out. He himself still present in his arms, but the moment the man fell down, a strange purple aura surrounded his body as he forcibly used his gravity technique to support his body, causing him to stand tall once more.

And as if to fill the air with a gleeful mood the man began to laugh to himself while saying.

"Haha... I'm dizzy..." I'm losing too much blood, *Sob*... Damit, please listen to me, my son, life will be difficult... In this terrible world, half-breeds like you are called to as Calamity children, devils, and tainted progeny... yet half-breed is only girls, not boys like you, that's why you are special, you are an anomaly that's what the seraphs will call you, I just know it, and even then... half breeds become full Diva one week after birth... although I don't think that will be the case for you."

"If the prophecy is true, then the seraphs will eventually come to contain you, assuming the empire doesn't kill you first, so I had no choice but to give you up to them." Please forgive me, I would rather have you contained and protected by them than let the Divas or the humans have their way with you, you are not a monster, you did not ask to be born, and if the world needs to punish someone, let it be me alone, and if faith is truly unavoidable, I pray that you become strong enough to be unmatched by either the seraphs, the humans, and the Divas."

"Your mother was from the "Shadow clan," one of the four major Lamia clans... on the Diva continent, but I was naive because I trusted my sponsor family too much, knowing well they were an anti-Diva household. But it didn't stop me from having you, you're... the last Overdeath... that is my surname, and now it is yours too, truly a tragic tale... my wife Cassandra, Lizeria Miklashava my concubine, and even my entire family, however vicious they may be, suffered as a result of me... and now even you, and maybe even my eldest son Gilgamesh Miklashava as well; wherever he is will suffer because of me."

The man remarked, his voice was now like whispers, fading more and more with each syllable.

"Your mother... s-s-she wanted to name... name you... Kingu, so that's your true... name, yes my son Kingu Overdeath... yes... this is my last gift to y-y-you... if no one knows your true... name, then no one can seize dominion over you, so it... it is... good you won't recall what I have said... seeing t-t-t-that you are young...

"Also, since I'm dying, I will leave my maid to you... her... name is (Enuma) Yeah, t-t-that is her true at least her concept is now stuck on your soul, so naturally as you grow older you will know her true name regardless... but never call her by it, in front of anyone... to everyone else... she is referred to as Hasha... just as you will be referred to as Xander Overdeath from now on, which is your human name."

"I... love... you... live... take care... become... strong...





At this point, a minute had passed and the man who was Xander's father had made no noise; his voice was now nonexistent.

It was evident what had happened; he had died... Xander couldn't feel his breathing at all. He couldn't even feel his heartbeat. Although his body was still warm.

'Wonderful, just wonderful... he died... sigh... this is awful... really bad... what am I going to do now... it's evident that I had a bounty on my head before I was born, so I can't even trust a passerby at this point, but who are the Seraphs, will they come to my rescue as my father said?'

Moments later.

The sound of someone approaching could be heard coming from the front, Xander was defenseless he had no power at all, and his best option was to play dead, he still couldn't see properly, and judging by the cold, he knew he was outside, the chances of it being a wild animal coming to claim the spoil of battle was not zero.

Playing dead was his only option at this point.

But, much to Xander's astonishment, he began to hear footsteps slowly approaching as he heard the voice of an enticing woman who begin to talk while approaching.

"Oh, gracious Tiamat, mother of the Divas... please have mercy on these two poor souls, may their love blossom in a better place, in the name of the moon, the sun, the stars, and the great darkness that encompasses all thing within the realm." Tigara!"

Xander's ears perked up at this person's voice; it was incredibly appealing, even alluring, and he curiously felt like it was taking over his head; but, because he was aware of the effect of this person's voice, the passive mind control was ineffective.

The woman got closer, and closer... as she look at her previous master... her expression stable if not unmoving, her words were gentle but lack expressive tones behind them, as she commented.

"Master Kearon! I should have expected no less, you died while standing, while holding your child in your capable arms... it's a miracle you've survived this long even after being exposed to the Emerald rot, but let me take young Xander from your hands, if he stays with you a second longer, the rot will spread and take him as well."

Xander response to that was as follow.

'So I was going to die if I stayed with him another second... thank the Great "All Mother" of the void for sending such a loving woman to locate me before I was impacted by my father's disease... what the hell is the Emerald rot anyways?'

