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Kapitel 21: 18 An Atlantean and A Clone Walk into a Bar

[A/N*Will update 4 more chapters tomorrow also sorry if this chapter looks similar to the last Im trying to draw parallels

Show how Gojo has changed this verse and it's characters entirely*]

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- -3rd POV- -

"Robin? Robin?" Aqualad called out through his comm link located in his ear to no avail. No sound came from the other end just in the midst of conversation, '…Somethings wrong'

Aqualad came to the very reasonable conclusion amidst this turn of events - something had gone

He turned to face Superboy with an aggrieved expression but before a single word could come from his mouth, the bioship flashed red -b the signal discussed with Miss Martian to signal their arrival. To which he watched through the red tinted visor allowing vision to the outside, spotting a moving black convoy parked on the roof of a nearby building just south of Wayne Tower 

The supposed location of where the nanobots or 'Fog' we're being sent to raid and devour the information and technology of Wayne industries

'A convoy... that's where the Robin's device narrowed down the origin too,' With a nod to Superboy, he called out to Superboy as two holes to the outside world opened before them as the ship moved to hover the trucks, "Remember, retrieval and extraction, we did not come here to battle but to acquire the device directing the fog for Robin to disable"

With an even more solemn nod of his head, Superboy tightened his gloves and descended down onto the convoy alongside Aqualad with water bearers drawn from his back

The air whipped their faces as they crashing down next to the centremost truck with vigour, Aqualad not allowing anytime to be wasted, moved towards to the door of the van only to be met with a sword slash that sliced the air that he miraculously dodged due to pure instinct

"...Aqualad" Superboy called out, his guard up and his eyes glistening with intent for battle

"Yes...we're surrounded," Shadows on all sides, armed and trained by the martial arts master Ras Al Ghoul himself, in all forms of lethal killing whether it be through the art of the fist or the blade

And right now, their merciless blades were directed at the duo made up of an Atlantean and the clone of a Kryptonian

A voice emerged from the van, a figure could be seen bathed in the ghoulish glowing light of a computer screen, a man who's head seemed to be cybernetically attached to mechanical head and eye that pulsed red

"You're too late already, right around now the other subset of shadows led by Shade and Deathstroke should already have completed their mission and kill-" His monotone tone did not fail to match his almost robotic appearance

"Cut the talk, hand over the device and maybe we will go easy on you," Superboy 'arrogantly' said but internally his thoughts betrayed his words, 'Satoru is rubbing off on me too much... no one else can say those overly confident cheesy lines but him'

"Quite presumptuous aren't we? Haven't you realised yet you're outnumbered," The cybernetic man smirked as his words hung in the air

"And you're outmatched" Superboy spoke as water shrouded Aqualad's weapons and the clone himself tensed his muscles that bulged with power, 'M'gann...and the others, I need to make sure his words aren't true and the only way to do beat the shit out of these guys'

Make no mistake, despite Superboy's arrogant attitude, he was ready. His countless battles with Satoru and Canary had caused his attitude to transform and develop through a metamorphous and it was instant that the clone's lack of cockiness was repaid by the world...

Green murky vials of a serum, unknown to the pair were brought out by the shadows as their masks lifted and their apathetic machine like faces were exposed to the world.

"For the Supreme one." Their voices echoed in harmonious synchrony 

Colour began colour drained from their features as in a moment's notice they ingested the liquids indifferently and their bodies began to convulse

Prior experiences screamed to the two that whatever they had drank, would lead to a disaster in the making but even before they could move to apprehend them in an attempt to mitigate the already fated outcome, the process of transformation had finished in record time

And when the serum had run its course, man no longer remained only feral beasts, husks of former life

Clothing ripped and tattered until they were just mere rags their bodies were malformed and their skin fell and drooped off of their very exposing the very bone

"Agai-?!" Superboy attempted to get out but in an instant a stell like forced met his body flinging him across the sky line and into a nearby building with a th8underous boom

"Superboy!" Aqualad screamed. Drawing an arc through the air with the now newly water blades, Lad slashed downwards in an attempt to combat the one which knocked Superboy away but before the weapon could even make contact, the body of the beast bulged and exploded into a viscous scarlet mist, 'It explod-!"

Launching themselves at the shocked bladesman, two of the disfigured assassins spiked the boy down into the building below in brutal fashion

"Seems only two of them failed the assimilation," The mechanical man noted as he watched one more convulse and compress into blood before ordering indifferently, "Kill them both." His words echoed in the night as his gaze returned to the computer screen in from of him causing the orb veiling his eyes to grow brighter

Obeying his command, two of descended down into the building and whilst the other four raced through the air in order to eliminate Superboy



'They're strong...and it's all thanks to that serum they drank,' Superboy observed after collecting himself and brushing, 'Still they're nothing compared to that guy in Santa Prisca not even mentioning that robot from a few weeks back

...I can win' Getting ready to fight the two before him, two more burst into the scene and instantly shot out to him causing his eyes to widen

Kicking away the first, he twisted his body to dodge the clawed slash of another before gut punching them away

But from within his blind spot another struck his side, causing him to reel back in pain.

Feeling rage bubble up inside of him, he channelled that anger and hooked it's body that weakly was thrown to the walls

"Broken bone...that's new" Superboy muttered after tanking another blow to his torso, 'I've had a lot of new experiences since getting out that pod'

More and more blows struck him forcing him to crouch and kneel - it was clear to see that this was a losing battle

"...Seen the moon," Superboy heaved, feeling himself get lighter as he thrown into the air with an uppercut, "...became part of a team, went to a beach, learnt to swim...*gasp* got by ass kicked a bunch of times as well"

Memories rushed by him as the faces of fights with Canary and Satoru came to him

Blood spilled from his body as a sharp slash cut deep into him and of course not allowing any let up, his body was flung into a nearby wall

"UGH!" He screamed in agony, even struggling to breathe became a great labour for him to accomplish, "..Haven't even been acknowledged by him yet"

'I was getting so close as well,' He thought, even more helpless anger overflowing. Rage. Fury.

Get up Superboy. Don't you want to make new experiences? Don't you want to be recognised by the two of them?

"...Too tired" The pain of battle echoed around his body in sweet sadistic agony, "...Let me rest for once in this crappy engineered life"

Superboy was angry. A different type of anger unlike the anger that he had ever felt before. Helpless anger. Anger at the world. Anger at his life. Anger at those who brought about his existence. Anger at Superman the man who he strived to be recognised by but failed every time. But finally anger at himself.

His mind was slowly succumbing and corroding at the pain, "Heh This was fun."

He said joyfully contrasting to the situation he was currently in as if parting words one would say in closing - poetic

....If this was his closing

"~Giving up so soon, disciple?" An amused voice emerged from beside him... someone all too familiar

Satoru Gojo

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[Oh! One more thing if you wanna support me even further 🥺 ** ]

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