Xander wonderd with immesne curiosity.

But as he asked this, he could hear the voice of the mysterious woman as she speak while touching his hair...

And after doing that she said, while doing weird laugther.

"Popopo... black... Your mother's blood runs deep in you, youngling; let's not waste any more time, young Xander; they should have received the distress call by now; let's go before they fi...

However, Xander soon began to hear the sound of several footsteps approaching from various locations. As a man's voice could be heard in the distance coming from the left of him.

"Target located, I repeat, Target located... I'm sending my location now, he's with the traitor's maid."

"Get on your knees, you cursed Diva, put that thing down, and put your hands up where we can see them."

One of the guards replied in a stern tone. Looking closely, you could see that he was wearing a highly advanced armored suit that covered him from head to toe and was completely black.

Meanwhile, he held a massive Anti-Diva-Logica Hand Cannon in his hands. And so were the rest of the operatives who had come to arrest Hasha and assassinate Xander.

The woman in question, on the other hand, was not an easy target in any way; she was surrounded by hundreds of people, but she didn't show any concern while holding Xander.

In fact, she was so sure in her abilities that she didn't take the boisterous man seriously at all; instead, she humorously inquired, her remarks filled with immesne sarcasm.

"Which one?" As you can see, I have six options."


Xander questions himself and mentally comments.

'Damn, I wish I could see what's going on.'

However, the man was not amused by her humour and angrily pointed his Ant-Diva weapon at her and shouted with much hate and anger in his voice.

"Don't play dumb with me, bitch; if you put that godamn mistake down, then at the very least we can promise to sell you into slavery; you have a nice body, essentially so, and as such you would sell very quickly; otherwise, we can just kill you right here and right now, the choice is yours."

But, as Hasha stated calmly, she simply laughed at their useless threats.

"Sigh, you men with your inflated egos... This wasn't like previously when Kearons' words of servitude shackled me. I now have a new owner, and his train of thinking appears to be that of a newborn baby; I pity you masculine dogs."

"Do you know how long I've been waiting for this, I don't have to hold back, it's been a while since I've eaten human flesh as well."

"Shit, she's about to transform into her true form, kill her right now..... Ahg... KYahaaAAAA!"

However as Hasha promised, she began to transform to her true form, a form that she hasnt taken for years, after being under the servitude of Kearon, in the back ground all that was heard was shots firing, flesh tears, men and woman screaming... in short an all out battle... or a one side massacre, whatever definition tickle your sick fantasies.

However, as the man predicted, Hasha began to morph into her actual form, a form she hadn't taken in years due to her slavery to Kearon.

However, in the background, all that could be heard were guns being fired, flesh tearing, men and women crying... in short, an all-out war... or a one-sided bloodbath, whatever definition tickles your filthy fancies.

*Pow!* *Pow!*

*Pow!* *Pow!*

"AHWAA... it hurts.. *Crack!*


As the seconds passed and the ops were depleted, blood began to splatter on the ground.

The sound of bones cracking and gruesomely breaking, flesh chewing, and grinding could be heard.

The battle at hand would undoubtedly demand a lot of movement, but Hasha didn't seem to be moving, and Xander didn't feel any major movement at all, which confused him considerably.

Xander was absolutely disoriented; he had no immediate dread, but his mind was running wild; he could be blind for the time being because his eyes are still sensitive to light.

However, the sound of shooting, breaking bones, flesh-eating, and a man's screams could be heard all around.

And, by the sounds of it, she was hysterically giggling in an odd manner, even playing with them.

As some of the men begged her to stop torturing them and simply kill them, others seemed to kill themselves only to be in vain and add to their misery; Xander knew this because one man asked, "Why can't I die?"

Whatever Hasha was doing was more violent and horrifying, as her technique of execution sounded absolutely horrible.

No, if one thinks about it, this was the kind of murder that seemed pleasurable to Abominations like himself, and "All mother" in short pure, unhinged, insanity with a lot of pain and suffering to boot.

"POPOPOPPOPOPOPOPOP!!!... come on doggy, bite back, you were talking all that good shit a minute ago, what happened to all that aggression, barking, and confidence?"

"And you call me a bitch, you feeble pig, when in reality you're the biggest one here... you stupid man thing, you have no balls... that miserable looking thing you call a shaft lives up to your worthless threath and initial worth as a man indeed."

"Microscopic... tell me, show me, indulge me doggy... fight back... take the shot.., im wide open.., im waiting... oh gross, now you are pissing yourself... POPOPOPPOPO!!!.... truly pathetic indeed."

Hasha's voice was filled with sadistic glee as she humiliated and tormented the same man who was now begging for his life in ways no man would dare to describe... which quickly turned to horrifying and frightening pleas of misery of allowing him to die.

"P-p-P...pLeAse... ju..JuST kill me AlReaDDy!"

However, after torturing him for ten minutes in sadistic delight... Hasha became bored with killing the victim and simply ate him whole.

And at this time, Xander's mind was going wild... if he was an adult, this would have tremendously entertained him, perhaps arouse him... those pleas for mercy were music to his ears... but, in a strange way, Xander believes she should have attempted more ways to mentally break him.

And thus the terrifyingly one-sided, cold-hearted combat between the strange maid and a big group of the empire's operatives came to an end.

And if Xander could have seen it, he would have been both proud and impressed by the sheer amount of raw gore that was currently in the vicinity; heck, even the air was red and saturated with blood.

'Damit, this thick smell of blood, the complete silence in the region, and the taste of blood in my mouth as a result of the struggle are incredible. I don't care; to heck with the light; I need to see what's going on.'

So, with that in mind, Xander decided to try to open his tiny eyes; the surroundings were already peaceful, and no obvious danger could be heard.

And all he saw was a swirl of picture of a figure, yet the bright purple eyes of the person were partially visible.

And the same figure appears to have noticed his activities right away, as the person bends down to look at him.

Xander couldn't see her clearly, but her voice sounded shocked. So much so that she stumbled somewhat at the start of her sentence.

"O-Oh my... Those eyes... could it be!?"


"... Popopo, those eyes... The grand mistress prophecy was correct, your great grandmother's blood passes through you."

"Hell, I was worried that your human half would make you inferior, but it appears that my fear was unfounded; in fact, your mother only inherited a single eye from her ancestors."

"And even then, she still couldn't use it properly, but look at you, both "Eyes of Ayin" and "The Mark of Yesh"!"

"... incredible popopo Simply astonishing, Lamia are an all-female race, even half-bloods are solely females, and yet here you are, popopo, the first ever male/human Lamia."

Hasha said with enormous excitement filling her being, but she quickly regained her calm, as if she just remembered something vital, as she said shortly afterwards.

"I wonder whether I should carry you to the brotherhood like your father requested, perhaps... They don't discriminate as much as these folks, but the sooner I raise you myself, the sooner we can go back to the headmistress of the shadow clan... "What should I do?"

But something strange happened to Xander at that point, because while he was speaking, words began to materialize in his thoughts.

«Attention, please select a route. Please keep in mind that once selected, you cannot diverge until another route scenario is launched... and even then, the possibilities of divergence are tiny at best.»

«Route [A]: (Diva Lord Path): Return to the Shadow Clan and train to be the next clan lord. By selecting this road, you will be more vulnerable to danger, since you will be treading the path of Diva Lord, which means the summoning of new heroes by the God of Order Totome will be launched.»

«Route [B]: (Slayer Path): Hasha leads you to your father's buddy to train you to be a Diva slayer, which has fewer foes but is still hard labor. However, the other Diva Lords will regard you as a traitor and an enemy, a human puppet, but learn the art of the Seraphs, loved by angels, and an 80% probability of being engaged to a Seraphin by the age of eighteen»

«Route [C]: (Apostle Path): I serve, worship, and obey; this path will take you to the order and teach you some of the Seraph's teachings. Your guardian, on the other hand, will be fairly indulgent towards you as long as you are not caught doing anything illegal. This road is the prejudice path, loathed by many and loved by few, yet its reward is quick system activation, ten years of training to become Rory Pope, and the love by chaos perk will unlock at the age of fifteen.»

When these words appeared in Xander's thoughts, he was shocked, prompting him to question.

'W-W-What in the world is this?'

Iam_hastur Iam_hastur

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